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darkvare Jan 19th, 2013 09:47 PM

so that's where super dante comes from i knew he looked familiar

Nick Jan 20th, 2013 03:22 AM

Nah, his Neo Dante skin is exactly like the Crow's outfit. They changed out it looked before it came out, though. Early screenshots of it show him looking exactly like the Crow. For the final release they turned all the wraps red and made his hair blond.

Also I found some proof.

DMC:HD Collection at 48 Best Seller Spot
DmC at 96 Best Seller Spot

Nick Jan 20th, 2013 05:52 PM

Found some original concept art of Dante.


Jesus Christ.

darkvare Jan 20th, 2013 11:07 PM

when i actually checked the amazon links, the new dmc was nowhere to be found

Nick Jan 20th, 2013 11:21 PM

Yeah, it's completely off the list now. Damn, knocked from 50 to past 100 in a day. That's a bad feel.

darkvare Jan 21st, 2013 12:26 PM

i just don't get it, when they announced dmc 4 and people cried about nero being the main character capcom said the same thing about it "we need a new character to not alienate new players" and now for some reason noone gives a crap about nero and they just decided to make a new dante for the same reasons they made nero

Nick Jan 21st, 2013 01:28 PM

People actually love DMC4 now, the only problem they have with it is that Capcom rushed it out the door so Dante's half of the game was cut. They gave Ninja Theory DmC to reboot because they wanted to dumb it down and get the COD audience.

Other words Capcom just wants to fuck all its franchises in the ass.

Dimnos Jan 21st, 2013 03:11 PM

Im more surprised a conversation about dmc has lasted this long.

Nick Jan 21st, 2013 03:46 PM

Nothing new has come out besides that, huh? Ni no Kuni comes out tomorrow. I can't wait.

darkvare Jan 21st, 2013 05:05 PM

i wanted anarchy reigns but there isn't a copy in my town so i'm waiting for god of war ascencion
i know we decided not to talk about dmc but this is freaking gold https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pet...elves/4sd9LD6P

Nick Jan 21st, 2013 06:14 PM

I've heard bad things abut Anarchy Reigns. I'd just rent it and wait for Metal Gear Rising.

Fathom Zero Jan 22nd, 2013 02:45 AM

Conversely, I've heard nothing but good things about Anarchy Reigns from people with the same taste as me.

Nick Jan 22nd, 2013 05:58 AM

For a beat 'em up that focuses mainly on multiplayer, I'd definitely not plop down $60 on it. At least rent it first.

Fathom Zero Jan 22nd, 2013 09:22 AM

Except that it's $30.

darkvare Jan 22nd, 2013 10:00 AM

i loved the japanese demo now i need to find a copy

Nick Jan 23rd, 2013 03:02 AM

Played the Metal Gear Rising demo today. S'alright. Still need to figure out how to parry and block well, though.

HickMan Jan 31st, 2013 01:32 AM

Is it just me or do the commercials for Aliens: Colonial Marines look like total shit?

Don't know if this has been brought up before...but figured I'd throw it out there

Nick Jan 31st, 2013 04:41 PM

Yeah, they turned it into a CoD with Aliens and tacked a watered down L4D multiplayer on it.

SuperYuriGagarin Apr 4th, 2013 01:14 PM

Colonial Marines is one of the greatest cluster fucks of modern gaming. It was in development "by gearbox software" for almost the entire time they produced Borderlands 1 and 2, and apparently much of the game was outsourced to different companies. Then when it came time for Gearbox to hammer all these outsourced assets together, none of it worked.

Guitar Woman May 22nd, 2013 01:49 AM

Xbox One, not to be confused with the Xbox 1, the only iteration that was actually worth owning.
Anyway cool cable box guys, where's that game console you said you were bringing out? :lol

Seriously though, it's like Microsoft saw everything wrong with the games industry and went "Oh man, I wonder if we could just compact this all into a fucking singularity, then sell it!" It's always online, it will not function without Kinect, and it requires you to pay fees for used games. And by "fees" I mean "the full retail price of the game." If you want to bring a copy of a game over to a friend's house you have to pay the price of the game again to be able to play it on their console. I just... why? Why would you do that? You're going to lose at least twice as much money from the lack of anyone buying this stupid fucking shit than you'd lose from used game sales. Holy fuck.

PS4 doesn't look so bad anymore, does it? I mean, it still looks like shit, but I know which of the two I'd get if forced to at gunpoint.

I've also been told that you can turn the thing on with voice commands. Does that mean Kinect is always listening to you? Is the camera always on? Is Bill Gates the Big Brother of IRL??? :o

zerothree May 22nd, 2013 12:30 PM

Xbox One is a dumb name first off. Like, Wii U dumb.

I'm totally done buying anything labeled Xbox, Since they first came out I went through two Xboxes and three 360s. I can't imagine the new one (ha) to be a well built machine.

Anyhoozle, I'm tired of all these "gaming" consoles that seem to have games the least important aspect of them. Seriously, who wants to watch TV through their console? Is it just some type of ploy to make sure you never turn off your Xbox?

The always online has been debunked... sort of. Sure, you don't need to be online all the time, but if you aren't you will miss out on updates and such that might keep you from playing games. Oh, and those updates? Yeah, they might be an every day occurrence. My PC doesn't even update that often.

The used game fee, no matter what the price you'll eventually have to pay, is bullshit. Gamestop's prices for some used games are bad enough, (Oh, only $54.99, HOLY SHIT, THE SAVINGS!) but to have another amount to pay on top of that is just bananas. Also, the not being able to play at a friend's house thing has been given an answer...
From Gamespot:
'Earlier today, a Wired report claimed the Xbox One would require secondhand users pay a fee to play used games. Hryb did not deny this in his statement today, saying only that there will be no fee for those who play their games at a friend's house, provided they sign in to their profile.
"Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend's house--should you choose to play your game at your friend's house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile," he said'

To be signed into your profile requires you to be online of course.

Lastly, none of the announced games so far look that great to me. It's all just the same shit we already have, but prettier. I guess the same argument could have been made going from PS2-PS3 and Xbox-360 though.

I'm probably just going to be a hypocrite and will end up buying one anyway when something I want to play will come out for it exclusively, but I really hope that shit doesn't happen...

Dimnos May 22nd, 2013 05:09 PM

PC gaming is where its at. :\

Phoenix Gamma May 23rd, 2013 04:56 AM

I want to buy a new console, but Sony and Microsoft don't want me to :(

To be fair, I haven't touched my PS3 since Persona 4 Arena came out, and I haven't touched my Wii U since the Rayman Challenge levels first came out.

The console market is charging head-first into a market crash, and I'm not sure anyone knows what to do about it. To its credit, the XB1's unveil was better than the 360's, and it's the only one that seems to really understand living room integration. But I feel like the CoD audience can't support either console on its own, and the Wii U just doesn't have a pulse at all.

People who actually care about games have a PC, and maybe a 3DS. Consoles are more for the general audience, who's getting its gaming fix through tablets and phones and facebook.

EDIT: As for used games, I don't really care. Right now I have the income to buy new games (or wait for Steam sales). When I was in high school, though, I practically lived off of used games, so I'm bummed there's going to be kids at that age who can't scrap together money for a nicotine-laden Devil May Cry, or trading games with some weird dude in the parking lot who probably deals drugs but is the only guy in 20 miles who has a copy of Disgaea so you trusted him anyways and ended up at a creepy part of town you never new existed trying to find the game in a stranger's apartment under stacks of porn and The Boston Phoenix.

So it's a bummer to see that go away.

zerothree May 23rd, 2013 06:45 PM

Oddly enough, while I was in high school I bought Resident Evil 2 and X-Men vs. Street Fighter off a guy who most likely was also a drug dealer. Still, that was $15 well spent.

Dimnos May 24th, 2013 02:02 AM

In high school I was a drug dealer who also sold games. :\

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