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Kitsa Jun 2nd, 2012 08:34 AM

I never got the Tom Waits worship, myself. Closest I ever came was the Ramones cover of "I Don't Want to Grow Up", but I prefer their version.

Babs Jun 2nd, 2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 759391)
I just finished listening to the first Tom Waits album and "boredom" isn't even strong enough of a word right now

Closing time and small change, best albums.

Fathom Zero Jun 2nd, 2012 04:10 PM

All Hail Duke Jun 2nd, 2012 09:04 PM

i love that stupid movie

Esuohlim Jun 3rd, 2012 01:18 AM

I like Swordfishtrombones, Rain Dogs, and Frank's Wild Years. Then I decided to start at the beginning but NOPE

kahljorn Jun 3rd, 2012 03:29 AM

so like if a business owner harasses me and acts like an asshole and then keeps texting me and won't leave me alone until i basically tell him that its gonna create legal problems what do i do. Also he used personal information about me that he obtained through doing business with me to insult me. I have all the texts on my phone.
i wrote a bad review and filed a report at the BBB but was wondering what else you're supposed to do


Fathom Zero Jun 3rd, 2012 03:56 AM

File a police report and get a restraining order

Of course, that would require effort. :|

kahljorn Jun 3rd, 2012 04:03 AM

well its not like im scared of him or anything i just think itsa shitty business practice and he kind of ruined my night
plus dude was straight up stupid he's a business owner who calls me up lecturing me and being all irate saying annoying ass shit because he runs his company all crazy and unorganized and he got his facts wrong, so i just hung up the phone. Then he's all, "IM OLD AND IN MY AGe THATS DISReSpeCTFUL YOUNGSTER." wtf
life doesn't mke sense

LordSappington Jun 3rd, 2012 05:05 AM

I'm not really doing very well right now. I'm kind of getting worn down on it.
Also, kahl, I have no idea what you're trying to get across.

Fathom Zero Jun 3rd, 2012 05:10 AM


Bloody Well Right is such a good song.

Tadao Jun 3rd, 2012 12:12 PM


kahljorn Jun 3rd, 2012 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 759418)
I'm not really doing very well right now. I'm kind of getting worn down on it.
Also, kahl, I have no idea what you're trying to get across.

whats hard to understand? Dude came to my house (even though he's not supposed to go to my house) to make a delivery, showed up EARLY even though I said I wouldn't be there early, then calls me yelling me and insulting me using information he has obtained about me through his business and shit.
It's sort of like if u weren't there exactly when your doctor expected for your little checkups (and he was wrong about the time u should be there), so he calls you yelling at you and insulting you, then starts making fun of you cuz you can't keep your balance and you were born with a broken brain because your mom prolly drank alcohol while you were in the womb.

why would i get a restraining order for that you get restraining orders when you'reafriad. I just think he's a piece of shit and that he's harassing his customers.

Kitsa Jun 3rd, 2012 02:13 PM

You get restraining orders so that if it goes any further and you show up in court, you can say, look, I got a restraining order.

LordSappington Jun 3rd, 2012 04:05 PM

Or you move to Texas, where you can just warn him once and drop him if he doesn't leave.

Esuohlim Jun 3rd, 2012 05:14 PM

I thought Richard Dawson died 15 years ago

Kitsa Jun 3rd, 2012 06:58 PM

I thought that was the same thing, but it was a different Family Feud guy.

There's nothing sadder than people thinking you were another guy who died a while back.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 3rd, 2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 759423)
whats hard to understand? Dude came to my house (even though he's not supposed to go to my house) to make a delivery, showed up EARLY even though I said I wouldn't be there early, then calls me yelling me and insulting me using information he has obtained about me through his business and shit.
It's sort of like if u weren't there exactly when your doctor expected for your little checkups (and he was wrong about the time u should be there), so he calls you yelling at you and insulting you, then starts making fun of you cuz you can't keep your balance and you were born with a broken brain because your mom prolly drank alcohol while you were in the womb.

why would i get a restraining order for that you get restraining orders when you'reafriad. I just think he's a piece of shit and that he's harassing his customers.

You could file a liability claim against his company for libel. You would need an expert on that though. Fortunately I know right where to find one.

kahljorn Jun 3rd, 2012 09:15 PM

a libelity claim

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 3rd, 2012 09:28 PM

Walk right up to him and be like LOOK MOTHERFUCKER. I'M CLAIMING YOU

Chojin Jun 4th, 2012 03:31 AM

get pram maven, internet detective, on the case

LordSappington Jun 4th, 2012 04:08 AM

He knows serious business on the internet better than anyone
He'll call the COPS

Babs Jun 4th, 2012 05:12 AM

Troll guy died. Who cares.

Tadao Jun 4th, 2012 06:47 AM

The fuck you talking about you piece of shit idiot niggger

Dimnos Jun 4th, 2012 10:39 AM

Kahl, does he have a boss? If so call and complain hinting that you might get the cops involved. If is just a one man show you will need take more drastic steps.

Pub Lover Jun 4th, 2012 11:07 AM


Zhukov Jun 4th, 2012 12:21 PM

WTF is everyone suggesting here? Kahl, just throw a brick through his business window.

kahljorn Jun 4th, 2012 01:24 PM

i think he might've been the boss :O also its a delivery service so i dont know where his business is ran out of

i know my friend uses his delivery service, so maybe ill just tell him next time he orders to tel me so i can be waiting outside to fuck his car up

Zhukov Jun 4th, 2012 01:29 PM

Good idea.

kahljorn Jun 4th, 2012 01:42 PM

its so fucking evil though thats likea conspiracy

kahljorn Jun 4th, 2012 05:22 PM

haha i think he tried to get my review taken down

Tadao Jun 4th, 2012 06:02 PM

You need us to find his home address? ;) :wank :orgasm :melt

ThrashO Jun 4th, 2012 06:09 PM

kahl this thing goes deeper down the rabbit hole then you might think. just leave it alone. youre asking for trouble.

kahljorn Jun 4th, 2012 08:37 PM

thank god im moving to berkeley where they have hopefuly no influences ;O

Tadao Jun 4th, 2012 11:13 PM


Esuohlim Jun 4th, 2012 11:47 PM

miami vice fuck yeah

Esuohlim Jun 5th, 2012 12:00 AM

Kitsa Jun 5th, 2012 09:16 AM

Today is my graduation day and I'm all emo because no one in my family gives a shit about any of my graduations.

captain516 Jun 5th, 2012 10:47 AM

No one in my family gives a shit about Kanye West's Graduation :C

kahljorn Jun 5th, 2012 11:10 AM

damn you already graduated?


Kitsa Jun 5th, 2012 11:46 AM

This time, yeah. This was a postgrad certificate thing.
Thanks. Thank goodness for "learn at your own pace".

Tadao Jun 5th, 2012 12:43 PM

Congratulations Kitsa.


Tadao Jun 5th, 2012 12:45 PM



Colonel Flagg Jun 5th, 2012 01:31 PM

Conga Rats.

Esuohlim Jun 5th, 2012 01:32 PM


Kitsa Jun 5th, 2012 01:54 PM

Thanks Internet family

Esuohlim Jun 5th, 2012 05:45 PM

Nice move, Obama, allowing Venus to transit during your watch. Just in time for elections. Typical.

Tadao Jun 6th, 2012 12:02 AM

Bush would have told Venus to get the fuck out of the way or we'll blow you up. He would never take any shit from a foreign planet.

Zhukov Jun 6th, 2012 12:37 PM

Congratulations Kitsa.

Kitsa Jun 6th, 2012 02:27 PM

Thanks...just paid $35 to have my diploma sent :(

Tadao Jun 6th, 2012 03:11 PM

I could have made you one for $25.

Kitsa Jun 6th, 2012 05:45 PM

That was my argument also, that I could buy several reams of fancy paper for that, but when I huffed to my family it was ill-received.

Tadao Jun 6th, 2012 06:53 PM

I'm off to the Staples Center to drink at the bar that is attached to the stadium were the Stanley Cup is being held. My friends think this is a great idea. I think that a very bad riot will ensue and I'll be stuck there all night.

Tadao Jun 6th, 2012 06:58 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 7th, 2012 03:29 AM

stupid devils.

stupid fucking elites in hell mode eat my soul for dinner then irrigate my evening.

Tadao Jun 7th, 2012 12:30 PM

well, so much for being in my first riot. :(

Aaarg Jun 7th, 2012 01:24 PM

yesterday i applied for a job within the county school system and i think i can land a high school science department head putting in a good word for me. i'm not getting my hopes up but i'd be much happier developing lesson plans for a new science center than stocking fucking potatoes all day.

Colonel Flagg Jun 7th, 2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 759590)
well, so much for being in my first riot. :(

There's still hope, they could win it in 6.

Babs Jun 8th, 2012 04:09 PM


Aaarg Jun 8th, 2012 05:27 PM

i-hookery? count me in

Kitsa Jun 8th, 2012 06:09 PM

I seriously considered buying the "Blue Jackets with Adorable Puppies" calendar today. :hockeythread

captain516 Jun 8th, 2012 07:07 PM

meet the i-fockers

Kitsa Jun 8th, 2012 07:40 PM

Neil Diamond, fuck yeah

Babs Jun 8th, 2012 08:13 PM

King Diamond, fuck yeah

Diamonds are forever.

Kitsa Jun 8th, 2012 08:26 PM

You are harshing my non sequitur buzz, asshat

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 8th, 2012 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 759590)
well, so much for being in my first riot. :(

you guys should start a relay race riot next time.

Fathom Zero Jun 8th, 2012 09:46 PM

bifurcated dicks

Kitsa Jun 8th, 2012 11:26 PM

I really was at a Neil Diamond tribute concert when I wrote that, though. Except the only seats open were right near the speakers, I can't hear shit out of my right ear, and I thought it would probably be a shame if the last thing that ear ever heard was a Neil Diamond tribute concert.

Love actual Neil Diamond, though.

Babs Jun 9th, 2012 03:21 AM

Sorry for ruining that. I didn't even know.

Kitsa Jun 9th, 2012 10:44 AM

The guy on backup guitar looked exactly like Lou Reed circa 1972-73. It was so bizarre I kept wondering what it would be like if Lou Reed backed up Neil Diamond.

Fathom Zero Jun 9th, 2012 10:04 PM

bob welch :(

Tadao Jun 9th, 2012 10:32 PM


Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 03:32 AM


Fathom Zero Jun 10th, 2012 06:00 AM

fuck you guys


Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 09:47 AM

Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 09:47 AM


Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 09:48 AM

Goku Rings

kahljorn Jun 10th, 2012 11:26 AM

man you people in other countries speak some weird ass english

Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 02:13 PM

We developed English 2.0 after exporting the first model.

It is your own fault for not paying for the upgrade.

Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 02:19 PM

I say as if I think being non-rhotic isn't really stupid.

Pub Lover Jun 10th, 2012 02:24 PM

There is a whole list of words that I think are homonyms when they ain't.

So dumb.

Otto Jun 10th, 2012 08:29 PM

I watched a bearded man with no pants shoot up junk in my front yard this morning.

So that happened. yeah.

jesus shit

kahljorn Jun 10th, 2012 10:53 PM


It is your own fault for not paying for the upgrade.

Tadao Jun 11th, 2012 03:16 AM

go kings

Esuohlim Jun 11th, 2012 10:48 AM


Phoenix Gamma Jun 11th, 2012 07:54 PM

I was leaving the mall today and saw this next to my car.

I don't even know where to start >:

Esuohlim Jun 11th, 2012 09:35 PM

Start by breaking the ice you stud ;) ;)

Tadao Jun 11th, 2012 10:26 PM


Colonel Flagg Jun 11th, 2012 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 759607)
There's still hope, they could win it in 6.

Go wild, Tadao. Happy looting.

Fathom Zero Jun 11th, 2012 11:09 PM

lemme have a diablo sandwich, a dr. pepper, and make it fast

i'm in a goddamn hurry

Kitsa Jun 11th, 2012 11:12 PM

My dad is there.

HickMan Jun 11th, 2012 11:26 PM

sup guys

Esuohlim Jun 11th, 2012 11:32 PM



Tadao Jun 11th, 2012 11:38 PM


Tadao Jun 11th, 2012 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 759717)
Go wild, Tadao. Happy looting.

Kings fans aren't the rioting type, but I keep seeing nigggers in Lakers jerseys hanging around Staples center just waiting for the right moment to burn shit down.

Fucking hate the Laker fans.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 12th, 2012 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 759712)
I was leaving the mall today and saw this next to my car.

I don't even know where to start >:


Colonel Flagg Jun 12th, 2012 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 759723)
Fucking hate the Laker fans.

So does every basketball fan not from Los Angeles.

Kitsa Jun 13th, 2012 10:56 PM

Holy shit. I was reminiscing about Ye Olde Internet days and "chatting.com" came to mind. Lo and behold, it still exists, and not very different from its original form. Can't fucking believe it's the exact same as it was in 1998.

True to form, when you indicate female-ness, the screen instantly fills with blurry candy-colored "whispers" from people with names like humiliateme6969 and tz2plz.

Tadao Jun 13th, 2012 11:39 PM

Sounds like my kind of site ;)

I hope The Hanson Brothers come play at a bar down here were the Stanley Cup is being held. That would be all kinds of fun.

LordSappington Jun 14th, 2012 03:28 AM

I don't really expect a straight answer from you guys, but is there any good way besides banging a stranger to help get over an ex faster? I'm really starting to fall into another pit.

The Hanson Brothers? Didn't they do that one song that was literally just them saying "Do-whop" for like four minutes? That then somehow became a pop hit?
Fucking nineties, man

Zomboid Jun 14th, 2012 03:32 AM


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