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bigtimecow Jul 27th, 2008 10:25 AM

last night i had a dream that me and some friends put together a body shape using cut up pieces of paper, and then caking the back of it with meatballs and shredded beef to hold it together

good thing i pulled an all nighter yesterday-today

the Platinum Poppy Jul 27th, 2008 01:01 PM

I've had lucid dreams since I was little (but of course I didn't know they were called "lucid dreams" back then)... I assumed everyone had them, but when talking about dreams with other people noone understood what I described. They thought I meant some kind of hybrid state between daydreaming and actual sleep... But when I have lucid dreams I'm always in a very deep sleep, have absolutely no sense of my body lying in bed. I just know on an intellectual level that this is the case, but I can't feel it; rather, if I lucid-dream I'm walking, it feels just like real-life walking, if I dream I touch something, it feels just like really touching something etc.
When I was still living with my parents I had one of those dreams. I thought I woke up and got ready for school, but then I noticed something or other wasn't right, and I eventually concluded that I wasn't awake after all, but was just having a lucid dream.
Then I became convinced that since I could so clearly feel that I was up and walking, I must be sleep-walking. So as an experiment I went to my desk, took a piece of paper and wrote "dream" on it.
Eventually I woke for real and went to the desk... but no paper with writing on it.
Later on other people have confirmed that I do just lie there like a normal dreamer when I have those dreams... so all the actions I perform are just in my head... but they feel as real as anything I do in waking life.

For a period of time, about a decade ago now, I was on quite a lot of psychofarmaka - neuroleptics and heavy tranquilizers. I would always have nightmares then, dreams like real horror movies, but even in sleep I was kind of drugged so nothing could scare me. I'd walk around among rotting zombies that wanted to kill me or whatever, and it would be lucid too (my undrugged lucid dreams are usually about very realistic stuff, but these were not). And I would think something like "Duh... I ought to be scared now... this is like a really scary horror movie... but I just can't be bothered to be scared...*sigh*".

When I had just started practicing for my driving license (pretty late, I was already thirty) I had weird dreams about this, not surprisingly since it was on my mind a lot. Once I dreamt that my sister, whom I was practicing with, had started to practice driving with my oldest dog too. He was gonna take a driving license as well. We had bought him his own car, and had it customized so that he could reach the pedals with his hind paws. Only it was hell trying to make him abide by the traffic laws, he'd drive like crazy. I clearly remember that the car we bought for him was a red Audi A3 from -95.

This is just a tiny sample though... I've had TONS of weird dreams during my life... and I usually remember them too.

LordSappington Jul 28th, 2008 12:16 AM

I wanna learn how to lucid dream. D:

liquidstatik Jul 28th, 2008 03:07 AM

I've been tryin to get into it for years, but I am so bad at keeping interest in things, that I've yet to do it. :x

the Platinum Poppy Jul 28th, 2008 09:25 AM

I have NO idea how one would go about LEARNING it... Perhaps it's just something that happens to some people and not to others, and that's all there is to it?

liquidstatik Jul 28th, 2008 12:28 PM


the forum sometimes has some good reads, but it's pretty lame outside of the dream-related threads.

Kitsa Jul 28th, 2008 05:15 PM

I had a dream last night that someone gave me a big bag of cocaine and I was trying to make it disappear. I tried to dissolve it in a big bowl of warm water and it wouldn't dissolve and I was freaked the fuck out.

I don't even know if cocaine dissolves in water. I've never touched the stuff.

the Platinum Poppy Jul 29th, 2008 10:41 AM

Okay Liquidstatik, that was interesting... apparently trying to get lucid dreams is like a hobby some people take up? I had no idea... I really thought it was something that just happened to you, or not.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 29th, 2008 12:52 PM

Had a dream where AOL went into the cloning business. Except they only knew how to make Smileys instead of actual human heads. So people would be wearing business suits, driving fancy cars but then have this :\ for a head.

dj bastard Jul 30th, 2008 08:29 PM

I dreamed achimp gayed me up with his love banana. For foreplay he begged me to hit his flaccid penis with a spade whilst he applied flea powder to a sickly puppy.

Chojin Jul 30th, 2008 11:20 PM

I used to read mail-in catalogues all the time as a kid, and the most expensive item in one was a $200 lucid dreaming kit, which included a sleep mask that supposedly detected REM sleep and then would pulse red LEDs at your eyes to put you into a lucid dreaming state.


liquidstatik Jul 31st, 2008 02:00 AM

I have a PDF on how to make one yourself. :eek

Kitsa Dec 31st, 2008 10:49 AM

I had a two-parter last night. The first involved my boyfriend digging up the backyard for something and suddenly my toilet and shower spewed dirty water. He and my dad fixed it by changing out the "sludge tank" on the water heater (???)

Then it changed into tv-show format and I was watching two teenagers on a platform. Some guy was speaking into a microphone and giving them medals, which they dropped into green army-canvas sacks they were holding. A voiceover explained that they did that because the medals were "heavy".

Then it was revealed that the teenagers were Ghandi and Osama bin Laden...supposedly before Osama went bad. They went around having all of these Dukes of Hazzard-style adventures.

Like once they got arrested, and told the officer they needed to go to the bathroom. For whatever reason, the officer let them go by themselves into a building and stayed in the squadcar. Of course the guys change into women's clothing and come right back out the front door, "Helloooooo, Officer." The officer doffs his cap and gives an aw-shucks grin, and Osama and Ghandi jump into a pick up truck and take off, yelling YEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

Last week I dreamed that I had to creep along a black metal roller coaster track that was suspended a foot above shark infested waters. I was able to disembark at my grandparents' house and thought I was safe, then a great white tunneled through the ground like Bugs Bunny and surfaced in my grandparents' living room.

WhiteRat Dec 31st, 2008 11:02 AM

2 years ago I had a really nasty falling out with my parents. A year passed by and I still haven't seen or even talked to my parents at all.

In my dream one day, I decide to surprise my parents by going home on leave unexpectedly. I walked into my dad's garage to see him working on his car. I tried to say hi to him but he ignored me.

I walked into the house and into the kitchen to find my mom doing the dishes. She turned around and gave me a blank stare. I smiled and said, "It's me, your son, WhiteRat." My mom turned back to the dishes as I repeated my greeting. After a few short moments she turned around, this time with tears streaming down her face and said, "Who?"

That's all I remember from the dream, but I felt so disturbed by it that a few days later I buried my ego and finally reconciled with my parents. I still vividly remember that dream to this day, even down to the clothes I was wearing in it.

Kitsa Dec 31st, 2008 11:07 AM

Harnessing the power of fucked-up dreams for good, wish I could do that.

Tadao Dec 31st, 2008 11:46 AM

Good Boy :tear

Big McLargehuge Jan 1st, 2009 09:53 AM

i have a recurring dream where i am going about daily business and my teeth start falling out, i spit them out and it is the most real feeling i have ever had in a dream i could feel the teeth rolling around in my mouth.

I also had a fever dream when i was a kid that was lucid. I was in my grandparents yard and i realized that if i tried hard enough i could fly. So i try and try but the farthest i can get off the ground is about 6 inches. So i gave up and put my head in my hands and start crying. When i looked up i realized that i was hundreds of feet in the air. at that moment i remembered that people can't fly so i realized that it was a dream, for some reason this put an unholy terror in me so i tried real hard to open my eyes. i felt like i was waking up but when i did i was laying on the roof of a house, i looked around and i was surronded by roofs, they were compleatly covering a hill with no space in between them and ladders to climb higher, the terror comes back and i start running over the roofs i run and run and then realize that i almost woke up when i tried to open my eyes so i try again and this time i wake up in my bed. i was so realeved that i had to run and tell my family about my ordeal, i get to the kitched and immediatly somthing is off, i look around and realize that the entire kitchen is backwards. just then my dad walks in and he looks slightly off i realize that he has three ears on either side of his head, i scream and run to my bed room to lie face down in my bed till i wake up. My dream-dad walks in and asks me what is wrong, i look at him and go to say "this isn't real, this is a dream" but everytime i get to the word dream i lose my voice like "this isn't real, this is a dreeeahhhhh" my dad looks at me for a few seconds and then says "well, wake up then" and i wake up immidiatly. Later my mom told me that i was screaming and my dad went into my room to see if i was all right and he couldn't wake me up and they were getting very worried.

Big McLargehuge Jan 1st, 2009 09:55 AM


Kitsa Jan 1st, 2009 11:24 AM

I had a dream last night that I was standing at the top of a long, steep staircase. And close behind me, almost close enough to make me lose my balance and fall backwards, was another identical long, steep staircase. On either one, the handrail didn't start till like halfway down, so I was just trying to balance between them. It looked like I was going to fall either way.

Then suddenly I was either in Vegas or Atlantic City (had elements of both). There was this crowded, county-fair atmosphere where they were trying to entice people into ridiculous games of chance. One was a kiddie pool with a round piece of plexiglass over the top. It was filled with thick rubbery plastic chips. You paid and reached in for a chip and it was supposed to have the symbol on it of whatever you would be arrested for someday. Like, I could see pictures of pot leaves printed on some. So I paid and reached in, thinking "Ha ha, I've never been arrested, I'll show them" and I pull out a chip with a picture of a lobster on it. I say, "What the hell? A lobster? How can I get arrested for lobster?"

So I'm all pissed and I walk away, and this woman is following me. She looks like Tony's sister from the Sopranos. She's watching the front pocket of my hoodie and I realize that she saw me pull money out of it to pay the lobster-chip guy. She tries to tackle me and reach into the pocket and I somehow beat the everloving hell out of her.

The rest of the dream was short, tv-like clips of bad stuff happening in this Vegaslike environment. Hugh Hefner's old girlfriends were staying at the Luxor (that big glass pyramid one) and Bridget's cat got out the window. It was jumping around and they were trying to coax it back. At one point it jumped within reach, and just as they reached for it, it jumped away from them again and slid to its death. The screen froze and something stupid like HASTA LA VISTA #2 appeared in yellow 80s font in the corner.

I have no idea what brings these on, although the stair thing was probably just my gimp-anxiety (forced into a dangerous situation, with safety out of reach).

ZeldaQueen Jan 1st, 2009 01:19 PM

I've had some weird dreams, usually because I had a habit of eating right before I went to bed. I haven't been doing that lately so I haven't been having many dreams lately.

One of my odder ones that I remember was one where I was a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. For some reason, the Fellowship thought that the One Ring could be destroyed by throwing it into any fire, so they found a camping fireplace in my attic with a fire burning in it and decided to toss the Ring into there. Just before they threw it in, I suddenly remembered that there were too movies left to go (it was like we were in the movie) and so the Ring couldn't be destroyed now, or what would we do in the next two movies? Just after I thought that, they discovered that the Ring could only be destoryed in the fires of Mordor, so we all got up to go there. And that's where my dream ended.

Fathom Zero Jan 1st, 2009 02:01 PM

I don't know if this is already in the thread, but this is the one I remember with great vividity.

I was just completely pissed at someone for something or another. I just remember I had to get away. I took my bike out into the night. The moon was incredibly bright and made the clouds a light orange color, kinda like a lightning strike does, only it was constantly this way. I'm crying, but it's hard to distinguish the tears from the fat droplets of water now pouring from the sky. It's very hot, but I just keep going away. As I'm rolling across an overpass, the highbeams of a pickup cut onto me. I move as far over to the left as I can, because I thought it was safe. The fucker sideswipes me and sends me over the k-rail. The fall didn't kill me, being only about a fifteen foot fall, but the semi coming did.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2009 09:02 PM

I hate having "win the lottery" dream.

***Kind of off topic but I don't want to start a sleep walkers thread.***

I've beaten Legend of Zelda: A link to the past in my sleep when I was younger. I woke up with the credits scrolling and my little brother was cheering me on. My brother and I did not get along whatsoever at this point in me life. He told me he was watching me play and I beat Gannon. I told him I just woke up because otherwise you would not be sitting next to me without a face punched in.

About six years ago I fell asleep while playing Xenosaga: Episode I while fighting an optional boss. I remember having 25% of her health down and I had already been fighting her for 40 minutes. I woke up the next morning with the "Battle won" screen on.

LordSappington Jan 2nd, 2009 10:25 PM

I keep having these dreams where I'm hanging out at the shooting range I made in the woods, except I'm getting pissed because all of a sudden, it's too overcast and foggy to see my targets (all of them are 50 yards or further).
Pretty soon, I give up and just chilling there, listening to the radio and eating my lunch, when I keep seeing these weird shapes moving in the fog.
I keep waking up right before I can get a good look at them, though. I think I've been playing too much Dead Space.
On a side note, I once got completely prepared for school in my sleep, at three in the morning. Then I woke myself up when I stepped into the scalding hot shower.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2009 10:42 PM

I've woken up in the shower before. It's a great feeling because I'm already in the shower and got an extra 10 minutes of sleep.

Kitsa Jan 3rd, 2009 12:01 AM

I still say those dreams where you need to go to the bathroom and dream you're waking up and doing something about it are the worst.

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