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TheCoolinator Aug 17th, 2010 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 695502)
Have you read the board rules for sourcing? The ones that say not to simply post links with a vague description of the point you're trying to make so that the reader must slog through pages of soft science to try and come up with an argument for you?

The board rules are corrupt and selectively enforced against certain people who do not share the herd mentality. This is an accepted reality.


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 695502)
In large amounts. As those who care to argue with you have shown, however, it is beneficial in small amounts, not unlike countless other chemicals, including vitamins!


Sodium fluoride as state above, below, sideways, and front ways is a well know, well documented, and well understood poison which has NO and I mean NO medicinal value. It never had a medicinal value, it never will have a medicinal value, it was created as an insecticide and is still used as an insecticide. Its a synthetic by product of the aluminum and fertilizer industry and its health effects include bone cancer, neurological decay, organ failure, and infertility.



Sodium Fluoride

a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous solid, NaF, used chiefly in the fluoridation of water, as an insecticide, and as a rodenticide



Calcium fluoride

a white, crystalline compound, CaF 2 , insoluble in water, occurring in nature as the mineral fluorite: used as a flux in metallurgy and as a decay preventive in dentifrices.


Colonel Flagg Aug 17th, 2010 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695503)
The board rules are corrupt and selectively enforced against certain people who do not share the herd mentality. This is an accepted reality.

Funny how the vast majority of regular posters have no problems with the rules.



Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695503)

Look on the FRONT LABEL of yours, big guy. :lol2

RaNkeri Aug 17th, 2010 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 695505)
Look on the FRONT LABEL of yours, big guy. :lol2


Dr. Boogie Aug 17th, 2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695503)
The board rules are corrupt and selectively enforced against certain people who do not share the herd mentality. This is an accepted reality.

It is a rule system that thwarts your only method of argumentation, so you ignore it, just as you ignore evidence that debunks your arguments and sources.



Sodium fluoride as state above, below, sideways, and front ways is a well know, well documented, and well understood poison which has NO and I mean NO medicinal value. It never had a medicinal value, it never will have a medicinal value, it was created as an insecticide and is still used as an insecticide. Its a synthetic by product of the aluminum and fertilizer industry and its health effects include bone cancer, neurological decay, organ failure, and infertility.
Potassium is used in electrolysis and lethal injection, yet doctors recommend you consume a certain amount of it for the sake of nutrition, even though it can lead to renal failure in large amounts.

Why is that? Are doctors and scientists really out to poison as many people as they can? If so, why? Money, in the form of kickbacks from Big Potassium? If so, how could so many different people, so many different organizations, be directed towards such a diabolical goal? Surely they can't all be sharing in the profits. That would mean that each of the conspirators would be getting mere pennies for betraying the whole of society.

The same goes for your grand Sodium Fluoride theory. The reasoning behind it doesn't hold up. Your sources don't hold up. And when this is shown to you, you ignore it and post another junk science link with a variation on "no guys, it's good for you!"

The Leader Aug 17th, 2010 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695496)
I posted them before. Guess you didn't care to read them because it may conflict with your established paradigm.

Yes, I read those. You seem to think that everything you post is a scientific study, though. Usually it's just from that All Natural website. You're just too brainwashed to see it. :x

TheCoolinator Aug 17th, 2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 695505)
Look on the FRONT LABEL of yours, ig guy.

It doesn't matter what brand it is....all that matters is if its free of Sodium Fluoride.


Originally Posted by The Leader (Post 695511)
Yes, I read those. You seem to think that everything you post is a scientific study, though. Usually it's just from that All Natural website. You're just too brainwashed to see it.


Bhatnagar M, et al. (2002). Neurotoxicity of fluoride: neurodegeneration in hippocampus of female mice. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 40: 546-54. (See abstract)

Li Y, et al. (1994). [Effect of excessive fluoride intake on mental work capacity of children and a preliminary study of its mechanism] Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao. 25(2):188-91. (See abstract)

National Research Council. (2006). Neurotoxicity and Neurobehavioral Effects. In: Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. (See chapter)

Schettler T, et al. (2000). Known and suspected developmental neurotoxicants. pp. 90-92. In: In Harms Way - Toxic Threats to Child Development. Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility: Cambridge, MA. (See excerpt)

Azar HA, et al. (1961). Skeletal fluorosis due to chronic fluoride intoxication. Annals of Internal Medicine 55:193-200.

Paul V, et al. (1998). Effects of sodium fluoride on locomotor behavior and a few biochemical parameters in rats. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 6: 187–191. (See abstract)
Qin LS, Cui SY. (1990). The influence of drinking water fluoride on pupils IQ, as measured by Rui Wen's standards. Chinese Journal of the Control of Endemic Diseases 5:203-204.

These aren't scientific studies? O....K....:lol


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 695510)

The same goes for your grand Sodium Fluoride theory. The reasoning behind it doesn't hold up. Your sources don't hold up. And when this is shown to you, you ignore it and post another junk science link with a variation on "no guys, it's good for you!"

I'm just mocking people who think drinking and brushing their teeth with a well known rodenticide and insecticide is good for them. Isn't this I-Mockery?

But to counter your point, its very simple really, they don't want to pay the huge fees for the disposal of hazardous waste. So they solve pollution...with dilution ....and they feed it to the poor slobs all the while telling them that its "good" for them.

Its not a conspiracy...nor is it a very complicated. Its just business, and an added bonus is that it makes people morons and after a prolonged period of time very sick. So, its a win / win situation for them. They take themselves off the hook for paying haz-waste disposal fees, they make the people a bunch of easily manageable low grade morons who never question their reality, AND they create new customers for the medical industry. Its great. :lol

RaNkeri Aug 17th, 2010 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 695510)
Are doctors and scientists really out to poison as many people as they can?

Just wait untill I graduate, then I'll pay a visit to the states

with vengeance :conspiracy

TheCoolinator Aug 17th, 2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie
Are doctors and scientists really out to poison as many people as they can?
Certain doctors and scientists are given the conclusions before the experimentation even begins. They go where the funding is. We have to make our own decisions. If all the information points to something being harmful to you then it may just be harmful to you.

Look at those dictionary definitions again.

Colonel Flagg Aug 17th, 2010 02:59 PM

Certain weak-minded individuals hear bleating about a cause-du-jour, or find videos on YouTube or Google and begin parroting its rhetoric like it was the Gospel according to St. Matthew.

I prefer to do my own experimentation and follow my own path, using data that I've collected myself, thank you. You might try to do the same.

RaNkeri Aug 17th, 2010 03:04 PM

You could atleast read those researches, instead of just picking them out because you agree with the titles. :rolleyes

Every research was done by using water with excessive/elevated fluoride concentrations. None of us has claimed that fluoride wouldn't be harmful when taken excessively. :rolleyes

Also the studies lacked further detail and stated that further research is required. :rolleyes

Pentegarn Aug 17th, 2010 03:11 PM

You are so full of shit Coolie that manure gatherers want to slob your knob


Originally Posted by Coolie

Researchers are intensifying their scrutiny of fluoride, which is added to most public water systems in the U.S. Some recent studies suggest that overconsumption of fluoride can raise the risks of disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland.
A 2006 report by a committee of the National Research Council recommended that the federal government lower its current limit for fluoride in drinking water because of health risks to both children and adults.

Define overconsumption if you could.

Ranny at least mentions 5 grams, and what it would take to get there. You have said nada to that though. Why is that? Probably because it casts a harsh light on your weird agenda.

Speaking of...

Why the fuck are you crusading(badly I might add), on a comedy forum, against sodium fluoride? Could you show us on the doll where sodium fluoride touched you? More to the point, why after decades of drinking tap water and brushing my teeth with Colgate, to zero adverse effects, would I even bother doing anything your delusional ass says?


Originally Posted by The Colinateher
The board rules are corrupt and selectively enforced against certain people who do not share the herd mentality. This is an accepted reality

You spelled "Coolie is a whiny bitch who cries about rules when a debate doesn't go his way." wrong.


The above link says that yes, in large quantities it can be poisonous. But so can water in and of itself (water intoxication anyone?)


Originally Posted by coolbraincellsdiefirst
Calcium Fluoride = Good


Originally Posted by linked article above
Both calcium and magnesium form insoluble complexes with fluoride and are capable of significantly decreasing fluoride absorption when present in the same meal.

In other words, they decrease the fluoride absorption which decreases the dental benefit. Making your statement more like:

Calcium Fluoride = pointless in this discussion



Originally Posted by Pentegarn
But for the love of God, at least be consistent. If your stance is that it is to be avoided if it can ever be poisonous (as you seem to be arguing) then apply it to everything.

No water

No breathing

No pretty much anything

I see you have failed to listen to my advice. You have not been consistent. You are still posting, therefore you are still breathing.

Therefore, you sir, are a hypocrite

RaNkeri Aug 17th, 2010 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 695527)
I see you have failed to listen to my advice.

Well, he has received a lot of advices, guess he just forgot yours :lol

The Leader Aug 17th, 2010 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695514)
These aren't scientific studies? O....K....:lol

See, you can't even understand what I write. How are we supposed to trust... Oh wait, you don't really write anything yourself. Never mind.

kahljorn Aug 17th, 2010 06:10 PM

:lol, he thinks a bibliography is a scientific study.

Supafly345 Aug 17th, 2010 10:27 PM

Oh christ, he now has conspiracy theories about the forum. I think he knows he's totally crashed in blazing failure and has resorted to simple trolling.

But all he's doing is making everyone else feel smart in comparison by his easily debunkable bullshit. AND OUR EGOS ARE TOO BIG ALREADY.

Supafly345 Aug 17th, 2010 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 695524)
I prefer to do my own experimentation and follow my own path, using data that I've collected myself, thank you. You might try to do the same.


Pentegarn Aug 17th, 2010 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly345 (Post 695578)


Colonel Flagg Aug 18th, 2010 01:17 AM

^^^ That's one big cock. :eek

Dr. Boogie Aug 18th, 2010 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695514)
I'm just mocking people who think drinking and brushing their teeth with a well known rodenticide and insecticide is good for them. Isn't this I-Mockery?

They aren't. They're brushing their teeth with a product that includes minute amounts of a compound that is shown to help combat tooth decay, and is shown to be harmful only in large amounts. The fact that you have still failed to grasp this points to brain damage, possibly from that time you ate four tubes of toothpaste to show how an overdose can cause mental retardation.


But to counter your point, its very simple really, they don't want to pay the huge fees for the disposal of hazardous waste. So they solve pollution...with dilution ....and they feed it to the poor slobs all the while telling them that its "good" for them.

Its not a conspiracy...nor is it a very complicated.
You mentioned that I should double-check some definitions, yet you don't know what a conspiracy is. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you really do understand a conspiracy is an evil/illegal act that involves more than one person. If you truly believe that this is all the work of just one person, why not prank call them?

Anyway, I assume "they" refers to companies that produce Sodium Fluoride as waste.

Walk me through how they get it from their factories to the water supply. Let's just assume that everyone at that company, from the CEO who decides to put the waste in the water down to the truck drivers who have to transport the stuff, are diabolical enough to be in on the conspiracy to poison the water supply for profit.

How are they able to include so many outside people, including but not limited to, the scientists behind the research showing the substance to be beneficial in small amounts? How have they been able to penetrate so many different organizations? Why are these bodies, even governmental ones, willing to go along with it? It cannot be profit because there isn't enough to go around, and it can't be explained away with some half-hearted "people are sheep" line.

This is the big problem with conspiracy theorists like you: you come up with these simple theories for why these things happen, but you never take the time to think of all that would be necessary to facilitate them. All the resources that need to be used, all the people who need to be bribed/dealt with, etc.


If all the information points to something being harmful to you then it may just be harmful to you.
Indeed. Thankfully, all the information is pointing to the levels of sodium fluoride being good for your teeth. You've attempted to argue to the contrary, but have failed to provide any evidence to show that any amount of the substance, no matter how small, is bad for you.

Look, how about a compromise: there's a page on wikipedia about fluoride poisoning, and it begins with the line "In high concentrations..." Why don't you spend a week or so trying to get them to change to that to "In any amount or concentration..." so everyone will know the terrible truth? You're wasting your gift for debate here, Coolie! The world needs to know your information! Just hurl links at them until they relent! It doesn't matter what the links say!

Colonel Flagg Aug 18th, 2010 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 695535)
he thinks a bibliography is a scientific study.

It IS! There are lots of big words in the titles of those papers - many of which sound "sciencey" and shit. I'm sure he had to study lots and lots just to be able to Google them.

Zhukov Aug 18th, 2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 695596)

Anyway, I assume "they" refers to companies that produce Sodium Fluoride as waste.

I seem to recall going through this in the last Fluoride Wars, and not getting any sort of concrete statement.

Evil Robot Aug 18th, 2010 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695514)
The united states must burn for it's crime of supporting the zionist regime. I pledge my life to bring suffering to the infidels.

Among other things.....

kahljorn Aug 18th, 2010 03:15 AM


Can Fluoride Cause Harm?
As with other compounds, fluoride is safe and effective when used properly, but it can be hazardous at high doses. All water-fluoridation systems are checked daily to maintain safe fluoride levels. Parents should supervise the use of all fluoride products in the home.
Fluoride-supplement tablets should be stored safely away from young children. These supplements are taken each day in small quantities, ranging from 0.25 to 1 milligram per day based on the child's age and amount of fluoride in the water. Dentists limit the amount of tablets they prescribe at one time because the toxic dose of fluoride for a 2-year-old child weighing 22 pounds is 320 milligrams. To avoid any chance of overdose, do not stock up on fluoride tablets. If you have any questions regarding fluoride risks, talk to your dentist or physician.
Toxic fluoride doses are based on weight, and a toxic dose of fluoride for an 8-year-old child weighing 45 pounds is 655 milligrams. In comparison, an 8-ounce glass of water fluoridated to 1 part per million contains 0.25 milligrams of fluoride. Since these fluoride products are used in such small amounts, it is very difficult to receive toxic doses when using fluoride products at home.

Dimnos Aug 18th, 2010 10:26 AM

Because its better than anything currently being discussed in this thread.

Zhukov Aug 18th, 2010 10:55 AM


a toxic dose of fluoride for an 8-year-old child weighing 45 pounds is 655 milligrams. In comparison, an 8-ounce glass of water fluoridated to 1 part per million contains 0.25 milligrams of fluoride.
Yes, but that means an eight year old child only has to ingest 2620 glasses of water at once. Easily achievable on a hot day, I tell you what.

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