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Dread Naught Apr 16th, 2008 07:05 PM

I found myself in hell. I walked a path of blood, there I saw a demon gathering the spirits of the annimals that had been sacrificed. He looked at me and pointed to the gates, "they have not yet appointed a place for you. But when they do, know that you shall know misery and sufferring." I asked, "why am I here?" He said, "because you are of the wrong tribe." I turned, and saw my own mother awaiting there as well.

I walked in a forest made of darkness. I came upon a brilliant light, it spoke to me. But I could not understand for its voice was but a whisper to my ears. There was someone there that let me know what it was saying. I grew angry for what was being said, I turned in my anger and began walking back into the forest of darkness. An arm was placed around me, and a voice said, "it will be okay."

I was walking home one day, I began to speak out at certain things. As I had passed a store, a man grabbed me up and pushed me down, "you are nothing but a communist!" I grew angry, but let it pass. I turned from him, as I did so, I saw the people of the town having a great celebration. But the banners that flew held upon them the insignia of the nazis.

Grislygus Apr 16th, 2008 07:49 PM

Yeah, this one time I had this dream where I failed math


Samfucius Apr 16th, 2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by MarioRPG (Post 547890)
Has anyone ever dreamed in cartoons. I mean at all?

I recall having a dream that involved some cartoon character, but it the real world.

My Dragonforce dream (an earlier post in this thread) was entirely in cartoon.

Dr. Octogonopus Apr 17th, 2008 10:26 PM

I keep having this dream where me and my friend are stuck in our school, she has a sprained ankle, and every other student, campus police, teacher, everybody, is a zombie. And for some reason, when we used a ghetto-rigged radio of ours to call the military they couldn't come for us. So we ended up fighting off zombies in our bunker, until a week later i made it to my metal fabrication class room and took all the acetylene bottles and made bombs with them and water bottles, blowing our way out.
It was bad ass, and then I found out the next day she had the same dream.

Fat_Hippo Apr 18th, 2008 07:55 AM

I keep having dreams where I'm in school, not listening, when my teacher suddenly wants me to answer a really weird question, that doesn't even make sense. And when I can't answer, my teacher starts shouting at me and everyone else starts laughing. And this seems to go on forever. Those dreams really suck.

T-Rex Apr 18th, 2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 548503)
SOunds like you have a hero complex. Dreams are not windows to the future, they are just your brain organizing your feelings. (I think)

Perhaps. My dreams are almost always connected to whatever has been on my mind during the day. In my opinion, I think dreams are just your thoughts minus context. If I think of something whilst awake, I can guide it (sorta). I can imagine an exploding helicopter in a park. Easy. When asleep you can't control the context or the image, so it is made up of very random things.

Pub Lover Apr 18th, 2008 12:18 PM

Maybe you can't, Sucka!

Seven Force Apr 19th, 2008 09:24 PM

i keep dreaming im in high school and i keep skipping math class and im like "eh its no problem" then its mid-terms and i dont want to not graduate and i panic and for some reason pub is in the back just chillin smokin a joint

Dr. Octogonopus Apr 19th, 2008 11:05 PM

What is up with everyone on these forums and pot? SMOKER ARE JOKERS!

Fathom Zero Apr 19th, 2008 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Octogonopus (Post 547901)
Like in Cool World? Yeah, it happens. Except it was more like Dragonball Z; I would wake up in the middle of some lame fight scene and continue it from the stopping point over the next few dreams.

Cool World was more like the opposite of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, though. Real life meets the cartoon world. Both, however, rock. Kudos for excellent choices in movies, mang.

BurntToShreds Apr 25th, 2008 09:12 PM

Tuesday night, I had a dream about a about a zombie outbreak. A lot of it is fuzzy, but I can remember getting to a dock, where we holed up on the bridge of a ship. We were shooting zombies from there, but I only had a shitty BB-gun.

Phoenix Gamma Apr 25th, 2008 09:43 PM

I once dreamed that my alarm went off and I woke up. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

True story.

Kitsa Apr 25th, 2008 09:46 PM

I've been pretty drugged-up and dreamless recently, but last night I had two separate "childbirth" dreams. I only remember one of them, in which I delivered three nonhumans (I can only remember two- a giant flamingo I was afraid to breastfeed and a "proto-marsupial", whatever that was).

I had a third dream in which I was trying to walk down a moving train. I was hemmed in on both sides by plastic sheets and some sort of goo was dripping from the ceiling.

I woke up having contractions and had to drug up again. Very weird.

Fathom Zero Apr 25th, 2008 10:09 PM

Last night, I had a dream someone gave me $20.

Fat_Hippo Apr 26th, 2008 02:42 AM

I once had a dream in which I played Tropico. Then I woke up and played Tropico.

This has actually happened to me with a variety of games, especially when I just got a game and really want to keep playing it, but should really go to bed so that I don't have to drag myself out of bed the next day.

T-Rex Apr 28th, 2008 06:44 AM

You ever start telling somebody about a nightmare you had and then like twenty seconds into it you realise that you're pretty retarded?

Tadao Apr 28th, 2008 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by T-Rex (Post 552090)
You ever start telling somebody about a nightmare you had and then like twenty seconds into it you realise that you're pretty retarded?

Great example T-Rex

Fat Ugly Drunk Apr 30th, 2008 06:16 AM

I once had a dream that I had a really bad headache and a beard.
Being one of those guys whose attempts to grow facial hair end up being totally pitiful, it was soul destroying when I woke up to discover that, while I did have a motherfucker of a headache, I hadn't grown a beard.

Oh, and the other night I dreamt that while in the studio audience during an episode of Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson somehow accidentally caused the whole place to flood, and Rocky saved Drago from drowning and hugged him.

Am I the only person in the world who dreams about eating their own teeth?

...for my third post on this forum I'm making a very shitty impression of myself.

T-Rex Apr 30th, 2008 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 552130)
Great example T-Rex

I dreamt that my teeth were cats.

Fat Ugly Drunk Apr 30th, 2008 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by T-Rex (Post 552569)
I dreamt that my teeth were cats.


Shrubfest Apr 30th, 2008 05:33 PM

Chewing would be a bitch though. And your mouth would be all furry.

My repeted childhood nightmare was that the sole of my foot fell off, causing all my bones to fall out, followed by my organs and a fetus. So me and a friend shoved it all back in again, and sewed my foot back together. Fixed!

LordSappington Apr 30th, 2008 10:50 PM

How's that furry tongue thing supposed to work, anyways? Is it just junk collecting on your tongue, or what?
My biggest fear was always my dentist. I'd have nightmares of him, I still do. Dentists are nazis with licenses.

Cfr5 May 4th, 2008 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 542401)
i'd had a dream a few times where I bite down and my teeth crack apart :<

and i swallow some of the bits by accident :<

That happens in my dreams every once in a while. Or teeth are loose and I pull them out by hand. This actually came up in a recent conversation with one of my roommates.

Last night, I dreamt that a kid I knew in high school had a pair of aviators that were larger than mine. I was jealous.

Blaster Atoms May 7th, 2008 05:20 AM

One time I had a dream where I was Batman, and I was in this big shopping mall, and I went into a store and was looking at a bunch of Batman items for sale there like coffee cups, action figures and Christmas ornaments.

So I guess Batman gets his Batman coffee cup the same way I do.

Esuohlim May 7th, 2008 11:43 AM

Last night Pub Lover spontaneously showed up at the pizza restaurant I was eating at. He said one sentence to me and then I said "Wait where's your accent?", to which he replied "I'm actually from Florida :lol"

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