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Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 01:28 AM


Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 714678)
As per your request, this thread has been removed from the General Blabber forum and archived in Thread Backups.

Wait, did he seriously JUST bitch about that thread after five years? And the dipshit doesn't know the difference between slander and libel? And further believes that calling his avatar stupid on a forum is actually libelous?

And here I was, thinking all those people had disappeared from the internet.

Pub Lover Mar 9th, 2011 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 714726)
And the dipshit doesn't know the difference between slander and libel?

That is exactly what I picked up on too. :eek

Tadao Mar 9th, 2011 03:30 AM

I bet my googling "Pram Maven not very smart" every day wont help any.

Chojin Mar 9th, 2011 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 714736)
I bet my googling "Pram Maven not very smart" every day wont help any.

so far that thread is the #2 result for 'pram maven' too

Tadao Mar 9th, 2011 01:54 PM

It probably really blows that twice a day I google 'pram maven' and click on the 'pram maven not very smart' link.

Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 05:53 PM

We should officially inaugurate March as Pram Maven Month

Sort of like Black History Month, except it's for the stupids and other racial categories of Notsmart-Americans

Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 05:57 PM

With special consideration given to Weirdly Mediocre One-Man Extreme Metal Internet Bands, in a direct nod to Pram Maven

Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 714743)
Is there a reason why it was so popular? Based on the episodes i've seen, it was just a by-the-numbers, unoriginal sitcom with an annoying as hell kid actor. Not as bad as Reba or Titus or whatever, but still pretty lame.

One of my single greatest secret IRL shames is that I loved Titus :( :( :(

Tadao Mar 9th, 2011 06:07 PM

Hi stand up was great, his show was one long stand up routine, and that usually blows.

Grislygus Mar 9th, 2011 06:20 PM

The drunk bonfire story, and the doctor's visit aftermath, remains one of my favorite stand-up bits to this DAY

Fathom Zero Mar 9th, 2011 09:21 PM

Yeah, he's tops for me, as well. I dig that his energy is legit because he's crazy, not that it's forced like Dane Cook or some shit.

Babs Mar 10th, 2011 06:43 AM

Women are fucking pernicious, tantalizing, bewitching, iniquitous creatures that seemingly make all substance paltry yet ironically make that which is worthless appear to be more elegant than what it truly is.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 10th, 2011 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 714767)
One of my single greatest secret IRL shames is that I loved Titus :( :( :(


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 714769)
Hi stand up was great, his show was one long stand up routine, and that usually blows.

I liked the show a lot more than his stand up. Mainly for the go-betweens between Zack Ward and the father.

edit: They're making a sequel series right now.

MLE Mar 10th, 2011 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 714746)
It probably really blows that twice a day I google 'pram maven' and click on the 'pram maven not very smart' link.

I think we should all do this and try to get that as the number one result by the end of the month.

Chojin Mar 10th, 2011 01:06 PM

I was just going through my folder of archived text files and came across this. I think it was a PM or post I made in response to someone complaining about Mr. Adventure.


Originally Posted by 11/29/2006
Thank you for reporting this. We've been tracking Mr. Ernest Whittling (currently posting as mradventure, it would seem) for the better part of 4 years now. He always seems to come back under handles that begin with 'mr' and end with some sort of whimsical, childish noun. What I can tell you for now is to not panic, as he probably doesn't know where you live yet. This could, however, change if you reveal any additional personal information. Deleting your info was a good start, but I would suggest you maybe throw him a few 'red herrings' to get him on the wrong track.

Whittling was something of a B-celebrity serial killer in the early 1980s, with such famous cases as the 'Jonesboro Incident' and the cynically named 'Missing Chums Mystery' (the latter of which has since been adapted to book form). His signature style of keratotic dismemberment has been largely touted as one of the 'top 10 worst ways to go' (source: yahoo! internet life). As a message board, we are more or less defenseless to attacks such as the ones you have suffered, due to the anonymity the internet affords, and it's easy enough for internet criminals like Whittling to register multiple accounts in lieu of IP bans. Besides, there are certain advantages to letting these people further incriminate themselves - It all stacks up in their legal portfolio and they may even give away personally-identifible information, such as the information that was retrieved from your website.

But here's where you come in: If you could further exacerbate the situation, Whittling may accidentally reveal some of that information and we could put him away for good. I've already activated the post logger for all messages posted from both your and his accounts, so getting him to slip up just once would give us the window of opportunity we need.

Above all else, please remain calm as we work through this ordeal. Whittling has not made a confirmed kill since December 23rd, 1992, and there's no indication he will do so again in the near future.

executioneer Mar 10th, 2011 01:14 PM


Kitsa Mar 10th, 2011 01:24 PM

Nicely done, Chojin.

I've been having a bad couple of days. Yesterday I had to get my two front teeth crowned, and apparently redheads don't hold on to dental numbing for shit, so they had to keep numbing me over and over. Then it didn't bite right, so after 4 hours in the chair yesterday I had to go back in today. In trying to fix it, it broke, so I was there even longer. Then my kid was sick so we were in the ER all night with her. I've about had it. :blogpost

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 10th, 2011 01:57 PM

Anytime I hear about someone getting crowned I think of

Kitsa Mar 10th, 2011 01:59 PM

I think of broken image links too.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 10th, 2011 02:43 PM

Awwww :(

double edit: Should have been Oliver Platt from Ready To Rumble. >:

Pub Lover Mar 10th, 2011 06:14 PM

Pub Lover Mar 10th, 2011 06:14 PM

Robots are almost out of the uncanny valley. :eek

Tadao Mar 10th, 2011 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by MLE (Post 714820)
I think we should all do this and try to get that as the number one result by the end of the month.

My sig makes it easier. :eek

Tadao Mar 10th, 2011 07:23 PM

Grislygus Mar 10th, 2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 714296)
I really want to give Room a try, always seamed like a good reed. Just curious, how did they end up in Room, or is that part of the whole story's central plot?


subject has misspelled "read". Prognosis is grim

So Scott Hess, one of sickest painters alive right now, just lectured at my college and suffered through a barrage of retarded questions. Yours truly managed to save the day by walking up to him, asking if he ever "looked at Dorothea Tanning much", and when the answer was basically a polite version of "uh, yeah, I guess", shook his hand, said that I wished I had something, anything to say to him, and that I "liked his work" and "that's about it"... before walking away.


Tadao Mar 10th, 2011 09:44 PM

Chojin Mar 10th, 2011 11:24 PM

i'm pretty sure google doesn't rank pages by which link you click in their search

it's ranked by the # and significance of links to the page in question

so basically just link to that thread in your sig, that should give it lots of links

MLE Mar 11th, 2011 12:08 AM

I made my sig pic link to it :D EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS

Kitsa Mar 11th, 2011 12:27 AM

This week needs to be over with ASAP who's with me

All Hail Duke Mar 11th, 2011 12:34 AM


the whole spring season should piss off along with it

Kitsa Mar 11th, 2011 12:39 AM

I like the spring part but my area is currently under a "winter weather advisory", and there is now snow on the ground, and fuck that.

Tadao Mar 11th, 2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 714869)
i'm pretty sure google doesn't rank pages by which link you click in their search

it's ranked by the # and significance of links to the page in question

so basically just link to that thread in your sig, that should give it lots of links

Oh, I remember Colbert mentioning something about about a public official who was comparing gays to beastiality. So the gays made the guys name mean "lube mixed with cum that oozes out your butt after anal sex". He encouraged people to google that pesons name and then to follow up by clicking on the definition link, so I assumed that's how it works.

Tadao Mar 11th, 2011 12:47 AM

At any rate, I think Pram/mock is now number 1.

Grislygus Mar 11th, 2011 02:34 AM


Tad the dude you're thinking of is Rick Santorum. He's also the dude who dragged his family on a pedestal and had them start sobbing in front of tv cameras when he didn't get re-elected

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 11th, 2011 09:14 AM

Still need coffee. Thought it said


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 714879)

That would be fantastic.

Duck's Ass Mar 11th, 2011 10:15 AM


Fathom Zero Mar 11th, 2011 10:15 AM

Also, I remember how Ann Coulter got Rick Sanchez to trend along with "kiddie porn" which I laughed at.

People named "Rick" are douchebags.

Also, Ann Coulter is a fucking ghoul - don't think I endorse her in any way.

Colonel Flagg Mar 11th, 2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 714875)
Oh, I remember Colbert mentioning something about about a public official who was comparing gays to beastiality. So the gays made the guys name mean "lube mixed with cum that oozes out your butt after anal sex". He encouraged people to google that pesons name and then to follow up by clicking on the definition link, so I assumed that's how it works.


Esuohlim Mar 11th, 2011 01:15 PM

I want to bone Rachel Maddow so bad :(

Pentegarn Mar 11th, 2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by MLE (Post 714870)
I made my sig pic link to it :D EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS

I have no pic, but I did make my text all link to it.


Kitsa Mar 11th, 2011 06:47 PM

So I was in a thrift store today looking for a photography prop and what did I see but


Stains and all.

From the smell of the place, I'm guessing they weren't sanitized either. The insane thing was that the rack was marked 2/$1! Who the fuck would pay 50 cents for a pair of soiled underpants?

I did a swift u-turn out of there and went through an entire bottle of hand sanitizer thinking about it.

elx Mar 11th, 2011 09:18 PM

that's disgusting :( but I have witnessed very similar quality of practice in retail stores :(

I wish they wouldn't let people try on or return anything anywhere ever :(

Zhukov Mar 11th, 2011 10:15 PM

I'm pretty sure there are people out there that would pay quite handsomely for a pair of used dacks.

Where they for females or males?

Pub Lover Mar 11th, 2011 10:19 PM

Yay for Sagan. :eek

LordSappington Mar 12th, 2011 12:17 AM


Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2011 01:03 AM

eeew gross

Kitsa Mar 12th, 2011 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 714933)
I'm pretty sure there are people out there that would pay quite handsomely for a pair of used dacks.

Where they for females or males?

My mind has already repressed much, but I believe they were for both. I also remember a rack of sweat-stained and misshapen bras.

Colonel Flagg Mar 12th, 2011 06:34 AM

Makes me want to wrap myself in a neoprene suit. :(

elx Mar 12th, 2011 04:36 PM


executioneer Mar 12th, 2011 05:07 PM


Fathom Zero Mar 12th, 2011 05:37 PM

He's not, he sent out a facebook post to everyone saying he was alright.

elx Mar 12th, 2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 714976)

godzilla returned to his homeland of tokyo and ate him :( :tear

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 12th, 2011 05:57 PM

Oh man I hope not. Gabbygaga is going to have to come back and make a gif of him then.

elx Mar 12th, 2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 714977)
He's not, he sent out a facebook post to everyone saying he was alright.

that was just ultraman trying to deceive us! DONT YOU KNOW ANYTHING?!

Tadao Mar 12th, 2011 07:57 PM

Grislygus Mar 12th, 2011 08:19 PM


executioneer Mar 12th, 2011 08:42 PM

guys i made a facebook group for the pram maven is not very smart to add more google hits under an assumed name

i don't know if it matters if anyone joins or not

All Hail Duke Mar 12th, 2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 714983)


Tadao Mar 12th, 2011 10:15 PM

blame willie

executioneer Mar 12th, 2011 10:54 PM

i also made a myspace page to compete w/ his, and i made it an musician one because apparently that's what he's claiming to be there


Tadao Mar 13th, 2011 10:47 AM

I hope he weeps openly over this.

Legal action :rolleyes

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 714977)
He's not, he sent out a facebook post to everyone saying he was alright.

He survived the Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown, but how is he faring with the volcano erupting? :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 714941)
at least it's a phone i'm holding :eek

It isn't in my imagination. :(

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 03:04 PM

Nor is it in the NSFK edit I made to the picture. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 03:05 PM

Colon orgasm fasce. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 715019)
Nor is it in the NSFK edit I made to the picture. :eek

That, of course, stands for Not Safe For Kitsa. :eek

NSFK in action:

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 04:03 PM

I made myself half an hour late for work. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 04:03 PM

I do not know how to properly prioritize. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 04:04 PM

I think I spent that hour well though. :dunce

Pentegarn Mar 13th, 2011 06:19 PM

Another shameless plug for the i-mockery bracket bunch pick-em tourney because it is Selection Sunday


Kitsa Mar 13th, 2011 08:10 PM

It took you an hour to do that?!? :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 09:01 PM

It seriously did. I could've had it together in a few minutes, but I had the crazy idea I could make it not look terrible. An hour later I admitted defeat. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 13th, 2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Robot II (Post 715032)
Now theres a volcano. The only two disasters left in SimCity are the tornado and UFO attack.


Esuohlim Mar 14th, 2011 02:48 AM

Esuohlim Mar 14th, 2011 02:49 AM

Hey, that reminds me, my Location's said the same thing for like three straight years now :x

Tadao Mar 14th, 2011 03:40 AM

All Hail Duke Mar 14th, 2011 03:47 AM

Fathom Zero Mar 14th, 2011 07:44 AM

time to become awesome

Tadao Mar 14th, 2011 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by All Hail Duke (Post 715068)

Oh, I'm sorry person I know absolutely nothing about. Now that I know YOU are bothered by it I will stop it immediately.


LordSappington Mar 14th, 2011 01:59 PM


All Hail Duke Mar 14th, 2011 02:51 PM

calm down, son, i'm only half serious

Tadao Mar 14th, 2011 03:37 PM

That's good, cause I completely don't care.

Babs Mar 14th, 2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 715059)

this, right here

kahljorn Mar 14th, 2011 06:40 PM


whenever i don't understand something about a city I always refer to sim city. For example, a couple of weeks ago I went to ventura and was like, "WHAT ARE ALL tHESE TINY BOATS IN THIS PLACE?"
and then i was like, "OH ITS A MARINA!"

Also one time my girlfriend was asking why there's a water shortage problem when they can just turn sea water into fresh water and i was like, "IT COSTS A LOT AND CREATeS POLlution"

captain516 Mar 14th, 2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 715081)

Zhukov Mar 14th, 2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 715081)

That's great. Seriously, that put a smile on my constantly frowning face. Fuck that kid.

All Hail Duke Mar 14th, 2011 10:42 PM

funny, needed sound effects though to put it over the top

captain516 Mar 14th, 2011 10:55 PM

Aw hell no
fuck you imageshack

All Hail Duke Mar 14th, 2011 11:03 PM

what was the image?

Zhukov Mar 14th, 2011 11:17 PM

Gif of one child pile-driving another child's skull into concrete.

All Hail Duke Mar 15th, 2011 12:13 AM


Tadao Mar 15th, 2011 12:55 AM

LordSappington Mar 15th, 2011 02:30 AM

Tadao Mar 15th, 2011 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by MailCall (Post 715160)
One of these days, when I have a little more prestige on this Board, I will post my infamous "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" dream.

If you want it, you will never have it. Also you aren't funny enough. Try being wackier.

Pentegarn Mar 15th, 2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 715162)
If you want it, you will never have it. Also you aren't funny enough. Try being wackier.

Also, I believe I posted it for him in the dreams thread

Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 715185)
Who the fuck still calls someone a poser?

Who the fuck still calls someone a goon, Dickass? :eek

Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 715188)
Get over it, I do shit with my life...

I agree. What you do with your life is shit. :eek

Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 715204)
...hmmmm she obviously consulted here physician before hand, HENCE THE FUCKING VICODIN, A SCHEDULE II DRUG, and was therefore prescribed to here.

I would've over looked it if you'd only done it once, but is that intentional? I think I've seen you put 'here' instead of 'her' before. Is it a thing? :confused

Pub Lover Mar 15th, 2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 715176)
It's not NAIDS you uneducated faggot, it's NSAIDs.

Non-steroidal. The hyphen makes it a compound word so NAIDs would be a correct form. Do you says Naids when talking about them or do you say N.S.A.I.Ds? :eek

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