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Pentegarn Feb 5th, 2010 02:16 PM

Yeah the music clips throughout the game is a little too "Bells and Whistles" for a game that really needs no bells and whistles.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 5th, 2010 02:27 PM


THAT WEBSITE LINK "But it's bound to annoy die-hard fans of the comforting classic version, who might send it directly to jail come next fall."
:lol Awesome

__________________________________________________ ________________
I don't like how can't steal money from the till anymore because of ATM cards. I feel like completely cancels out house rules too. Like the california rule of landing on GO gets you $400 and of course free parking gets you the center loot.


OxBlood Feb 22nd, 2010 05:12 AM

So my PC refuses to work because of some bullshit Trojan, so I ordered some Boardgames.


Take THAT, digital entertainment.

Pentegarn Feb 22nd, 2010 07:38 AM

I want the skinny on that board game Ox, it looks interesting.

kahljorn Feb 22nd, 2010 03:59 PM


OxBlood Feb 23rd, 2010 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 673453)
I want the skinny on that board game Ox, it looks interesting.

Interesting...Itīs been a while since I failed to understand a sentence because of one word...hate to ask, but whatīs "skinny" supposed to mean in that sentence, it doesnīt make sense to me :confused:

Also, the the Picture of Runewars doesnīt work anymore...tsk...

Pentegarn Feb 23rd, 2010 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 673638)
Interesting...It´s been a while since I failed to understand a sentence because of one word...hate to ask, but what´s "skinny" supposed to mean in that sentence, it doesn´t make sense to me :confused:

Also, the the Picture of Runewars doesn´t work anymore...tsk...

Entirely my fault Ox, I forgot about the language barrier. I was using slang to be silly.

'Skinny' is a rarely used slang for 'information'. What I meant was, 'I would like the information on that game, it looks interesting.'

So let's hear your opinion on it.

OxBlood Feb 23rd, 2010 10:34 AM

Ah okay, another word to devoured by my language processing thingy in my brain *devoures*.

So which one you wanna know about? Both my pics up there seem to have dissappeared, I´ll just talk about both. Not that they´ve arrived yet but I read the manuals online, so I know what awaits me.

Dungeon Lords:

Basically it´s a themed worker-placement-game with a slight puzzle-feel to it.

You build up your dungeon over the couse of a year (you dig tunnels, earn gold, buy traps and monsters, place rooms, hire kobolds (is that written with a K in english? Hm.) and so forth. Every round, more and more heroes amass in town and when they´re brave enough (meaning when there´s 3 of them), they try to invade your dungeon and now it´s up to you to defend it with the stuff you set up before.

An interesting little detail is the...I don´t know what Vlaada named it in english...let´s just call it the evil-o-meter, since that´s exactly what it is, it tracks how evil your Dungeon Lord is. You can gain evilness by stealing food from the villagers (can happen if you come in second or third when it comes to gathering food) or stuff like that and if you get TOO evil...THE PALADIN APPROACHES!
That´s right, some goody-two-shoes sits around in his tent all year and once someone becomes evil enough he gets up and leads the other heroes against you. He´s basically a whole party of adventurers all by himself, he can cast spells, disarm traps, heal other adventurers...but if you can beat him, he scores you a lot of points and there´s only 2 of them in the game.

Apart from that you also have to deal with Dungeon-Taxes (the whole game has this Demon-Apprentice-feel to it and the Ministry of...Dungeons collects taxes from you while you are evaluated as a Dungeon Lord) and the payday for your Monsters. Feed and pay them, or they leave and talk badly about you (which makes you more evil).

The whole thing sounds like a lot of fun to me and I´m really excited to give that thing a spin once it arrives. Also worth mentioning is the absolutely awesome rulebook which does a really good job at explaining everything to you AND teaching you how to teach others with a battle-tutorial and some kind of quiz for different situations in the game. Really well done.

The second game, I´ll talk about is Runewars which my american companions on this board should know a lot more about than me, since it´s not out here in germany (so I´m just buying your version, HAR!)

How did FF-Games put it..."It´s an empire-building-game". I´d say thats about right. You take on the role of one of four races and struggle to expand and build your forces with the goal of conquering the dragon-runes. To do that you need ressources, troops, allies, tactics and so forth.
The game uses a modified modular-turn-mechanic. Every Round (represented by a season of the year), you get to play order-cards and if you played the order card with the lowest number this year, you get a special bonus (this makes it interesting to play orders in a specific...erm...order to reap the benefits of those bonusses but restricts you from using higher orders early...IF you want those bonusses).

So basically it´s building, conquering, defending of terrain (hexagon shaped, I love those) complete with plastic mountains that restrict movement and seas that can be crossed in winter (neat little detail).

In addition to that, you also have a Hero that can travel across the board and do quests for items or even dragon runes, but that mechanic is a lot simpler than it´s big Runebound-Cousin of course.

There´s a nice promotional video on youtube about Runewars if you´re interested in the game.

Well, that´s all that comes to my mind right now.

Pentegarn Feb 23rd, 2010 11:21 AM

I can still see the Runewars pic, that was the one I was wondering about. But the way you describe Dungeon Lords makes me want to try it out now. I may have to try it when I go the Origins Game Convention this year.

We spell Kobolds with a K in the states to answer your question.

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 23rd, 2010 11:33 AM

Dungeon Lords sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I want my own evil-o-meter.

Tadao Feb 23rd, 2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 673654)
Ah okay, another word to devoured by my language processing thingy in my brain *devoures*.

You can also say "What's the low down?"

executioneer Feb 23rd, 2010 03:51 PM

what's the haps, what's shakin'

dextire Feb 23rd, 2010 05:14 PM

Dungeon Lords sounds very much like the old PC game Dungeon Keeper.
I think I'll get it after I pick-up the Starcraft board game.

Pentegarn Feb 24th, 2010 12:23 AM

"A new door has been manufactured!"

Sam Feb 24th, 2010 02:27 AM

whas crackalackin

OxBlood Feb 24th, 2010 06:02 AM

Yeah, I know most of those slang-terms, but that skinny-thing was new to me.

I´d like to return the favor though, but I can´t think of any funny german things to say right now :D

Pentegarn Feb 24th, 2010 07:32 AM

One time my friend went to Germany and they gave him a warm beer (he said that kind of beer, whatever it was called, was served warm) and he spit it out and in German said, "this tastes like fox piss" because that was the only thing he could think of to express his displeasure in German. It made the Germans he was staying with laugh though.

OxBlood Feb 24th, 2010 08:42 AM

Fox piss...Fuchspisse. Rather creative :) I for one love to use language in creative ways, though I canīt do it very well in english...the words dont flow as fast as they do in german, but thatīs to be expected I guess. The thing that amuses us people the most about...letīs say amerincan people that speak german is the same thing YOU find amusing about us...the accent :D Anyway, where were we...board games, right...well, since my things are not yet available...which sucks...I donīt have much else to talk about right now... I guess I should visit the states again sometime...Iīve only been to New York and...honestly? I didnīt like it at all, but I guess thatīs just the city-hating part of me...that and it was Arschkalt (ass-cold, very common word over here)

Pentegarn Feb 24th, 2010 08:49 AM

A lot of Americans hate New York City so I get the sentiment :lol

But New York City is so different from most everywhere else in America. It's like a sardine can, crowded, smelly, and unpleasant

OxBlood Feb 24th, 2010 11:22 AM

Thatīs what I heard all the time too. "Ney York is nothing like the rest of the US", and why would it be, look at a person from Cologne and one from Frankfurt, even they differ in specific ways and those cities are just 200km apart... Now, if I imagine how different east, west and central parts of the US must be, all the nuances that are unique...living in a big country does have advantages :) But I guess it would be a little too big for my tastes...I mean I havenīt even seen all of MY country, I basically only know the western part which is...crowded you could say.

Grislygus Feb 24th, 2010 08:49 PM

New York is fantastic if you know people who live there (unless those people are preppies, have kids who are preppies, have friends who have kids that are preppies, or think that they're involved with the GLAMOROUS WORLD OF FASHION in any way)

also avoid artists, liberals, conservatives, rich people, poor people, and staunch vegetarians

OxBlood Feb 25th, 2010 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 673864)
New York is fantastic if you know people who live there (unless those people are preppies, have kids who are preppies, have friends who have kids that are preppies, or think that they're involved with the GLAMOROUS WORLD OF FASHION in any way)

also avoid artists, liberals, conservatives, rich people, poor people, and staunch vegetarians

So...that means, basically you hang out with democratic, unartistic, normal-earning meat eaters? Sounds good to me :) And hooray for me, I even know what preppies are :) Okay, anyone whoīs watched a movie about highschool and college knows I suppose...

Pentegarn Feb 25th, 2010 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 673864)
also avoid artists, liberals, conservatives, rich people, poor people, and staunch vegetarians


so in essence, avoid most of New York :lol

Tadao Feb 25th, 2010 12:37 PM

All of San Francisco :lol

10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 25th, 2010 12:54 PM

I still think we need to have bugs bunny saw New York City off the map and maybe give it to New Jersey.

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