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MattJack Sep 16th, 2007 12:09 AM

Music You've Made
So I kinda figured there were a couple of people here who write/play music. I like to write because I've been playing since I was little, but that isn't here or there.

Here is a song I've written about an ex that I had. It's pretty basic so don't expect solid gold or anything like that.

My roots are in punk rock, southern rock, and reggae. This is a dub style tune.

Dub is basically a type of dance/jamming music I suppose.

Eitherway tell me it sucks, or it needs this, or it's good.

Here it is.

This thread is to encourage anyone who writes music to post it. Criticism is always cool, but being a dick isn't. lol

Fathom Zero Sep 18th, 2007 12:11 AM

I'm building a cigar box guitar. All I need to do is find the right neck.

I feel your song in my toes, MJ.

Cfr5 Sep 18th, 2007 12:24 AM

MattJack, I think that sounded pretty good. Did you play all the instruments yourself and record/mix it yourself or what?

Fathom, when you finish that pixplz.

Mockery Sep 19th, 2007 04:46 PM

Well I'm sure you've already heard my comedic music with A.L.E. and other stuff like the "I Will Beat Pacman" and "Dead Backstreet Boys" tunes, but I also did some more experimental stuff a few years back. Nothing amazing, just messing around really, but here it is if you want to take a listen:


sloth Sep 19th, 2007 05:56 PM

its threads like these that make me wish iron mitchell still posted here

noob3 Sep 20th, 2007 03:25 PM

iron mitchell sucked he did nto even know zeni geva were a metal band

Cliff Steele Sep 20th, 2007 04:50 PM

I rap with my friend craig but its hard to get together to do it, and it's just joking around

noob and sam are supposed to guest star for us some time :O

sloth Sep 20th, 2007 04:59 PM

i didnt even pay attention to his musical tastes tbh, i just remember him having some mad bands on the go. it was this thread i remember - http://www.i-mockery.com/forum/showthread.php?p=245634.

MattJack Sep 20th, 2007 07:58 PM

Fathom, good luck on that dood, I wanna see some pictures. And thanks. Drink a beer or 8, then do some illegal substance(s) to get the full effect of the tune


Originally Posted by Cfr5 (Post 504645)
MattJack, I think that sounded pretty good. Did you play all the instruments yourself and record/mix it yourself or what?

Fathom, when you finish that pixplz.

Wow thanks man, I appreciate it. The only thing I didn't write/play was the bassline. My best friend writes all the bass parts.

I played/recorded/arranged all other parts in the song. Instead of doing actual drums, I just made a loop or two and used that for the main beat. I played with a synth to get the electro sounds mixed in too.

maybe I'll put another up one day.


Originally Posted by Mockery
Well I'm sure you've already heard my comedic music with A.L.E. and other stuff like the "I Will Beat Pacman" and "Dead Backstreet Boys" tunes, but I also did some more experimental stuff a few years back. Nothing amazing, just messing around really, but here it is if you want to take a listen:


I kinda like it dood. I'm completely new to electronic music, so I listen to everything with an open mind. Is there something you are going for? or is it just you completely experimenting?

You use a lot of ambience in these tunes, which isn't a bad thing. To me, and I mean no disrespect, it sounds like some of these tunes could be in video games. Maybe not all of them, but Weakday, Rupture, and Walking On Fish immediately conjure video game-esque mental pictures. Eitherway, I think it's cool.


Originally Posted by Cliff
I rap with my friend craig but its hard to get together to do it, and it's just joking around

noob and sam are supposed to guest star for us some time :O

Oh lord. I'm always down for mock rap. If you send me the tracks I'll screw it out for yall. I'm talkin dirty south. I'm not down with stank yum yum though haha

Girl Drink Drunk Sep 21st, 2007 11:47 PM

I made a bunch of recordings of sounds from different objects. Some of it sounds pretty fucked up ( idid one with multiple radio frequencies playing at one, and static).

terrva Jan 4th, 2008 05:37 PM

I'm pretty sure this counts as music:

Our Love Is a Gingerbread House

bigtimecow Jan 6th, 2008 03:59 AM

wasn't iron mitchell the noise guy? he was the man

me and... fuck, i can't remember his name. me and some other guy on here (used to have the website digitalhorse?) we made some noise tracks before, if i can find them i'll post them.

otherwise i'm in two bands

the first is a more experimental / metal band and the second is a fun metal band

woo! :love

terrva Jan 6th, 2008 08:32 AM

bigtimecow: Great stuff, i really like george orwell the musical. I always admire people who can scream like that without making their throats bleed. Slightly Outrageous Neanderthals is pretty damn good too. Try and find those noise tracks too, i'm eager at all times to hear noise.

In other news, i uploaded some stuff i made last year for yall's listenin' pleasure (if you fancy this kind of stuff):
My corroded wench

The first two i'd call industrial, the third harsh noise (and it really is harsh). The last one i can't categorize.

EDIT: I guess i should also share my tools of the trade. I've been using jeskola buzz (wikipedia entry) for roughly a year and a half now. Before that i used various trackers, like modplug tracker and similar for some time. So basically my setup is a rather crappy windows pc with a rather crappy headset plugged into it.

EDIT 2: I had to remove the last one to free up some CYBER-space.

Zomboid Jan 6th, 2008 09:04 AM

I wrote and performed every bit of the hit "holiday road" from the national lampoon's vacation movies. I also mentored Danny Elfman (we went to grade school together in what seems like aaaages ago!).

Vanhelm13 Jan 8th, 2008 12:17 AM

I'm not sure if you can call it music but..
Me and my friend started a band for the sole purpose of destroying music.
We're releasing a full length CD this summer. The insert it going to be an apology to music.

As you can tell. We totally take ourselves and our "art" very seriously.

Cfr5 Jan 8th, 2008 01:07 PM

My band's stuff can be downloaded here. We put absolutely no effort into recording those. I play guitar.

Fat_Hippo Jan 19th, 2008 08:29 AM

I use a music programm (yeah, I know, I suck) and some things haven't even been all that bad, considering that I have next to no musical education. Haven't uploaded them anywhere, seeing how I'd probably be pretty embarassed, but maybe I will in the future.

ElPila666 Feb 10th, 2008 12:28 AM

I played a guitar with a crappy sound but then i started to use a program called frooty loop or FL studio to experiment some techno rythms and i found that have some funny drums pre recordered that you can modify. So I create some tunes now have to add some guitar but i am still very lazy about it. I hope to make some dubs miself since a like reggae very much. je je je cheers! have a freaking good saturday

Dixie Feb 10th, 2008 01:12 AM

I helped do gang vocals for all the songs on their MySpace except for the Sabbath cover.
My favorite is "Commit To Sin".

Fat_Hippo Feb 10th, 2008 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by ElPila666 (Post 531029)
I played a guitar with a crappy sound but then i started to use a program called frooty loop or FL studio to experiment some techno rythms and i found that have some funny drums pre recordered that you can modify. So I create some tunes now have to add some guitar but i am still very lazy about it. I hope to make some dubs miself since a like reggae very much. je je je cheers! have a freaking good saturday

Yeah, I've played around with that too, but you can forget it for anything but Techno or House, or anything like that. All the actual "instruments" sound so messed up. The Piano hurts me, the brass does too, and I don't know what's up with the guitars. It's easy if want to smack some beats together, but that's about it.

Fathom Zero Feb 11th, 2008 10:19 PM

Can anyone lone me some beats so I don't have to steal them?

Fat_Hippo Feb 12th, 2008 05:19 PM

Well, what kind of beat are you looking for? It's easy to make somthing with FL Studio 6, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Pub Lover Feb 12th, 2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 531361)
Can anyone lone me some beats so I don't have to steal them?

I made you a beat but I dropped it.


Fathom Zero Feb 12th, 2008 06:42 PM

Nevermind, I have the perfect one in mind.

MattJack Feb 12th, 2008 08:18 PM

lol @ pub


JediScum Feb 15th, 2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 531361)
Can anyone lone me some beats so I don't have to steal them?

Would it be theft if someone just gives them to you?

I got aboot 5 or 6 hundred, in .wav format

Fathom Zero Feb 15th, 2008 06:02 PM

By stealing, I meant take them from other songs. For a mashup or something like that. I don't believe that's illegal. PM me.

MattJack Feb 15th, 2008 06:28 PM

well, what kind of beats are you looking for?


MattJack Feb 15th, 2008 06:30 PM

speaking of mashups, I was mashing up the misfits and otis redding the other night, but then I lost interest/will to do it

maybe i'll post the 30 second clip or so file

Fathom Zero Feb 15th, 2008 06:35 PM

That sounds bizarre enough to be interesting. I just need any beats and I'll build around it. I don't have anything in mind that needs one and I already have one for a mash I'm making.

MattJack Feb 15th, 2008 06:40 PM

just some basic loops?

MattJack Feb 15th, 2008 06:41 PM

and what format would you like?

what program(s) do you use for this project?

Fathom Zero Feb 15th, 2008 07:12 PM

I'm using Audacity at the moment. Perhaps I'll find something better.

MattJack Feb 16th, 2008 03:39 AM

jedi, can you link those beats?

JediScum Feb 16th, 2008 10:31 AM

I just found them. 3 disks of ransacked beats and soundbites. I have no idea what's even on them.

I remember, at the time the disks were made, me and friends were playing with FruityLoops, Acid and SoundForge 5.0 a lot. And i was taking loops from borrowed video games, movies, stuff from the library, anything really.

But yeah, let me dump the shit on megaupload


JediScum Feb 16th, 2008 11:23 AM

megaupload is not cooperating with me...

I have some generic beats on one disk. The other two, it turns out are all soundbites pillaged from sound effects records checked out from the library.

Anyway, how can I send a folder that's over 500 megs?

Fathom Zero Feb 16th, 2008 11:58 AM

Zip that shit up or split them up.

JediScum Feb 16th, 2008 06:27 PM

Jeez.... that was almost painful.


These are the beats, and i used WinRAR to compress.

Again, they are .wav files

Cheesy, spooky sound effects soon.

MattJack Feb 17th, 2008 06:43 PM

The Misfit Twist

I wouldn't even call it a mashup actually. I was just bored and playing around, and then I got bored with this piece too. I am kind of more into dance and remixes than mashups, but whatev.

Fathom Zero Feb 17th, 2008 11:54 PM

I need a beat that meshes with Hold On Loosely.

MattJack Feb 17th, 2008 11:57 PM

by 38 special?

Fathom Zero Feb 18th, 2008 12:01 AM


JediScum Feb 18th, 2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 532920)
I need a beat that meshes with Hold On Loosely.

:lol That sounds fuggin awesome

By the way, did the beats I uploaded work for you?

Fathom Zero Feb 18th, 2008 06:50 PM

Haven't been able to download them. Not your fault, though.

JediScum Feb 18th, 2008 07:40 PM


Spooky stuff

Well, sort of

Edit - here's some more


MattJack Feb 19th, 2008 08:29 PM

Fathom, do you need a specific tempo or does it not matter? I am not familiar with your software.

I am totally down with make you some fly ass beats, son

Fathom Zero Feb 19th, 2008 09:32 PM

Doesn't matter, I can make it work. Same tempo as Hold on Loosely, if you don't mind.

Girl Drink Drunk Mar 9th, 2008 01:13 PM

Here's some random stuff I recorded a few years ago. I was trying to go for kind of a ambient, creepy vibe on this. For the "Voices" recording I put a bunch of radios in front of a tape recorder, on different stations, and later added some echo effects to it on my PC. On "Feedback", I would recorded the (you guessed it) feedback from my PC speakers, and then record more feedback over the old recording being played. I just wanted to see what weird noises and sounds I could make with speaker and radio feedback, fans, and other things.

liquidstatik Apr 4th, 2008 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 520005)
me and... fuck, i can't remember his name. me and some other guy on here (used to have the website digitalhorse?) we made some noise tracks before, if i can find them i'll post them.

that was me >:

Misdemonar Apr 5th, 2008 07:34 PM

I made a new song, in like, ten minutes :(,

I messed the soft part though, and I unsure to whenever it's good or not, since it's just chords, and random shitty scaling.


EDIT:Yeah, I' pretty shure it's shitty :(

Fathom Zero Apr 5th, 2008 07:36 PM

I'm downloading Jediscum's Beets now. I haven't been able to at my joint.

MattJack Apr 5th, 2008 08:10 PM

My computer died (RIP BUDDY), and so I have this D*LL an' I h8 it. I promise I didn't flake on you Fathom :(

Did you ever make yer 38 Special shit?

Fathom Zero Apr 5th, 2008 10:07 PM

I'm gettin' on with it.

My computers are shit, so audio encoding'll have to wait. But I'm doing stuff.

Dommin Apr 7th, 2008 08:45 AM


Couple of projects I did.

DuFresne Apr 7th, 2008 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Dommin

Reminds me of playing Doom :love

A bit of contructive criticism: they're kinda on the repetive side. A couple more ideas per tune would help A LOT. But still, neat to listen to.

Dommin Apr 7th, 2008 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by DuFresne (Post 546131)
Reminds me of playing Doom :love

A bit of contructive criticism: they're kinda on the repetive side. A couple more ideas per tune would help A LOT. But still, neat to listen to.

Yeah, I know it's repetitive. That's why the songs are kept to a relative shortness (An average of 3:30). This is due to a broken microphone port on my computer, not allowing me to have any vocals.

They're just projects, but I actually made a Liebestoter album. Not professional, just a "Burn/Print your own" copy, though. My current project (Tar Man) is going to be a lot more serious, and be done more professionally, I hope.

Aries Apr 12th, 2008 09:24 AM

Busy busy busy...


Vanhelm13 Apr 16th, 2008 08:30 PM

I recorded myself playing greensleeves on my bass

soundtest Apr 20th, 2008 04:15 AM

some stuff i did a few ages ago:


newer stuff is not online

also http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00565/ i did years ago.

i did a river city ransom mix of the boss music i liked a lot better but it was not accepted :sleep

MattJack Apr 21st, 2008 09:32 PM

that's the shit I'm talkin bout right thurrr

Soundtest, I'm def all about that mess

MattJack Apr 21st, 2008 09:33 PM

nah but srsly I just listen to that shit 3 times rapid fire

Fathom Zero Apr 23rd, 2008 03:39 PM

Metallica vs. Led Zepplin vs. U2 vs. The Butthole Surfers.

Another idea I have. Now that I have enough ideas, I'm ready to put them into practice.

JediScum Apr 23rd, 2008 07:19 PM

You could call it "Hairway To Steven" or.... hell, I don't know

Fathom Zero Apr 23rd, 2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by JediScum (Post 551330)
You could call it "Hairway To Steven" or.... hell, I don't know

Haha, yeah. That is a reference on multiple levels.

Fathom Zero Apr 24th, 2008 09:41 PM

I'm scraping a beat out of St. Anger. :rolleyes

MattJack Jun 22nd, 2008 01:36 PM

so i just mashed together my 1st mash. took me about an hour I guess?

I know it's all over the place, but hey, I was just trying to have a lil fun.


Fathom Zero Jun 22nd, 2008 01:46 PM

It feels off.

Then again, I haven't done much. I really have to up my game.

MattJack Jun 22nd, 2008 02:06 PM

yeah I feel the same way, but oh well. I didn't put enough time into it :\

I'm trying out a new method of sequencing too, so I think that had a large part in it :(

ElPila666 Jun 26th, 2008 01:51 AM

I made some beats, i know i suck but making this is like a therapy to me, also it's seems that a new FLstudio 8 has come out, i didn't try it yet, these ones were make it with the 7th version.


Fathom Zero Jun 26th, 2008 08:27 PM

I think I'm gonna get one of these:


The sequencers are bugging me 'cause I can't feel it.

liquidstatik Jul 3rd, 2008 08:19 PM


cchchchceck it out :x

liquidstatik Jul 3rd, 2008 08:50 PM


changed it, oh man i wish i could edit posts still :x

MattJack Jul 6th, 2008 12:41 PM

it sez file deleted :(

liquidstatik Jul 6th, 2008 12:45 PM

the 2nd links isn't deleted, the first one is 'cause it was just the unfiinished of the second :x

VoodooChild1968 Jul 7th, 2008 08:42 PM

You can see some of my guitar/vocal work at www.theotisjonesproject.com for my current project. Some of my older guitar work can be heard at www.myspace.com/bulletforbetty for the last band I was with. Enjoy.

Lobo Tommy Jul 14th, 2008 06:00 PM

I just formed a band called "The Boons". Pyschadelic Noise stoner rock. So far we only have one song.

Tadao Aug 9th, 2008 09:08 PM

I have just realized that I have the time, the money, and the experience to record music and have been a lazy fuck since playing games all the time :(.

MattJack Aug 10th, 2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Lobo Tommy (Post 568459)
I just formed a band called "The Boons". Pyschadelic Noise stoner rock. So far we only have one song.

Sharing is caring >:

Tadao Sep 5th, 2008 05:50 AM

Does anyone here have something like a 4track. I'm looking to buy something to record on and I don't want to use the computer. I've used things like cakewalk and soundforge before, but I really like the simplicity of a dedicated recorder. I don't want a 4track, I'm just looking for suggestions along this line for the price of about $1000.

Esuohlim Sep 5th, 2008 10:29 AM

I just got Fruity Loops from a friend so I plan on posting some of my TASTY LICKS and PHAT BEATS soon :hat

You know when I get the free time to actually fucking learn how to use it :(

MattJack Sep 5th, 2008 11:09 AM

What version do you have? Do you have any manuals? What do you want to know?



Fathom Zero Sep 5th, 2008 03:43 PM

Fruity Loops is not my friend.

Esuohlim Sep 5th, 2008 07:09 PM

I don't know man I just spent like 45 minutes of my time on what amounts to 20 seconds of gay noise so don't tell me it doesn't have its merits

Esuohlim Sep 5th, 2008 09:48 PM




Someone name it for me

DevilWearsPrada Sep 5th, 2008 10:57 PM

Industrial RE-Evolution

DevilWearsPrada Sep 5th, 2008 10:58 PM

It's kind of annoying but catchy at the same time, it would make decent bossfight music for a 2d game

MattJack Sep 6th, 2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 577856)
Does anyone here have something like a 4track. I'm looking to buy something to record on and I don't want to use the computer. I've used things like cakewalk and soundforge before, but I really like the simplicity of a dedicated recorder. I don't want a 4track, I'm just looking for suggestions along this line for the price of about $1000.

This might do what you want for about a grand.

Tadao Sep 6th, 2008 12:24 PM

That's what I'm looking for. Thanks.

MattJack Sep 20th, 2008 02:59 PM

Does anyone have any hi hat samples? I rly rly need some.

Looking for hip hop/breakbeat hi hats.


Krythor Sep 24th, 2008 07:41 PM

Here are my earnest bedroom recordings about being a nerd with a guitar. Tracks from the imaginary album "all my friends are bartenders." http://www.myspace.com/perroscantantes

MattJack May 30th, 2009 04:52 PM


Anybody got anything new?

Krythor May 30th, 2009 07:11 PM

Me and a friend recorded some more songs on http://www.myspace.com/100yearsofboxing over the course of two days last christmas.

Dommin Jun 17th, 2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 580553)
Does anyone have any hi hat samples? I rly rly need some.

Looking for hip hop/breakbeat hi hats.


Look on ThePirateBay for drum packs. I got a giant pack of them.



MattJack Jun 17th, 2009 07:20 PM

Yeah I've picked up some samples since then. Thanks though.

Nice man!

Mainstream is my favorite.

Do you use a bit crusher plugin or what?

Dommin Jun 17th, 2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 634001)
Yeah I've picked up some samples since then. Thanks though.

Nice man!

Mainstream is my favorite.

Do you use a bit crusher plugin or what?

A What-now?

PS: I'm uploading some new tracks right now.

Womti Jun 17th, 2009 08:31 PM

MattJack Jun 17th, 2009 09:28 PM



A What-now?
I know a guy who does Industrial and he uses a bit crusher(and I do to some extent) for some of his sounds. It's basically a type of distortion that you can put/layer on/with sounds that wouldn't normally be hard sounding (soft synths, 8-bit, drums, etc).

Anyways just wondering and cool tunes man. Keep it uppppppppp

Dommin Jun 17th, 2009 09:58 PM

Haha, believe it or not, everything on that page is made in FL studio.

I'll check out finding a bit crusher app. Know anywhere I can find one?

MattJack Jun 17th, 2009 10:18 PM

FL Studio is a really powerful tool, so I believe it :D

As far as bit crushers I just utilize the one built into Native Instruments' Massive app. I'm sure you can google FL Studio Plugins, and then find a site that has one.

You should also check out the aforementioned Massive app. It is very impressive, and well, massive in its capabilities. You can plug it in through FL Studio as well, so it will fit right in for you.

Dommin Jun 18th, 2009 02:59 AM

I should note I know nothing technical about FL. I know how I want shit to sound, so I fuck around until I get it to sound the way I want it.

I'll figure something out. Thanks.

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