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YugiIsTheBomb Oct 16th, 2004 09:09 AM

YOU PEOPLE SUCK! Why are you promoting that drinking and driving is a good thing?!?! >: >: >: You'll change your views when you have a family member killed by a drunk driver!!!

Anonymous Oct 16th, 2004 09:24 AM

My family WAS killed by a drunk driver you insensitive prick! :tear

YugiIsTheBomb Oct 16th, 2004 10:39 AM

Then why are you encouraging this DDAAF crap?!!!

Anonymous Oct 16th, 2004 10:47 AM

Because they all watched Yugi-Oh, so they deserved it.

Supafly345 Oct 16th, 2004 11:00 AM

My dad has been hit 3 times in the course of my life by drunk drivers, and all he got was a minor permanent injury. Drunk driving is perfectly safe and never kills anyone except bad people like criminals and hispanics. I will not tolerate your slander of the fun-loving nature of these heroic partygoers.
Now see? You have gotten me all flustered, and I need to go take a nap. I suggest you change your attitude because "Thalt shalt not hinder the drinking of aged spirits whilst riding thine own wagon." is one of the most important commandments of the Bible, and God already hates you enough as it is.

Anonymous Oct 16th, 2004 11:11 AM

Hooray, we're mentioned on AFADD, guys!

~ October 14, 2004 ~
Special thanks to colorguardrulz, see Fan Art Page 2 for a cute new fan art! Due to a message board for making a sorry attempt at making fun of the AFADD for no reason, direct linking has been disabled.


Anonymous Oct 16th, 2004 11:13 AM

At least we're making progress, guys! Thanks to us, tons of anime fags are without their directly-linked AFADD 'badges'! The terrorists win!

Supafly345 Oct 16th, 2004 11:27 AM

Better make a copy of his site before he shuts it down completely then. Hurry! He could be reading this right this very seconed and is now racing to deactivate the site before you can make a referance copy!

Ninjavenom Oct 16th, 2004 11:36 AM

I was an anime fan at one point in my life but i got hit by a drunk driver roughly two years ago. It shattered my femur and my pelvis, and i gott all kinds of pointy, hot metal things jabbed into my body, including one of my lungs. During my long and agonizing recuperation, i realized that i had been wrong to like anime, and that i was only hurting the ones i loved. Now i live a happy, anime-free life, and i feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my crippled, limping body! THANKS DDAAF!

Helm Oct 16th, 2004 12:31 PM

My best friend died in a drunk driver car accident and I still think all this is hilarious. Just goes to show there's no bad taste limit in comedy, there's just touchy fucks that think they're actually defending the cute white robed ghosts that come out of people after their health bar drops to zero when they get all upset about humour.

Ricky Glue Oct 16th, 2004 12:51 PM

My friend Steve got hit 4 times by a car. he's ok and all...and to back it up, I don't think he watches anime.

DamnthatDavid Oct 16th, 2004 04:42 PM

I am... so hurt. This testimonial stuff is deep.

I have a younger sister. When she was about about 14 years of age, she was horribly mauled by a enraged owner of a local "Anime Cafe" for mispronoucing the title of some sort of popular Anime Movie.
My sister was then raped with a squid.
The police believe the owner was trying for a live action tenticale rape scene that he could wack off to.
He's in jail now... but the scars on my sister will remain all her life.

This is the horror of what Anime causes, and the pain it inflicts upon the innocent.

I joined the crusade against this.
I have taken up the Jack Daniels, and the keys to my car, and I am ready. Thank you DDAAF!

YugiIsTheBomb Oct 16th, 2004 04:54 PM

All the stories are touching (NOT!), but I have to admit, you all have no dignity or morals of any kind!!! Hopefully you'll die in your next drunk driving incident.

from Crystal Douglas

Anonymous Oct 16th, 2004 05:20 PM

Crystal Douglas? What the fuck kind of name is that?

-Topaz McDonald

YugiIsTheBomb Oct 16th, 2004 05:37 PM


DamnthatDavid Oct 16th, 2004 07:11 PM

wow, she is so mean. :(

Makes me sad, that in this world, their are people as mean and insensitive as she is.

adeptninja Oct 16th, 2004 07:42 PM

I hope we die by a drunk driver to. Better to be taken out by my own kind then you. When the revolution comes you wont be spared anime faggot

darkvare Oct 16th, 2004 07:44 PM

why we dont encourage senseless beating against anime fans :)

FartinMowler Oct 16th, 2004 07:56 PM

I like Anime :/ because it's something that Canadians don't make.

darkvare Oct 16th, 2004 07:58 PM

they do anime like animation like martyn mystery and totally spies well i think so. :/

FartinMowler Oct 16th, 2004 07:59 PM


Ricky Glue Oct 16th, 2004 09:46 PM

Crystal Douglas?!?! And I thought MY name was terrible!! LOLOL......bitch.

Big McLargehuge Oct 16th, 2004 10:01 PM

see, all this time i though ricky glue was a faggot, turns out he is just like us. you learn something new every day.

Big McLargehuge Oct 16th, 2004 10:04 PM

lol that post was a joke

YugiIsTheBomb Oct 16th, 2004 10:35 PM

Geez, why do you guys over exaggerate everything? My name is Crystal, so what! You never heard of anyone being called Crystal before?

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