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Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 05:49 AM

If there was a fatterchojin, I think he'd look like this:

Chojin Jul 12th, 2011 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 731358)
My best mate had the hots for a girl, who's led him on for months. We told him she was bad news, but he didn't listen, and she shot him down tonight and tried to still keep him as like a friend she can confide all her shit to (to basically keep him on her leash). So, I sent her a message telling her to kindly fuck off and be a whore somewhere else.
Then, a bit later, a different friend and I went on our Minecraft server, which she also played on, and blew the SHIT out of her house; the very house she spent hours on to build. It was mostly just an excuse to ruin someone's shit without being too big an asshole, and we didn't think she'd be so dumb as to keep using the same server. Well, lo and behold, not thirty minutes later she logs in, and finds herself spawned inside a dark cave/crater where her house was, and she flipped the fuck out, calling us horrible bastards and other uninspiring names.
This was a good end to the day.

to paraphrase:

>dude stalks girl
>she's not interested
>dude can't take a hint
>she finally mans up and just tells him
>you call her names and blow up her things
>she is justifiably upset

my hero

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 12th, 2011 08:40 AM

That girl is such a chojina.

creeposaurus Jul 12th, 2011 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 731358)
I went on our Minecraft server, which she also played on, and blew the SHIT out of her house; the very house she spent hours on to build

:lol awesome

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 730602)
I actually happen to own Shadow Hunters in both the japanese and german Version (Jäger der Nacht). A really really nice partygame but I agree, the more people play, the more fun it is. Clearly superior to all those "normal" Werewolf-hidden-team-games since no one has to leave the room or close his eyes when someone tries to identify someone else.

Btw, I never understood where the whole Werewolf versus Vampire matchup-stuff came from. I mean yeah, about the same geopgraphic origin but still, you don´t match up a sphinx versus a mummy, do you?

Vampires vs. Werewolves is Universal's legacy. It all started with Frankenstein meets the Wolfman, and then they just kept churning out crossover sequels from there in a set of "ensemble" films. The idea that ended up sticking in popular culture from all that was Dracula Versus The Wolfman, which was sucked up by pop culture osmosis and evolved into the cliche of vampires versus werewolves.

Yes, it's that simple and stupid. Has staying power because we love our villains fighting other villains in media; it's fun and interesting. Besides, fifteen year olds think it's really cool, and the arrested development inherent to the modern 'Geek Culture' means that they grow into thirty year olds who STILL think it's really cool.

I remember a couple years back, finding out the music reviewer at the college paper was a writer, and I was psyched. I love hearing people's stories, and no one else was in the room, so we could actually talk about it.

He then told me all about this whole thing, a sloppy, multigenerational epic about vampire clans (has to be a fucking clan, right?) versus werewolf clans, with the added twist that vampires used to be elves!!! followed by the goddamned enormous backstory of the Vampires Formerly Known as Elves.

This guy was twenty five years old, was under the delusion that it wasn't completely terrible and embarrassing.

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 03:31 PM

I will never forget already regretting I asked, having to wait in the room for another twenty five minutes for class to start, and already having listened to this crap for fifteen minutes, doing everything I could to look interested because he was a friend... and he pauses, looks sideways at me like a magician about to do an awesome trick, points his finger in the air and says "now... the thing about vampires is, they're corrupted elves".

LordSappington Jul 12th, 2011 03:44 PM

Speaking as a huge fucking nerd, I enjoy arguments like these (Vampires vs Werewolves, coolest superheros, etc), but there's a line between "Arguing for fun and interest" and "Oh god I'm a huge man-child look at all my figurines"

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 03:50 PM

Cool story bro

b_squared Jul 12th, 2011 03:52 PM

And corrupted elves are really aliens.
I dont mind monster mash ups as long as they are fighting each other. It's when they add the stupid forbidden love aspect in them that it becomes so awful.

Colonel Flagg Jul 12th, 2011 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 731417)
I will never forget already regretting I asked, having to wait in the room for another twenty five minutes for class to start, and already having listened to this crap for fifteen minutes, doing everything I could to look interested because he was a friend... and he pauses, looks sideways at me like a magician about to do an awesome trick, points his finger in the air and says "now... the thing about vampires is, they're corrupted elves".

The thing is, even though you may have wanted to gouge your own eyes out then, you now have a REALLY GREAT STORY TO TELL. :winning

Aaarg Jul 12th, 2011 04:40 PM

one time a 30 year old virgin i worked with was arguing with nobody (because nobody cared but he was still bitching) about how much cooler dragons are than lizards (wtf). i told him "you know what's better about lizard? they exist."

this guy has several dragon statuettes (yea!) in his house. one time his cat knocked one off the shelf and he spanked it.

also he was telling me that he has like 50 empty boxes of mountain dew code red 12-packs in his kitchen.

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 04:48 PM

:lol you should have taken him seriously and pissed him off by saying that classical dragons are ridiculous and nonsensical, cited Terry Pratchett, and then gone off about the evolutionary wonder that is the komodo dragon as condescendingly as possible

Grislygus Jul 12th, 2011 04:50 PM

and then u claim that sierra mist is better than mountain dew

Aaarg Jul 12th, 2011 04:54 PM

another time he said that eastern dragons are stupid. actually he probably said chinese dragons. i just had to let that one go.

another time he went to great lengths to explain why ghostbusters is awesome because i said i'd never seen ghostbusters. i let him talk, and then i said "all right, but the reason i've never watched ghostbusters is that i have no interest in ghostbusters."

i think this guy ate frozen pizza every night. one time a certain brand was on a good sale and he bought like 10 boxes. a few days later he lost power for two days and had to throw them all away - and the sale was over.

Pentegarn Jul 12th, 2011 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 731434)
and then u claim that sierra mist is better than mountain dew

It's not? :confused:

MarioRPG Jul 12th, 2011 07:27 PM

I never got the whole Mountain Dew as a nerd beverage thing. Maybe it's because I haven't tasted it in at least 10 years.

Aaarg Jul 12th, 2011 07:49 PM

he's not really a nerd. well he's sort of a nerd in that he loves anime and his favorite show of all time is buffy the vampire slayer and he's way into dragons.

but he doesn't really have the benefits of being a nerd. he's not even hip to the internet. one time he was talking to me about "indies games" and was explaining one to me that he couldn't remember the name of. "is it iji?" "yeah, that's it! how did you know?"

is it weird that i've worked with at least two 30 year-old virgins? is it weird that i know i've worked with at least two 30 year-old virgins?

Otto Jul 12th, 2011 09:01 PM

On the subject of nerds: Me and and a couple of my friends started a Japanese Film Club when we were in boarding school, so we'd be able to show Japanese b-horror movies, Kurosawa films, etc. We had out first meeting and showed the film Tampopo and then abandoned the club because the film nerds were the minority of the attendees, the majority were greasy anime nerds with cat ears and anime shirts who were upset we didn't show the kawaii animu bullshit they expected. Fuck those people.

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 09:21 PM

Hey Otto

Otto Jul 12th, 2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 731456)
Hey Otto

I just came in my pants.

Seriously, I need to order a copy of that movie.

Aaarg Jul 12th, 2011 09:27 PM

that shirt is awesome. my friend bought it and i was pissed off because... i want it.

also have you watched kuroneko? i loved onibaba.

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 09:27 PM

Criterion makes the Bluray and DVD versions these days. They just coincidentally sell the shirt. I didn't know that Criterion had an online store, let alone sold anything besides movies, until I looked up House and saw that shirt.

Srsly love that movie.

Otto Jul 12th, 2011 09:30 PM

I think I'll have to check the hipster record shop a few towns over to see if they started carrying copies of Hausu, since that's where I got my Criterion copies of Naked Lunch, Crumb, and Fear and Loathing.

Fathom Zero Jul 12th, 2011 09:32 PM

"Hugh Hefner was pronounced dead at the hospital today. His death was ruled accidental after he succumbed to injuries sustained from falling into a barbecue pit unattended."

Otto Jul 12th, 2011 09:48 PM

I almost looked that up to see if it was true, but then I remembered that I don't give a a shit, since the newest issue of Playboy that I own is from around 1975. Same goes for Rolling Stone (I do read their website for my Matt Taibbi fix, though.)

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