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Guitar Woman Jan 7th, 2008 12:10 AM

Guys did you hear how The Longest Journey is out on Steam now the Source engine must make that shit fantastic

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:10 AM

If I weren't 6'2, I'd attempt that.

Esuohlim Jan 7th, 2008 12:10 AM


Guitar Woman Jan 7th, 2008 12:11 AM

We need that forum skin back, also

MLE Jan 7th, 2008 12:11 AM

i agree

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:12 AM

Little boy, if you keep this little crusade of yours up, you might just have to be taken down a peg or two.

Then you shall know what it is really like to be a woman.

Chojin Jan 7th, 2008 12:12 AM

esuohlim what is your aim name?

Esuohlim Jan 7th, 2008 12:13 AM

I'll overlook the fact that I'm being demoted as long as you all call me "captain" and you all just make my job easier by not posting retarded shit >:

Vanhelm13 Jan 7th, 2008 12:13 AM

I'll give you a medal and a high-five.

Esuohlim Jan 7th, 2008 12:14 AM

I haven't had AIM for about three years :(

Guitar Woman Jan 7th, 2008 12:14 AM

oh boy am i in for it now!

Chojin Jan 7th, 2008 12:15 AM

also I'll talk to cfr5 about adding i-bapery back as a theme option because it would really improve things around here

Chojin Jan 7th, 2008 12:15 AM

aim or msn or yahoo im or something ;< I need to talk to you in real time to give you the INITIATION

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:15 AM

The Force is strong in you, young Padawan...

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 520531)
aim or msn or yahoo im or something ;< I need to talk to you in real time to give you the INITIATION

That sounds so dirty.

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:17 AM

What you're in for is a mauling. From a wild bear. Thats going to attack you from your closet.

How? I do not know.

Vanhelm13 Jan 7th, 2008 12:17 AM


Esuohlim Jan 7th, 2008 12:17 AM

All right hold on I'll get a new AIM name for this special occasion

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:19 AM


Bonus points for having sex in a Mini Cooper wearing an authentic Darth Vader costume.

Vanhelm13 Jan 7th, 2008 12:22 AM

I donno. I think the helmet might intimidate her.
(if you know what I mean, and I think you do)

I'm actually planning on buying one of those $500 dollar ones once I get a job this summer.

Esuohlim Jan 7th, 2008 12:24 AM


Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:26 AM

I almost bought an original mold Stormtrooper suit.

Instead, I spent the money on furthering my knife collection.

dirtyxblondexdame Jan 7th, 2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Vanhelm13 (Post 520541)
I'm actually planning on buying one of those $500 dollar ones once I get a job this summer.

that sentence - will never get laid, not even in a Mini Cooper.

Vanhelm13 Jan 7th, 2008 12:29 AM

My god, I'm not the only one who collects knives?
I've got a battle axe, too.

Oh right. This is supposed to be about hilarious sex stories...

Raises the question:
Would you make sweet love to a knife?

Spetsnaz Jan 7th, 2008 12:29 AM

Shes right...

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