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Esuohlim Apr 29th, 2012 03:15 PM

Something going "boo" is way scarier

OxBlood Apr 29th, 2012 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by zerothree (Post 758456)
Wait a minute, you mean Tetris wasn't a metaphor for communist Russia?

Well yeah, sure but the Tzar was and is one of the Undying, what do they teach you in Kindergarden over in the states?

...they DO teach you about the Undying and how to enslave lesser Demons to do your bidding in Grade School, donīt they?

Phoenix Gamma Jun 5th, 2012 06:47 PM

Jesus Christ this is the worst E3 ever you guys


Zhukov Jun 6th, 2012 12:46 PM

So I've got a friend who has discovered video games. Except it's 'Angry Birds', and she tells me it's the best game ever, even though it's her first game, and she says she is addicted to it. Even though she's only been playing it for a few days and staying up till 1:00am (!!!). Addicted.

Give me good and funny arguments. I've used all the basics such as 'get a real game' etc.

Phoenix Gamma Jun 7th, 2012 01:49 AM

To be fair, I was hanging with bigtimecow and his girlfriend, and hearing his girlfriend talk about 3 starring level in Angry Birds was EXACTLY like hearing btc talk about Platinuming Infamous. It was so precious that I spared her the eyeroll.

I don't know your friend, so to her I would tell her I liked physics based projectile games back when they were called "Worms" and weren't made for idiots. Then I'd tell her it's just a fad and will fade into obscurity faster than Guitar Hero. Except there's no plastic junk to play Angry Birds, so no one will have a closet full of regret to remind them of what once was.

She would have stopped listening to me at "Worms" and tuned out as I walk away saying "YEA I TOLD HER!" Because Angry Birds fans don't care that their shit is shit. It's like people who think McDonald's is good because they haven't had a good burger before.

Zhukov Jun 7th, 2012 10:11 AM

Yeah, I said it was like worms only for HIPSTERS. I said it was a fad. I said all that crap.

I just want to be right. Is that too much to ask?

Fathom Zero Jun 7th, 2012 04:49 PM

Or you could let somebody else enjoy something they like and pry the sneer off of your face.

Casual games cover a large segment of the population and serve their own purpose with a unique set of goals - ones not fulfilled by other games.

Zomboid Jun 7th, 2012 10:02 PM

I play Angry Birds on the bus. Casual gamers suck because their sway is GROOOOWING.

Fathom Zero Jun 8th, 2012 12:42 AM

I find the Call of Dutys and the Battlefields and the subscription-based downloadable content more terrifying.

Zomboid Jun 8th, 2012 01:32 AM

AS terrifying, for me.

Fathom Zero Jun 8th, 2012 02:23 AM

I mean, I won't ever believe that the casual vibe is going to corrupt the entire world, but the microtransactions that involve large pieces of content scare me.

I don't think either will matter in the long run. There are too many people making games and too many people JUST getting into making games and many of them don't work off of those types of pay structures. In fact, I'd say some of my favorite games and ones I've spent most on have been Pay What You Want or sub-$20, having been worked on by small, small teams. The game I'm most psyched for in the near future, Hawken, only has about 9 people working on it and will be free to play.

My point is that, as afraid as I am that shitty free to play games and DLC is going to ruin many games, there's still going to be a ton of games out there and the market will welcome that. I don't like what EA's been doing with their games, so I've made the conscious decision not to give a fuck about any of their games. Guess what? I don't care about Mass Effect and Dead Space and Star Wars and Need For Speed anymore. They've poisoned them for me and it's easy not to go back to them.

Ambitious games that work with a few new ideas, then refine them well get me these days, like Amnesia, Legend of Grimrock, and STALKER.

If Angry Birds wants to make money off of rubes, then that's fine with me. Doesn't affect my sphere too much. They have a right to make tons of money and rubes have a right to be rubes.

(sorry because words :()

Guitar Woman Jun 9th, 2012 05:14 PM


Why the fuck does the Wii shop channel ask for your county instead of your country? That's confusing as shit, you jerks. Who even does that?

Guitar Woman Jul 5th, 2012 11:46 AM

hell yes son HELL FUCKING YES

darkvare Jul 6th, 2012 01:26 AM

i doubt that game makes it out of japan just like the capcom jojo game

Guitar Woman Jul 6th, 2012 09:15 PM

Wasn't the PSX one released in the US? I'm about 70% sure it was.

If they keep Joseph's "HO MAI GAWWD" KO scream it will pretty much be the best

Dr. Boogie Jul 6th, 2012 09:49 PM

Yeah, the Playstation one made it stateside, but I don't see a lot of support for another one. Maybe if you can spike interest in a "ZA WARUDO!!" meme.

darkvare Jul 7th, 2012 01:48 AM

mmm i thought it didn't my bad

Chojin Jul 8th, 2012 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 760056)

hell yes son HELL FUCKING YES

oh shit, oh shit

i have the one for dreamcast which was released in the states too

Fathom Zero Jul 8th, 2012 07:23 AM

I had the Dreamcast one, as well.

Dr. Boogie Jul 12th, 2012 09:13 PM

Steam summer sale. Go buy Terraria.

OxBlood Jul 16th, 2012 03:50 AM

Too late, bought it when it came out ;)

The summer sale is kinda...I don´t know, I either have those game already, they´re not available in Germany (Max Payne 3, Dead Space 2, etc.) or I can or have to play them anyway because of my work...

Still, I like those sales, bought Skyrim for 33, a day later they reduced it to 24...whatever, at least I can play with mods now :) Finally more thunderstorms and better rain in Skyrim.

Dr. Boogie Jul 16th, 2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 760220)
I can or have to play them anyway because of my work...

Give me your job.

But yeah, I have a lot of the games that are going on sale so far. I'm still finding plenty to spend money on, though.

OxBlood Jul 17th, 2012 09:28 AM

I don´t think you´d like my job that much, there IS playing games involved, but it´s mostly really shitty, old or casual games, most of these things, I would never ever touch in my spare time.

Dimnos Jul 22nd, 2012 01:14 AM

Just picked up Dawn of War 2 bundle on Steam for like $16.50 including all xpacs and DLCs.

Dimnos Jul 31st, 2012 08:29 PM

Fucks Steam and their super crappy offline mode. Fuck them and their "Forums use different accounts than actual Steam accounts.". >:

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