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Guitar Woman Jul 4th, 2010 06:13 PM

Ok, math, now you're just pulling shit out of your ass.

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2010 06:44 PM

You don't know how to do that?

Guitar Woman Jul 4th, 2010 07:01 PM

I do, it's just that this senseless roundabout way of solving equations is completely retarded and worthless and a waste of time

Esuohlim Jul 4th, 2010 07:06 PM

will i be paid for this >:

Guitar Woman Jul 4th, 2010 07:10 PM

no, because I clicked "help me solve this" which you can do an infinite number of times but it changes the equation slightly every time so you have to work the answer out for yourself

I need more amphetamines

Kitsa Jul 4th, 2010 07:16 PM

that looks very familiar, your school must use the same program Mr Kitsa's did.

Guitar Woman Jul 4th, 2010 07:17 PM

MyMathLab or CourseCompass I dunno

Kitsa Jul 4th, 2010 07:22 PM

I think it was MathLab.

Babs Jul 4th, 2010 07:24 PM

The majority of online courses look like that.

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2010 07:51 PM

My course did and I failed because it's an abysmal shit pile of a program.

Otto Jul 4th, 2010 08:08 PM

Ugh, motherfucking Course Compass.

Multiple answer equations were the worst. If you got one answer wrong you had to answer all of the other parts before you could redo it.

Grislygus Jul 4th, 2010 08:26 PM

i didn't even know that i pulled my phone out last night, let alone that i posted. great. according to my 'sent' cache, my friends recieved a long line of incoherent texts

so i've become the drunk texter, the guy I hate.

Grislygus Jul 4th, 2010 08:27 PM

and that's mathlab, i've had to use it as well.

Fathom Zero Jul 4th, 2010 08:46 PM


MyMathLab. Yeah, they do other stuff, too, probably just as badly.

Otto Jul 4th, 2010 09:05 PM

They have another thing called "MyPoliSciLab" which I had to use for an American Government course. It was impossible to navigate and the "multimedia experiences" (which were pretty much just slideshows with quizzes attached) left out key information needed to answer questions.

But it did shows clips from the Colbert Report.

Colonel Flagg Jul 4th, 2010 11:38 PM

I don't know, it seemed kind of rational and reasonable to me.

Making you do the same thing with slightly different numbers over and over again is fairly standard for any math class. Math is mostly repetition and memorization up until calculus, and then it gets interesting. And difficult. :(

Esuohlim Jul 4th, 2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 691076)

I thought this said MyMethLab :(

I had a class called "Materials and Methods Laboratory" once and it was shortened officially as "Mat/Meth Lab" when referenced on other documents and transcripts. :( :(

Wiffles Jul 5th, 2010 08:51 AM

I hope Tadao wasnt the professor of the said lab ^.^;

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 09:00 AM

Hey wiffles bby how u doin

Wiffles Jul 5th, 2010 09:07 AM

Just average, I ate pizza and stuff. And watching documentaries about teh universe ^.^

And you my good sir?

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 09:41 AM

Listening to some Robert Palmer LPs on my new turntable. And eating hotdogs. :D

It's a pretty good morning so far.

Kitsa Jul 5th, 2010 09:44 AM

I've had a shitty one so far. I had a massive acrylic display cabinet that housed a collection of Japanese miniatures, but I guess my cat needed that shelf to get to the window >:

It's going to cost like $150 to replace it, and that's a conservative estimate. Like I have money!

Zhukov Jul 5th, 2010 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 691127)
Listening to some Robert Palmer LPs on my new turntable.

OMG what wheels of steel did you get?!?!!?

Kitsa, I take it the cat jumped on it and caused it to topple? What do you mean by japanese minatures, like, gundam or something?

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 09:52 AM

Fuck cats.

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 691129)
OMG what wheels of steel did you get?!?!!?

New to me. It belonged to my grandparents, including der speakers. As far as wheels of steel - yeah, these don't really qualify.

Propa-style turntables are on my list of things to get sooner or later, though. TECHNICS, MOTHAFUCKAH. Though, I kinda want a Roland 808.

Zhukov Jul 5th, 2010 10:03 AM

You can still cut on a gramaphone, son. Put your hand on the vinyl and scratch that shit up, use the volume control (either on the turntables, or speakers, whatever) as a cross fader. RUIN THOSE RECORDS TO FUCK.


Might as well might as well might as well m m m m m m m m might as well might as well m m m might as well face it face it face it might as well FF-FF-FF-FFFRESSSSHHHH it you're addicted to AAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Kitsa Jul 5th, 2010 10:07 AM

Shokugan. I have a massive gashapon/shokugan collection, mostly re-ment.

This is one "set" of rement bentos. I have this one in a model car case, which remains unharmed.

I had other things in a tall, locking acrylic display cabinet, similar to the ones on this page.


Zhukov Jul 5th, 2010 10:26 AM

Well, if it fell over it would have made an interesting mess :\

Kitsa Jul 5th, 2010 11:07 AM

That it did, I'm going to be picking miniatures out of various room-crevices for some time :(

Wiffles Jul 5th, 2010 11:30 AM

woah, thats pretty cool. and nerdy ^.^

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 12:47 PM


Tadao Jul 5th, 2010 01:07 PM


stevetothepast Jul 5th, 2010 08:24 PM

Does anybody here actually drink Budweiser? I really don't like it that much but it's always advertised as the "American beer".

Colonel Flagg Jul 5th, 2010 08:36 PM

I can't drink beer, it makes me unable to breathe. :allergies

Now Scotch, on the other hand ....

Kitsa Jul 5th, 2010 08:41 PM

wow, allergic to beer! I've never heard of that one. What component?

I was at a party the other day with a girl who said she was allergic to beef, pork, chicken and fish. And "other hormones". I mainly sat there and hoped I didn't sound like that.

Guitar Woman Jul 5th, 2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by stevetothepast (Post 691167)
Does anybody here actually drink Budweiser? I really don't like it that much but it's always advertised as the "American beer".

This'll probably get me a lot of shit-talking from beer snobs, but I prefer flavorless lagers like Budweiser, Busch, Pabst and Labatt because everything heavier tastes like bitter liquid shit. Cheap lager is more like drinking an alcoholic club soda. Ditto to malt liquor, which is my favorite kind of beer because it's basically lager with twice the alcohol content and half the price. I feel like a delinquent whenever I buy a 40, though.

Beer in general is a pain in the ass to drink, I've always been more of a 70+ proof kinda guy. I had a thing for a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale for a while, but even that wasn't very good. It was kinda like drinking honey that someone peed in.

Basically stereotypical American beer is mostly for people who just plain hate the way beer tastes. They've got a stigma of being a bunch of uncultured fuckers, but I think of them as preferring to not drink expensive shitwater. I fully sympathize.

Colonel Flagg Jul 5th, 2010 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 691172)
wow, allergic to beer! I've never heard of that one. What component?

I know, I sound like a nut, but I do have personal data to back it up.

I was a beer-hound in college and grad school, downing pitcher after pitcher of good, bad and indifferent stuff. My favorites, however, were the dark, hoppy ales and bitters (and Guinness, which defies classification). So, the first two times I went to Britain, that's primarily what I drank.

Then, in 2000 I went a third time to the UK, and picked up my habit of drinking the native bitters, although this time, we went to Wales and also explored the western part of England (where previously we had only stayed in and around London). By the time I hit Portsmouth, I was unable to sleep, being continually stuffed with what seemed like cement in my sinuses. The last three days of my vacation, I stayed away from the bitter and .... the cement went away.

Back in the states, I took to drinking my honey wheat ale again when the same GOD DAMNED THING HAPPENED. I was pissed. I paid a lot for that case. So, after giving all the good stuff away, I tried some "Miller Lite" figuring that even a beer wuss could handle that.

I was wrong. :tear

Happily, I discovered that the sensitivity did not extend to all grain beverages, as I could drink Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish and American whiskey with ease (and relish). So I'm guessing I developed a sensitivity toward hops - it is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Tadao Jul 5th, 2010 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 691173)
This'll probably get me a lot of shit-talking from beer snobs, but I prefer flavorless lagers like Budweiser, Busch, Pabst and Labatt because everything heavier tastes like bitter liquid shit. Cheap lager is more like drinking an alcoholic club soda. Ditto to malt liquor, which is my favorite kind of beer because it's basically lager with twice the alcohol content and half the price. I feel like a delinquent whenever I buy a 40, though.

Beer in general is a pain in the ass to drink, I've always been more of a 70+ proof kinda guy. I had a thing for a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale for a while, but even that wasn't very good. It was kinda like drinking honey that someone peed in.

Basically stereotypical American beer is mostly for people who just plain hate the way beer tastes. They've got a stigma of being a bunch of uncultured fuckers, but I think of them as preferring to not drink expensive shitwater. I fully sympathize.

Kinda interchangeable with you taste in music.

Fathom Zero Jul 5th, 2010 11:45 PM


Guitar Woman Jul 5th, 2010 11:55 PM

My taste in music is absolutely the best taste in music that anyone has ever had, and if you don't agree with that then you are an idiot and you love America.

Seven Force Jul 5th, 2010 11:58 PM

You love listening to dicks

Guitar Woman Jul 5th, 2010 11:59 PM

Jagger does kinda sound like a dehydrated cat, though

Esuohlim Jul 6th, 2010 12:50 AM

I've never heard of anyone so smug about their music preferences and at the same time only listens to bands the entire world has known about for decades and were and still are constantly on mainstream radio.

Esuohlim Jul 6th, 2010 12:53 AM

Rollings Stones? Ramones? :barf

Why not try a little PORTUGAL, THE MAN :smug

Kitsa Jul 6th, 2010 01:03 AM

tell me more about the last beatles album you listened to

MattJack Jul 6th, 2010 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 691211)
tell me more about the last beatles album you listened to

It suck*d

Esuohlim Jul 6th, 2010 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 691211)
tell me more about the last beatles album you listened to

Trying to like the Beatles was meant to be a mind-opening experiment, but it failed and I gave up on it. At least now I can say I hate them without being the hypocrite that never gave them a chance. Fuck the beatles.

And I see what you're trying to do here, Scully, but everything works better around here when we continue to ignore each other.

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 03:21 AM

That's the thing about music, see, things that nobody has ever heard of are generally that way because they suck

Like that one grunge band that came from Portland that made my eyes bleed, or about 99% of all music ever

If I were just listening to radio-songs by bands and proclaiming Jefferson Airplane the best group ever on the basis of White Rabbit you'd have a more correct arguement, but I at least try to listen to stuff other than the overplayed singles; if I hadn't done that I'd never have given a shit about Led Zeppelin, since all of their popular songs suck ten meters of dick

Also way to not be able to detect sarcasm, Milhouse, maybe you should just go

Esuohlim Jul 6th, 2010 04:13 AM

Well the "love America" part threw me for a loop, since I do think it's gay to love America :(

Plus I refused to take it as sarcasm because being self-deprecating about your taste in music is something I do and I don't want to have anything in common with you >:

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 06:03 AM


I do think it's gay to love America
Guess what else we've got in common, chief

Also, is Ween basically done or are they going to make a new album ever

Kitsa Jul 6th, 2010 09:07 AM



10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 6th, 2010 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by stevetothepast (Post 691167)
Does anybody here actually drink Budweiser? I really don't like it that much but it's always advertised as the "American beer".

My friend used to always get on my case for not drinking Budweiser and not supporting america. I drink yuengling which is way better and has been around longer than budweiser. About a week after my friend was yelling at me anheuser-busch sold budweiser to the same company that makes heineken and stella artois.

Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2010 10:11 AM

Stella Artois is okay. :\

Zhukov Jul 6th, 2010 10:23 AM

I have drunk more Stella Artois than any other beer.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 6th, 2010 10:47 AM

I'm not a perticular fan of stella or heineken. My roommate buys them because he equates expensive price tag with beer that tastes good.

I've recently taken up to drink during softball games.

Colonel Flagg Jul 6th, 2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 691198)
My taste in music is absolutely the best taste in music that anyone has ever had, and if you don't agree with that then you are an idiot and you love America.

Spoken like a true Chad Kroeger fan. :\

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 12:13 PM

Schlitz is the best piss beer.

Go for the gusto.

Tadao Jul 6th, 2010 12:53 PM

I love how GW says that Bud tastes like beer. Your an idiot. The point of a pilsner is to remove the beer taste you little piece of shit. Stop talking. I DRINK FOLDGERS CAUSE I WANT THE REAL TASTE OF COFFEE.

Wiffles Jul 6th, 2010 01:32 PM

Colonel Flagg Jul 6th, 2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 691260)

:lol classic!

MarioRPG Jul 6th, 2010 03:33 PM

Schlitz is groooooosssss

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2010 04:13 PM

oh man, I hate that I'm always tempted to jump on the guitar-bashing bandwagon, it's just too damn easy

He's SEVENTEEN, guys, and going through a reverse-snob phase, if he hasn't been drinking beer for very long then he's not gonna like the taste yet

come on. "a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale". In a few years he'll be all about the hops and swear that Stone and Rogue are the greatest two things since water and sliced bread

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 6th, 2010 04:28 PM

I remember not being so pompous when I was 17.

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 04:31 PM

Why the hell does Google have Frida? Is it her fucking birthday or some shit?

Kitsa Jul 6th, 2010 04:55 PM

yep, she's 103 today.

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 04:59 PM

What a crone.

stevetothepast Jul 6th, 2010 05:33 PM

:wankFrida gives me a croner.

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 05:51 PM

Only in the movie with Salmas titties.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 6th, 2010 05:56 PM

Oh, I didn't know which Frida you meant until that. I thought you meant Frida Lay.


Tadao Jul 6th, 2010 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 691287)
oh man, I hate that I'm always tempted to jump on the guitar-bashing bandwagon, it's just too damn easy

He's SEVENTEEN, guys, and going through a reverse-snob phase, if he hasn't been drinking beer for very long then he's not gonna like the taste yet

come on. "a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale". In a few years he'll be all about the hops and swear that Stone and Rogue are the greatest two things since water and sliced bread

He can like whatever the fuck he wants, but when he goes on to say it's what real beer tastes like or My Chemical Romance is real music, he needs to be corrected swiftly and harshly or else he will never fit into his big boy pants.

kahljorn Jul 6th, 2010 07:07 PM


Tadao Jul 6th, 2010 07:09 PM

Who's that?

kahljorn Jul 6th, 2010 07:34 PM


Colonel Flagg Jul 6th, 2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 691287)
come on. "a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale". In a few years he'll be all about the hops and swear that Stone and Rogue are the greatest two things since water and sliced bread


You've got to hand it to them.

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 09:43 PM

there's pretty much no pleasing anyone with anything you think about anything

"I like something that's popular because I think it's good" "Oh man nobody's ever heard of that thing before, you're an individual man good going"

"I like something that nobody really knows about because I think it's good" "Oh man you think you're so alternative and cool god what a faggot"

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 09:48 PM


I'll never ever like beer, by the way, the only alcoholic beverage that's worse than it is probably sake, which tastes like gasoline made out of pears

being drunk kinda sucks anyway

Zhukov Jul 6th, 2010 10:29 PM

Yes, best to be completely shot on amphetamines.

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 11:22 PM

Now you're talkin'!

Seven Force Jul 6th, 2010 11:33 PM

that or prescription drugs

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2010 11:34 PM

Everything I do is a direct result of my body being saturated with dissociatives.

Also, I've been in my very own episode of Doctor Who twice, and they kicked ass.

Seven Force Jul 6th, 2010 11:44 PM

Never seen it

Dimnos Jul 6th, 2010 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 691331)
there's pretty much no pleasing anyone with anything you think about anything

"I like something that's popular because I think it's good" "Oh man nobody's ever heard of that thing before, you're an individual man good going"

"I like something that nobody really knows about because I think it's good" "Oh man you think you're so alternative and cool god what a faggot"

:lol Welcome to the world.

kahljorn Jul 6th, 2010 11:56 PM


this picture is a lot bigger than i thought :(

Seven Force Jul 7th, 2010 12:03 AM

talk about nauseating quality of existence

Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2010 10:01 AM

Tadao Jul 7th, 2010 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 691173)
This'll probably get me a lot of shit-talking from beer snobs, but I prefer flavorless lagers like Budweiser, Busch, Pabst and Labatt because everything heavier tastes like bitter liquid shit. Cheap lager is more like drinking an alcoholic club soda. Ditto to malt liquor, which is my favorite kind of beer because it's basically lager with twice the alcohol content and half the price. I feel like a delinquent whenever I buy a 40, though.

Beer in general is a pain in the ass to drink, I've always been more of a 70+ proof kinda guy. I had a thing for a microbrew called Dead Guy Ale for a while, but even that wasn't very good. It was kinda like drinking honey that someone peed in.

Basically stereotypical American beer is mostly for people who just plain hate the way beer tastes. They've got a stigma of being a bunch of uncultured fuckers, but I think of them as preferring to not drink expensive shitwater. I fully sympathize.

Perhaps you should reread what you wrote.

Seven Force Jul 7th, 2010 12:17 PM

I wouldn't

Tadao Jul 7th, 2010 12:22 PM

sup 7F

Seven Force Jul 7th, 2010 12:46 PM

Fuckin around, sup with you?

Tadao Jul 7th, 2010 01:59 PM

chillin' like a snowman

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 7th, 2010 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 691349)

this picture is a lot bigger than i thought :(

kahljorn Jul 7th, 2010 08:21 PM

:lol what the hell is up with that picture?

Otto Jul 7th, 2010 09:51 PM

Going to go get another tattoo this week. This time it's a small portrait of comic book artist Hideshi Hino.

Esuohlim Jul 7th, 2010 11:11 PM


Otto Jul 8th, 2010 02:32 AM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 8th, 2010 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 691434)
:lol what the hell is up with that picture?

If you go to yearbook.com you can make your own photo. I was tilting the pic of my face for it to match but tilted it the wrong way and decided to keep it.

Kitsa Jul 8th, 2010 04:15 PM

creepily enough, that looks like my dad's college yearbook pic.

does anyone know how to get a Sprint cellphone out of "emergency mode"? I had to dial 911 earlier and it put my phone in "emergency mode" and it won't shut off. I tried a hard shutdown and everything.

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2010 04:33 PM

I forget how, but it's made like that so that it can't be shut off in the event of an emergency. Call Sprint.

Dimnos Jul 8th, 2010 04:35 PM

It should be something in your options menu but I guess it could depend on what phone you have. What are you packing?

Some phones can be reset by pulling the battery.

Kitsa Jul 8th, 2010 04:42 PM

lg lotus. I finally got it to shut down, now waiting to see what it does...

...looks ok so far.

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