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Fathom Zero Jan 3rd, 2009 12:19 AM

Usually that's when I end up pissing myself because I can't distinguish.

Kitsa Jan 3rd, 2009 12:21 AM

I live in fear of doing that one day.

ZeldaQueen Jan 3rd, 2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 605607)
Usually that's when I end up pissing myself because I can't distinguish.

Never had those kinds of dreams, but I've had stomach ache dreams. Seriously. In my dreams, I have a horrid stomach ache and then when I wake up I have them. Nine times out of ten I wind up throwing up shortly after waking.

LordSappington Jan 3rd, 2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 605605)
I still say those dreams where you need to go to the bathroom and dream you're waking up and doing something about it are the worst.

Luckily I haven't had anything like that happen to me since third grade, and that stopped when I got taken off the 50 mg of concerta.

Tadao Jan 3rd, 2009 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by ZeldaQueen (Post 605609)
Never had those kinds of dreams, but I've had stomach ache dreams. Seriously. In my dreams, I have a horrid stomach ache and then when I wake up I have them. Nine times out of ten I wind up throwing up shortly after waking.

You should see a Dr. about that :(

LordSappington Jan 3rd, 2009 12:59 AM

It looks like that cat's going to prescribe some of Grandpa's cough medicine for his patient.

Tadao Jan 3rd, 2009 01:03 AM

Meowse MD knows best. But yeah, stomach aches and throwing up for no apparent reason should be looked at right away. Unless you enjoy that sort of thing.

LordSappington Jan 3rd, 2009 01:13 AM

Yeah, doesn't sound too great to me, either.

ZeldaQueen Jan 6th, 2009 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 605611)
You should see a Dr. about that :(

That bottle looks suspiciously like the stuff Alice drank to grow bigger in the 1999 version of Alice in Wonderland. On an off-topic note, Tadao I love the new bunny in your avatar! (I'm a sucker for cute animals :) )

Oh yes, I recently had a very odd dream, possibly because of the anahistamine I took for my cold before going to bed:

The dream had a couple of parts to it. The first part was that I was riding the train home from college and it was going across a hill overlooking a town. A friend of mine was walking down the hill as the train passed. She saw me and ran after the train, waving.

The second part was that I was somehow in the book Pippi Longstocking (don't ask) and was going to attend a wedding. I suddenly realized that I had no dress to wear to the wedding and tried to explain to the other people (who only spoke English as a second language) that the other times I went to weddings, I wore a skirt (I've never actually been to a wedding before)

The last part was that an online community I belong to was real and I was in it with everyone else. There was some kind of baseball tournament going on and there were sign-ups for it. The thing I wanted to sign up for though was a White Elephant event. The dream cut forward to the evening, when the White Elephant event was starting. I somehow had a beautiful ring with pearls on it in my hand, which I turned in as my White Elephant item. I was then told to pick an item. The room was filled with gorgeous satin boxes all decorated. I chose a box that was shaped like Aladdin's lamp. Inside it was a music box that was shaped like a teacup on a saucer. When it played, the teacup slowly spun around the rim of the saucer. The music box was white enamble with rubies and was so beautiful. I was worried by now because I was expected home and my parents didn't know where I was at. I found some friends that I came with and we got home by riding Clifford the Big Red Dog (I told you it was a weird dream)

LordSappington Jan 7th, 2009 12:20 AM

Whenever I take antihistamines, I always wake up in the middle of the night, freaked out, terribly shaken, and covered in a cold sweat, but I never know why. A few years ago, when it first happened, my mom came into the kitchen sitting on the bar stool with my knees tucked into my chest, freaking out because I didn't know why I was so freaked out.
So now I just tough my colds out.

ZeldaQueen Jan 7th, 2009 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 606380)
Whenever I take antihistamines, I always wake up in the middle of the night, freaked out, terribly shaken, and covered in a cold sweat, but I never know why. A few years ago, when it first happened, my mom came into the kitchen sitting on the bar stool with my knees tucked into my chest, freaking out because I didn't know why I was so freaked out.
So now I just tough my colds out.

Aw, that sucks. :(

LordSappington Jan 7th, 2009 11:59 PM

Yeah, these days I just get insomnia.

Kitsa Jan 8th, 2009 08:53 AM

A few nights ago, I dreamed that I went walking to an IGA (which, in my experience, was always a dirty little itsy-bitsy country grocery store, although I know there are bigger ones). I knew right where it was and everything.

So I go, and for whatever reason I'm not at all surprised to walk in and find it to be a small, dusty room. It's more like a dingy indoor flea market than a grocery store, and the perimeter of the room is ringed with people who are seated around dirty card tables, smoking and sneaking looks at me. I look around and find, to my dream-delight, a bunch of my most beloved 80s toys, mint in package.

So I gather as many as I can in my arms and take them to the ugly, surly-looking checkout lady. I reach in my pocket for money and find I have none. I'm about to ask her if she can hold the items until I can find my money, when I notice the pile is missing some things. I whip my head around and see some of the toys being hoarded on the card tables by people around the room. In the dream, I am absolutely sure that this is because they figured the toys were worth something and stole them from my pile.

I hand the toys to the checkout lady and run out the door, supposedly to get home and get my money. But when I go outside, everything has changed. The road I used to walk to the store is no longer there, and in its place is a dusty trail that leads off into some cliffy wilderness. There's a sign that says INDIANA DUNES 10 MI.

Uh, ok, I think. I used to live near there, I kinda know where that is. So I set off that way, only to be diverted into some sort of sparkly sandstone cave that travels up the side of a cliff. Rocks are falling on me and I find a big stone garbage can that I somehow upend and wear over my head to protect me. So I'm creeping through this cavern with a stone garbage can over my head, up this sandstone trail.

I end up in some sort of giant waste-management center. It's like a large square gymnasium. I walked in the door, still crouching with the stone trashcan on my head, and up a long staircase by a window. I put my hand down on a windowsill to support myself and hundreds of spiderlings crawl out around it. I yank my hand away and proceed up the staircase, arriving at the top to find the room full to the ceiling with discarded plastic garbage cans. And there are spiders all over the place, every type of spider.

The bf is there and says he can get rid of the spiders. And I don't remember what he did, but out of nowhere there appeared thousands of cats, who just stood there Care Bear Stare style, and the spiders were all herded to a table in the middle of the room.

I woke up, but I was pissed that I never got back to the store and got my mint-in-box toys.

ZeldaQueen Jan 8th, 2009 06:26 PM

Oy, I hate those dreams. I've had dreams where I've found proof of UFOs or won a talent show contest or solved a video game mystery (like actually getting the pet owl in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life) and I'll be all happy and think "Yesss!!!" and then I wake up. >:

Oh, and I had this really sad dream two nights ago. I dreamt that it was like I was rewatching a movie or rereading a book. There was this woman who I kept thinking in my head was named "Fantine". For some reason, she was accused of being a traitor (to the US I suppose) and was going to be arrested. As a result, she was forced to go into hiding. She went back to her home, which was decorated for Christmas (apparently in my dream it was before Christmas). Her mother was in the kitchen, cooking something. Fantine kept telling her mother that she was going to be taken away for something she didn't do, but for whatever reason, her mother didn't seem to notice this or be bothered by it. Without her mother paying any attention, Fantine packed up all of her things. She also pulled the presents to her from under the tree and packed those up. She decided to never unwrap them, but save them as a memory of her last Christmas with her family.

That was when I started crying in my sleep and woke up.

Kitsa Jan 8th, 2009 08:11 PM

I've decided, in order to give myself more photoshop practice, that I'm going to start doing photoshoppings of my fucked-up dreams.

Here's me walking through the sandstone cavern with a garbage can over my head:

kahljorn Jan 8th, 2009 08:42 PM


Oy, I hate those dreams. I've had dreams where I've found proof of UFOs or won a talent show contest or solved a video game mystery (like actually getting the pet owl in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life) and I'll be all happy and think "Yesss!!!" and then I wake up. >:
one time i had a dream like that where i saw some aliens out in the woods and they SAW ME FROM THE SAUCER so i started panicking and woke up shortly after but i wasnt completely woken up or had sleep paralysis or something because it felt like i was being pulled out of my body and abducted with some kind of alien transport beam.

Tadao Jan 8th, 2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 606755)
I've decided, in order to give myself more photoshop practice, that I'm going to start doing photoshoppings of my fucked-up dreams.

Here's me walking through the sandstone cavern with a garbage can over my head:


Kitsa Jan 8th, 2009 11:22 PM

I used to have a recurring nightmare as a kid that these fuckers were chasing me around...

pac-man Jan 8th, 2009 11:26 PM

Were they that big? And did they talk?

Kitsa Jan 8th, 2009 11:27 PM

they were bigger than I was. They hissed menacingly and dive-bombed me as I ran down a sidewalk in the middle of nothingness.

the Platinum Poppy Jan 9th, 2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ZeldaQueen (Post 606736)
Oy, I hate those dreams. I've had dreams where I've found proof of UFOs or won a talent show contest or solved a video game mystery (like actually getting the pet owl in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life) and I'll be all happy and think "Yesss!!!" and then I wake up. >:

Several years ago I had a dream where I got a severe injury to my arm. This revealed that underneath a thin flesh layer I was actually a robot, sort of like terminator. I was thrilled at this discovery, and thought it was so terribly cool that I was actually not a boring old human being but some kind of android. And then I woke up and was really disappointed.

What all this means is pretty obvious to me now (although I didn't realize when I had the dream): Rock bottom of the geek pit.

Tadao Jan 9th, 2009 05:23 PM

I do remember the end of a dream where I had one of those huge stacks of 100's that filled my whole hand and I woke up very slowly and I could still feel it in my hand but not see it with my eyes.

Kitsa Jan 9th, 2009 05:29 PM

I had a tooth-chewing dream last night. I dreamed my mom pulled on some of my teeth (how?) and they all fell out and I could feel them in my mouth, like unpopped popcorn kernels. It was pretty horrible.

I never had one of those dreams before I read about them here. Contagious?

Zomboid Jan 9th, 2009 06:35 PM

I hate dreams. I have some of the most fucked up, unnerving dreams, and then I wake up and feel like everyone that I care about has been slaughtered and it's all my fault.

ZeldaQueen Jan 9th, 2009 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by the Platinum Poppy (Post 606963)
Several years ago I had a dream where I got a severe injury to my arm. This revealed that underneath a thin flesh layer I was actually a robot, sort of like terminator. I was thrilled at this discovery, and thought it was so terribly cool that I was actually not a boring old human being but some kind of android. And then I woke up and was really disappointed.

What all this means is pretty obvious to me now (although I didn't realize when I had the dream): Rock bottom of the geek pit.

I've had dreams that I was a werewolf and that I was in superhero tv shows (like Street Sharks). I sympathize.

Oh, and interesting fact: Our brains can't actually tell the difference between real situations and dream situations. That's why we feel effects from our dreams after we wake up.

Example - I've had two dreams in which I was slashed with a knive down my arms. I work up with those exact parts of my arms tingling.

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