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T-Rex Apr 9th, 2008 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 547020)
i had a dream when i was in 6th grade that i was captain kirk and i had sex with a volcano :/

That's hot.

BurntToShreds Apr 9th, 2008 05:37 PM

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about going to an abandoned theme park (not a carnival) and visiting the water park portion of it. Nobody was working there, but, to my amazement there were still people riding the water slides. All the stairs leading up to the slides were torn down, so you had to climb up on top of the roofs of concession stands to reach them. The water still worked due to dream-logic, and it was one hell of a ride. After a few more slides, I went into a large building. From the looks of it, it was once a restaurant/stage, where you would watch a show. Back in one corner was an arcade, which still worked. The rest of the dream was just me playing racing games.

Asila Apr 10th, 2008 11:58 AM

I keep having really vivid night-terror styled dreams, where my eyes will be open and I'll sit up in bed and see everything, but I'll still technically be asleep. I've gotten a plethora of creepy-ass dreams like that. Faceless people will be standing in my doorway, one of my daughter's stuffed animals came to life and started crawling around my room, giant spiders falling on me...

Madface Apr 10th, 2008 02:01 PM

The craziest dream I had was like the movie Heavy Metal. Not in style just in the fact that there were multiple stories n' shit. The first one I was being chased by a dragon ball z action figure (Goku of course) and it kept wipping me with one of those jumpropes that has a bunch of plastic things covering the crappy string part so it hurt like hell. Then it changed to another dream where I got in a fight with a blue version of myself. For some reason the blue clone was able to extend their hands like Dhalsim from Street Fighter and started choking me so I bit the hand and woke up to find that I was biting my own hand. Then I went back to sleep and slept just fine.

Zombie Moshpit Apr 10th, 2008 08:28 PM

I never have really vivid dreams, so I usually just remember certain parts of them.

You know Bubbles, from PPG? Well, in this dream I had recently, there were a bunch of them that were extremely tall and skinny, and they were all being taken to some kind of concentration camp in this white train. I was trapped on the train with them, and I remember my dream ending with one of them passing around blue pills, telling all of the Bubbles to swallow them, and then saying something like "We're going to make through this alive." Then there was a pale blue title card that said "The End", and I woke up.

Also, I had a dream where I was in the future, but I was the same age, and everyone traveled through tubes (kind of like Futurama). Everyone in my school had to go to this old rich guy's mansion and do work for him, like cleaning, cooking, etc. I was late once, and some really weird butler started yelling at me. Then we had to put on a play of "Oliver Twist" for all of his rich friends, and I had to play Oliver.

I have no idea where they came from.

Tadao Apr 10th, 2008 08:33 PM

Yeah right liar.

Zombie Moshpit Apr 10th, 2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 547871)
Yeah right liar.

Nope, it's true. Seriously, I couldn't come up with that if I tried.

MarioRPG Apr 10th, 2008 09:32 PM

Has anyone ever dreamed in cartoons. I mean at all?

I recall having a dream that involved some cartoon character, but it the real world.

Pub Lover Apr 10th, 2008 09:36 PM

Were you Bob Hoskins?

Dr. Octogonopus Apr 10th, 2008 10:13 PM

Like in Cool World? Yeah, it happens. Except it was more like Dragonball Z; I would wake up in the middle of some lame fight scene and continue it from the stopping point over the next few dreams.

Sethomas Apr 11th, 2008 03:07 AM

Threads where people are asked to share their dreams are part of a malicious I-Mockery conspiracy to make people register to post, implanting them with the false hope that their fascinating experiences of things that never happened will reach an audience.

Fat_Hippo Apr 11th, 2008 04:21 AM

I'm sure you guys all know those sex dreams, where something happens just before the sex, so you never get to have any. This is one that sticks in my mind.
I'm in a bathroom stall with a woman. I know there was something in the dream leading up to this, but I can't remember what. Probably not important. Okay, I've pulled down my pants and I'm starting to put on a condom, when the woman suddenly jumps (yes, jumps) out of the bathroom stall and the stall door opens. The other guys all point and laugh at me. Bugger.

Dread Naught Apr 12th, 2008 04:25 AM

I guess the wierdest dream I had was where I stting on patio looking up at the night sky when I saw this bright light cross the sky. I knew what it was, I closed my eyes and prayed, " Oh God no!" When I opened them, I was sitting in these pews before the kingdom of God. A man came out and handed me these keys, it was then that I heard someone say, "Oh no!" I was returned to earth, I entered into this office using those keys, opened a file cabinet, then some guy walked in said, " you just couldn't use that knowledge for your own self could you?!"

Kitsa Apr 12th, 2008 08:23 AM

I had a horrible dream last week in which I was so out-of-my-mind depressed that I slit my wrists (down the road, not across the street) and I could actually feel the zings of pain...it was so vivid I woke up crying, a first for me since infancy, and I actually felt as if my arms hurt. I kept looking at them, expecting to see the same gashes I saw in the dream. It was pretty traumatic,

And then last night I dreamed I went to a yard sale run by this total bitch, every time I came upon something I was interested in, even if it was a ratty old children's book, she seemed to magically know and tell me that it was a thousand dollars or something. I finally rounded up some stuff I wanted that had all 20, 30-cent price tags on it and she told me my total was fifteen thousand dollars. I was so pissed that I left, and then my family plotted to blow up her car as revenge.

Dr. Octogonopus Apr 12th, 2008 10:45 PM

I keep having these freaky dreams, and they scare the shit out of me.
So I'm in Barnes and Nobles with my friend, and she's showing me some book, and this guy she used to have trouble with comes up behind her and starts raising a gun. She doesn't see him, so I shove her behind a bookshelf, and I get shot in the chest, stomach and arm, and I wake up sweaty, and I can barely breathe because my chest feels like it has been shot up. I don't plan on going to any bookstores, and she doesn't either, luckily. But they're really starting to scare me.

Tadao Apr 12th, 2008 10:48 PM

SOunds like you have a hero complex. Dreams are not windows to the future, they are just your brain organizing your feelings. (I think)

Dr. Octogonopus Apr 12th, 2008 11:01 PM

I HOPE it's just my subconscious douchebaggery,I don't wanna get wasted any time soon.

BurntToShreds Apr 13th, 2008 03:32 AM

I had a dream last night where I went to the arcade in the mall I mentioned in post #32. The arcade was mored detailed, and it felt like I spent more time in there than I usually do in those dreams. I played Guitar Freaks with an Xbox 360 controller. There was a raised section where a bunch of people were playing fighting games. It looked like a tournament. I didn't get to play though, because I think even my subconscious knows I would get my ass handed to me :lol. The rest is fuzzy, but I can remember walking around a department store which dealt in plasma screens.

Esuohlim Apr 14th, 2008 12:45 AM

Last night Willie was teaching my class and kept calling on me to answer questions.

He was all "As much as I appreciate the effort you're putting into avoiding answering these questions correctly class won't be dismissed until you get them right" :x

I would have rather played laser tag >:

executioneer Apr 14th, 2008 12:47 AM

hahah sorry :(

Fat_Hippo Apr 14th, 2008 08:13 AM

I had a dream about this forum in which all the people here who now have smiley avatars changed them to pictures of colorful rollerskates. Strange.

bigtimecow Apr 14th, 2008 10:45 AM

i keep having DAYDREAMS about that video of willie eating his beard

Govenuh Apr 14th, 2008 02:46 PM

I remember when I was much younger (Around 5 or 6),I dreamt that I was on a boat,and the Captain told me that there was a giant squid spotted nearby and that we may be attacked.

Just as he said that,the boat was pulled underwater and I said the squid.Right before the boat was swallowed whole by the squid,the squid let out the "Rosie O' Donnell laugh".

You see,my brother would always be watching Roseanne on TV while I was trying to get to bed every night,and during the intro she would always do a creepy as hell laugh.

The laugh would always scare me,no matter how hard I cupped my hands over my ears,I could still hear it.

Though,I'm not exactly sure about the squid.

Sethomas Apr 14th, 2008 03:03 PM

Well, I'm sure that watching Roseanne had a pretty similar effect on Jules Verne.

executioneer Apr 14th, 2008 03:58 PM

is it roseanne or is it rosie o'donnell

they are nto the same person, you know

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