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Tadao Aug 25th, 2009 09:38 PM

It's a mild narcotic called Tramadol, I'll be off them real soon, but sports guys do it all the time, don't they?

Colonel Flagg Aug 25th, 2009 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 644069)
a mild narcotic called Tramadol

You're kidding, right?

Tadao Aug 25th, 2009 10:55 PM

What? That's what he called it.

Colonel Flagg Aug 25th, 2009 11:06 PM


Check the user reviews - it's apparently highly addictive. Structurally similar to Oxycodone.

Wiffles Aug 25th, 2009 11:11 PM

I wonder if it relaxes your muscles as good as cinnamon sticks ^.^

Tadao Aug 25th, 2009 11:12 PM

:lol, Unfortunately I fall under the class doesn't get high on it. Even Percacet doesn't give me a kick. I think I am one of the rare opiate resistant. Trramadol barely removes my pain, but thats ok as my Enbrel should be kicking in soon.

Cinnamon tenses my muscles and makes the pain worse.

Colonel Flagg Aug 25th, 2009 11:13 PM

Okee Dokee, you have more experience taking drugs than I, obviously. :lol

Wiffles Aug 25th, 2009 11:34 PM

Weird, normally cinnamon is a relaxant. But we're all different and react to things differently ^^

Tadao Aug 26th, 2009 12:05 AM

I get tense and paranoidish from it, didn't used to be that way :(

kahljorn Aug 26th, 2009 12:46 AM

all the meth must've made you backwards :O doing meth for long periods of time can supposedly change your brain's chemistry.

Tadao Aug 26th, 2009 12:53 AM

I've heard that, but I was like this before I did meth. I think it was all the acid I did as a teenager. Like over 300 times.

Wiffles Aug 26th, 2009 01:18 AM

acid @_@

Colonel Flagg Aug 26th, 2009 06:20 AM

In the course of taking on and adopting foster children born on drugs (and having a family member on chemo), I've searched the web for all things drug-related, and stumbled upon a heinous website that didn't just describe the effects of certain drug combinations, but gave tips on how to take them so you got the best high, did not O.D. (How would they know? Don't you have to die to get this info?), how to make your own, etc. I researched it extensively, keeping my gag reflex in check, since the mothers of two of my foster children were heavy drug users, during their pregnancy up to delivery. I was a little concerned about what someone might find if they checked my web-browsing history (your life is an open book when you're harboring wards of the state) but I felt I had a pretty ironclad reasoning for doing so - the social workers were hesitant to give me the information I needed, and when they did, it was usually incorrect. Not due to negligence or lack of knowledge, but I think they were afraid of giving too much away about the parents.

Maybe I'm woefully naïve, but I was flabbergasted that stuff like that existed on the internet, and was not shut down by some FBI dude.

kahljorn Aug 26th, 2009 08:17 AM


How would they know? Don't you have to die to get this info?
Someone might have but more than likely they've just taken a lot of drugs to the point that they felt like shit and realized it was a bit too much.

or maybe there's some unconscious statistical analysis going on there :O :O :O

they could've also read medical literature :(

Kitsa Aug 26th, 2009 08:47 AM

I had a pain management dr. who wrote me a Tramadol script when I was very obviously pregnant. Didn't go back to him again.

Dimnos Aug 26th, 2009 03:23 PM


In an effort to meet the challenge posed by the book How To Build A Dinosaur, Hans Larsson, the Canada Research Chair in Macroevolution at Montreal's McGill University, has claimed he will attempt to reverse-engineer a dinosaur from a chicken by altering chicken genes known to have evolved since the Cretaceous.

I love it. :lol

Colonel Flagg Aug 26th, 2009 09:26 PM

Thus answers the question "What did dinosaurs taste like?"

Where's Max?

Colonel Flagg Aug 26th, 2009 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 644159)
I had a pain management dr. who wrote me a Tramadol script when I was very obviously pregnant. Didn't go back to him again.

It seems like they'll let ANYONE practice medicine these days. >:

Colonel Flagg Sep 8th, 2009 12:04 PM

Great news on the stem cell front:


It's also nice to know the scientists involved have a sense of humor.


"We've been focused -- Dr. Wu's Lab and my lab -- on fat because there's just so much of it," said study co-author Dr. Michael Longaker, a plastic surgeon and stem cell biologist at Stanford. "Unfortunately, it's a great resource in America."


Although the average amount of fat removed for liposuction is 2 to 3 quarts, not much is required for stem cell research purposes -- less than half the volume of a can of Diet Coke, Longaker said.

Kitsa Sep 8th, 2009 12:37 PM

Imagine my surprise when I looked up the antibiotic my bf is on for his tooth abscess and found out it's a carcinogen.

Colonel Flagg Sep 8th, 2009 01:29 PM

Curing the disease, but killing the patient? :eek

Kitsa Sep 8th, 2009 01:39 PM

"Metronidazole has been shown to be carcinogenic in mice and rats. Unnecessary use of the drug should be avoided."

Dimnos Sep 8th, 2009 01:42 PM

What isnt a carcinogenic these days?

Colonel Flagg Sep 8th, 2009 01:45 PM

Nasty. Apparently nothing else touches the infection?

Kitsa Sep 8th, 2009 01:47 PM

Our dentist office's policy is to do simultaneous scripts for m-zole and penicillin for all abscesses. They figure that if one doesn't knock it out the other will.

I've never been prescribed m-zole myself, but then again I've got one hell of a cancer history.

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