Originally Posted by JediScum
(Post 600077)
So i'm playing neverwinter nights, AGAIN, and also writing some stand-up comedy, in case i ever accidentally go to Lake Geneva, WI.
How many people here tonight have named their first born "Gary"?
Two people... not bad. OK, how many of those are girls? The same hands went up! Unbelieveable!
Seriously though... You should name a girl GYGAX! It just sounds spooky, right? Sure, she'll be a virgin until she's 35, but that's what Dad's want, right?
Uuuuuuggggghhh (cough), so anyway, speaking of not having sex, I started building a Monk character just a couple days ago...
(crickets chirp)
A monk who was multiclassed.
I wanted versatile kick-assery.
So i multiclassed him with a Wizard.
(Chuckles, claps and a couple of boos)
I'm sorry sir, what did you say?
(Yer mother's a wizard... on my face!! [followed by imbelic laughter])
Rigghhhhhhtttt!!! I think you need to put some more points into yer Heckler skill, sir. Either that or you should ask yer Dungeon Master to re-roll the percentile dice for yer mother to not sit down on yer Dad's dick while he's jerking off.
I did say it was great to be here, didn't I?
So yeah, i went for a Monk/Wizard combo.... but here's the punchline. I took the skills i needed to became an Arcane Archer (Race:Elf, Attack bonus +6, Weapon focus: Long bow, Never leave yer Mom's attic:affirmitive)
and after 8th level I didn't get the Arcane Archer option!!!!
I guess ya just gotta be a Fighter or a Cleric or a Ranger or a Paladin, nowadays.... Or an Elf who's NOT circumcized!! Isn't that right, ladies?
(crowd throws rotten vegetables with a skill rank of 1000)