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Mockery Jan 25th, 2011 07:24 PM

Dead Space 2
Anybody get it yet? I'm a huge fan of the original and couldn't stop playing the game until I beat it. Everything about the sequel looks great so far and I'm hoping to pick up a copy sometime soon.

LordSappington Jan 26th, 2011 12:52 AM

I picked up my Collector's Edition today.
First off, the toy Plasma Cutter it came with is badass. I'll post pics tomorrow; promise.
As far as the game goes, it's just fabulous. It's improved on a lot of aspects; when you buy a new suit, the old one is stored, so you can switch between suits you've bought without paying again.
The gameplay is just as fast and frantic as last time. Probably even more, with the new necromorphs to deal with. Very minor spoiler:

The little blue line you follow has been improved, since you can switch from objective, to the closest save point, store, or workbench.
So far, the only problem I have with it is it gets too dark too often. I like being plunged into terrifying darkness, but not for 75% of the game.
I haven't beaten it yet (making myself stick at a pace), but so far, I'd give it a 9.5; only took off points for too much dark.

Zhukov Jan 26th, 2011 02:31 AM

I pre-ordered it, and should be able to collect it soon, but they stuffed up at the store and I missed out on getting the collector edition - which sucks, because I really wanted a plasma cutter.

I loved the first one, and I'm looking forward to this being better.

OxBlood Jan 26th, 2011 04:15 AM

I got the PS3-Limited yesterday and thank god, itīs multilingual. Though the german dub of Dead Space 1 is among the best in the industry, I still prefer the original.

I love this game. Itīs got a slightly different atmosphere but the premise itself is terrifying as hell because this time youīre in a heavily populated area. The residential corridors are especially creepy when you hear the brutal screaming of a Necromorph from behind the apartment doors, trying to get out so it can rip you apart.

The little improvements all make sense and I like them a lot:

-the map is gone
-improved locator
-reloading without having to aim
-stasis energy recharges over time (!!!)
-you keep the best suit-stats when switching between suits
-some weapons got an overhaul
-TK improved but no more upgrades for it
-you can respec your weapons and get your Nodes back later on
-TK-attacks are really useful this time

All in all there are a lot of subtle but great improvements. Just the fact that TK and Stasis are now viable additions to your aresenal is really great by itself already.

Thereīs some new enemies too as you all know but the one Sappington mentioned is indeed really creepy.

"Lalala walking through the dark...lalala walki-what? *squints* what the hell is that? *leans forward* is that a-GAH! FUCK! *starts shooting like crazy*"

LordSappington Jan 26th, 2011 11:30 AM

Yeah, in the first game, I never bothered with TK unless I tossed the occasional explosive barrel, but in this one, I've been ripping off blades from corpses left and right to save ammo.
Unfortunately, the rivet gun I got for pre-ordering is kind of weak; I only use it for the Swarm, since it's the only gun fast enough to take them out.

LordSappington Jan 26th, 2011 10:37 PM


OxBlood Jan 27th, 2011 04:59 AM

And I see they went and took out the Rivet Gun just to sell it to us for 5 bucks...I´m thinking about it, I want all weapons...not the reskinned ones of course but the R-Gun is a valid choice for my arsenal...

LordSappington Jan 27th, 2011 01:19 PM

I wouldn't bother. It tends to make up a nice chunk of ammo drops, and it's not too great for most necro types. It's only really useful for the swarms.

Dimnos Jan 27th, 2011 06:34 PM

Worth buying? Or just a rental like the first?

LordSappington Jan 27th, 2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 711642)
Worth buying? Or just a rental like the first?

I'd buy it. There's a bunch more unlockables, and it has multiplayer, but I'm not sure how good it is; I haven't played yet.

Dimnos Jan 27th, 2011 09:23 PM

What about replayability? After I beat the first one I saw no reason to play again. Multiple endings? Anything?

LordSappington Jan 27th, 2011 11:34 PM

I dunno about you, then. I like to keep games I liked, because I'll want to play them again someday. I'll probably play this eight more times.

LordSappington Jan 28th, 2011 12:04 AM

Also, here are the photos I promised. Derp.

Here's the Cutter, in all its glory. It's obviously not the most intricate toy, but it's still pretty well designed. Too bad it doesn't turn at a right angle.

The size isn't actually too bad. I didn't expect it to be full-size, but it's big enough that it fits pretty well in my hand.

This fucker is BRIGHT, too! It has three green LEDs, and a regular white one on the side. Being the dork/loser I am, I've been using it as a light when I get up at night; gives you enough light without blinding you, and makes you feel like a badass. If you weren't holding a plastic toy gun, that is.

Obligatory action shot.
Hope you guys enjoyed this a little. Honestly, this alone made the extra $20 worth it for me; I'm a huge Dead Space fan, and this was a really great little toy to give to the fans.

OxBlood Jan 28th, 2011 06:54 AM

Huh, that Cutter really is microscopic...good thing I didn´t get it, I thought it would be way bigger.

Concerning Replay-Value:

Like the first game, it´s about experiencing the game again in NG+ with better guns. That, and there are advanced versions of all suits in NG+ afaik. No new scenes or endings or anything though. Doesn´t really bother me though. I played through DS1 about 4-5 times and I imagine I´ll do the same with DS2 if I can find the time...then again, time is pretty scarce in my life right now...

I´m somewhere in Chapter...11 I think and given the fact that I played and know the first DS pretty well, DS2 is still really great. A very good sequel in terms of continuation. It´s really nice to see how the first game made Isaac what he is now and his immersion in the story helps a lot in bringing that point across.

LordSappington Jan 28th, 2011 11:51 AM


OxBlood Jan 29th, 2011 03:47 AM

And done. Very nice, I think I like this one better than the first, but only in combination with it. The story doesnt work otherwise.

Liked the ending... The very las bit I mean, I thought it was pretty funny :)
Of course the whole scaryness pretty much goes to hell very quickly but I didnt care, it's a really worthy sequel in one of the best new frqnchises of the last few years.

...fuck, I hate posting with my iPod.

Zhukov Jan 29th, 2011 07:32 AM

Damn, that cutter is small. Thanks for the photos though; I would have still liked to have gotten one.

The biggest problem I have with this game is that it detaches me from being scared for a lot of the time; I spend too much time knowing that I am not going to get killed or attacked because it's a quicktime movie or some other scenario that I can't attack in so I know I wont have to defend myself.

I noticed the darkness thing too, but I just turned up the brightness and it isn't affecting me.

LordSappington Jan 29th, 2011 03:38 PM

Multiplayer is fun as hell. I have a feeling it'll get old fairly quickly, though; hopefully, they'll come out with a bunch new game modes and possibly necromorph classes.

OxBlood Feb 2nd, 2011 03:29 AM

Okay, so I thought buying DS-Ignition might be a good idea. I was wrong. God, those minigames are bad and fucking tedious too. I like the story though the "animation" and art is fucking horrible most of the time...if it weren´t for the acceptable voicework, the whole thing would bother me to no end...like it is...it´s just bad. But whatever, I want the hacker-suit.

darkkitten Feb 3rd, 2011 12:53 AM

replayibility is great because it comes with new game +

darkkitten Feb 3rd, 2011 12:55 AM

Im stuck trying to get


darkvare Feb 3rd, 2011 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 711822)
Okay, so I thought buying DS-Ignition might be a good idea. I was wrong. God, those minigames are bad and fucking tedious too. I like the story though the "animation" and art is fucking horrible most of the time...if it werenīt for the acceptable voicework, the whole thing would bother me to no end...like it is...itīs just bad. But whatever, I want the hacker-suit.

i heard that you don't need to beat it

OxBlood Feb 3rd, 2011 03:27 AM

The thing is, I DO want to finish it for the story and shit but the minigames...oh the minigames...

LordSappington Feb 3rd, 2011 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by darkkitten (Post 711865)
Im stuck trying to get SPOILER ALERT!!!

Spoilers, dude.
I'm still hoping for multiplayer additions. Get to play as a slasher, maybe a checkpoint level blatantly ripping off L4D....

Fathom Zero Feb 19th, 2011 02:03 PM

So wait, is there supposed to be a twist or something in the story? Because I've heard from a few people that there was, but I didn't see any up 'til the point I beat it.

Dr. Boogie Feb 19th, 2011 02:27 PM

They just have a very broad definition of what a "twist" is.

Fathom Zero Feb 19th, 2011 02:33 PM

Ahhh. Not every curve in a narrative is an OMG SURPRISE moment, people. I liked the story, although I still thought most of it was as incomprehensible the first, especially the endgame, and I still don't know what they mean by "MAKE US WHOLE, ISSAC RGHGRHGHGHHGHRGH" and all the other stuff that happens then. Maybe we're not supposed to know because Issac doesn't know a lot himself? Or maybe I'm just being thick.

I really liked the cringe-inducing part at the end, though. I screwed it up on purpose the first time, because there was a skittish girl in the room right next to me. She lost her shit. :lol

Dr. Boogie Feb 19th, 2011 03:47 PM

As far as questions about the story:


In short, the writing was serviceable, but the writers were so wrapped up in trying to keep the player guessing that they forgot to wrap things up properly. If I wanted to make an excuse for it, I would say that maybe you'll get more answers in the inevitable third one.

As for Isaac himself, he just doesn't do anything for me. He has a little more personality now that he isn't a silent protagonist, but there's nothing that really stands out about him. I think that's what they were going for, though: ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances.

darkvare Feb 19th, 2011 09:08 PM

one thing i wanna know is where thosse butterfly necromorphs come from they are the only common ones that have no human characteristics

LordSappington Feb 21st, 2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by darkvare (Post 713542)
one thing i wanna know is where thosse butterfly necromorphs come from they are the only common ones that have no human characteristics

Butterfly necromorphs?

Also, Stalkers weren't a huge problem my first play-through on Normal; they creeped me out when I'd notice one peeking at me, but that was it. On Zealot, they annihilated me over and over.

darkvare Feb 21st, 2011 01:20 PM

the ones that infect dead bodies

Dr. Boogie Feb 21st, 2011 04:10 PM

I just figured they were the originators of the outbreak, and that the game doesn't show them slowly infecting everyone because the game is more about cheap scares rather than the slow, creeping terror of a space station being gradually overrun.

Also, I could be wrong about this, but I thought they had some vaguely human-ish qualities on the underside of those wings, like how the behemoth necromorphs have arms that look like they're made of torsos and such.

LordSappington Feb 22nd, 2011 12:30 AM

Yeah, the infectors are also infected humans. They're just mutated to spread the infection.
What it more or less comes down to is the infectors spread into corpses, and everything else makes corpses to infect or begins to form new organisms, like the Hivemind and terraforming the area.

darkkitten Feb 24th, 2011 11:03 PM

Just finished the game,and,
But it all worked out fine.:)

LordSappington Feb 25th, 2011 12:46 AM

For future reference, the spoiler command is '[ spoiler] text goes here, nerd [ /spoiler]'.

Mockery Mar 17th, 2011 02:03 PM

Finished the game and loved it once again. Great action, some truly gruesome deaths, excellent sound design, the works. The only thing I thought was lacking was the overall story, but it seems like others share that same opinion as well. Looking forward to the next one regardless and I still need to try multiplayer mode sometime as I've heard it's a lot o' fun.

And now, the wait for Infamous 2 begins...

darkvare Mar 17th, 2011 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 715565)
Finished the game and loved it once again. Great action, some truly gruesome deaths, excellent sound design, the works. The only thing I thought was lacking was the overall story, but it seems like others share that same opinion as well. Looking forward to the next one regardless and I still need to try multiplayer mode sometime as I've heard it's a lot o' fun.

And now, the wait for Infamous 2 begins...

did you signed for the infamous 2 beta?

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