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bigtimecow May 26th, 2008 12:09 AM

omg the cover art for that game is probably the greatest cover art ever

Pentegarn May 26th, 2008 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 557560)
...Game Players Magazine...

Wow, there are posters on here who aren't old enough to remember Game Player's Magazine :P Thanks to that mag's robust preview sections, I wanted, but never got to play many a game (likely because most of them never made it past preview stage) such as Baby Boomer, Mondu's Fight Palace, and about half a dozen cool looking Amiga games.

WhiteRat May 26th, 2008 01:09 AM

I loved Game Player's Magazine for it's 100+ pages and it's witty writing style. They switched to Ultra Game Players in 96 or 97 and then folded sometime in 98. Even though I stopped reading the mag shortly before the conversion I was still saddened when I heard they went kaput.

Guitar Woman May 29th, 2008 09:46 PM

I made a D&D character last night. I feel like an ass

Fourth Edition handbooks got leaked, also, and I think it would be hilarious if we got together in IRC and played a campaign or two.

liquidstatik May 29th, 2008 11:58 PM


Emu May 30th, 2008 12:33 AM

I'm DMing a Ravenloft campaign right now!

But we already have a group. :(

Guitar Woman May 30th, 2008 01:54 AM


Guitar Woman May 30th, 2008 01:55 AM

I'd never ever play this IRL because I'm the kind of person who has to have roleplaying in his tabletop RPGs, and it takes a really special kind of friend to watch someone pretend to DRIFT TO AND FRO TWIXT THE FEYWILDS and then still want to be friends afterwords. Strangers on the internet are fine, though.

Chojin May 30th, 2008 05:41 AM

We play a cyberpunk GURPS campaign on Sundays. I'm a gay former teen pop star with a robot dog.

executioneer May 30th, 2008 06:24 AM

lets get together and LARP some mechwarrior

you guys bring the battlemechs ok my locust's in the shop

WhiteRat Jun 2nd, 2008 05:51 PM

So I received 6 Sega CD games in the mail today from ebay and I am pleasantly surprised to find out that I now own a factory sealed copy of "INXS Make Your Own Video" (which wasn't mentioned in the auction).

Seriously though, I could care less...it's Make Your Own Video for fuck's sake.:x

T-Rex Jun 4th, 2008 07:49 AM

Games improve hand to eye co-ordination. Did you know that a survey on surgeons found that they did a better job after warming up with a session on a video game?

"I'll remove your spleen in a second Mr. Johnson. Hey, where's the gatling gun?!"

Phoenix Gamma Jun 4th, 2008 12:59 PM

Old study, but yea. Another one is that driving games help drivers, since it teaches them to watch their surroundings and not the back of the car in front of them. I guess that explains why I've never had an accident yet.

Guitar Woman Jun 6th, 2008 01:20 AM

His face is a question mark. I'm never going to be able to play this game the same way again.

bigtimecow Jun 7th, 2008 06:39 PM

i love earthbound, but mother sucks. so fuck ninten

Guitar Woman Jun 7th, 2008 06:50 PM

I thought it was pretty good, especially considering the hardware limitations.

How they managed to make a NES game that creepy and multi-layered I'll probably never know.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 7th, 2008 09:04 PM

Still think they should have made Mother 64( 3-d sequel for N64).

Guitar Woman Jun 7th, 2008 11:03 PM

Mother 64 was just going to be Mother 3, anyway.

I'm actually glad it's had more time to cook, it looks fantastic.

bigtimecow Jun 9th, 2008 12:53 PM

i played a good hour of the japanese rom with a translation guide and it's quite fun. the music element of the combat system is well executed and accurate.

oh, and i found out that there is a visual boy advance edition for the wii... so mother 3 can be played on your wii...




Lobo Tommy Jun 9th, 2008 06:43 PM

Mother 3 will never be the same as Earthbound in my eyes. Earthbound is my favorite game ever.

dddddddddd Jun 13th, 2008 11:23 AM

i think its funny how people call this earthbound 3 when the nes and snes games where basically re makes of one another

bigtimecow Jun 13th, 2008 12:38 PM

i'll assume you only said that to piss someone off, because they are not even close when it comes to storyline

Phoenix Gamma Jun 13th, 2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by dddddddddd (Post 560952)
i think its funny how people call this earthbound 3 when the nes and snes games where basically re makes of one another

Must...resist urge...to correct typos...

Whether or not the second game is a remake is up for debate, though I'm fairly certain anyone who claims Mother 2 is a remake never played the original and is just talking out of their ass.

I'll make you a deal though: you convince either Rockstar or EA to fix the numbering of GTA or The Sims, and I'll convince Nintendo to change Mother's numbering. I think that's a fair trade.

MetalMilitia Jun 13th, 2008 01:12 PM

GTA is named correctly.

bigtimecow Jun 13th, 2008 02:47 PM

indeed they are. all the numbered ones take place in liberty city, and the others are named otherwise because they take place in different cities

Phoenix Gamma Jun 13th, 2008 03:41 PM

GTA2 takes place in (I shit you not) "Anywhere City", presumably next to Some Place Town and Middle-Of-Nowhere-berg.

It's semantics, sure, but it's my semantics :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 13th, 2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 559602)
Mother 64 was just going to be Mother 3, anyway.

I'm actually glad it's had more time to cook, it looks fantastic.

The preview I had in my gamepro from ten years ago had the entire cast of Mother 2 returning as playable chars.

After playing through Earthbound again I began to question some things. I used to play the game a lot when I was younger, especially overnights without the lights on.

After using the PSI attacks on the replay recently I don't know how I never got epilepsy from this game.

HellBeast Jul 8th, 2008 09:24 AM

Although I don't own a Wii I've had fun playing at my friends. But I wouldn't go out and buy one or anything. It's like with their games you play through them, maybe again on another difficulty and then thats it. Personally I need to buy games that I know I can play for 80+ hours and still go back to it in maybe a year or so.

HellBeast Jul 8th, 2008 09:25 AM

lol And i know kust saying that dosent make much sense but that has been bugging me for a while and i needed to get it out of my system.

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2008 01:19 PM

I haven't really played any console games recently. I think I'm edging back into my movies over games phase. I still play PC games, though.

Also, I've sworn myself off buying another console game until I move out of this hell-hole. I'm not having another game broken or stolen.

Guitar Woman Jul 8th, 2008 03:42 PM


It's like with their games you play through them, maybe again on another difficulty and then thats it.
Uh, isn't that what every single game ever made is like

bigtimecow Jul 8th, 2008 04:24 PM

i guess he means that they don't have replay value otherwise

but :lol

Phoenix Gamma Jul 8th, 2008 08:05 PM

Yea, he's talking about replay value.


Originally Posted by HellBeast (Post 566488)
Although I don't own a Wii I've had fun playing at my friends. But I wouldn't go out and buy one or anything. It's like with their games you play through them, maybe again on another difficulty and then thats it. Personally I need to buy games that I know I can play for 80+ hours and still go back to it in maybe a year or so.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Also Mario Galaxy. Maybe Mario Kart Wii if you're a masochist. Eventually, it'll hit the stride the DS hit.

It's actually really sneaky when you think about how Nintendo is working now:


Recommended reading if you've got the time. Crazy long, but well written.

Guitar Woman Jul 8th, 2008 08:08 PM

Mario Galaxy is terrible!

I played Mario Kart Wii like twice and haven't touched it since.

Brawl is ok, but I can't help but feel that they killed part of what made me love Melee. Not sure what that is, but I know it's gone.

I find I'm sharing Fathom's lack of interest in consoles lately. There aren't any noteworthy Wii games on the horizon; they dumbed down Alone in the Dark a shit ton, although I'm pretty confident that the Wii could have performed all the fancy in-game physics it had. I mean, it only looks a few steps above RE4 anyway. I was sort of excited for The Conduit, but I looked at the dev team's production history and then I wasn't.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 8th, 2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 566552)
Mario Galaxy is terrible!

Shit sucks.

Guitar Woman Jul 8th, 2008 08:39 PM

Whatever, Ondore.

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2008 11:35 PM

Phoenix Gamma Jul 9th, 2008 01:37 AM

Pogs are so rad.

HellBeast Jul 9th, 2008 09:57 AM

Thats sort of what I meant. Like I play elder scrolls oblivion and morrowind and other long assed games like that. And you can play those forever because of all the content in the game. Even some classic rpg's have replay value because after a few years of beating them you get this feeling like you should go back and play through them again. but games like no more heroes or mario galaxy on the wii just dont have the same effect. I'm not saying the wii only has those type of games *cough* assasins creed *cough* but it seems like they are trying to produce as many 20-30 hr games as possible instead of something with 80+. I dunno maybe its just me. I prefer games that I can become addicted to for months at a time but isnt that a sign of a truly great game?......well it could be that or i could have some strange disorder lol.

HellBeast Jul 9th, 2008 10:00 AM

Oh and most of what I play are console games. I'm not the best with computers so tht way when I buy a 360 game I know its going to work in my 360......unless of course it messes up again.....i dont wanna talk about it.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 9th, 2008 10:05 AM

To be fair, a game with 80+ hours only comes to a console once every so often. We may have just not seen it yet.

HellBeast Jul 9th, 2008 07:02 PM

Oh i know. don't get me wrong im not getting in the console vs computer fight or anything because people pick a different one depending on what they are looking for. But there are a few games that have just hooked me. ive spent over 500 hrs on oblivion (also on comp i know) and i dont even know how many on morrowind. and a few games here and there that i became addicted to. like twisted metal 4. i dont know why but i loved that thing. but in terms of games i dont think Wii has done this yet. In 5 yrs i dont think people are going to be talking about smash bros brawl or galaxy or any other well known wii game at this time.

Guitar Woman Jul 9th, 2008 07:08 PM

Brawl? Yeah, they will.

Don't get me wrong, I think Morrowind is a great game. Fucking Everest of a learning curve coupled with the inability to do anything until you hit about level 15 stopped me from enjoying it at first, but it is excellent.

But a game really doesn't have to be a thousand hour open ended EXTRAVAGANZA for it to be memorable. Resident Evil, Mario 64, Half Life, etc, all remembered and loved, and none of them are more than 15 hours long.

Mario 64, mabye, I haven't played it in a while.

HellBeast Jul 9th, 2008 07:13 PM

dont get me wrong lol there are a bunch of games that are incredibly short that i love. like the ones you mentioned. I wouldnt want every game to be that long. but for some reason im attracted to games that i can mess around with for a while. like right now im playing start wars battlefront 2 just cause i can do so much in the instant action category.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 9th, 2008 08:10 PM

I'm pretty sure people will be talking about Galaxy and Brawl 5 years from now. Smash has a rabid fanbase that played Melee nonstop for 7 years, and Galaxy's level design and gameplay concept are something you don't see much on the same console.

(Actually, I think Galaxy would be talked about more just because of the gameplay innovations. But apparently some people don't like them.)

If only modding were possible for console games. WiFi Metroid or Super Paper Mario mods would be rad. Also, headtracking. Someone really needs to get on the ball with headtracking.

Guitar Woman Jul 9th, 2008 08:11 PM

Mario Galaxy isn't innovative or interesting in the slightest, when will people realize this

Fathom Zero Jul 9th, 2008 08:16 PM

People talking about Brawl five years from now? You've got to be shitting me. The only reason that it'd be talked about for another five years is because another SSB won't be released until Nintendo's next console.

Guitar Woman Jul 9th, 2008 08:17 PM

I'm not sure if hardcore Brawl fans count as people, but they will be.

Phoenix Gamma Jul 9th, 2008 08:39 PM

I already pointed out that the die-hard fans would be the ones talking about it till the next game, but okay.

@GW: Name me another game that explores the use of spherical planets as levels and has rad stuff like the Dark Matter and Splatter Matter stages, because I'd love to play it.

Fathom Zero Jul 9th, 2008 08:45 PM

Clank's giant levels in Rachet & Clank: Going Commando. Of course, even then it wasn't new.

The PSN game Super Stardust follows the same formula.

bigtimecow Jul 9th, 2008 08:47 PM

edit: that's what i get for leaving threads open in tabs before responding to them

Guitar Woman Jul 9th, 2008 08:50 PM

Psychonauts has a few topsy turvy levels if I remember right

And so does Megaman 3 :<

HellBeast Jul 10th, 2008 01:43 PM

i love brawl but its just new characters, new lvls, and a shit version of a campaign. the cinimatics are ok but that dosent save it. it wasn't very innovative. meanwhile galaxy was very innovative....just not in a cool way. i just want games that are innovative but still keep some of the original type of gameplay. that way its new enough to spend time with but not so new that it isnt even the same game anymore.

bigtimecow Jul 10th, 2008 02:10 PM

brawl is way more than new characters and new levels. have you even played it? or, have you played ssb, then ssbm, then ssbb to compare?

i kinda see your point about galaxy, but it does keep the original type of gameplay (enter world, collect stars, fight bowser). the levels weren't nearly as open ended as say sm64 (some completely linear), but to me it seems like all they really added was some new power ups and a crazy gravity twist that i'm pretty sure wasn't done to the extent it was in galaxy in any other game.

HellBeast Jul 10th, 2008 02:58 PM

actually i have played brawl. dont get me wrong i would rather play brawl than melee but there just isnt as much of a difference. and yes galaxy does stick to the stars/bowser thing but its still not the same. when super mario 64 came out they used the new 3-d gameplay to innovate the game. in galaxy they tried to use the new motion capture as the innovative element to the game but ended up making it crappy. id rather see some ne type of mario games, like mario rpg and the paper marios except with different genres. and no not a mario fps. maybe a mario rts? i dont know how but it would be cool. harvest coins as currency, defeat bowsers army with yours.

bigtimecow Jul 10th, 2008 03:39 PM

i can't argue with a new mario rpg ;)


i watched a commercial for E3 on G4 and it was like "WHOA RESISTANCE 2, FALLOUT 3, RESIDENT EVIL 5"


Guitar Woman Jul 10th, 2008 03:43 PM

People liked Resistance enough to warrant a second one?

MetalMilitia Jul 10th, 2008 04:09 PM

New IPs are difficult to get funding for.

bigtimecow Jul 10th, 2008 04:17 PM

i said i wish :/

HellBeast Jul 10th, 2008 06:10 PM

i cant wait for fallout 3. read a review of it in oxm magazine. looks pretty sweet to me.

Guitar Woman Jul 10th, 2008 06:24 PM

So I'm ranked 6th best player today in Strikers :picklehat


10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 11th, 2008 03:55 PM

I still haven't played strikers. Can you say it's any different than Mega Man soccer?

Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2008 04:46 PM

I have no idea, as I've never played Megaman Soccer, but whenever I play Strikers I completely forget that I'm playing soccer with Mario characters. This is a god damn GLADIATOR'S ARENA and the other man is the living embodiment of douchebaggery that I have to mercilessly beat down using any means necessary. It's also one of the more brutally difficult games I've ever played. Certainly the most enraging, since the slightest slip up will often times fuck you up the bum immediately.

The basic gameplay boils down to an advanced round of hot-potato that is really satisfying in execution; you pass the ball between the members of your team to build up a "charge" that gives it a higher chance of scoring when shot at the AI controlled goalie. There are also a number of trickshots you can do, due to either shoddy or brilliant programming. I'm not sure which.

You get a team of four players, one captain as a major character from the various mario games, and three sidekicks as lesser denizens of the mushroom kingdom (Toad, Hammer Bros., Shyguy, etc.). When in posession of the ball, each character is able to do a special move by using the tackle button, and these range from incredibly useful (teleportation, flipping over enemy players) to complete wastes of effort. Captains have several different feats at their disposal; the normal deke, a character-specific item, and the megastrike. A megastrike happens when a captain charges up a ball long enough for a Tiger Woods PGA Tour esque shot meter to appear, which can yeild up to 6 shots on a goal at incredibly high speeds. This feature is virtually useless after a while, since if they don't take you down when you're charging or fiddling with the meter, most people are good enough to block anything you can throw at them. Sometimes MAGIC happens, though, and you'll score just enough to get out of an embarrasing defeat. So yes, it's a good thing to use when you can.

There's a lot of strategy in team choice and placement, and all of the captains are incredibly well balanced. Picking who to play really only boils down to which character you like, rather than which character is the best.

The online play is great, aside from a bullshit matchmaking system that guarentees new players are completely alienated until they get good enough in the single player mode, and gives you the choice of solo play against someone else or bringing a buddy in for a 2 on 2 match.

Wii functionality is kept to a minimum; you really only have to use the wiimote when you want to tackle someone else, done by being in the general area of the person you want to ruin and shaking the remote, or when you want to block a megastrike, which plays out like a lightgun style minigame; markers representing the shots made appear on the screen at three different speeds, depending on how well your opponent did in the strike meter, and all you have to do is point the remote appropriately and press A to block. Simple, but not always easy. When in co-op play, the choice for who blocks is random, and since there are multiple goals to be scored this is a big fucking deal.

Also, if the above summary seems like a lot of shit to remember, imagine having to do all of it at the speed of goddamn sound and you'll have a good idea of how overwhelming the game can be for new players.

tl;dr The game is incredibly fun, deep, and difficult.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 11th, 2008 08:04 PM

It kind of sounds like Megaman soccer. I wouldn't recommend playing it now though. 10 years ago it was a lot of fun. I might go rent Strikers on sunday though to check it out.

Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2008 08:58 PM

I downloaded Megaman Soccer out of curiosity and couldn't even figure out how to move with the ball :<

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 11th, 2008 09:08 PM


Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2008 09:10 PM

I don't know, my Flashman guy wouldn't move, so I just ended up passing it all over the place

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 11th, 2008 10:05 PM

That's no good. Does it look pretty dated? Nostalgia is funny sometimes.

Schimid Jul 11th, 2008 10:25 PM

I loved Megaman Soccer :|

Chojin and I are the probably best team online in Strikers (we now have SIX doubles-specific tricks :D ). I used to be at least in the top 20 of North American players. I played too much Brawl and I'm on a three-series losing streak against people that matter, but still average around a 10:1 ratio on ranked.

On the plus side, I beat Psycofoot a few nights ago and he's 240 - 2 on ranked. :D

GW, you should play again with us sometime. It's cool that you're playing the game like a giant round of keep-away now, it's essentially what I do too. Gimme your FC. :O

We still hate boo-dekers by the way, and there are no good players in doubles that aren't complete assholes.

Still play as Daisy, you louse? What's your team?

EDIT - Also, the characters aren't balanced. Not even close. Boo is by far the best sidekick in the game, DK can perform olympian feats of athleticism and while some captains can theoretically make a goal with their special, Daisy's is by far the easiest.

Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2008 10:31 PM

Yes, and I've also got some skill as Wario. I love all his victory dances :<


I'm really still not that great at the game; I only got on the top 10 yesterday because I couldn't stop playing the fucking thing. I think I had around 80 games, 35 of them wins, 45 losses. I usually do way worse than that, with an average of 2 defeats for every victory.

Schimid Jul 11th, 2008 10:43 PM

It's cool that you can appreciate it even if you're not winning every single game. It's also real cool that you're picking up Wario too. Everyone I play online only picks Daisy, DK or Diddy. I think Wario makes more groundshots and Jr. makes more air, so just work on charging on the ground and you'll be golden. You're more open for that half-court chip though, so stay sharp :O

I'll give you my FC when I get home, still on vacation till tomorrow night.

Guitar Woman Jul 11th, 2008 10:48 PM

Everyone online picks DK and nothing but Boos for sidekicks and I hate the shit out of it :<

I just really like Daisy, I'm not playing her because of the Crystal Smash goal or other secrets yet to be discovered. It is useful, though!

Also, part of my problem might be that I never modify my shots or passes to go through the air; I do everything on the ground because most of the time I've forgotten air stuff even exists. I tried Jr. as a second for a while and was horrible, that could be why.

EDIT: And ok, yeah, A few captains have unfair advantages and Boo is just plain STUPID. DK players are usually fagmosexuals, but the only captain who actually really bothers me is Petey. FUCK Petey.

What I meant by "balanced" was that it's possible to become good with any captain in the game, provided you use the right strategy. A few games against yesterday's Striker of the Day I had about half an hour ago made me think that I'm even better with Wario than with Daisy, which is a little retarded since I've played as him for like 2 games :<

Mabye my keep-away tactics just work better with a heavy captain?

Also, while it is ridiculously easy to score with Daisy's special, I think that's balanced somewhat by the fact that I NEVER FUCKING GET THE GODDAMN THING. Seriously, there must be a 1 in 20 chance of getting Crystal Smash, and most of the time it's the exact opposite of what I need.

I'm generally just a really unlucky guy, though, so mabye it's me and nobody else that this happens to.

Guitar Woman Jul 12th, 2008 12:01 AM

Oh, Voltage, let me also mention that Strikers is home to wonderful moments such as THIS:

I search for an opponent in Ranked mode and am paired with someone who named his Mii "MADEUQUIT." I was prepared for him to be a complete douchebag, and I was right; 2 Boos, a Hammer Bros. and Waluigi as the captain. He caught me off guard the first game and did literally nothing but Boo Dekes while sailing around the field in haphazard patterns to confuse my tackling. Second game, I come back from a 2 point trail and beat him in sudden death with Daisy's Crystal Smash trick. Naturally, I made him watch all the replays.

Third game, he does the same as the last two, and gets two up on me with boo dekes. I respond with Hammer Bros. sinking it from half court and a Toad jump at the last second, which sends us into what I can only describe as the longest and most intense sudden death ever. We both must have made 5 fucking shots on the goal in the 2 or so minutes it lasted; we were frantically tackling the shit out of each other, trying and trying and trying to score. I got denied two Crystal Smash goals and a Toad jump, and he failed about 3 seperate Boo dekes and a Hammer Bros. skillshot. My heart was RACING. Finally, I pass my ball to Boo so I can set up Hammer Bros. and realize that I've got a completely clear line to the goalie. I glide over and effortlessly deke the ball in.

He disconnected. :>

Phoenix Gamma Jul 12th, 2008 12:51 AM

I fucking hate WiFi just because disconnecting assholes can really damper your fun. 'Specially in Brawl, where you can't have less than 4 people in random play.

I'm glad Mario Kart Wii did it well enough so that I know Nintendo isn't TOTALLY clueless about online play. Now if only there was a little more balance with items. Then I'd be assed to log on once in awhile.

Guitar Woman Jul 12th, 2008 01:00 AM

You can have 3 people in Random play in Brawl, but not 2. Which was a shame for the millisecond it stopped lagging enough for me to connect to a few people, since I came across some really skilled players and wanted to TEST MY MIGHT against them without the interference of bots. Anyway, when they disconnect, they're supposed to be immediately replaced by bots so the game flow isn't broken.

Also, people who D/C in Strikers just make me laugh all over the place because of the hokey elevator music that plays and the idea of them being enraged enough to quit. Sure, I don't get a win on my counter or the +10 points I should have, but it's totally worth it.

Also, I still haven't played Mario Kart Wii for more than 5 minutes. Mabye when I finish my VICTORY GLASS of champaign I'll take you on.

Edit- Scratch that offer, I fucking hate this game.

Schimid Jul 12th, 2008 02:16 AM

Nice work. Chojin and I face tons and tons of those queers. The best part was making a person named DontQuit disconnect when we ran a seven point train on him with a repeated offence (we'd score, he'd get the ball, I'd attack his back Boo with Waluigi and chip the ball in, six times in a row) and after he realized what was going on, the fact that he actually responded left us befuddled and wide open for a Boo-deke. He got it.

Afterwards, I blocked for Chojin and he completed a Boo-deke, as is our custom for those assholes. We watched it, he left halfway through.

We've also found the most satisfying goal in the game. Mario is our secondary captain and if you do a Titan Chip with Mario or Luigi while they're big, it'll usually go in. The real fun starts when it doesn't, though--the goalie will sometimes grab the ball and the opponent realizes that he can't throw it up or down for fear of trampling. So instead they decide the best move is to clear it. Mario performs a heroic leap and dunks the ball into the net, completely clearing the goalie. It only hasn't gone in once, and when it didn't it just hit the top post, bouncing upward and making the goalie dive into his own goal for an easy completion.

Then you watch it.

Guitar Woman Jul 12th, 2008 11:51 PM

man, NOBODY plays doubles matches online :<

Also my sister is the worst fucking doubles partner ever and I'm never playing with her again




Zomboid Jul 13th, 2008 06:12 PM

Yup. You're still fucking dorks.

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 06:50 PM

oh my god zomboid you are right! this is a gaming forum and it's full of dorks!

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 07:07 PM

Zomboid knows he's not hardcore enough.

MetalMilitia Jul 13th, 2008 07:11 PM

Since when could guitar women edit her posts? >:

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 07:13 PM

Shh, you'll make me lose it again!

Zomboid Jul 13th, 2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 568058)
oh my god zomboid you are right! this is a gaming forum and it's full of dorks!

There's liking games, and then there's the disgusting level that schimid is at. I fucking swear, him and chojin dress up like mario and luigi and spoon.

I only read one of gw's posts up there, but I included him just to be safe. Also, fuck you.

HellBeast Jul 13th, 2008 08:19 PM

i love video games a shit load and if that make me a dork to then fine. thats just the label on ppl who love video games. ya know, like when men like bum sex they are labeled as fags, right zomboid?

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:20 PM

given your signature and everything else about you, i'll assume you own an xbox

if you are offended by what i am implying then you are no more of a dork than we are! :lol

edit: this is directed at zomboid not hellbeast

MetalMilitia Jul 13th, 2008 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by HellBeast (Post 568104)
i love video games a shit load and if that make me a dork to then fine. thats just the label on ppl who love video games. ya know, like when men like bum sex they are labeled as fags, right zomboid?

Wtfuck is this fag shit. >:

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:28 PM

:lol :middleschool

Zomboid Jul 13th, 2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by HellBeast (Post 568104)
i love video games a shit load and if that make me a dork to then fine. thats just the label on ppl who love video games. ya know, like when men like bum sex they are labeled as fags, right zomboid?

Yeah, that's the kind of witty retort I'd expect from a newfie. Keep on dishing out those Grade A insults, me buddy.

Cow- Yeah, I'm extremely offended. You really know where to hit me where it counts; my xbox ownership.

Nerds, look. I love video games too. I consider it my #1 pass time, but I think that when you go from enjoying a game to fucking in-depth discussion on stats, tactics, etc (especially in relatively simple games like mario soccer and smash bros, schimid), you're crossing that line into unadulterated faggotry.

edit: I forgot to mention, cow. I have a wii too, but I like to play games that don't suck, aren't aimed at kids, and have good online play. So you can see why I enjoy my 360 while my wii sits in the corner until I have a buddy over to play smash bros with. Or if I feel like playing something on the virtual console. PS - Fuck you wiiware.

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:39 PM


Zomboid Jul 13th, 2008 08:42 PM

I don't know what part of my post that refers to.

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 08:47 PM

Strikers is no way in hell simple

I couldn't even figure out how to score beyond spamming shots and hoping they went in until like 3 hours after I bought it :<

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 568119)
I don't know what part of my post that refers to.


Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 08:49 PM

Likewise Zomboid I like to play games that aren't generic shooters aimed at the frat brothers of Phi Beta Jackass which is why I haven't picked up a 360 yet

Zomboid Jul 13th, 2008 08:50 PM

The Pokémon phenomenon debuts on WiiWare with My Pokémon Ranch, a game that lets you watch as Pokémon and Miis interact with each other for the first time. Enjoy the relaxing ranch life by viewing your ranch and its Pokémon, taking pictures and sending those pictures to your friends via the Wii Message Board. The more Pokémon and Miis you bring to your ranch, the more fun it becomes.
My Pokémon Ranch can be linked with the Nintendo DS Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl Game Cards to deposit the Pokémon you’ve caught in these games in your ranch. You can deposit a maximum of 1,000 Pokémon from up to eight different game cards. Make your ranch livelier by playing with your friends and family.
Cost: 1,000

10 bucks to... do what? What do you do in this? Let your created people play with pokemon? Thank you nintendo, for another revolutionary step forward for the gaming industry.

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 08:52 PM

Mabye it's like Monster Rancher?

That game was pretty sweet.

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:54 PM

HI I'M SEVEN YEARS OLD AND I REALLY WISH I COULD PLAY AN INNOVATIVE GAME THAT TAKES "another revolutionary step forward for the gaming industry" GOD I WISH I HAD THAT

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 08:57 PM

So this promo pic for The Conduit has made me miss 90's PC shooters.

Guitar Woman Jul 13th, 2008 08:57 PM

You weren't even born in the 90's, Guitar Woman. :rolleyes

bigtimecow Jul 13th, 2008 08:58 PM

lol you said it not us :lol

MetalMilitia Jul 13th, 2008 08:59 PM


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