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Grislygus Jun 5th, 2008 07:03 PM

Fuck it, gonna be whole new retards when I get back anyway

Misdemonar Jun 5th, 2008 07:24 PM

ill still be here

liquidstatik Jun 5th, 2008 07:43 PM

w/e girlygus :x

Esuohlim Jun 6th, 2008 02:30 AM

Sup dudes

Esuohlim Jun 6th, 2008 02:34 AM



Esuohlim Jun 6th, 2008 02:38 AM

And there's nobody else online but pac-man and Sacks :rolleyes

Sacks is all right but that other guy's a f*ucker :x

executioneer Jun 6th, 2008 03:02 AM


pac-man Jun 6th, 2008 03:16 AM

"I've never liked that little wiener Milhouse" - Homer Simpson

Misdemonar Jun 6th, 2008 03:58 AM

man i hate those simspons

pac-man Jun 6th, 2008 04:07 AM


man i hate those simspons

Ladies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together.

Guitar Woman Jun 6th, 2008 11:22 AM

so I'm working at a church to re-organize their computer stuff. So far the funniest things I've found are help manuals for Laserjet II series printers and a copy of Windows 3.1. :D

Guitar Woman Jun 6th, 2008 12:40 PM

Holy shit, they had strawberry syrup in their fridge. That is unbelievable. :picklehat

also I get to work the front desk now and they have a security hub on the wall with high quality cameras and an intercom and everything :picklehat

I'm waiting for a bum to come by so I can pretend I'm jesus.

Tadao Jun 6th, 2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 559411)
So Barr would be stealing votes from Republicans the way Nader steal them from the Democrats?

Godamit people! Votes do not count, how many times does this have to be proven to you guys :(

Fathom Zero Jun 6th, 2008 03:14 PM

Hold onto that girl, MattJack, she's a winner in my book.

MattJack Jun 6th, 2008 03:23 PM

Ri rearry rike rer

You wanna hit up some GTA? Cause I'm about to enjoy my half day of work by running over people

Fathom Zero Jun 6th, 2008 03:49 PM

I just got back from work and I'm about to sleep. I also have stuff to do and my bro is hoggin' on the 360. I also need a new mic. Which I should have got today back from my trip to the bank. But I didn't. Agh.

I'll be on tomorrow and definitely Tuesday night.

Pub Lover Jun 6th, 2008 04:25 PM

It's snowing. :(

Guitar Woman Jun 6th, 2008 06:47 PM

fuck's sake, buy me this puppy


:( :( :(

MarioRPG Jun 6th, 2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by pac-man (Post 559399)

Ladies and gentlemen, I've been to Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together.

What an obscure quote.

pac-man Jun 6th, 2008 08:26 PM


ElPila666 Jun 7th, 2008 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Octogonopus (Post 550904)
Hey, I never said anything about how funny it is or isn't.
And that's your argument now? I try to get you to see reason, and you resort to NO YOU SHUT UP ? Good job, Pub. You absolutely destroyed me. My teenage mind cannot comprehend how badly you owned me.


ElPila666 Jun 7th, 2008 06:31 PM

Because i'm boring

Fathom Zero Jun 7th, 2008 11:00 PM

Hey Esuohlim, you up for recording some more Forum Masterpiece Theatre bits?

Fathom Zero Jun 7th, 2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 558214)
I'd never ever play this IRL because I'm the kind of person who has to have roleplaying in his tabletop RPGs, and it takes a really special kind of friend to watch someone pretend to DRIFT TO AND FRO TWIXT THE FEYWILDS and then still want to be friends afterwords. Strangers on the internet are fine, though.


Fathom Zero Jun 7th, 2008 11:28 PM

Is it weird that the song Baker Street makes me think of driving down the street of an abandoned town at 3 in the morning while it's raining?

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