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theapportioner Feb 9th, 2003 09:44 PM


You haven't read it but you are keen to make judgements against it anyway. Fantastic!
A quick google search points to hundreds of rebuttals. Make that a validated judgment.

Paleontology is not my specialty (nor yours, I assume), but it's amazing how the same few tired criticisms stay around in creationist circles. It's like these people can never learn. The absence of transitional fossils in so-called higher organisms is explained nicely by Stephen Jay Gould's theory of punctuated equilibria, which is a modification of classical evolutionary theory.

KevinTheOmnivore Feb 9th, 2003 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Helm
Okay I'll relax. Your analogy was off hawever. Hitler and his work was the glorification of fascism, it was fascism done 'right' so to speak. Stalin's pogroms were the deprivation of communism. The difference is substantial.

Do you honestly think that genocide is a staple in the fascist ideology. Just like Stalin's communism, fascism merely has the potential to lead to oppression, murder, and genocide.


And I am not saying Lenin was a saint. I am saying he is a historically significant figure that stood for the red flag, and whose total historical input cannot be considered negative.
Fine, but much like we can't forget the holocaust when looking at the German flag, we likewise can't forget the fear, death, and persecution that came out of the Soviet regime. And Zero made a good point, the poor record didn't end with Stalin.


Anyway, I understand what you're saying, I just wish you wouldn't use such black & white examples, even when trying to make a point that's understandable by dumbfucks like Jerseylad.
Right, but the point I was making however was that the things that often offend people are highly subjective, and one man's evil can be another man's good. Hence my "black & white" example.

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