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Jebus May 2nd, 2003 08:33 PM

Just wanted to see how you all thought the third movie was going to be about. Obviously the pheonix is in it but wasn't the pheonix saga like all in outer space and shit? Or do you think they will do the whole Dark Phoenix thing?

theapportioner May 2nd, 2003 10:03 PM

They shouldn't do all that stuff with the Shi'ar. Too 'out there' (pun intended), and too huge a jump away from the mutant/human conflict that colors the first two movies. Keep out Apocalypse/Mr. Sinister/Cable until later, though a cameo may be appropriate depending on how the story goes. I say bring in Emma Frost and the other folks in the Hellfire Club as the baddies, have phoenix get corrupted, but keep out the outer space shit. And even though Dark Phoenix kills herself, Jean doesn't need to die for the second time in two movies, IMO.

Protoclown May 3rd, 2003 12:57 AM

I agree with Apportioner. They can do the Phoenix saga without all the outer space shit.

Zomboid May 3rd, 2003 01:18 AM

Personally, I found the phoenix saga kinda boring...I mean, it was interesting, but compared to some of the other shit they could do it's kinda tame.

I actually want them to bring in apocalypse, mr sinister and cable. I think they're some of the most interesting characters and you all know that if done right, apocalypse could be a cooler live action villain than vader.

Grazzt May 3rd, 2003 01:23 AM


Protoclown May 3rd, 2003 02:07 AM

I'll second that. Cable sucks, as do all of Rob Liefeld's creations.

Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister would be way too fucking ridiculous on the big screen. Hell, Mr. Sinister is almost too damn ridiculous for a comic book.

Professor Cool May 3rd, 2003 02:13 AM

I remember Iceman and Bishop used to bitch alot in the Apocalypse Saga. And there's too much to intoduce before doing it.

And Cabel does suck.

As for a villian, i think Garok should do nicely.

Zomboid May 3rd, 2003 02:49 AM

You people suck.

Mr Sinister kicks ass. A guy who can regenerate and experiments on mutants can't not be interesting.

And cable is a lot more interesting than most of the other characters they could introduce.

theapportioner May 3rd, 2003 07:54 AM

Mr. Sinister does kick ass. But, not now. Maybe a cameo role as Dr, Nathaniel Essex. Maybe a cameo for a baby Nate Summers at the end of X3, too.

Protoclown May 3rd, 2003 01:05 PM

Zomboid...his name is Mr. SINISTER. How gay is that??

Grazzt May 3rd, 2003 01:06 PM

Cable fucked up comics in the early 90s. Maybe we should make a Youngblood movie, Zomboid?

FS May 3rd, 2003 03:51 PM

I think they could make Sinister look awesome, considering what they've done with characters so far. Not saying they should put him in, not saying they shouldn't.

Anyway, I think it's a given that they won't try to include the Shi'Ar, Queen Lilandra and the M'Kron crystal into a story about Dark Phoenix, because all those alien characters look fucking ridiculous, people would bitch about it being a rip-off of other sci-fi stories, and of course it would make no sense alltogether to the average moviegoer - here's the conflict between man and mutant. BOOM, here's outer space and a battle for the universe.

I really hope Dark Phoenix will NOT be the main storyline of X3. I just don't think the X-men fighting Jean will make for an exciting enough movie.

Zomboid May 3rd, 2003 04:11 PM

Ok, ok. How bout we all agree with apportioner's idea of the cameos? I'd be happy just hearing prof X mention him at one part. Also baby summers could be a cool idea.


Edit: I agree with fs about phoenix/jean grey. It would be pretty boring to do something like that when they could have one of the other villains or storylines involved.

FS May 3rd, 2003 04:22 PM

Yeah, when I say "not the main storyline" I don't mean to rule it out alltogether, but I'd prefer to see it as a sidestory.

Something like Dark Phoenix naively joining whichever villain shows up in X3.

theapportioner May 3rd, 2003 04:54 PM

Which is why they'll involve the Hellfire Club and Sentinels as well, if I speculate correctly.

Dark Phoenix already had ties to the HC by being corrupted by them and becoming the Black Queen, and Sebastian Shaw, the Black King (who according to IMDB had a cameo), was involved in the Sentinels project. Dark Phoenix, White Queen, Shaw, Sentinels... enough action for you???

FS May 3rd, 2003 06:51 PM

Well, speaking from a personal point of view, I never much liked the Hellfire club. Buncha weirdos in 17th (?) century clothes with weird powers - like that guy who can influence the weight of people.

Zomboid May 3rd, 2003 06:57 PM

Is that the one with the magneto lite kinda guy and mastermind? Cause if so, they fucking suck and I hate them >:

theapportioner May 3rd, 2003 08:57 PM

Other than Emma Frost, they're a bunch of losers, but they're the most logical choice as villains, IMO, providing the storyline for Jean's corruption and the introduction of the Sentinels, which needs to be done. Could be worse -- they could fight the Blob.

Skulhedface May 3rd, 2003 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by FS
Anyway, I think it's a given that they won't try to include the Shi'Ar, Queen Lilandra and the M'Kron crystal into a story about Dark Phoenix, because all those alien characters look fucking ridiculous, people would bitch about it being a rip-off of other sci-fi stories, and of course it would make no sense alltogether to the average moviegoer - here's the conflict between man and mutant. BOOM, here's outer space and a battle for the universe.

Going slightly off-topic, this would be why although I'd like to see it, it would be a big mistake to put Venom and Carnage in the Spider-Man movies. If they stayed too faithful to the comics, they'd have Spidey in space as well (being a comic nerd but not ubergeek, I seem to recall that Spidey got the symbiote during the Infinity Wars or something equally as "universal", which took place at the very least away from Earth)

As long as X-men avoids the sci-fi, it should be alright.

Sinister would make a good villain, but also that would seem to assume that they'd throw Cable in for good measure, and that would just piss me off. The only place Cable works is Marvel Vs Capcom 2, and that's if you're a cheap bastard.

Zomboid May 4th, 2003 12:04 AM

Shutup skull. You don't need cable for sinister.

Protoclown May 4th, 2003 12:57 AM

Cable is one of the worst things that ever happened to the X-Men comics. What a fucking horrible and flat character.

FS May 4th, 2003 05:41 AM


Going slightly off-topic, this would be why although I'd like to see it, it would be a big mistake to put Venom and Carnage in the Spider-Man movies. If they stayed too faithful to the comics, they'd have Spidey in space as well (being a comic nerd but not ubergeek, I seem to recall that Spidey got the symbiote during the Infinity Wars or something equally as "universal", which took place at the very least away from Earth)
Yeah, but just like how they don't need to have the whole business of the M'Kron crystal to do the Dark Phoenix story (by solving it otherwise, saying that Phoenix is more like an ultimate manifestation of Jean's powers - I'm guessing), they wouldn't need to have the Secret Wars (if I remember correctly) to show Spidey getting the symbiont. I do think that if they'd give him the symbiont in a movie, they'd have to wait till at least the next movie to make Venom show up. Otherwise things would go too fast - Spidey gets his symbiont, finds out it's not all it's cracked up to be, gets rid of it again, Venom is born, etc.

Skulhedface May 4th, 2003 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid
Shutup skull. You don't need cable for sinister.

I know you don't, but it's going to happen. Either that or Stryfe, which is equally as bad.

You don't read X-Men too much, do you?

Besides, for ANY of them, they'd have to go DEEP into Cyclops' character since all of them basically involve him.

Grazzt May 4th, 2003 06:29 PM

Sorry Zomboid. Marvel regret ever letting Rob Liefeld touch a typewriter and pen. Cable is the worst thing to happen to comics, not just X-Men.


That's basically the whole character.

Zomboid May 4th, 2003 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skulhedface

Originally Posted by Zomboid
Shutup skull. You don't need cable for sinister.

I know you don't, but it's going to happen. Either that or Stryfe, which is equally as bad.

You don't read X-Men too much, do you?

Besides, for ANY of them, they'd have to go DEEP into Cyclops' character since all of them basically involve him.

No, apocalypse doesn't need sinister for his reason to infect the summers kid and stryfe has pretty much no fucking need to be there at all.

Btw, go fuck yourself.

UnDeath May 4th, 2003 07:50 PM

I hope that they have sentinels, that would kick ass. but other than that, I dont know exactly what I want the third one to have (other than Gambit and giant robots). It all depends if its going to be a trilogy, which would require closure, or if they are going to milk it for all its worth. both would be nice to see, since I dont want them to turn x-men into a dead horse and start beating it, but then again, I really like what Ive seen so far, so more may be nice. Perhaps the Genoshan storyline? Juggernaut? I dunno, I have faith that they wont fuck up. :)

The Unseen May 5th, 2003 07:15 AM


Queen Tonya May 7th, 2003 06:41 PM

Considering they encapsulated Wolverines mysterious past into 2 movies, not the decades it required in the various comics, who's to say we won't have the sentinels, sinister and the dark phoenix all in part 3? Considering the teaser at the end, dark phoenix is a must, the sentinels would be a cool direction for chapter 3 too.

As long as they finally get Beast in, I'll be happy.

KevinTheOmnivore May 12th, 2003 04:14 AM

I like Sebastian Shaw. :(

On the HC thing, obviously, they wouldn't have to be in 17th-18th Century garb, anymore than the X-men all need to be wearing blue and yellow spandex. I think the HC would be cool if they just made them a bunch of swank snobs with an "evil" base on Central Park West. ;)

Besides, Shaw lost the whole "whig" look later in the comics anyway, I think he briefly joined up w/ Holocaust right before the terrible "Onslaught" shit.

I hope X3 has sentinels, and more Uriko. :yum

Grazzt May 12th, 2003 05:15 AM

I hope Gladiator beats all the X-Men up singlehandedly. :(

Protoclown May 12th, 2003 12:02 PM

Sorry, he's too busy being Daredevil's bitch to go beat up the X-Men.

Grazzt May 12th, 2003 08:49 PM

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the wrong Gladiator. I'm thinking of the leader of the Shi'ar Guard. Y'know, the Superman clone with the mohawk?

Protoclown May 12th, 2003 09:10 PM

Oh, okay. I've been reading a lot of Daredevil lately. :)

They'll never put any of that Shi'ar stuff into the movies. It just wouldn't fly.

Zomboid May 12th, 2003 09:43 PM

Ha, right...gladiator. Someone that strong wouldn't be good in an x-men movie cause it'd take focus away from the x-men.

But proto's right, the shi'ar wouldn't transfer well to film. The story's way too long and complicated anyway.

Grazzt May 13th, 2003 07:15 AM

Christ, I just want some blue mohawked guy to pummel everybody and fly off. They don't have to explain it.

NIGhtMAre May 13th, 2003 10:42 AM

Bring in juggernaut,gambit and the senitals. Now!

Grazzt May 13th, 2003 05:33 PM

Your site sucks, and you probably weren't planning to put in anything about Nightcrawler's involvement with Excalibur, because you suck.

Vibecrewangel May 15th, 2003 03:26 PM

I own a copy of the Shi / Cable crossover.

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