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Tadao Jan 9th, 2009 06:45 PM

Hehe :dirtycomment

Kitsa Jan 9th, 2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by ZeldaQueen (Post 607011)

Example - I've had two dreams in which I was slashed with a knive down my arms. I work up with those exact parts of my arms tingling.

I had an awful dream like that last year, I dreamed I got so frustrated at something I grabbed a knife and started hacking at my wrists to kill myself. I actually woke up freaked out, feeling as if blood were dripping down my arms.

Dixie Jan 10th, 2009 01:31 AM

I had a really weird dream today.
It was total Elizabeth Bathory weirdness.
Me and these other two chicks were killing people to look young again.
And everytime the blood "wore off" the worse we'd look so we had some elaborate scheme on how to hunt and trap people involving the mall near closing time.
Eventually we ended up at a party so we all had to get ready and we trapped a bunch of girlscouts and put their blood in flasks to carry around so we didn't have to kill anyone at the party.
Well at the party the blood flasks broke somehow so we had to hide and kill people there anyways.
I also remember seeing fireworks somewhere in there.

Shrubfest Jan 11th, 2009 09:21 AM

Mattjack was in my dream. Again.

Get out! Fiend!

Kitsa Jan 11th, 2009 10:08 AM

I had my first imockery dream last night.

I dreamed that Mockery and Doopa had a huge, Gatsby-style manor where people were constantly hanging around.

Which I guess is a pretty obvious allegory.

MattJack Jan 11th, 2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shrubfest (Post 607314)
Mattjack was in my dream. Again.

Get out! Fiend!

Did I have a mustache and was I being a bad ass?

Sam Jan 11th, 2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Carnivore Is God (Post 607120)
I had a really weird dream today.
It was total Elizabeth Bathory weirdness.
Me and these other two chicks were killing people to look young again.
And everytime the blood "wore off" the worse we'd look so we had some elaborate scheme on how to hunt and trap people involving the mall near closing time.
Eventually we ended up at a party so we all had to get ready and we trapped a bunch of girlscouts and put their blood in flasks to carry around so we didn't have to kill anyone at the party.
Well at the party the blood flasks broke somehow so we had to hide and kill people there anyways.
I also remember seeing fireworks somewhere in there.

I think this is a Troma movie I've seen. :(

Tadao Jan 11th, 2009 03:44 PM



LordSappington Jan 11th, 2009 06:29 PM

Ever had a dream where it was a music video of your life?
Turns out my life goes pretty well with 'Story of my Life'.

ZeldaQueen Jan 11th, 2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 607065)
I had an awful dream like that last year, I dreamed I got so frustrated at something I grabbed a knife and started hacking at my wrists to kill myself. I actually woke up freaked out, feeling as if blood were dripping down my arms.

Yeah, in one of my "arm getting slashed" dreams, as I was being cut I started to panic because I knew that when my wrists were cut, I would die.

whoreable Jan 11th, 2009 08:52 PM

in my craziest dream i loved to smoke! fucking intense

Mockery Jan 12th, 2009 04:22 AM

Whoreable is back? Whoah... long time no see. :eek

ZeldaQueen Jan 12th, 2009 11:39 AM

Last night: I dreamt that I was going down this street full of yard sales and somehow I wound up in a back alley (where Will Smith was jogging!) There was some set up tent that was some weird underground lab. I entered and was kidnapped and forced to prove to this one female scientist (and my brother, who apparently worked there) that I wasn't a spy. This was somehow proven through me filling out a checklist of tv shows I watched. I was then fitted with some weird muzzle/gag while it looked like they were going to let me go. My dream ended with me thinking, "My mom and dad are going to wonder why I've got this muzzle on me..."

I guess it comes from something my mom said, about how in books or movies kids go through traumatic things but can't say anything because they shouldn't have been in such situations in the first place.

whoreable Jan 13th, 2009 07:27 PM

hey pal ive been ignoring the message board internets maybe im back we will see if it sticks!

LordSappington Jan 13th, 2009 11:23 PM

I had my old necromorph dream again; I came to in thick woods, overcast, foggy, and as I'm walking around I can just barely see the outlines of these things that look like necromorphs darting in and out of sight.
Then eventually I came across this barn, with rusty shackles and a trail leading out of it, and on the wall someone wrote in huge letters 'YOU CANNOT SAVE HER' in blood.
I don't even know what the fuck was going on.

Kitsa Jan 16th, 2009 09:30 AM

The other night I had kind of an entertaining one. I usually watch my dreams happen like movies, I almost never participate, so it was fun to join in on this one. I worked (?) in this big, dark office building that was all bare concrete, like a parking garage. My job consisted of sitting in an office with the lead singer of some popular band...can't remember which, but it's not one I usually listen to...telling him why the song was good or bad. He seemed to value my opinion, but whenever groupies showed up I was expected to leave so that they could service him and the band.
So I was telling him that his music was easy to listen to, but not easy-listening (???), and some groupies showed up, and I got up automatically to go. I walked out, and there were all of these little starts of hornet nests about every 10 feet along the ceiling in little nooks and crannies. Everyone else was working, seemingly oblivious, even though I could see hornets crawling around in the nests. I was trying to draw peoples' attention to them, but they didn't seem to care. Finally, I called out, "Where is Amy?", looking around for someone I went to school with in elementary school. The girl stood up from behind a desk, someone I honestly haven't given any thought to in almost twenty years, a full adult version of what I remembered in school. For some reason, we got a large janitorial trash cart and we were pushing it down the hallway. After that, nothing more happened with the hornets.
The last thing I remember in the dream is stopping at the end of the hallway, where there was a water cooler. Some people were standing around talking, and someone ran up to report that Pat Benatar had been shot dead while on her way to a relative's funeral. Everyone looked at one another quietly for a moment, then someone said, "Well, they say love is a battlefield."

BurntToShreds Jan 18th, 2009 07:54 PM

Yesterday I took a nap and had a dream that I was playing a Mass Effect/Dead Space hybrid game. I was running around a colony on an asteroid or something, killing zombies and the like.

DevilWearsPrada Jan 18th, 2009 11:26 PM

I had a dream pertaining to i-mockery last night and decided I'm gonna stop coming here in my free time

MattJack Jan 18th, 2009 11:47 PM

you won't be missed :(

DevilWearsPrada Jan 18th, 2009 11:51 PM


MattJack Jan 18th, 2009 11:52 PM

seriously, you won't :(

I still like you, but I-Mockery forum misses nonbody :(

LordSappington Jan 19th, 2009 10:21 PM

My father is currently in the ICU with what we think is paratinitus (sic?). Since my mother had been up for about twenty hours, I stayed at the hospital so she could get home for some rest. While I was there, I went over to the emergency room lobby to get a soda, and they had it completely locked down; no one in, no one out. They even had armed guards outside the tape; all they would tell me was that I and the patients were safe, no matter how much I asked them.
So whenever I'd fall asleep that night I kept having nightmares of zombies and necromorphs.

executioneer Jan 20th, 2009 12:07 AM


LittleDollClaudia Jan 20th, 2009 01:47 AM

Dreamed about being kidnapped by Blackbeard and forced to work on his ship. We went into different towns and did all the nasty things that real pirates did. Robbing, killing, he's raping women, I'm bringing them to him, we're all drinking, drinking, drinking. The crew is relaxing in the hideout when the damn cops (yeah the ones on Fox) finds us through the canine unit. I can hear the theme music playing in the background as we start to panic.

Dogs are barking, guys are yelling, tear gas comes flying into the window. Everyone runs out the front door except Blackbeard and me. We go out through a "secret trapdoor". Who knew? We try to sail off in a smaller boat, but we are captured by Hulk Hogan. He says, "it's time for justice, brother!" Then he grabs the both of us and slings us over his shoulder.

We stand inside a courtroom with Judge Stone from Night Court and Phyllis Diller as our lawyer. All she does is her laugh as we try to plead our innocence. We are pronounced guilty and are walked out to the gallows which has Elvira cracking jokes about how soon we'll be well hung. HA HA.

I reach into my pocket and I try to get away by using a rubber chicken. But Sally Struthers eats it and I then feel the rope about my neck. The log they stand me on gets kicked away and all is darkness.

I woke up in a pool of sweat. I looked in the mirror and I had pink marks on my neck, I must've scratched myself or something. Weird.

ZeldaQueen Jan 20th, 2009 08:12 AM

Monday morning, I had this dream that I was on my college campus on a day I had no classes. For some reason, my face had these blue streaks/marks on it and I was going into a store for some face cream. I was also considering going into a Toys R Us to get a Christmas present for a girl that I was friends with, despite the fact that I knew that Christmas was weeks ago.

Then, I glanced at my watch and realized (A) it was 12:57, (B) I had a date with my boyfriend at 1:00, and (C) it was an hour's commute from campus to my neighborhood. Dream ended before I actually left.

Also, I can't remember how, but I'm fairly certain that Beowulf somehow fit into the dream. I honestly can't remember how though...:confused:

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