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captain516 Feb 22nd, 2013 06:23 PM

You can have a spellczech

Tadao Feb 22nd, 2013 06:33 PM

So what do you have to contribute to keep our forum alive? Music? Movies? Games? or are you the token zelda?

captain516 Feb 22nd, 2013 06:39 PM

I got nuthin'. That's why I stopped posting for a while.
My taste in music is pretty shitty, I'm not a gamer, and I only watch weirdo obscure movies that nobody's heard of nowadays. I'm not funny or interesting enough for here.

captain516 Feb 22nd, 2013 06:40 PM

Thanks for the comparison to zelda, btw. ouch.

Tadao Feb 22nd, 2013 06:41 PM

Ok, then can I suggest the Ghost Busters forums?

captain516 Feb 22nd, 2013 06:43 PM

I'm more of a Zug kind of guy

Guitar Woman Feb 22nd, 2013 08:31 PM

You could ask yourself the same question, Tadao, you're kind of a dick to everyone and you don't even do it with jokes.

Nick Feb 23rd, 2013 03:41 AM

Rather have a dick than a pussy, son.

HickMan Feb 23rd, 2013 05:39 AM

I don't have anything to contribute to the website and I still post every once in a while.

Tadao Feb 23rd, 2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 766500)
You could ask yourself the same question, Tadao, you're kind of a dick to everyone and you don't even do it with jokes.

Yeah it figures you would side with a FORUM IS DEAD post. I like Captain though, he never get overly emotional about words typed on the internet.


Tadao Feb 23rd, 2013 12:29 PM

Oh wait, I see where I have been going wrong all this time. I shouldn't treat everyone equally and try to be in a elitist party. How's that working for you GW :lol

Pub Lover Feb 23rd, 2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by captain516 (Post 766495)
I'm not funny or interesting enough for here.

Who the fuck is funny or interesting here? >:

Esuohlim Feb 23rd, 2013 11:12 PM

Seriously whoever is funny or interesting speak up now so we can all find you and kill you out of jealousy

Fathom Zero Feb 24th, 2013 06:10 PM

i make jokes sometimes

i am your banana peel underfoot, baybay

Guitar Woman Feb 24th, 2013 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766508)
How's that working for you GW :lol

Pretty good. Not being a huge asshole feels good

Tadao Feb 24th, 2013 09:03 PM

Who thinks you're not a huge asshole?

Tadao Feb 25th, 2013 02:30 PM

Out of curiosity I looked up GW's current posts. :lol

Tadao Feb 25th, 2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 766504)
Excuse me? Fuck you. You can't defend yourself for being a faggot's hemorrhoid by saying "oh you're just being a baby, man up"

Real gangsta-ass niggas don't post spoilers, fool. Chumps do.

It's funny how big he talks.

We asked him to do one small thing. Put a sticker on a mailbox. This little pussy couldn't do it. He prefers to stand back and let others be the nasty bad guys and cries when anyone tells him how much of a wimp he is.

Real ******s are real ******s you fucking little wimpy ass poser.

:lol at Portland hipsters

Pub Lover Feb 25th, 2013 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 766523)
Not being a huge asshole feels good

Maybe one day you'll know that from experience. (no. you won't.)

Babs Feb 25th, 2013 05:29 PM

Sticker on a mail box? Can I know about that?

Tadao Feb 25th, 2013 05:35 PM

You are 5 steps above GW in my book, but I don't trust you.

GW built his "character" around ass kissing the bosses. He had access to privileged information and failed to produce. This is all about a year ago, but when this little wimp says he acts like a real gangsta nigga, let the I-Mock world know, oh wait I can repost his failure. Hmmmm.

Pub Lover Feb 25th, 2013 05:42 PM

Babs was that guy all along. :rolleyes.

Tadao Feb 25th, 2013 05:47 PM

Let me tell you Babs, you are alright once a year in my book. GW is just a little cry baby who thinks he fooled 2-3 people a while back. Does anyone care that he doesn't post outside the gaming thread?

I don't like a lot of you, but at least you never kissed ass to Mods and left us high and dry when we needed you. I'm positive Babs or Captain would have done the job . GW is just some little parasite.

Tadao Feb 25th, 2013 05:48 PM

HickMan Feb 25th, 2013 06:23 PM


Pub Lover Feb 25th, 2013 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766536)
I'm positive Babs or Captain would have done the job .

They should tell us where they live so we can victimize people in their town.

Babs Feb 26th, 2013 06:24 AM

Victimize all you want. To be honest, I despise every person with the exception of roughly 4 people in this shit hole state.

Guitar Woman Feb 26th, 2013 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766530)
We asked him to do one small thing. Put a sticker on a mailbox. This little pussy couldn't do it. He prefers to stand back and let others be the nasty bad guys and cries when anyone tells him how much of a wimp he is.

Well with how good you guys treat me it's frankly a mystery why I didn't take several hours out of my day to harass some idiot IRL who posts on an internet forum I go to.

Of course if Tadao lived in my town I'd probably shit on his porch just to spite him. If I was feeling generous I'd leave a box of bran muffins so grandpa wouldn't be jealous of my regularity

Tadao Feb 26th, 2013 12:24 PM

I like bran muffins :(

Pub Lover Feb 26th, 2013 01:16 PM

Sup, Guys? I'm sad and lonely. :)

Tadao Feb 26th, 2013 02:17 PM

Welcome to I-Huggery!

Pub Lover Feb 26th, 2013 02:31 PM

Babs Feb 26th, 2013 02:37 PM

Someone please fucking kill me, I fucking suck and hate my faggot ass life.

Pub Lover Feb 26th, 2013 02:51 PM

I'm glad you're getting in the spirit. :)

Babs Feb 26th, 2013 02:53 PM

Seriously, fucking kill me.

Colonel Flagg Feb 26th, 2013 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766530)
We asked him to do one small thing. Put a sticker on a mailbox.


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 766544)
Well with how good you guys treat me it's frankly a mystery why I didn't take several hours out of my day to harass some idiot IRL who posts on an internet forum I go to.

Oh, what might have been! One word -- EPIC!

Well, I would have thought so, anyway.

T, what do you use besides bran to keep your pipes clean? Aged minds want to know.

Colonel Flagg Feb 26th, 2013 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766548)
Welcome to I-Huggery!


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 766550)
Someone please fucking kill me, I fucking suck and hate my faggot ass life.

Too easy.

Tadao Feb 26th, 2013 03:14 PM

Dude, I just drink coffee in the morning and I shit. I don't even need that. I think I'm the lucky guy who takes 3 shits a day. 1 huge one in the morning and then a couple of clean outs.

I hear that fiber pills make life worse in the long run. I guess it turns off the trigger or something.

Babs : Bleach Ammonia

Babs Feb 26th, 2013 03:32 PM

Carbon Monoxide

Pub Lover Feb 26th, 2013 04:28 PM


Babs Feb 26th, 2013 05:24 PM

I'm already there. Come on you fuck, throw something else at me.

Babs Feb 26th, 2013 05:25 PM

Ok, you're not a fuck, but don't hold back, let it out.

Tadao Feb 26th, 2013 05:40 PM

There is only one thing worse than a self loathing mid westerner.

Oh wait, I was wrong, there is nothing worse.

Babs Feb 27th, 2013 12:17 AM

That was yummy actually. But I need more! FUCK ME BETTER THAN THIS.

Babs Feb 27th, 2013 07:34 AM

The carbon monoxide didn't work, I'm just shitting out water now.

HickMan Feb 27th, 2013 12:40 PM

How 'bout you make a LAST STAND and take a BULLET TO THE HEAD. Afterall, it's A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD.

see what I did there? :jokes

Babs Feb 27th, 2013 01:31 PM

Can't F with that.

Pub Lover Feb 27th, 2013 05:29 PM

Otto Feb 27th, 2013 06:07 PM

I'll take nine.

Dixie Feb 27th, 2013 08:46 PM

I admit, I'm impressed.
do you believe in magic?

Aaarg Feb 28th, 2013 05:43 AM

new friend

Fathom Zero Feb 28th, 2013 03:12 PM


liquidstatik Feb 28th, 2013 03:19 PM


Aaarg Feb 28th, 2013 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 766584)

she's so skinny and i guess still too stressed to eat. i hope to fatten her up pretty soon.

Pub Lover Feb 28th, 2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by liquidstatik (Post 766586)

Hohoho, motherfucker. :picklehat


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 766584)

Babs Feb 28th, 2013 05:26 PM

Where'd you find/get her aaarg?

Aaarg Mar 1st, 2013 07:39 AM

can't find things like that around here! bought her from http://www.jamiestarantulas.com/Default.asp

Fathom Zero Mar 1st, 2013 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 766588)

Tadao Mar 1st, 2013 06:53 PM

I'm so tired of you fags, I'm on a quest to bring the ladies back.

Tadao Mar 1st, 2013 06:55 PM

oh and cig too :rolleyes I'm sure the name change mattered.

captain516 Mar 1st, 2013 08:49 PM

Pub Lover Mar 1st, 2013 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by liquidstatik (Post 766592)
A Serbian Film. He fucked a baby and it was kinda lol and he hacked a girl's head off but otherwise kidna boring.

Classic Danny.

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766607)
I have to watch QS before Skyfall to get the full effect of the series, right?

Sure, and the only reason you didn't finish QS is because you haven't sat through Thunderball.

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766609)
It's as if you idiots have given up on life. What is wrong with you people. Is there no music to listen to? Is the no video that moved you? Do you not have a pet you love? Is the news not worthy of comment?

No, it is exactly because I have given up on life.

Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766613)
I'm so tired of you fags, I'm on a quest to bring the ladies back.

I'm going to go read a book. See you for March Madness.

Tadao Mar 2nd, 2013 05:05 AM

Yeah, I think I'll take a class on berating instead. :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 3rd, 2013 02:34 AM

There is some exorcist 2 movie coming out but Will Arnett is going to be the priest.

Esuohlim Mar 4th, 2013 08:27 PM

My USB SNES controller came in the mail today and if this doesn't fill the void in my life then nothing will

Phoenix Gamma Mar 4th, 2013 10:06 PM

I bought a Surface Pro with my tax refund money after reading Penny Arcade's review of it. It was that, or the 12" Cintiq, but I decided having a portable Wacom tablet that was also a laptop was more useful, especially since I can work on commissions while at my day job.

Still waiting for Adobe to update their drivers, but Sketchbook Pro works like a dream. I absolutely love this thing, though I understand I'm kind of a unique demographic and most people probably wouldn't want/need one.

Also? Windows 8 is fucking weird. I think it's great for the Surface, but I'd never put it on my desktop.

elx Mar 6th, 2013 11:11 PM


Tadao Mar 7th, 2013 12:06 AM

too late :(

Fathom Zero Mar 7th, 2013 02:38 PM


Colonel Flagg Mar 7th, 2013 08:03 PM


Esuohlim Mar 7th, 2013 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 766655)

Esuohlim Mar 8th, 2013 09:51 PM

Today to celebrate my 10th anniversary on pub10.ezboard.com/bimockery I did a pee in the shower and got the Ghost Ship on Mario 3 twice raise the roof y'all

MarioRPG Mar 9th, 2013 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 766670)
Today to celebrate my 10th anniversary on pub10.ezboard.com/bimockery I did a pee in the shower and got the Ghost Ship on Mario 3 twice raise the roof y'all

ew gross you are ooooold :x

Tadao Mar 13th, 2013 01:54 PM

I just learned that the Beastie Boys are credited with coming up with the word "mullet" because of their song Mullet Head.

Kitsa Mar 13th, 2013 03:40 PM

It's a fish. Therefore, I am crediting Barnes and Barnes for coming up with it because of their song Fish Heads.

Tadao Mar 13th, 2013 03:47 PM

But refering to it as a hair style and not a fish is all BBoys niggggggaaaa

Aaarg Mar 14th, 2013 07:56 AM

i lubed up my lips for this?

Aaarg Mar 14th, 2013 07:58 AM

fuck it i'll join the fun here's a swedish punk song about mullets

hockeyfrilla/ishockeyfrisyr aka "hockey hairstyle"

Kitsa Mar 15th, 2013 04:41 AM

Ask Prudie column

in which guy wants to use dead wife's vibrator on new girlfriend because it was expensive

Kitsa Mar 15th, 2013 06:41 AM


Aaarg Mar 15th, 2013 07:38 AM

oh heavens @ dead woman's vibrator

Colonel Flagg Mar 15th, 2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 766707)
[a] guy wants to use dead wife's vibrator on new girlfriend because it was expensive

At least he didn't want a threesome with his dead wife. Because that would be weird.

Colonel Flagg Mar 15th, 2013 10:49 AM


On the other 'hand', I wanna see it.

Babs Mar 16th, 2013 02:47 AM

Whoops, I didn't see that 'coming' at all!

Aaarg Mar 16th, 2013 02:16 PM

oh jizz, you guys and your awful jokes.

EDIT: would "jizzus christ!" be better?

Chojin Mar 16th, 2013 11:36 PM

i think it might be time to call the forum, guys

Colonel Flagg Mar 17th, 2013 10:05 PM

What's their number?

Zomboid Mar 18th, 2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 766715)
i think it might be time to call the forum, guys

Yeah. There's maybe three threads that actually get replies now. It's kind of amazing how dead this place got. I mean, it was never thriving, but this is...dead.

Aaarg Mar 18th, 2013 06:45 PM

this place is as dead as those three kids that portland animator don carlson (internet alias pram maven) shoved into a meat grinder.

Chojin Mar 19th, 2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 766729)
this place is as dead as those three kids that portland animator don carlson (internet alias pram maven) shoved into a meat grinder.

when you search my name on google, the first page of results includes his ripoff report on i-mockery and legal dox on someone with the same name as me in iowa who got busted for child porn. i guess don "murderin' maven" carlson gets the last laugh after all.

Aaarg Mar 19th, 2013 08:17 AM

my search results are all about cleveland-marshall school of law. no child murders for me!

(at least not 'til page 13, and who goes past page 3?)

Zomboid Mar 19th, 2013 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 766730)
when you search my name on google, the first page of results includes his ripoff report on i-mockery and legal dox on someone with the same name as me in iowa who got busted for child porn. i guess don "murderin' maven" carlson gets the last laugh after all.

I thought Willie posted that. How many people have you insulted over Facebook concerning their love of ponies?

Aaarg Mar 19th, 2013 04:50 PM

there was a wasp in the bedroom last night. i grabbed a jar and put it outside so the wasp could get out at its leisure. my lovurr told me that it's great that i don't kill wasps.

this morning i go to put the dog out and the wasp is at the bottom of the jar. :(

luckily temperature ain't nothin' but a number for an arthropod. i brought it back inside for a little while and it was thawed and ready to go out in the world (and attach its offspring to a spider or something. fuckin' wasps)

Tadao Mar 20th, 2013 02:58 PM

Going on record that UCLA will win. Fuck ya'll

Chojin Mar 20th, 2013 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 766733)
I thought Willie posted that. How many people have you insulted over Facebook concerning their love of ponies?

quite a few, actually

they're like the jehovah's witnesses of furries

MarioRPG Mar 21st, 2013 10:18 PM

I see the forums have still ground to nearly a halt :(

Babs Mar 22nd, 2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 766749)
Going on record that UCLA will win. Fuck ya'll


captain516 Mar 22nd, 2013 05:50 PM

i like fuck girl with big penis
nice big bopbs and very sex.

Tadao Mar 22nd, 2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 766770)

Because im from LA

Esuohlim Mar 23rd, 2013 10:30 AM

lol they lost in round 1

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