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Ex Leper Dec 24th, 2011 08:28 PM

When you finish reading that cult book you should check out this one as well.

Babs Dec 24th, 2011 11:13 PM


but I will definitely look into that next time I make a trip to half price books.

Zhukov Dec 25th, 2011 02:04 AM

Wow, you guys grew up without spud guns? Sad.

Unless my Secret Santa was a Christmas card in a pink envelope from "DAVE", then I don't think I've gotten mine yet. I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried; our post is indeed serviced via wooden boat.

Babs Dec 25th, 2011 02:07 AM

By the way Batman's Johnson, I think you'll really like Gore Shriek seeing as it's the only comic in the world worth reading/looking at.

Zhukov, I'll get you something if you don't receive a gift by the new year. No man shall be left behind!

The_Punk_Hippie Dec 25th, 2011 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 752824)
...Gore Shriek seeing as it's the only comic in the world worth reading/looking at.

obviously, SOMEONE'S never read Preacher ;D

ChrisGlass Dec 25th, 2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 752798)
Boogie, those would be potato guns. You can stick the tips into a potato and rip out a little chunk, then shoot them at your friends; they're reputedly good for a few hundred shots from a single spud. I thought I'd include some surplus ammo, too.

Also I'm hell of relieved that you liked it! This was lots of fun in retrospect. :D

It was a joke. I'm pretty sure he knows what they're for.
Or... maybe not. They usually come in packages that say "Spud gun" on them...

Babs Dec 25th, 2011 06:30 PM

OBVIOUSLY I need to be your secret santa next year and enlighten you.

Dr. Boogie Dec 25th, 2011 07:32 PM

I really had no idea what they were. I thought they might be some sort of cheap blackhead guns.

We had spud guns when I was growing up, but they were for shooting entire potatoes.

Zomboid Dec 25th, 2011 08:49 PM

Yeah, I've never seen any like that. My friends and I used to have a lot of fun with the bazooka style guns, though. One time, we shot one from across our friend's acreage and either hit the dog or hit very near it. Either way, we heard a yelp but none of the dogs seemed to be hurt. It was like a mortar.

Protoclown Dec 25th, 2011 09:17 PM

Wow, it's Christmas and I just realized that I never posted the pictures of Batman Johnson's gifts! :eek

Ooops! I have failed! I took them the other night but I didn't have time to post them and then I totally forgot. So without further ado, here they are!



From Batman Johnson I have received a box of random randomness!

I got some book about zombies, some Winnie the Poo book for some reason I don't even know why, and some comics that I might be able to use for Tales From the Longbox fodder (except for the Maxx which is awesome but which any self-respecting comics fan already has).

Boba Fett and Mumm-Ra action figures.

A bunch of Batman Returns trading cards, which I found amusing. Also, Batman Returns is my third favorite Batman movie after the Chris Nolan ones.

And a bunch of candies, most of which were smashed, but they probably still taste okay. And if they don't, I have friends who will eat anything, so it's all good. And there was some kind of Lego bag of something or other. Mini Figures of some kind, but I don't know what they are yet.

Anyway, thank you to BatmanJohnson for the box of random stuff!

Tacobot Dec 26th, 2011 11:46 PM

All awesome SS hauls so far and great pics too, it's been a lot of fun. glad i got to join in your reindeer games Thanks.:)

Harry Lime Dec 27th, 2011 10:21 AM

Glad you liked the presents babs. Cheers!

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 27th, 2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by igorokfree (Post 752949)
The best free hosting for your site!
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ChrisGlass Dec 27th, 2011 01:03 PM

*twiddles thumbs*


The gift arrived today! From AUSTRALIA, where I believe it is in the middle of summer and everyone bathes in Vegemite.

Lots of food! Snacky food!

For a... SON? (For a second I thought my Dad moved to Australia to avoid the law. Long story, it's not actually impossible, not on good terms)

Oh, thank the lord, it's just Zhukov being funny.

Thank you for the diabetes

And for a surprise, beyond food, was a Locust Grenadier from Gears of War!

Here he's about to torch Mr. T.

And I then took a 3D picture, but because I was lazy, I uploaded it without checking it:

And it looks (when animated) like he's ear-fucking Mr. T.

Thanks a ton, dude!

dextire Dec 28th, 2011 03:23 PM

Great stuff, people! So, I think Zhukov is the only one still without a SS package.
And we're just waiting on pictures from LordSappington and Dimnos.

Quite the successful event again this year, despite the late start.
Nice job, 10K! :picklehat

Zhukov Dec 28th, 2011 08:52 PM

Cool. Fucking glad it made it Chris.

It turns out my package appeared at the post office right at the last minute before Christmas, so it's been sitting there since the 24th with no considerate staff to take time out of their busy holiday schedules to deliver it - I'll see if I can pick it up this afternoon and then post pictures very soon after that. :xmas1

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 29th, 2011 01:22 AM

Zhukov, your secret santa sent me another pm telling you to pick it up soon.

Zhukov Dec 29th, 2011 06:30 AM

Well I was really busy this afternoon, so send a PM back telling them to chill the fuck out, will you.

Ex Leper Dec 29th, 2011 01:57 PM

Great job everyone, I look forward to participating again next year.

Tacobot Jan 3rd, 2012 02:11 AM

ahh i could watch Mr.T getting ear funked for hours. nice pics Mr. Glass

Zhukov Jan 5th, 2012 12:02 AM

Well holy shit, I got an awesome bunch of SS gifts from 10k; the master of choosing appropriate SS gifts, it seems. Everything was wrapped to perfection in song lyrics, so that was cool, too. It might sound pathetic and sad, but this totally made my Christmas/New Year/Life.

1. A Wu-Tang t-shirt. FUCK. This is awesome. I've also been assured that it was touched by a reasonably attractive woman before it went into the post, so that is a plus. Although it would have been touched by 10k after that, I can assume, so that might negate any beautiful American girl's DNA rubbing off on me when I wear it... but the t-shirt is still awesome, so it doesn't matter. For anyone wishing to send me t-shirts in the future - I am a medium, but a small will still fit. Just. GZA is doing a show here in late Jan, so I might wear it to that and get him to sign it, even though he will only be doing his solo songs and want me to buy his album and sign that instead, but fuck that. WU TANG. WU. TANG.

2. Empty chocolate bar wrappers. Well. Never before have I been so insulted. I hope you enjoyed them before you sent them to me, as I hear the 100 Grand bar is the best of the bunch, and also the Milky Way melts quite easily if you leave it in your back pocket while working in the hot sun, but you can still eat it if you open the top and just suck out the chocolate.

3. DARE IZ A DARKSIDE BY REDMAN MOTHERFUCKER. I'm listening to it as I type this, and it's bitching, of course. 10k continues to be one of the few people on this site with good taste.

4. I don't even know what this is. COPS. Cops doing anything? I don't know; I haven't watched it yet, but I will. It's a best of collection, so it had better be good. DVDtalk says "It's a solid collection worth hunting down." I have never heard of this before, but it looks like 80s/90s (?) goodness. Episode 5: 'The Case of The Bogus Justice Machine' sounds the most interesting, and as it's set in the year 2020, I can assume it's dealing with the downfall of either the U.N or the IMF or something.

5. A key ring or something? Shit knows what this is, and I've been trying to untangle it for a while now with no success. I don't know if you did this on purpose 10k, or if it somehow became tangled in the post, but it's a bit of dick thing to do.

I don't know if this fell in the box while you were wrapping it, or if you wanted me to to get banned by posting this, but WTF? Cheeburger? WTF? Either way, it looks tasty. Thanks for making me want something I will never get. Nice.

Turns out Christmas Cards are expensive this year, as I said to Chris Glass, and I totally can understand 10k sending me two post it notes stuck together to look like a card instead. I'm doing this next year.

But not that.

Merry fucking Christmas to you too, asshole.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 5th, 2012 09:14 AM

I've been trying to figure out that puzzle for a few years but I don't know exactly what part to remove. Hopefully you have better luck with it than I did. Lost the directions too.

MarioRPG Jan 5th, 2012 10:36 AM

I aint gots not chee on a mah burger

dextire Jan 6th, 2012 12:24 AM

Nice haul, Zhukov!
You're in for a treat with C.O.P.S. as all the episodes take place in 2020.

Tacobot Jan 6th, 2012 01:16 AM

Wtf COPS looks fucking awesome! how did i not see this cartoon growing up i was the perfect age for it. i feel incomplete now...nice haul Zhukov...fuckin cops.

Babs Jan 7th, 2012 12:02 AM

Bill chilled the fuck out because Zhukov wasn't someone to fuck with. Another successful SS. Congratulations everybody, now lets move on.

dextire Jan 7th, 2012 12:34 AM

Well, we still have to wait for two more to post pictures of their stuff.

Mockery Jan 7th, 2012 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by dextire (Post 753401)
Nice haul, Zhukov!
You're in for a treat with C.O.P.S. as all the episodes take place in 2020.

I have the C.O.P.S. DVD set too... it was an awesome show with some really fun characters. Surprised more people don't remember it. I hope 2020 is really like that.

MarioRPG Jan 8th, 2012 11:40 AM

I'm pretty sure there was a trailer for it on my Captain N set.

LordSappington Jan 13th, 2012 03:16 PM

Hey guys; I'm really sorry I took so long to post pictures. A lot of personal things came up, and I honestly wasn't in a great state of mind. But I finally made a photobucket album. Thank you so much, JohnnyQuest; I can't think of a theme that would suit me any better! :)

dextire Jan 13th, 2012 05:27 PM

Wow, that stuff is awesome LordSappington! Thanks for posting pictures. :rock
All right, Dimnos. You're the last one, man. :)

JohnnyQuest Jan 14th, 2012 01:56 PM

Yay! I'm glad you liked the stuff, your lordship. I agree that the JOLT is great - definitely the best size-to-power ratio of any Nerf gun. I hope your personal stuff has settled down, and that a few new toys helped out! Happy 2012, everybody!

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