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Kulturkampf Nov 19th, 2007 10:39 AM

Kultural Men's Sexual Health Question.
I have a friend who engaged in an amount of unprotected sex with his girlfriend. During these sexual activities, all went well and a condom was eventually placed on before the climax was reached.

The sex was rough, carnal, and there was violence of action. There was real excitement, it was described, at the condomless sex.

The next day his dick felt the strains of the sex, and he felt odd tingling sensations inside of the balls. However, there was no burning sensation during urine. During the next few days of urinations only once was a slight burn felt, but it was more of a burn akin to immediate urination after masturbation.

Over the last few days (it has been 6 days) the odd feeling has come only very seldomly and has almost stopped. He thinks perhaps the only times the feeling comes it is psychological.

He feels OK, though, because he feels more of an aching in the thighs and rectal area, now, and almost no aching of the sexual organ.

But here is the million dollar question: could it be possible that this man has a STD, or is it just the result of amazing sexual adventure?

If the man has an STD he is upset, but not in a vindictive fashion knowing that indeed his woman (and himself) had sexual lives previous to the current. But needless to say, being burnt by your girl is never a good thought.

One more detail: the weather has gotten very cold over the last few days and my friend is in the Army thus has been out a lot and working out. Is it possible that strange testicular feelings can be produced by sudden shift of weather as well?

Have any gentlemen on this forum ever experienced similar things and can contribute to the bank of knowledge concerning men's sexual health?

HungryWantBiddy Nov 19th, 2007 12:48 PM

STD's don't just appear over night. Hell, the last one I caught took 4 months to show itself.

Sometimes, when I take a big swat of the chronic and I cough my lungs up, I get that tingling sensation in my balls you were talking about. I like to think of it as my balls saying, "damn that shit's the bomb, son...tingle tingle." Anyway, to me it sounds like your friend is safe. My guess is he was just making all that up to discourage you from trying to have your way with him.

Kulturkampf Nov 19th, 2007 04:46 PM

OK, noted.

Chojin Nov 19th, 2007 06:07 PM

I know my "friends" go into this much detail about their sexual exploits.


JediScum Nov 19th, 2007 07:15 PM

Hungry is correct, in that STD's do not appear overnight.

I myself have had peculiar feelings, similiar to which you describe, after masturbating 8 times in one day. However, they disappeared within 12-24 hours.

Also, from experience, this sounds like the "friend" got a ruthless anal dicking without a proper strecthing. I say experience, as I tried to fit my own fist into my ass once. But I took an hour to "relax" the muscules involved as well as using lubrication. You can't just jam something in there, y'know.

Seriously, the only way I can think of someone feeling something in their thighs, rectum and balls (that prostrate gland, y'know), but not the penis proper, for SIX DAYS, is via by being a bottom in vigorous anal sex.

Terra Nov 19th, 2007 11:27 PM


Shoving your own fist in your ass seems like a lot of work.

Can't you just violently ram your own ass onto a baseball bat?

JediScum Nov 20th, 2007 12:25 AM

Not if you love yourself.

MLE Nov 20th, 2007 06:22 AM

Congrats, you made me lol ;<

Jeanette X Nov 21st, 2007 12:31 PM

Your friend is an idiot. You can get a woman pregnant from having sex without a condom even if you put it on before you ejaculate. The pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) can contain sperm.

I have no idea what this weird tingling feeling you describe is though.

Cosmo Electrolux Nov 21st, 2007 01:47 PM

he should call Sue Johansen......she's all knowing in the realm of sex.

MattJack Nov 21st, 2007 02:53 PM

weird tingling = added bonus

noob3 Nov 21st, 2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by HungryWantBiddy (Post 511668)
STD's don't just appear over night. Hell, the last one I caught took 4 months to show itself.

Sometimes, when I take a big swat of the chronic and I cough my lungs up, I get that tingling sensation in my balls you were talking about. I like to think of it as my balls saying, "damn that shit's the bomb, son...tingle tingle." Anyway, to me it sounds like your friend is safe. My guess is he was just making all that up to discourage you from trying to have your way with him.

OMG! So I'm not the only one who gets the chronic-induced testicular pains. I thought I had ball cancer, or something.

WhiteRat Nov 22nd, 2007 12:20 PM

Your friend's ball tingling was brought on by paranoia. As Jeannette mentioned, putting the condom on before ejaculation isn't completely reliable. Tell him to ditch the condom all together and shoot it on her stomach.

noob3 Nov 24th, 2007 04:42 PM

just shoot it into her vagina

WhiteRat Nov 26th, 2007 12:33 AM

That works too.

HungryWantBiddy Nov 26th, 2007 09:53 AM

yeah, you're not alone noob3. Some of my buddies have it happen to them too...mostly the other "veterans" if you will. I wonder what it's caused by? Also, sometimes it'll happen to my left hand. Just my left hand, never my right. I think I have neurological problems. I'll try to do a little research and post back.

EDIT: Also, I wouldn't call my tingles "testicular pains." It doesn't hurt. It just tingles...like your foot does when it's asleep. Kind of amusing. Kind of.

Supafly345 Nov 26th, 2007 11:33 AM

Put a towel on your erect penis and lift.

Misdemonar Nov 26th, 2007 03:43 PM

Hit it with a crowbar

JediScum Nov 26th, 2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly345 (Post 512429)
Put a towel on your erect penis and lift.

I know the exercise yer talking of. It's making your dick "twitch". Some guys can't do it or don't know how though. This is an easy test. Next time you have to piss, let it rip and then quickly stop it, in mid-flow. let it flow again, then stop it. A certain muscle controls this. If you can stop yer pee, you can use this muscle (this also applies to females, which is supossed to make the vagina contract slightly). The exercise for men to strengthen this muscle is to get a boner and just act like you are stopping your piss flow. The penis should twitch. Keep doing this repeatedly, 10-20 times. It can be tiring at first, to where the dick won't twitch anymore. As you get better at this, you can "weightlift" this muscle by draping a dry towel on the end of your erect penis. For some reason, I really feel the need to stress DRY TOWEL on ERECT penis. If you wanna use a wet towel on yer limp dong, fine, but i doubt much exercise of the muscle in question will result.

Dr. Boogie Nov 26th, 2007 06:00 PM

And don't use a beach towel.

DuFresne Nov 26th, 2007 06:44 PM

So is that exercise only for people who can't stop peeing mid-stream, or is there some other function?

MattJack Nov 26th, 2007 07:07 PM

I think it's about lifting weights with yer dick.

Dr. Boogie Nov 26th, 2007 07:08 PM

It's an excercise you have to do if you ever want to be able to open beer bottles with your urethra.

JediScum Nov 26th, 2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by DuFresne (Post 512482)
So is that exercise only for people who can't stop peeing mid-stream, or is there some other function?

Stopping peeing in mid stream is a TEST to see if you have control over the muscle. The EXERCISE is the trick solo or with the towel. I guess, the WHY you would do this is really up to you. Maybe you could get good and flip a quarter with your hard on. Maybe yer on a road trip, stop at a bathroom to relieve yourself, and you hear Al-Queda bust in to the rest stop and you gotta quit to fight, because you're an newly activated sleeper agent for the WAR ON TERROR (you never knew).

Or maybe it's kinda neat to learn new things about the human body... you know things many people can do. Maybe you can use this talent to please a a sexual partner. Maybe.

WhiteRat Nov 26th, 2007 10:50 PM

Will doing this finally allow me to realize my dream of tugging a 7.5ton 2006 Ford semi with attached 40 foot flatbed trailer down the street with my dick?

Sethomas Nov 26th, 2007 11:57 PM

The muscles in question are the kegals, as I'm surprised Jeanette hasn't yet said. Proponents of kegal exercises claim advantages of its practice to include harder erections, better semen flow, and the ability to cure leprosy and make the blind see.

MarioRPG Nov 27th, 2007 08:11 PM

:lol Seth you jerk.

Kulturkampf Nov 29th, 2007 02:09 AM

The tingling left roughly 4-5 days after.

He is healthy again. Yet he is weary and cautious and stressed... But only in moments of intoxication does the topic of worry present itself, but even so, it is drifting off.

MetalMilitia Nov 29th, 2007 06:11 PM

I saw an e-mail in my inbox that said "enhance your short sword to better fit her scabbard".

hope this helps!

Terra Nov 29th, 2007 11:28 PM

Emphasis on "short sword."

Cosmo Electrolux Nov 30th, 2007 01:01 PM

I'm constantly getting emails from people who seem to be genuinely concerned about the size of my dick....:\

maggiekarp Dec 1st, 2007 02:53 PM

Me too, man. Bad enough I can't even see the thing without the internet telling me about it.

Also, anal kegels, KK. It's the only solution. Even if your problem's already gone.

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