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Jeff The Ninja Feb 19th, 2007 11:53 PM


Am i the only one psyched for this movie?

sloth Feb 20th, 2007 07:53 AM

i dunno what is it again

darkvare Feb 20th, 2007 09:43 AM

really amazing flick looking foward to it

the_dudefather Feb 20th, 2007 02:56 PM

baby skullz ^_^

Zomboid Feb 20th, 2007 04:19 PM

Nice title ya fucking dork.

rocketsauce Feb 23rd, 2007 02:37 PM

I'm gonna laugh so hard when he says that line.

Sethomas Mar 1st, 2007 07:28 PM

The line "'Our arrows will block out the sun'--'then we will fight in the shade'" is actually historical. I encountered it both in Wheelock's Latin and Mastronarde's Greek. Which makes me think that this movie would be totally much better if it were all done in the original languages.

mew barios Mar 1st, 2007 08:12 PM

i thought this moovi was sposeda be based on something what happened, i unno where the bladearmed mutants an stuff fit into it

Zomboid Mar 1st, 2007 08:52 PM

The "graphic novel" took liberties, obviously :O

Grislygus Mar 2nd, 2007 03:07 PM

Wasn't the "Then we will fight in the shade" line actually in a letter correspondence? I distinctly remember it tying in with the whole 'Simple and Direct' Spartan writing and speaking style.

ItalianStereotype Mar 3rd, 2007 01:59 AM

blade armed mutants? I've looked at every page in the graphic novel and have yet to find any such thing.

the "tonight we dine in hell" bit is from Wheelock's as well, I believe.

HickMan Mar 4th, 2007 07:36 PM

I'm pretty pumped for this movie. Hopefully not too pumped...but the last time I was so excited for a movie had to have been Episode I. But this has to be infinitely better

Grislygus Mar 4th, 2007 10:15 PM

The nice thing about this is that, even if it's insufferable crap, it will be very, very enjoyable to look at.

the_dudefather Mar 6th, 2007 05:26 AM

300 seconds of 300, its looking pretty cool

MetalMilitia Mar 6th, 2007 08:47 AM

Just saw that - looks great! The big monster dude is fucking cool.

HickMan Mar 10th, 2007 01:37 AM

This movie delivered exactly what I wanted. Brutal and bloody. ALSO SOME TITS! But yeah, this movie is disgustingly awesome

DeadKennedys Mar 10th, 2007 05:34 AM


Zomboid Mar 10th, 2007 06:23 AM

Yeah, it was really, really good. I also thought of jefftheninja and the title of this thread when that line came up. Thanks for ruining that for me :)

MetalMilitia Mar 10th, 2007 10:55 PM

Anyone that's interested can read up on the real battle of thermopylae here:


Really interesting stuff. Can't wait to see the film.

Grislygus Mar 11th, 2007 10:46 PM

Already knew about the battle, one of the reasons I was interested. Liked the movie a lot, the high contrast visuals were kickass. Also planning on lifting the soundtrack.

Of course, the movie spoilers ends right before the real asskickery happens. Ah, well.

rocketsauce Mar 12th, 2007 09:53 AM

Saw it in IMAX and the visuals were amazing. The action was complete over-the-top mayhem. Lots of mutants (mutant ninjas ha!, etc) Dialogue was pretty comic book-ish as to be expected and it was more shouting than acting. Definitely recommended.

Protoclown Mar 12th, 2007 01:50 PM

Definitely one of the most enjoyable and awesome movies I have seen in a long time and EASILY one of the best comic book movies ever made.

GADZOOKS Mar 13th, 2007 08:25 PM

Can someone who DOESN'T read comics books give me their opinion before I invest in this film?

Zomboid Mar 14th, 2007 12:06 AM

I went with 2 friends who don't read comics and they both loved it. It's really fun to watch for anyone and it's not like the comics were even that great and you need to have read them to get this movie.

rocketsauce Mar 14th, 2007 11:39 AM

It's not a typical comic book (i.e. superhero) movie anyway. I never read 300 and I enjoyed it.

Grislygus Mar 14th, 2007 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by GADZOOKS (Post 480126)
Can someone who DOESN'T read comics books give me their opinion before I invest in this film?

I will have you know that I have never spent a cent on comic books in my life!

MattJack Mar 14th, 2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by GADZOOKS (Post 480126)
Can someone who DOESN'T read comics books give me their opinion before I invest in this film?

I thought it was a good movie, and this is coming from a guy who NEVER watches movies under any circumstances. SO BEFORE YOU FLAME ME, I THOUGHT IT WAS AN AIGHT MOVIE.

I thought the costumes, environment, and cgi was all very well done. I only have a few little beefs with it here and there.

I thought the movie sort of lost steam after about an hour in and never really regained much of it. At the end I was like, "That's it? But I thought this, this, and that was gonna go down!"

At the same time, the movie was rather predictable.

Also, everything was in slow motion. EVERYTHING. It wasn't a bad thing or anything, just an over used card.

This isn't really a bad thing or anything but, everything was ripped. All the spartans were hella ripped. The bad guy was ripped. Children were ripped. A hunchback in the movie was ripped, even the hump on his back had a six pack. Kudos to the training the actors must of had to do.

I don't really have too many bad things to say about it. I enjoyed the movie and all, but kids were just trying to tell me, "ITS GUNNA BE BETTER THAN BRAVEHEART AND GLADIATOR!!" It had a lot of hype that it couldn't really fulfill in my opinion.

With all this said, once again, I enjoyed this movie and it was worth the 9 bucks or whatever I paid to see it. I wouldn't see it again until dvd though.



Slow motion doggy style sex, lol, my buddy and I bursted out laughing. I'm sorry, the slow motion thing was OVER USED. I don't need to see slow motion doggy style to know how cool it is.

The battle with the big troll/orge thing was the shit! I thought this was really the best part of the movie. I thought shit was gonna happen after this, but nothing really did. This is my point about where the movie lost steam. I was expecting more 1-on-1 battles like this. More "mini bosses" if you will. Instead it was just hordes of men that you knew the Spartans could kill easily. What was the point in the big crab guy with blades for hands? Why couldn't they have fought him? Xerces? He got off easy. What about the deformed retard?

kahljorn Mar 15th, 2007 01:53 AM

it wouldn't have been historically accurate to have them fight, mattjack.

you think you can rewrite history or something? you so good? huh? fucking smug jerk.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2007 12:54 PM

"i wish the king would have fucked up that creepy xerxes guy!!!!! lol that would have been so sweet and he culd have liek cut his hed off or sumthin"

GADZOOKS Mar 15th, 2007 01:19 PM

I hate this movie already.

noob3 Mar 15th, 2007 04:21 PM

they should of had leonidus battle bush at the end!!!

MattJack Mar 15th, 2007 04:29 PM

lol Kahl I know, a lot of it wasn't historically accurate obviously. I wasn't expecting a history channel special. I just wanted more "boss" fights. Is that so much to ask? AND YES I AM TRYING TO REWRITE HISTORY AS WE SPEAK! IT'S JUST NOT GOING AS WELL AS I THOUGHT :(

Zomboid, yea I pretty much wish that shit happened(EVEN THOUGH I KNOW IT DIDNT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE OR RL TO YOU). Just with less 14 year old girl speak, you fruit. I'm sorry if you got butthurt.

Is it wrong to want to see an 8 foot Persian that is suppose to be a total badass fight a 6 foot Spartan that is a total badass? All you fucking hear in the movie is "Xerces this, Xerces that!" Then you see the guy and he has more sugar in his tank than my last boss's car.

Wait, you're Canadian, so your opinion is automatically void.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2007 05:20 PM

Yeah, well, the next time you hear of a major studio planning on making a historical epic, even one based on a comic book with creative liberties, maybe you should write in and suggest more "boss fights".

If you're an accurate representation of the typical American, then I am more proud than ever to be Canadian.

MattJack Mar 15th, 2007 05:27 PM

Yea, they should just call me up next time and I'll iron the shit out realllll good. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, stop getting butthurt. I was just saying it lost steam about half way through in my opinion because of x, y, and z.

In reguards to the typical American thing. I only wear clothes that have either an American flag design to them, an American flag on them, or the phrase "Git Er Dun!" on them. Nickleback is my favorite band. I only eat hamburgers. I drive an SUV and vote republican every chance I get. But enough about me, I don't want to ruin the 300 thread. Just put in a differing opinion.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2007 06:01 PM

Your opinion included the suggestion that the movie needed more "boss fights". That's why I'm laughing at you. Had you simply said it lost steam or something, fine, but you sound like a 12 year old who gets a boner at the sight of any violence.

PS - Nickelback? You realize they're Canadian, right? It's very unfortunate but true.

MattJack Mar 15th, 2007 06:40 PM

I just said boss fights for a lack of a better term, I mean it isn't that hard to understand and we both know what I'm talking about. I can see where I would sound 12 though :\ .

I don't quite get the "boner at any sight of violence" really. I just felt that it wasn't a big deal for these 300 elite Spartan men to kill hordes of regular, subpar fighters that you knew couldn't even come close to handling the Spartans. Thus after, I don't know, the first 2 or 3 times they did it, it got kind of old.

I also don't understand why you keep getting so butthurt over some silly American's opinion. I never even heard of 300 until this movie came out. I was just a simple movie goer who heard this movie was going to be the next Gladiator and that it was based on some comic/graphic novel. I'm sorry I didn't just eat it up because it is the cool thing to do and because I'm suppose to.

Once again though, I thought it was an aight movie. It is certainly better than any movie that has came out recently and it will be better than any movie that is supposed to come out in the near future. I'm on your side buddy, quit getting so upset.

Fuck, I thought only America could produce a suck as strong as Nickleback. Sorry, I've given away my cover, I know nothing about that shitbag band.

Zomboid Mar 15th, 2007 07:19 PM

Has it crossed your mind that maybe I'm just dragging this out to make you look more and more like a douchebag every time you say "butthurt"? :lol

Seriously though, it's more about the fact that you're acting like it's lord of the rings or some shit. Yeah, it's based on a comic book, but even that was pretty fucking grounded in reality. You're not gonna have a whole lot of ogres and dragons in ancient greece.

I don't care whether you like the movie or not, I didn't help make it or anything, I just find it funny that you say you heard it's "the next gladiator", then you bitch about there being a lack of "boss fights" and tougher enemies when it's supposed to be at least somewhat historically accurate.

GADZOOKS Mar 15th, 2007 08:22 PM

Yeesh, I'm going to see Black Snake Moan instead.

You blew it guys, I'm sorry, but you blew it.

AChimp Mar 15th, 2007 10:27 PM

I think I'm gonna change MattJack's title to STUPID TOOL.

eggyolk Mar 15th, 2007 11:17 PM

disregard the circle jerking above GADZOOKS this movie fucking rocks

i dont know why everybody always has to disect a film and point things out. yes, they used slow motion. yes, it's unrealistic. but its a hardcore movie man

also i didnt read the graphic novel :lol

Zomboid Mar 16th, 2007 01:34 AM

Gadzooks I really don't know where your attitude is coming from :x . My argument with the douchebag has nothing to do with the movie itself and I don't know why you seem to be getting the impression that everyone in the thread is a huge fucking dork who's trying dissect the movie and compare it to the comics or something. I downloaded the comics (there's 5 of them) a few months ago after seeing the trailer so I could get a sense of what the movie would be like and it was pretty similar. THE END.

Jixby Phillips Mar 17th, 2007 10:58 PM

I hate (serious/actiony) comic books. I hate movies like this.

Holy moses, this movie stinks!


Like it expects you to come in already liking this character so it doesn't do anything to set up WHY you are supposed to like this character. It's like watching a sequel or something kinda. I vaguely felt the same feeling when watching PASSION OF THE CHRIST: You only really give a shit becuase it's jesus and you're supposed to already like jesus and know everything about jesus. It's kinda like that here.

Also it's ugly to look at. It's like they took a perfectly good-looking movie and ran it through a computer to make it look like the film is coated in diareah. I really hate any movie that looks like this. It's supposed to be stylized and cool but it just screams THIS IS A MOVIE to me the entire time, and I can't get into it.

The violence is really fucking boring. I guess if you like cartoonish looking blood splotches floating around the screen, you'll like this. The slow-mo doesn't help make it look good either. If there wasn't any slow-mo, The movie would be 25 minutes long, which I wouldn't mind.

There's a few titties, but they are really stupid. I hated the titties in this movie. The first sex scene in it is completely ridiculous and stupid. Boring also.

They showed that blade-armed mutant and I was like "that looks kinda neat" but he doesn't do anything in the fucking movie. Litterally, his time in the movie is the same ammount of time he had in the trailer.

The music was really terrible. I think hearing dumb butt-rock play while a bunch of perfectly-chiseled greek men with perfect abs march in unison is the opposite of what I want to hear, as well as see

It is loud and ugly and boring and stupid I really hate it. THUMBS DOWN.

GADZOOKS Mar 18th, 2007 12:09 AM


ArrowX Mar 18th, 2007 08:44 PM

Well I liked it. I was disappointed that the blade armed fatty and the mutant hunchback weren't killed.

Jixby Phillips Mar 18th, 2007 09:19 PM

Funny parts of the movie:

When I-forget-who gets cat eyes like cat jesus at the end of GARFIELDS NINE LIVES SPECIAL

Xerxes voice is ridiculous

those were the best parts!

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 19th, 2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jixby Phillips (Post 480964)
Like it expects you to come in already liking this character so it doesn't do anything to set up WHY you are supposed to like this character. It's like watching a sequel or something kinda. I vaguely felt the same feeling when watching PASSION OF THE CHRIST: You only really give a shit becuase it's jesus and you're supposed to already like jesus and know everything about jesus. It's kinda like that here.

Yeah something about the movie just really tried its damn hardest to make me feel all giddy inside. In the end I felt like I blew 10 dollars off watching a boy's fantasy WAH WAH "comic -> movie TRANSLATION" but man, it must've been a cringe-fest looking through the comic. Super hyped too!

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 19th, 2007 09:37 AM

a SERIOUS boy fantasy but a boy's fantasy nevertheless

boytasy :{

Esuohlim Mar 24th, 2007 01:24 AM

I don't like movies like this. I saw it in IMAX and everything. The drama and dialogue is so forced and cheesy :(

Sacks Mar 24th, 2007 09:29 AM

I wanted them to fight the crab man. >:


Otherwise this movie was bad as shit.

MetalMilitia Mar 25th, 2007 11:56 AM

Although people like Jixby and his hangers-on will probably roll their eyes and groan if they read this; I thought it was good for what it was.

It's not going to go down in history for being the finest film ever made but I think it achieved what it set out to achieve; fantastic visuals (the scene with the boats in the storm looked incredible), stylish combat sequences and even a bit of historical content thrown in.
I agree that they didn't go into the back story as much as they perhaps should but I think a lot of people already did know who Leonardus was and even what he was going to do and how it was going to end. Be it from the graphic novel, school history lessons, or the film "The 300 Spartans".

I didn't like the delivery of some of the quotes ("with this shield or on it", "Come and get them" etc.) but overall I think the historical aspect of it was handled well, in that it wasn't given too higher a precedence but was referenced.

Overall I enjoyed it, but they certainly could've done more with the story.

arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 01:18 PM

God, i thought the visual were amazing!
I agree with MM though, but I think that it's more meant for the art, than the plot....
I'd have to say my most memorable bit was in the first battle scene, where he whacks the guy in the air and slices his leg off :lol
I thought the animals were cool though :)

Did everyone get the ending though - why the Sparta King guy didn't kill Xerxes? And only cut him? Yeah?

noob3 Mar 25th, 2007 02:38 PM


arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 02:44 PM

no i mean why the Spartan guy didn't aim to kill, just to hurt Xerces.

ArrowX Mar 25th, 2007 03:22 PM

because he didn't want him to die, he wanted him to know the fear of death, which is essentially worse than dying you dim-witted fuck!

arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 03:55 PM

Actually it was to prove that he wasn't a 'god'. He said before that by the end of the fight he'd show that even gods bleed.

Esuohlim Mar 25th, 2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 482610)
Although people like Jixby and his hangers-on will probably roll their eyes and groan if they read this; I thought it was good for what it was.

Oh man Jixby I loved that 300 movie but you went and said you didn't like it, so I had to agree with you so I could earn some cool points from you, dude!

I didn't like Gladiator either. I'm not a fan of ultra-serious movies, guys, leave me alone. :(

MattJack Mar 25th, 2007 11:41 PM

I'm a tool and douche bag for not being a complete fanboy geek who cums at the thought of some super edgy and cool comic that is turned into a movie that I gave a 7 or maybe even an 8.

Zomboid and AChimp, it's fun to watch you two Canadians get all bent out of shape over somebody who didn't think the movie was the best thing cinema has produced in 20 years. Get a grip yall, I didn't say it sucked.

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 26th, 2007 01:26 AM

guys no no no this movie was SHIT it was like WATCHING a one sided argument given by an insecure white guy talking about how his dad beat up two black guys. the eye-candy on TOP of that motif only helped the movie itself to collapse on the floor with its face down and choke on a big rock to death FUCK this movie

MetalMilitia Mar 26th, 2007 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 482770)
Oh man Jixby I loved that 300 movie but you went and said you didn't like it, so I had to agree with you so I could earn some cool points from you, dude!

Well I was referring to Gadzooks more than anyone but whatever.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:23 PM

This movie was the stupidest, vilest, most offensive piece of shit I have ever seen. If you liked it, you are dead to me (most of you already were).

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:25 PM

Offensive? How was it offensive?

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:30 PM

The movie is preposterously racist and Eurocentric, and portrays Sparta in a ridiculous, extraordinarily inaccurate light. Frank Miller is a right-wing fucktard (read his interviews). Freedom? Please. Tell that to all the neighboring city-states that Sparta enslaved. And since when is Xerxes a seven-foot tall homosexual, and all the "Orientals" ogres and trolls and sexmongers?

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:36 PM

Ever heard of something called artistic license?
Explain why America is always portrayed as the 'hero', when they are horrendous arms dealers, which supplies most wars in 3rd world countries. 300 is a greek myth, so it is obviously going to be portrayed through greek eyes.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:45 PM

First of all, the movie sucks as "art". But that's beside the point.

Someone who uses his or her "artistic license" to create a movie that glorifies the KKK should not be immune to criticism, either. Face it--the movie makes a political statement about different peoples that isn't just wrong, but intentionally, and horrifyingly so. This is not a literal retelling of Herodotus, but Frank Miller's worldview.

The fact you even recognize that the portrayal of America is often one-sided, and decline to challenge that, makes you part of the problem.

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:50 PM

Mate, I watch films as films, I don't get into a giant heat over analyzing how against my views they are - it is not meant to be historically accurate, it is meant to be an entertaining, action movie which appeals to a wide audience with good visuals and storyline.

If you want to argue over the biased coverings of america, take this to the philosophy forum.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:56 PM

No, it's not just meant to be entertaining. You're stupefyingly wrong on this point. Okay, blissfully ignore the obvious political overtones of this movie. You're just another stupid sausage, passive and impotent.

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 05:05 PM

I didn't say it was solely meant to be entertaining did I? I said it is meant to be entertaining, as it is. 300 is meant ot glorify the Greek victory, not show them in a bad way, otherwise that'd be defeateing the point of the victory, wouldn't it. The film is about the amazing courage and strength shown by the Spartans against the thousands of warriors sent against them.

Fathom Zero Mar 26th, 2007 05:48 PM

Hey guys, don't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it yet.


theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by arg_zombies (Post 483021)
300 is meant ot glorify the Greek victory, not show them in a bad way, otherwise that'd be defeateing the point of the victory, wouldn't it. The film is about the amazing courage and strength shown by the Spartans against the thousands of warriors sent against them.

Way to describe the obvious, idiot. Sometimes movies aren't just about what is obvious.

If it's about glorifying the Greek victory at Thermopylae, then why the American metaphors? Sparta has nothing whatsoever in common with the United States, except perhaps the military. Why portray Persians and other "Orientals" as grotesque monsters????

What percentage of Americans (and Brits, since you are from there) knew one single thing about the Achaemenid Empire before this movie? I would say 1-2%, and that's probably generous. Even if you grant "artistic license", many people are going to come away with an unjustifiably positive view of Sparta, and an unjustifiably negative view of Persia.

HickMan Mar 26th, 2007 10:07 PM

People die in really cool ways. End of story. Cool movie. God damn we have some fags here. If you don't like it, ok. No reason to force all these blatant facts about the movie on people to try to sway them. The movie's black and white. We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. Kill them in really cool ways and make it entertaining. Mission: Complete

Zomboid Mar 27th, 2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 482776)

Zomboid and AChimp, it's fun to watch you two Canadians get all bent out of shape over somebody who didn't think the movie was the best thing cinema has produced in 20 years. Get a grip yall, I didn't say it sucked.

Fucking 10 days after the initial argument is over and you still don't get it. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU DON'T LOVE THE MOVIE. I wouldn't even rate it higher than an 8 or maybe a 7 1/2 after the second viewing. My problem with you is the same one that noob had with arg_zombies, and it's that you're a dumb fuck. So, if you wanna continue looking like a retard, go right ahead; just make sure that you don't keep talking out of your ass, k? Oh, and continually trying to insult us by pointing out that we're Canadian? I'm really impressed and I bet that you're the wittiest person in any group that you're ever in :)

hickman - I agree with that. I just skimmed some of the posts about how it's RACIST and IT TRIES TOO HARD TO BE SERIOUS and shit like that. Really, I don't know what some of you were expecting. Frank Miller's not the genius that some people like to present him as, and it's a an ultra-stylized action movie. Did you really expect great dialogue and realism here? It's supposed to look cool and it does but it should've been obvious from the trailers alone that it's not for everybody.

theapportioner Mar 27th, 2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 483206)
hickman - I agree with that. I just skimmed some of the posts about how it's RACIST and IT TRIES TOO HARD TO BE SERIOUS and shit like that. Really, I don't know what some of you were expecting. Frank Miller's not the genius that some people like to present him as, and it's a an ultra-stylized action movie. Did you really expect great dialogue and realism here? It's supposed to look cool and it does but it should've been obvious from the trailers alone that it's not for everybody.

Look, when millions of people watch this movie and don't realize how racist it is, that's a problem. A big one.

GADZOOKS Mar 27th, 2007 01:25 AM

300 needs to go apologize on David Letterman.

theapportioner Mar 27th, 2007 01:27 AM

I know you guys are saying "it's just a dumb action flick" but it's more than that, even though it pretends not to be. It makes a political statement, one that is reflective of Miller's perverse worldview. That most of you don't take it as such is, I suspect, just what Miller wants. He can't possibly get away with a "serious" effort at portraying his idea of racism/eurocentrism so he "dumbs it down" into a movie that is ridiculously devoid of historical context and irony. That's how to get people like you guys to passively accept that kind of lunacy.

kon Mar 27th, 2007 01:28 AM

300 isn't racist, that's what so insane about this.

executioneer Mar 27th, 2007 01:33 AM

guys do you think the ep. of samurai jack that portrayed the persians as robotic minotaurs was racist too :(

Matt Harty Mar 27th, 2007 02:07 AM

I honestly don't think anybody goes to an action flick ready to overanalyze. Could be why you're having a problem finding one person to agree with you. :/

GADZOOKS Mar 27th, 2007 02:31 AM


Jixby Phillips Mar 27th, 2007 02:44 AM

300 stinks

Boo to 300

HickMan Mar 27th, 2007 06:29 AM

Hooray Beer!

MattJack Mar 27th, 2007 06:42 AM

Zomboid I didn't read yer post. LAST WORD NANANANANANAAAAAAAA

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 27th, 2007 01:10 PM

even if i tried my darn hardest to take this as a "highly-stylized action packed cool fighting/dying sparta sparta bruhaha don't take this seriously guys it's JUST an action flick what do you expect the Last Samurai?" flick, i sensed no attempt at immersing the audience to it as a work of fantasy. what i saw was frank miller's dick all over the silver screen for a hour and some minutes with people walking out ready to do their ab workouts because they were inspired by a horse junk of a storyline with laughably milked portrayal of honor at expense of dumbed-down portrayal of spartans' enemies, which is supposedly justified by miller's "artistic license". BOOOOOOOOOOOO

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 27th, 2007 01:11 PM

LOOOOOOOOOO seriously fuck this movie UGH UGH god

arg_zombies Mar 27th, 2007 01:14 PM

Mate, i know you're trying to delve deeper into the 'mind of miller', but believe me, there is nothing so serious and outrageous to find. He is a talented artist, and many people like his style. When he creates a film, not even he would be stupid enough to put subliminal 'racist' messages and meanings, that'd just be a complete retard thing to do.
Anything you look at can be psychoo-analyzed to a greater extent, but that doesn't mean that the 'message' you picked on is meant to be there.

The America reference is completely relevant. I was saying how in every American film, America is shown as the 'Hero', whilst in most cases they arte the opposite. It is the same in this film - it is meant to be on the greek side, showing how they saw the Persians as monsters and evil beasts, if the film showed them as normal they'd be too alike the Greeks, so would lose the 'knight vs. dragon' aspect to it.

Sort out your head.

Esuohlim Mar 27th, 2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by kon (Post 483244)
300 isn't racist, that's what so insane about this.

:lol :lol

arg_zombies Mar 27th, 2007 02:05 PM

God this argument is tedious and boring.

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 27th, 2007 03:54 PM

GOD this argument is so boring and TEDIOUS that i am going to MENTION IT TO YOU ALL, as you can see! you fucking ponce the movie sucked and you know it but you just fight fight fight against the dying of light until you just don't CARE anymore enough, you tell me you don't.



arg_zombies Mar 27th, 2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Vagiclean (Post 483419)
GOD this argument is so boring and TEDIOUS that i am going to MENTION IT TO YOU ALL, as you can see! you fucking ponce the movie sucked and you know it but you just fight fight fight against the dying of light until you just don't CARE anymore enough, you tell me you don't.



I'm sorry - did I miss something here? I DON'T like the movie now? The very same movie I'm getting on DVD the minute it is out? Oh, I wasn't aware.

Ponce? Is that your only insult? I hope this is a piss-take because I seriously hope you don't talk like that normally.

GADZOOKS Mar 27th, 2007 04:08 PM


Zomboid Mar 27th, 2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 483332)
Zomboid I didn't read yer post. LAST WORD NANANANANANAAAAAAAA

I have the last word and it's "yalls got butthurt cause I called you a dumb fuck".


ArrowX Mar 28th, 2007 09:09 AM

lol Ive seen it like 4 times now, via internet and the script basically repeats itself both in the narration, and in the action. The first thing I noticed is that the Spartans are portrayed as pissed off strippers. You know because Frank miller loves the buttsecks and he cant jerk to men in 40-50 pound armor. I heard someone walk out of the theater saying "Its cool that they didn't have any armor back then." It was WAR not the fucking Olympics.

I still think its one of the best directed, and stylized movies in recent times even if the source material and the script shits itself out of its own penis.

arg_zombies Mar 28th, 2007 12:29 PM


have you seen the original? They wear armor in that one.

Spectre X Mar 30th, 2007 09:53 AM

The movie is full of ridiculous things because it's a god damned story being told by a Spartan soldier in order to rally the rest of Greece to fight Xerxes. It's not meant to be racist. The movie does not claim to be historically accurate in any way beyond "These 300 guys fought an invading army of Persians for 3 days and beat the shit out of thousands of them. Also here are some names of some guys who fought there."

That's it. Everything else is the obvious dramatic license of a Spartan soldier.

And it has no political meaning. At least, the director didn't intend for it to have any political meaning. He has publicly stated this numerous times.

arg_zombies Mar 30th, 2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Spectre X (Post 484315)
The movie is full of ridiculous things because it's a god damned story being told by a Spartan soldier in order to rally the rest of Greece to fight Xerxes. It's not meant to be racist. The movie does not claim to be historically accurate in any way beyond "These 300 guys fought an invading army of Persians for 3 days and beat the shit out of thousands of them. Also here are some names of some guys who fought there."

That's it. Everything else is the obvious dramatic license of a Spartan soldier.

And it has no political meaning. At least, the director didn't intend for it to have any political meaning. He has publicly stated this numerous times.

Thank You!

noob3 Mar 30th, 2007 03:02 PM

That makes ALOT of sense, Spectre! It also makes sense why the 1 Immortal who had his mask taken off looked like a mutant, he probably never saw any of their faces & he just assumed they had to be mutants under those helmets. Because they were so scary or something, he just imagined that's what they had to be under the armor :o

I forgot that the 1 spartan sent back to greece was the narrator, I didn't even think about that after I left the theatres!

I think you people pick movies like this apart for no reason.. It's like watching BAD BOYS 2 and claiming it's UNREALISTIC & STUPID :o

arg_zombies Mar 30th, 2007 03:58 PM

Oh, my brother just pointed out that the excessive use of mutants could of been due to the excessive amount of inbreeding they did back then :eek

noob3 Mar 30th, 2007 04:00 PM


arg_zombies Mar 30th, 2007 04:03 PM

No - if you looked closely you could see there was all stitches etc. on his arms holding them on :(

arg_zombies Mar 30th, 2007 04:06 PM

Oh, and just for the record, this version kicked ass!

bad acting, shit sets (some are paintings) and loads of really stupid lines! Woo!

Schimid Mar 30th, 2007 05:02 PM

Spectre, that's a really good observation, I didn't even think about that. Whether it was the director's intention or not I'm unsure but, damn, it's a very nice cover.

The blade-armed guy was probably was how they envisioned the executions, and the mutant feller prolly wasn't nearly as mutated, Xerxes prolly wasn't twelve-foot tall, etc. That really does put things into perspective :O

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