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Pub Lover Oct 23rd, 2009 11:29 PM


executioneer Oct 24th, 2009 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 654725)
i thought this was a hotwheel with a little lego man in it :(

it does kind of look that way i guess :( i wish it'd been a more subtle color but what the hey it was a good deal!

Fathom Zero Oct 24th, 2009 12:40 AM

Chojin Oct 24th, 2009 02:20 AM

I know none of you read Art Shit, so prz to be reading this thread and leaving comments:


10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 24th, 2009 02:51 PM

So boring today. My saturday mornings consist of me being really busy at work. Saturday afternoons are really slow at work. Saturday nights are really busy at the bar, except by now I'm the customer.

Kitsa Oct 24th, 2009 02:57 PM

I put a wig on my mom's cat once and she got really pissed :(

I thought I was being considerate, making sure it had ear-holes and all.

LordSappington Oct 24th, 2009 11:21 PM

Is it bad when your doctor tells you to come hear your blood results in person? :<

elx Oct 24th, 2009 11:35 PM

nah babysappyton, they do that always, to everyone

Fathom Zero Oct 24th, 2009 11:37 PM

Why give results over the phone? That could potentially be unsafe.

LordSappington Oct 24th, 2009 11:41 PM

I'm just real nervous; I already got a letter yesterday saying they want me to come in for more blood-work, and now I get another one saying they want to talk to me about the LAST results....
I hate doctor stuff. :(

elx Oct 25th, 2009 12:39 AM

if it were something serious they would have warned you about it on the phone, don't worry

Zhukov Oct 25th, 2009 03:52 AM

I'm seriously thinking about taking all my vast savings of money and opening a book shop.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2009 04:42 AM

As a hobby or legitimately?

Zhukov Oct 25th, 2009 05:16 AM

Legit. A small shop with used and specialist books and literature. Probably art, games and collectables as a side. It's a dream so far, I haven't seriously looked into what it's going to cost, although I have got a bit of money.

The area that I have been thinking of has one chain bookshop and that's about it.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2009 05:20 AM

That would've been my first bit of advice. While I'm not a smart person by any means, I would assume that the most opportune place would be somewhere without many of them. Sounds cool, then.

Aaarg Oct 25th, 2009 07:36 AM

Well, you do have to be careful. Sometimes a town doesn't have a particular shop because there's no demand for it.

There's only one video game store here, and it's dead all the time (except when they host D&D sessions).

But then again, no matter how stupid the general population of a town is, there's always a market for books.

Aaarg Oct 25th, 2009 09:43 AM

reaping the benefits of working in a grocery store
- the abundance of large bags of dog food being busted in transport prevents one from having to purchase dog food
- the cheap plastic on the eight-packs of gatorade cause the rings to break frequently resulting in 8 bottles of gatorade in the milk cooler, free to employees in the know
- finding a box of frozen food in the back of the freezer that was discontinued months ago--the food still in date--will provide many nights of TGIF chicken quesadillas (not the healthiest but the price is right)

captain516 Oct 26th, 2009 12:34 PM

Good luck, Zhukov.

Colonel Flagg Oct 26th, 2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 654825)
I'm just real nervous; I already got a letter yesterday saying they want me to come in for more blood-work, and now I get another one saying they want to talk to me about the LAST results....
I hate doctor stuff. :(

So what's what, Sapster? Is it serious or is elx right and you're worrying about nothing?

Inquiring minds want to know, dammit. >:

Dimnos Oct 26th, 2009 12:58 PM

He has the anemia and will need a marrow transplant. :tear

Colonel Flagg Oct 26th, 2009 01:11 PM

Just so long as it's not the dieabeetus. :tear :Ranny

RaNkeri Oct 26th, 2009 01:19 PM


Chojin Oct 26th, 2009 02:07 PM

question - if i delete people from my friends list on facebook, does it tell them?

when i started, facebook went on a rampage adding everyone from my high school and i don't even know most of these fgts

Fathom Zero Oct 26th, 2009 02:08 PM


Toys is a good movie.

Kitsa Oct 26th, 2009 02:13 PM

chojin- I think you just don't show up on their friends list anymore. At least, that's what I hope, because I'm contemplating a massive facebook purge myself.

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