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Geminate Mar 9th, 2008 05:14 AM

I found this so-called "Geek Hierarchy" editorial sorely lacking. I mean how can I be a god and the devil at the same time? Yes I am The Geminate but never mind about that. There are literally thousands of categories and tens of thousands of levels and you would need a massive flow chart to encompass it all. I am going to sulk about this all day now...thanks a lot.

Undead Overlord Mar 9th, 2008 02:45 PM

I'm joining an RPG group near Cleveland soon, if anyone would like to join us just let me know.

And one more thing...no furries allowed. Ever. They creep me out

Dungeonbrownies Mar 10th, 2008 09:29 PM


Bane of Zombies
Mar 9th, 2008, 10:45 AM
I'm joining an RPG group near Cleveland soon, if anyone would like to join us just let me know.

And one more thing...no furries allowed. Ever. They creep me out
i once knew a chick who turned out to be a secret furry, but not the kind that aactively goes out for the animals, the kind who wants to be one and wants you to want her for it. needless to say, she was pretty hot ass a catchick and i was ashamed.

Xydexx Mar 11th, 2008 02:58 PM

Some folks say there's nothing lower than the furry geek. I beg to differ. Indeed, the lowest form of geek is the one who feels the need to put down other geeks in order to make themselves feel better.

It's an old story, but I'll tell it again: I once had the fortunate opportunity to have dinner with Trace Beaulieu (Crow T. Robot/Dr. Clayton Forrester of MST3K fame), who was Guest of Honor at a furry convention some years ago. And we asked him what he thought of furries and the idiotic inter-geek snarkery that frequently gets directed at them. Not surprisingly, he said he was disappointed that it goes on. I'm guessing maybe he got enough flak for being a sci-fi fan growing up in Minnesota that he knows what it feels like, so was sad to see sci-fi geeks doing it to others.

Beaulieu's comments were echoed more recently by Mark Evanier, who noted furry fandom "has endured a fair amount of mocking in the past, often from folks who oughta know better, given how their own interests have prompted ridicule from others."

Now, it's not that furries can't take a joke or anything. It's just that the folks who continually put down furries as a way of building themselves up don't seem to realize they aren't all that funny after we've heard it the first hundred times.

In summary, being a geek is cool. Being a geek putting down other geeks is really just lame. Or, as Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing says: "Yay for eccentric humans doing their own thing no matter what fun-crushers may say!"

executioneer Mar 11th, 2008 03:50 PM

man it's not even a type of being a geek, it's more of a sexual orientation

like being an anime fan = pedophilia

Chojin Mar 11th, 2008 04:39 PM

i personally have the heads of three yiffers mounted above my fireplace.

Xydexx Mar 11th, 2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 537545)
i personally have the heads of three yiffers mounted above my fireplace.

Did you catch them out in the woods digging holes and eating berries? :)

Undead Overlord Mar 12th, 2008 05:08 PM

I think geeks make fun of other geeks to see what it is like to be the people who make fun of geeks. so if a D&D geek(like me) is bullied at work, he'll bully a furry to make himself into the person whom bullied him. It's confusing, and I didn't write that furry comment...by obnoxious cousin did. Please forgive him, he's an asshole.

Fluke Mar 12th, 2008 05:29 PM

Not being funny but geeks as a whole endure a whole lot of mocking and general abuse from everyone. I'm not trying to be some peace and love hippie but we do need geeks at each others necks. You get Star wars fans slagging off the trekkies, the D&D fans stabbing at the LARPers and even the Nerdcore rappers do nothing but hate one another.

But the rest of the world will call us geeks no matter what faction we are in or how 'cool' we are on the list. :/

I mean, this article is humour and the people commenting should treat it as such. I take no offense from any of it. (I'm a Furry, music, D&D and video gamer, go me.)

Just my two pennies.

Undead Overlord Mar 12th, 2008 09:05 PM

I agree with Fluke, we nerds need to unite and stop mocking each other. It saddens me to see so many people being blind to the big picture:(

Tadao Mar 12th, 2008 09:17 PM

executioneer Mar 12th, 2008 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Undead Overlord (Post 538080)
I agree with Fluke, we nerds need to unite and stop mocking each other. It saddens me to see so many people being blind to the big picture:(


Robodie III Mar 13th, 2008 12:38 PM

What about Goths and Emos? Or is that for another article?

Xydexx Mar 13th, 2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Undead Overlord (Post 538080)
I agree with Fluke, we nerds need to unite and stop mocking each other. It saddens me to see so many people being blind to the big picture:(


A little story:

Back when I was in high school (these were the days when 300 baud modems were all the rage... I suspect I've been online since before many of you were even born) *waves cane* we used to have these things called BBSs. This was in the days before this newfangled internet thing became popular.

Now, being the sort of huge geeks who ran or called BBSs in the first place, one could say we weren't exactly the most popular kids in high school. And a lot of these local BBSs had war boards dedicated to flaming other users for no good reason at all. So after school we'd log on and trade insults with other geeks as a way of making ourselves feel better. (This is kinda why I think the whole trading insults with other geeks online thing is so twenty years ago... I've been there, seen that, yawn and sigh.) :sleep

I don't remember what prompted it, but eventually some of us geeks got the idea that there must be more to this online stuff that just flaming each other all the time. So we started to meet each other offline (those of us who lived reasonably close, anyway). And we had fun. A lot more fun than sitting behind our computers flaming each other, certainly.

So that led to more of us getting together offline. And more of us having fun. Geeks who lived further away joined our merry band, and our group continued to grow. Eventually, there were parties. Soon we had a band of about 40-something geeks spanning two counties showing up (40 may not seem like much, but remember, this was before the AOLization of the online world... modems were still very much a geek toy). After making plans online, we descended on local arcades or movie theaters or had picnics in the park and whatever else we could think of. Hiking. Exploring abandoned places. Seeing how many highway cones we could acquire in one evening (and then wondering where we'd like to redirect traffic with them afterward). Our New Year's Eve party lasted three days.

We were geeks, yeah, but we were social. (Demented and sad, but social.)

And what happened to the geeks who still wanted to hang around in front of their computers trading insults? I don't know. They missed out on most of this, I'm afraid, and we were too busy off having fun to notice their absence.

Like all good things, this had to come to an end eventually. In 1988, many of us headed off to college and our merry band was for the most part scattered to the four winds. Some of us still keep in touch here and there.

I guess the point of this story is that it doesn't really matter if you're a gamer geek or an anime geek or a furry geek. We're all geeks, and geeks today have a choice: They can either sit around behind their computer screens flaming other geeks to make themselves feel better, or they can get out and meet their fellow geeks and find out what they, and the real world, has to offer.

Lord Rancer preparing to throw a watermelon off Kensico Dam, circa 1987.


Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2008 01:33 PM

double bullhonkey

Xydexx Mar 13th, 2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 538253)
double bullhonkey

That's an anagram for Unholy Lubed Bloke. Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?

mburbank Mar 13th, 2008 02:29 PM

Wow, Proto, did you tap a vein or what with this one, huh? I loved the article, but who knew it was such an issue for people?

Incidentally, if the thing you one does is so specific that it's highly unlikely anybody else does it, is one, like a Geek singularity? 'Cause I got this friend, see, whose into some very specific shit.

Xydexx Mar 13th, 2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by mburbank (Post 538267)
Incidentally, if the thing you one does is so specific that it's highly unlikely anybody else does it, is one, like a Geek singularity? 'Cause I got this friend, see, whose into some very specific shit.

Y'know, I remember the days when I thought I was into some very specific things and there was no way anyone else in the world had the same interests as I did. I was too strange, too bizarre. Nobody could possibly understand. It was just too weird.

Then I stumbled onto the internet and found whole groups of people who were into the same things I was.

So yay for the internet. :)

mburbank Mar 13th, 2008 02:51 PM

no, like, I'm talking you gotta have this antique walnut press, right? to make Walnut oil, and it's got to be authentic or it won't work. And then there's the whole thing with having someone paint a portrait of you while you do it. And that guy has to take a blood oath never to tell.

Xydexx Mar 13th, 2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by mburbank (Post 538274)
no, like, I'm talking you gotta have this antique walnut press, right? to make Walnut oil, and it's got to be authentic or it won't work. And then there's the whole thing with having someone paint a portrait of you while you do it. And that guy has to take a blood oath never to tell.

Well, is he a Tigger or an Eeyore?

Never say never.

Tadao Mar 13th, 2008 02:56 PM

I don't want to hang around 40 geeks. I am one of the beautiful people.

mew barios Mar 13th, 2008 03:01 PM

i think nerds of all people should understand how goofy and deserving of ridicule they are

Xydexx Mar 13th, 2008 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 538277)
I don't want to hang around 40 geeks. I am one of the beautiful people.

Well, okay, you can be a beautiful person hanging out by your lonesome while the rest of us go party and stuff. We'll send you a postcard. :lol

theaccidentalmimo Mar 13th, 2008 03:22 PM

Tadao, you're at i-mockery. Besides nerdiness is fun. They have more fun than most normal people- especially when drunk.

Anyway, I'm saying Protoclown only met the scary otaku. Liking anime and not bathing should not be synonimous. Of course, I also fall under the gamer nerd. I go to ren. fests, but I'm not a groupie. (Although if I could get away with it, I would dress that way every day.) So what does that make me? Are dabblers in various forms of nerdiness nerds, or just posers?

Tadao Mar 13th, 2008 03:24 PM

oh shit! I have been mocked? *hangs head* you nerds will pay. PAY!!!!

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