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Dr. Boogie Mar 27th, 2009 07:36 PM

Seriously, this is the one time this stupid shit has actually landed in the right thread.

Emu Mar 27th, 2009 08:25 PM

I murder PS3 owners in their sleep

Emu Mar 27th, 2009 08:26 PM

you don't understand, this is a commitment

Phoenix Gamma Mar 27th, 2009 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 621961)
Yeah, all those excellent exclusives! Like... uh...


Killzone 2
Everyday Shooter
Rachet and Clank
Little Big Planet
The Pixel Junk Eden games

You know, things besides Madden and FPSs.

See, I can generalize a system's library too.

executioneer Mar 27th, 2009 10:59 PM

meh @ all of those games. why not put gran turismo 5 or 6 or whatever number it is now on there while you're at it :rolleyes

executioneer Mar 27th, 2009 11:00 PM

i mean dont get me wrong i'm kind of a sony fanboy when it comes to LAST generation, just not the ps3

Microshock Mar 27th, 2009 11:01 PM

Wow, lets support the company that gives piece of shit hardware, only replaces your hardware if its RROD and waiting up to a month to get it back!
YEAH! thats a benefit! It's all good if the company fixes the crap for free right?

The controller isnt that good either, the d-pad isnt a d pad but a 3rd analog stick, i have the controller plugged into my pc, and the bumpers are damn shitty as well.

I've never heard of people defending such a crappy piece of hardware just because it has halo 3 on it, wow. And it's not a very great online service, because it uhh costs money and i actually prefer psn even though it doesnt have in-game cross chat yet.

Let's see another excuse for the 360's breaking down, OH PEOPLE DONT TAKE CARE OF IT RIGHT?

And executioneer, i bet you've played zero of those games, and you call them meh just to defend whatever console youre being a fanboy of, no, they are great games, anyone with half a brain knows that just as i know that gears of war 2 is good

Zomboid Mar 27th, 2009 11:04 PM


I love sony fanboys; I really do. They're just so cuuuute!

Phoenix Gamma Mar 27th, 2009 11:08 PM

Dammit, I can't calmly debate for Sony when the Sony Defence Force is making posts like this.

Fuck it.


Zomboid Mar 27th, 2009 11:14 PM

You'll notice that no one defending the 360 makes posts like that. I'd say most people in this thread are just enjoying watching people make asses of themselves.

executioneer Mar 27th, 2009 11:24 PM

the only reason i bought a 360 is because i wanted to play fallout and gta4 and didnt want to pay an extra $150 for it. the (USED) xbox i bought still hasn't rrod'd yet, so nyeah

and yeah i haven't played any of those games, because none of them have piqued my interest. MARKETING IS IMPORTANT

Phoenix Gamma Mar 27th, 2009 11:29 PM

Well, I think Sony fans have this urge to try and defend this huge purchase they made instead of actually playing their games. If they can convince other people that they made the best choice, then they convince themselves that.

I mean, $400+ is a bit of an investment for a silly hobby.

Don't get me wrong. I still see just as many retards downvoting PS3 exclusives or PS3 versions of games on metacritic. I think it's possible to be a one console person without having to be an Internet Tough Guy, but the internet likes to prove me wrong.

Eh, I play all three consoles pretty regularly. And they all piss me off eventually.

Zomboid Mar 27th, 2009 11:37 PM

I don't get pissed off at my xbox because it's a fucking console. It plays games and dvds, and that's all I want from it. I like the online, the games, and I also like that so many people I know own one.

Emu Mar 27th, 2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 622036)
I mean, $400+ is a bit of an investment for a silly hobby.

Yeah, but I gotta defend Sony (and Nintendo I guess) here in that at least with their systems, you get the whole package for what you pay for. The 360 most definitely comes out as the more expensive console by far if you want to get the best performance out of it. Even the most expensive model of the 360 doesn't come with some things that the PS3 and the Wii's cheapest options do, namely an internal wi-fi adapter and in the PS3's case a Blu-Ray drive (and full backwards compatibility, at least for a little while.) The 360's wi-fi adapter costs fucking $99.99 new. If you buy an Elite console (and you should!), that's $500 dollars alone, and if you want wireless controllers with rechargable battery packs, that's another $60 right there. Even the cheapest PS3 comes with those things off the bat.

Big McLargehuge Mar 28th, 2009 12:08 AM

Someone should buy me a 360 and a ps3 so i can get in on this debate :(.

Phoenix Gamma Mar 28th, 2009 12:12 AM

Just join Team Wii :D

It's not like no one else bashes consoles they don't own :rolleyes

Big McLargehuge Mar 28th, 2009 12:16 AM

Will you buy me a Wii?

Zomboid Mar 28th, 2009 12:24 AM

I'd sell ya mine, but I like the virtual console. That's what I still use it for :D

Big McLargehuge Mar 28th, 2009 12:31 AM

I am one broke ass mother fucker anyway.

executioneer Mar 28th, 2009 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Emu (Post 622038)
Yeah, but I gotta defend Sony (and Nintendo I guess) here in that at least with their systems, you get the whole package for what you pay for. The 360 most definitely comes out as the more expensive console by far if you want to get the best performance out of it. Even the most expensive model of the 360 doesn't come with some things that the PS3 and the Wii's cheapest options do, namely an internal wi-fi adapter and in the PS3's case a Blu-Ray drive (and full backwards compatibility, at least for a little while.) The 360's wi-fi adapter costs fucking $99.99 new. If you buy an Elite console (and you should!), that's $500 dollars alone, and if you want wireless controllers with rechargable battery packs, that's another $60 right there. Even the cheapest PS3 comes with those things off the bat.

i don't have this problem cause i plugged my 360 right into the network router ;( also i don't give a fug about hd-dvd/blu-ray cause i don't have an hdtv

that is a really retarded price to pay just for a wifi adapter though, some third party should come up w/ a cheaper alternative

Microshock Mar 28th, 2009 02:29 AM

All i said was that the 360 fails, a lot. If you're trying to defend that, that's really really stupid, because theres no denying it.

Fathom Zero Mar 28th, 2009 02:45 AM

I'm tired of your stupid, so I'll respond to your points one by one in an intelligble manner.


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622026)
Wow, lets support the company that gives piece of shit hardware, only replaces your hardware if its RROD and waiting up to a month to get it back!
YEAH! thats a benefit! It's all good if the company fixes the crap for free right?

No more a piece of shit than any other hardware. Sony won't replace the PS3 if it finds the insides too dusty. I waited a week, tops, when my disc tray fucked up and started eating games. And yes, free is a benefit. They don't have to make it free and the fact that they did extend the warranty shows a lot of caring on their part. That and fear of a class-action lawsuit. I don't think you're old enough to understand this, but "free" overrides a lot of shit. If I could get a free Whopper for mailing in forty UPCs, and I had forty UPCs lying around my house, then I'm going to get a free Whopper, nevermind that the coupon comes some months later.


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622026)
The controller isnt that good either, the d-pad isnt a d pad but a 3rd analog stick, i have the controller plugged into my pc, and the bumpers are damn shitty as well.

This is a matter of ergonomics in personal taste. I enjoy the 360 controller. I love the bumpers. I like how it is smoother, not having as many edges as the PS3's. The D-Pad does need work. I won't argue with you there. I also like the asymmetrical positioning of the analog sticks. But to say that the PS3's is quantifiably better is really not taking into account how people feel about the shitty triggers. Don't get me wrong, I love the Playstation controller design. I love the battery that charges via Mini-USB. I think that is fucking awesome. But, again, this is strictly a matter of personal taste and how you hold a controller.


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622026)
I've never heard of people defending such a crappy piece of hardware just because it has halo 3 on it, wow. And it's not a very great online service, because it uhh costs money and i actually prefer psn even though it doesnt have in-game cross chat yet.

What the fuck does Halo 3 have to do with any of this? Xbox Live is not a great online service? PSN is better? How about the fact that PSN is playing catch-up to Xbox Live in almost every field and every time PSN adds a new online feature, it is remarkably similar to one that has been on XBL for months? And your only rationale is that it's free? I am confused. You see, I didn't think you enjoyed things that were free, according to your previous argument against the 360's hardware. Maybe I am taking that wrong. I dunno. Things that cost money are TYPICALLY better than things that aren't, due to a well supported staff and lots of funding. People that are paid have a better incentive to do well and take pride in their work. I think the PSN is alright, but XBL is leaps and bounds better. I have no idea what "in game cross-chat" means, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd enlighten me.


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622026)
Let's see another excuse for the 360's breaking down, OH PEOPLE DONT TAKE CARE OF IT RIGHT?

Yes, that is exactly right. People don't treat their consoles with respect. People don't treat their computers with respect, either. They take for granted that consoles are as they always were; invulnerable. But now, consoles are more along the lines of computers. As Emu said, it is an engineering fact that as more parts are added, the capacity for error greatly increases. That and anything with a moving part will fail eventually, the date of such event depending wholly on the amount of friction involved. People have no concept that computers are just as fragile if not more than cars. You can't toss these things around. You can't block the fans and hope that it works properly. And don't give me the argument that there is enough airflow in the back of an entertainment center when the thing is 360 is shoved all the way into the back leaving one inch for airflow. That doesn't cut it.


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622026)
And executioneer, i bet you've played zero of those games, and you call them meh just to defend whatever console youre being a fanboy of, no, they are great games, anyone with half a brain knows that just as i know that gears of war 2 is good

I'm willing to bet, and correct me if I am wrong, but I don't know that Willie should be called a fanboy of the 360. He wasn't the most against the 360, but he was up there. And there overwhelming majority of those games are MEH, according to my personal opinion. Flower held my attention for all of a week. I woudn't spend more than that on a game. If it had costed more than $10, I'd have been freakin' pissed because there is no way that game is worth any more than that. 4/8 of those games are ones I seriously enjoy and one of those is one I don't even play anymore.

And Gears of War is terrible, you douche.

Dr. Boogie Mar 28th, 2009 06:16 AM

For the record, I'd like to point out that my 360s have gotten fucked up while under the same circumstances as my still-working PS2: sitting perfectly still on a wooden piece of furniture.

From what I've read, the problem does seem to be caused by crappy design/parts/construction of the consoles. There are apparently a couple lawsuits against Microsoft for this very reason, and if it does turn out to be the truth, I hope MS winds up losing the case. Not because I feel I'm owed something, but because hopefully, it'll establish a precedent that will encourage console makers not to make cheap shit that breaks easy.

All of this leads me to one unavoidable conclusion: The PS3 sucks.

MetalMilitia Mar 28th, 2009 08:49 AM

This discussion is redundant because everyone knows the PC is the best platform.

The PS3 is a good blu-ray player with some limited gaming possibilities and the 360 is a medium for spoilt children to abuse strangers.

Phoenix Gamma Mar 28th, 2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 622060)
All i said was that the 360 fails, a lot. If you're trying to defend that, that's really really stupid, because theres no denying it.

Sony Viral Marketing detected.

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