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Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 10:53 PM

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 555514)
Whoever it is that puts that shit up really does his homework

I read both the new ones going "Is it me? Is it me? It might be me? No, it's not me. :( "

Also, is Seth on the list twice?

WhiteRat May 12th, 2008 11:02 PM

Who is supposed to be #4?

I'm not sure which one exactly is supposed to be Seth, either.

Asila May 12th, 2008 11:13 PM


Asila May 12th, 2008 11:15 PM


Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteRat (Post 555519)
Who is supposed to be #4?

Do you remember Kahljorn?

Fathom Zero May 12th, 2008 11:32 PM

I know it's GW writing it.

Tadao May 12th, 2008 11:43 PM

You can tell it's GW. He tried to add himself to hide the fact, but he ends up praising himself instead of insulting himself.

Pub Lover May 12th, 2008 11:44 PM

The GW one has been there for ages though.

Tadao May 12th, 2008 11:47 PM

As he has been writing them for ages.

Asila May 12th, 2008 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 555527)
The GW one has been there for ages though.

Don't go getting logic in our messageboard conspiracies, dude

Chojin May 13th, 2008 12:17 AM

I think I would be honestly offended if encyclopedia dramatica liked us.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 12:20 AM

They do like us. This is how the emotionally crippled display their affection.

Chojin May 13th, 2008 12:29 AM

Apparently we love them back, given the frequency of you fags going OH MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING ;_;

Zomboid May 13th, 2008 12:33 AM

I'm honored!

executioneer May 13th, 2008 12:34 AM

i've never lived in a basement! what shoddy journalism

executioneer May 13th, 2008 12:38 AM

plus, good christ that has to be the nicest thing those guys have said about anyone that wasn't intended to be ironic

Asila May 13th, 2008 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 555542)
plus, good christ that has to be the nicest thing those guys have said about anyone that wasn't intended to be ironic

It's because you're YOU just accept it

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 04:09 AM

ElPila666 May 13th, 2008 04:39 AM

Does jail prisioners have internet? caused i wonder if Charles Manson is writing at some message board since i heard that he upload an album of him as a gift to his fans last month

JediScum May 13th, 2008 08:46 AM

It was alluded that Hannibal Lecter had computer privleges. But that's fiction.

Charles Manson releasing an album he phoned in? Are you sure? That could have been David Allen Coe or GG Allin.

JediScum May 13th, 2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by ElPila666 (Post 555553)

It's OK, Lassie... they won't hurt me.... I'm not Jewish.

Now run girl, RUN. Timmy's in trouble.

MetalMilitia May 13th, 2008 11:26 AM

Hey you can get a BAPE theme for your iGoogle: http://www.google.co.uk/help/ig/art/artists/nigo.html

Newbs need not apply. :ibapery

Fathom Zero May 13th, 2008 11:45 AM


Pub Lover May 13th, 2008 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 555537)
Apparently we love them back, given the frequency of you fags going OH MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE SAYING ;_;


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