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kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 12:44 PM

blasted child is trying to be funny?

it seems out of character

Colonel Flagg Dec 20th, 2010 12:45 PM

I guess what we need to do is block sites with sensitive information, and make it impossible for people to blog about, or post sensitive information, perhaps by hiring some computer gurus who are loyal to their government and who can either selectively apply DNS attacks on those sites, or delete them from the web entirely. Then they could trace the perpetrators, and either have them arrested, or detained .....

Oh wait, China already does this don't they.

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 12:50 PM

you know what else we should do is let torrent sites just do their thing cause ultimately torrents are just information and there is a freedom of information act

Dimnos Dec 20th, 2010 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by US Senator Chris Dodd on the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act
In many parts of the world, the freedom of the press is the last—or even the only—safeguard against the complete erosion of all other human rights. The horrific murder of Daniel Pearl that shocked the world also opened our eyes to the abuse and harassment that many journalists face, too often at the hands of government authorities. With this bill, we pay tribute to Daniel’s life and his work by shedding a bright light on this repression, and hope to prevent this sort of tragedy from ever happening again.


Originally Posted by US Congressmen Adam Schiff on the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act
We hope this legislation will help the United States work with other nations to better protect his colleagues serving on the frontlines in the fight for greater accountability and transparency. Freedom of expression cannot exist where journalists are not safe from persecution and attack. Our government must promote freedom of the press by putting on center stage those countries in which journalists are killed, imprisoned, kidnapped, threatened, or censored.


kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 01:15 PM


Our government must promote freedom of the press by putting on center stage those countries in which journalists are killed, imprisoned, kidnapped, threatened, or censored.
I guess since we don't kill, imprison, kidnap threaten or censor we're ok right??

seems more like they are using freedom of the press as an excuse to violate laws in other countries. Basically, isn't he saying he wants to use journalists as spies and we should support this cause its like passive-aggressive spying?

Dimnos Dec 20th, 2010 01:17 PM

Of course. ;)

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 01:19 PM

just another example of how these journalists are trying to undermine authority with their dangerous sedition and "transparency"

The Leader Dec 20th, 2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708295)
I guess since we don't kill, imprison, kidnap threaten or censor we're ok right??

What's funny is that we support many countries which do this 100%. Thanks for the oil, Saudi Arabia!

Dimnos Dec 20th, 2010 01:54 PM

American torture interrogation questioning includes threats to ship your ass off to aforementioned countries.

Tadao Dec 20th, 2010 02:16 PM

I'm still waiting for the information I requested from wikilinks. I guess they aren't for transparency at all, they only wave that flag when it benefits them.

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 03:14 PM

I'm disappointed in our government for trying to force our laws and traditions on other people. Is that in the spirit of freedom?? :lol

Blasted Child Dec 20th, 2010 03:36 PM

Here's today's pop quiz, kids

The Great Depression was caused by

1. Over-indebtedness and deflation, along with a growing housing bubble
2. Too much transparency

(A clue: There was very little transparency at this time, and normal people had to wait outside the stock exchange and wait for news through word of mouth. Most ordinary share holders were kept in the dark.)

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 03:38 PM

here's a clue: nobody actually knows what caused the great depression

Dimnos Dec 20th, 2010 03:40 PM

Everyone knows the great depression came about when transparency caused everyone to loose faith in the governments ability to safeguard their money which resulted in the closure of the FDIC. :rolleyes

Blasted Child Dec 20th, 2010 03:48 PM

Yeah, let's blame it on people's reactions, instead of what they are in fact reacting on

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 03:55 PM

yea everybody knows that the real cause of every depression and recession is PANIC as EVIDENCED by this picture:


I believe you yourself posted this compelling document which so accurately depicts every recessionary force. I BELIEVE THIS ARGUMENT IS NOW FINISHED

Pentegarn Dec 20th, 2010 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708298)
just another example of how these journalists are trying to undermine authority with their dangerous sedition and "transparency"

Don't worry, blasted child and Zhukov will come up with another convoluted spin on why this doesn't equate.

Ultimately, they will find they are in the un-silent minority, I have questioned dozens of people about this. To a man they all agree wikileaks is a destructive force, that full transparency is unrealistic, and that the only people who are for wikileaks are those who love to hate America

Earlier the founding fathers were quoted talking about the need for open governments. But the thing is that these things they said were said in a time when all you needed to defend your life and your property was a gun. It isn't that simple now. For example, the SSA is a government organization, if Zhukov and Blasted Child have their way, hundreds of millions of Social Security numbers will be considered public record because they are after all government documents. A gun can't defend you from an identity thief that then uses that posted information to steal your identity from halfway across the world. But hey, let's get all that government information out there we have a right to it right? :rolleyes

executioneer Dec 20th, 2010 05:12 PM

well the whole using a ssn to determine someone's identity is such a flawed and archaic system anyways
we should just switch to getting rfid chips embedded at birth, then the only way to steal someone's identity will be to chop off bits

Zhukov Dec 20th, 2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 708360)
Don't worry, blasted child and Zhukov will come up with another convoluted spin on why this doesn't equate.

How DOES it equate? You haven't manged to say why government transparency will lead to the collapse of free American society.


Ultimately, they will find they are in the un-silent minority, I have questioned dozens of people about this. To a man they all agree wikileaks is a destructive force, that full transparency is unrealistic, and that the only people who are for wikileaks are those who love to hate America
Ah, rats. Defeated by the 'everyone I've talked to agrees with me' argument. Damn! Gets me every time! If all the people that Pentegarn has questioned agree that (despite not even knowing about my existence) I hate America, it must be true. Damn!


Earlier the founding fathers were quoted talking about the need for open governments. But the thing is that these things they said were said in a time when all you needed to defend your life and your property was a gun. It isn't that simple now. For example, the SSA is a government organization, if Zhukov and Blasted Child have their way, hundreds of millions of Social Security numbers will be considered public record because they are after all government documents. A gun can't defend you from an identity thief that then uses that posted information to steal your identity from halfway across the world. But hey, let's get all that government information out there we have a right to it right? :rolleyes
A few pages ago you can find Blasted Child pointing out what kind of information SHOULD be considered confidential and private.

So, where is your proof that Julian Assange or Wikileaks are hacking into and stealing US military secrets?

What are the sensitive military secrets that Wikileaks has stolen, and why are they so dangerous if people know about them?

How does Wikileaks encourage other people to hack and steal information for them?

Tadao Dec 20th, 2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 708373)
A few pages ago you can find Blasted Child pointing out what kind of information SHOULD be considered confidential and private.

Wait, so the right kind of transparency is the kind in which Blasted Child gets to decide what the world can see and they they can't? That's not very transperent at all.

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 11:21 PM

apparently some levels of opaqueness are acceptable however it is to be determined by whomever is not someone you agree with

kahljorn Dec 20th, 2010 11:32 PM


What's funny is that we support many countries which do this 100%. Thanks for the oil, Saudi Arabia!
Isn't that, too, a part of freedom? ;)

Blasted Child Dec 21st, 2010 05:13 AM

Typical American Patriot: "Don't trust the government! We should protect and care for ourselves, that's why we should all get to carry guns!"
Me: "Yeah, that Bush character seems a bit shady."
TAP: "Don't bad-mouth our president! Stop hating America! If you're not with us you're against us!!"
Me: "Ok, ok, fine."
TAP: "Now that liberal hippie Obama is in charge! He can't be trusted! He's probably not even born in the US!!"
Me: "Well, since you can't seem to trust your government, I guess you should demand more transparency."
TAP: "Transparency??? We're doing just fine!! Stop hating America!"
Me: "Ok, ok, just saying that if there was more transparency, your leaders wouldn't get away with being corrupt and negligent and incompetent as easily."
TAP: "Shut up you fucking commie!!"
Me: "Aren't the nations you (wrongly) associate with communism characterised by their lack of governmental transparency?"
TAP: "I've talked to dozens of my colleagues over at the windshield repair shop, and they all agree with me, and they all agree you hate America!!"
Me: "Ok, you win."

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 05:22 AM

Blastedchild if youcan't take this conversation seriously maybe you should go find s message board with more teenagers.

The funny thing is that it was pretty widely known before bush even got into office that he was corrupt, and yet...

it was pretty widely known what bush's reasons for going to war were and yet...

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 05:29 AM

Like people even know the difference between "A growing housing bubble" and a "REAL GUUT DEAL ON MY HOUSE"


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