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timrpgland Apr 3rd, 2006 02:29 AM

Just got 100k today and hit level 25. Even with most mobs leveling with me, it doesn't seem to matter anymore. It's gotten easy again (maybe time to move the slider).

These magebane greaves I picked up the other day are pretty damn sweet.

EisigerBiskuit Apr 3rd, 2006 02:31 AM

For some reason I can't keep myself from going past level 6. I Just start another game.

Maybe I'll try to break that with a new class. I have no idea why the name Cock Thief came to mind, but it comes with Security and Illusion! :O

Chojin Apr 3rd, 2006 08:23 AM

So in Morrowind we had 4 classes of armor: Heavy, Medium, Light, And Unarmored. In Oblivion we have two: Heavy and Light.

Is it possible to get any benefit from not wearing armor at all in Oblivion? As in, do you get a dodging bonus like you did in Morrowind with unarmored, or a bonus to sneak or spellcraft? Or is it just what i think it is - none, but some unarmored clothing is enchanted?

And I would like some details on how vampirism works :< Feeding seems to neuter your powers, which doesn't seem like the way things should work.

Ninjavenom Apr 3rd, 2006 10:15 AM

Feeding nulls your powers but you get two distinct advantages from that - people won't completely hate you, so you can still buy things you need without charming, and the sun won't tear your ass a new one if you stay well fed. When you become a vampire and don't feed for 3 days, people fucking HATE you.

The advantage to not wearing armor is only available to spellcasters, whose spell effectiveness goes down according to what kind and how much armor they wear. Meaning that, for instance, if you had a 65% effectiveness, your fireball spell could hit a foe and do absolutely nothing. This makes an incentive for casters to wear their robes or just normal clothes. There are enchanted normal clothes, but you'll only see them if your character is more of a caster type. Almost all loot in the game is levelled towards your character and his/her stats. That's why if you're a light armor user, you won't find ebony as often as glass, and vice versa. That's also why most enchanted weapons you will find are either basic ones of the type you don't use, or fancy ones of the type you do use.

Zomboid Apr 3rd, 2006 12:29 PM

Did anyone else end up getting attacked by the unicorn and killed it, assuming there'd be another one but there really wasn't? :(

Archduke Tips Apr 3rd, 2006 04:56 PM

You killed the last unicorn? :(

I just got this game and it is awesome.
I haven't gotten to play it very much though. So far I found the arena and fought a few times. Then I ran around in the woods and got attacked by some wolves.

I have no idea what I am doing!! but its awesome.

Supafly345 Apr 3rd, 2006 07:18 PM

Yeah, the unicorn follows me around now and is considered my horse for some reason. Instead of killing the minotaurs that protect it I just hopped onto it and rode off, now whenever I quick travel he appears by my side. I lost my dark brotherhood horse though.

Ninjavenom Apr 3rd, 2006 08:19 PM

Mine died at an oblivion gate :(

Zomboid Apr 3rd, 2006 10:09 PM

Mine was my buddy too, then it attacked me and a guy ran out of his house to help me kill it so we kicked it's ass and I ripped it's horn off.

Right now I'm hunting vampires for some loser secret group in the imperial temple district.

executioneer Apr 4th, 2006 01:55 AM

what are you guys, some kind of giant red bull

timrpgland Apr 4th, 2006 10:59 AM

I killed the unicorn a while back and I'M GLAD I DID!!! TO DEATH WITH THE UNICORNS!

Zomboid Apr 4th, 2006 04:41 PM

Yeah, it was kinda useless. Looked awesome when I first saw it though. Shadowmere is much cooler though :O

the_dudefather Apr 4th, 2006 06:18 PM

im imagining something like this

Archduke Tips Apr 4th, 2006 10:57 PM

Today I started a bar fight. I stabbed some orc and the bar patrons all jumped the orc and then the guards came in and they all started brawling. Some angry chick came running down from one of the rooms upstairs and started fighting the guards, but got killed pretty quick and her corpse fell onto a table knocking lettuce and carrots all over the place.

I just watched the whole thing. It was hilarious. Does this sort of thing happen often?

Fathom Zero Apr 4th, 2006 11:06 PM

Damn, I didn't know that level of environmental interaction was possible in a game. You shoulda made a video of it.

executioneer Apr 5th, 2006 12:56 AM

hahaha i love jumping up on tables with stuff arranged all nice on them and knocking it all over the floor >:D jerk physics are awesome

Zomboid Apr 5th, 2006 02:53 AM

Yeah, I didn't even think of it till supafly mentioned it to me, but it's hilarious when ya take a big staff or broom or something and knock over all their nicely arranged merchandise.

Early on in the game, I saw a cat guy sneak up to a table, knock half the shit off and then calmy start eating.

Edit: And that fucking vampire that fathered the half orc arena champion guy (killed him too though >: ) made me a vampire and it sucks ass cause I can never find anyone sleeping to make my appearance less scary. I get fucking roasted outside during the day.

Chojin Apr 5th, 2006 07:09 AM

If you suck at security and can't get into an inn's private rooms to feed, your next best bet are homeless people. After that, the mages' and fighters' guild quarters.

Zomboid Apr 5th, 2006 09:50 AM

Yeah, I eventually remembered that I was a member of all the guilds and so I did feed a few times, but then I got sick of doing that every day so I went and got the cure :o

I got like 3 grand soul gems in the mystic shop in the imperial city, and then found all the other shit pretty easily.

timrpgland Apr 5th, 2006 11:01 AM

I became the Master of the Fighter's Guild last night and leveled up again. The helmet that Oreywn gives you is pretty killer but too bad it looks stupid. Now to finish the other guilds.

Ninjavenom Apr 5th, 2006 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by RussoNWM
Today I started a bar fight. I stabbed some orc and the bar patrons all jumped the orc and then the guards came in and they all started brawling. Some angry chick came running down from one of the rooms upstairs and started fighting the guards, but got killed pretty quick and her corpse fell onto a table knocking lettuce and carrots all over the place.

I just watched the whole thing. It was hilarious. Does this sort of thing happen often?

I saw two nords beat each other shitless in the bar, then run outside and get slaughtered by a guard. Try using your speechcraft to piss someone off into fighting you in a really crowded bar. Or chameleon yourself and hide out of sight, then summon a monster.

timrpgland Apr 5th, 2006 04:09 PM

I got annoyed the other day when trying to complete a random quest. Had to meet this orc character in a inn so I went over there only to have some homeless guy sneak up to where the orc was and start a fight. The orc started chasing down this bum outside of the inn so I followed. The guards went after the orc however and killed him, ending the quest. Didn't save for a while before that so said screw it and then later tryed rezzing him to find out that it didn't matter, the quest wouldn't complete no matter what. :(

I did manage to fix the other "vow that breaks" quest that was broken for me.

Zomboid Apr 5th, 2006 05:16 PM

Did you do that big quest in bramura or whatever it's called? The one the countess gives you? I did that and got a whole lot of good treasure on the way :O, plus it's pretty cool cause you go pretty far into the mountains.

Best ones so far though were the later dark brotherhood ones where you pick up your missions in weird places.

the_dudefather Apr 5th, 2006 08:21 PM

cant wait to start playing this again once i get back to my main pc :)

btw: is there any advantages to being a vampire, apart from looking sexy cool (or hidiously deformed depending on what movies you watch), heard there were sme depending on your class

Supafly345 Apr 5th, 2006 09:12 PM

Finally cured that goddamn vampirism. You get a healthey amount of gold, but now that I cured it once I can just go back to that wich every time I turn into one and get cured again whenever I want. Glad they never make you do that damn mission ever again.

My guy looked more dark, old, and dying before he turned into a vampire, even though I wasn't pale.

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