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placebo009 Aug 14th, 2003 05:51 PM


i did not say that you specifically listened to metal. i noticed that most people that were posting on here did and i don't, but still felt like posting. the 'bring it on' comment was meant as a jest, because i assumed that i would hear about it for *not* listening to metal. i in no way feel that i am unique for listening to any of the bands i listed or for any other reason. i also in no way meant to offend you specifically or any one else who listens to metal. perhaps we can look past all this now...

Drew Katsikas Aug 14th, 2003 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by placebo009
and no, you can't be indie. you're too hard core. aquire good taste in music and listen to a band that doesn't base their world on power chords and then i'll think about it. ;)

Brilliant. You did assume I was too hardcore, and you assume I have no taste, and that my bands play many power chords. There you go, you said it, and there's the proof.

You offended me, becuase you assumed I listened to shit, plus you come off as a self-righteous indie fool.

Budweiser Aug 17th, 2003 04:33 PM

1) Bohse Onkelz
2) Hank Williams
3) Die Kassierer
4) Brassknuckle Boys
5) Discipline

This list changes periodically...

Rongi Aug 17th, 2003 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Blue
In no order

Emil Bulls
Unwritten Law

Ewwww :(

:rock Frank Zappa :rock

Drew Katsikas Aug 17th, 2003 05:07 PM

Yeah, he kicks ass. This lady I work with gave me Joe's Garage, all the Acts, on vinyl, original, mint condition, for free!


crash0814 Aug 18th, 2003 07:19 PM

Pavement owns, Drew.

EverythingWillSuck Aug 20th, 2003 11:53 PM

My ten:

Fear Factory
Pitchshifter (both old and latter, though I prefer old)
Vision of Disorder
Vex Red
At the Drive-In
In Flames

The Retro Kat Aug 21st, 2003 12:31 AM

In Flames is the only good band on that list.

McClain Aug 21st, 2003 08:34 AM

Ben Folds Five

Geggy Aug 21st, 2003 09:45 AM

Vision of Disorder and Pitchshifter both rock.

my top five...Primus, Aphex Twin, Tool, Godflesh, Deftones

WorthlessLiar Aug 22nd, 2003 09:43 PM

my 5
At the moment (although some of these have remained fixed for some time)

Sunny Day Real Estate
Massive Attack

Lord Darian Aug 24th, 2003 01:31 PM

right now, in no order

Toxic Narcotic
Tommy & the Terrors
The Dead Milkmen

Rongi Aug 24th, 2003 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by EverythingWillSuck

I am convinced that Nothingface is the most overrated band ever. They fucking suck yet EVERYONE loves them.

Sorry, everyone with BAD TASTE

jules Aug 25th, 2003 09:29 AM

This is my first post so I am dipping my toe cautiously into the waters of this forum....its looked pretty scary so far lol. But anyway,here are my top 5 bands...

1: Ramones
2: Mad Capsule Markets
3: Rancid
4: Goldfinger
5: Korn

And an extra one...

6: Thoria

Rongi Aug 25th, 2003 09:30 AM

Bleck. Go away until you can spell and get taste in music.

jules Aug 25th, 2003 09:32 AM

...and the spelling mistake was???

Rongi Aug 25th, 2003 09:35 AM

This is my first post so I am dipping my toe cautiously into the waters of this forum....its looked pretty scary so far lol. But anyway,here are my top 5 bands...

1: Ramones
2: Mad Capsule Markets
3: Rancid
4: Goldfinger
5: Korn

And an extra one...

6: Thoria

jules Aug 25th, 2003 09:38 AM

Hmmm Ok I put my hands up to some internet abbreviation there and missing out a space....but a SPELLING mistake? No.

Luchatein Aug 25th, 2003 03:49 PM

No order...

Anti-Flag (...for the lyrics, at least)
Daft Punk

Drew Katsikas Aug 30th, 2003 10:44 PM

Anti-Flag, for the lyrics. Nothing like the Revolutionary band for 7th graders. I mean their music sucks hard as it is, but their lyrics are even worse.

Emu Aug 31st, 2003 11:58 PM

1. The Beatles
2. The Doors
3. Grateful Dead
4. Stones

No, I wasn't born in the sixties. sadly.

Luchatein Sep 1st, 2003 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by DrewKatsikas
Anti-Flag, for the lyrics. Nothing like the Revolutionary band for 7th graders. I mean their music sucks hard as it is, but their lyrics are even worse.

At least it's something different. I'm not saying I agree with EVERYTHING they say, because I don't...I think that in some songs, they're downright laughable. But in the songs that I like, they're good in my opinion.

Lord Darian Sep 1st, 2003 01:51 PM

Anti-Flag aren't anything different, there just a couple of whiny fucking rich kids pretending their all hardcore. Yea lets sing about how we hate the government and are so pissed off but we never had to work a day in our lives or really expierence government oppression. Go listen to some real bands that actually mean what their singing about and not a bunch of pansies bitching for cash.

Luchatein Sep 1st, 2003 02:55 PM

God, I can't even say I like a band without needing a HUGE discussion about how they're not "hardcore". I tried to be reasonable and end the argument last post, but it seems YOU can't just leave things where they are. I said already that they can be laughable...just listen to Underground Network...I never said I like ALL of their songs. I said I like some of them, and I really just needed a band to fill the fifth slot. Not once did I say I loved their music, nor did I say they were awesome or the best thing to ever happen to "Punk". I never said I agreed with their anti-goverment views, either, so I'd appreciate it if you left me and my obviously horrendous taste in music alone.

Yngwie Malmsteen Sep 3rd, 2003 12:06 PM

1. Rhapsody
2. Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force
3. Megadeth
4. Stratovarius
5. Blind Guardian


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