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bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 12:56 AM

you were sending me texts just fine the other day though :(

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 12:59 AM

oh yeah i had a dream the other night that there was an east coast imock meet up but anyone who was there who i haven't seen a picture of was just in like human form of their avatars

sam was creeeeeeeepy

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 01:01 AM

sam am i texting you right now


MLE Jan 2nd, 2010 01:22 AM

BTC, are you east coast?

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 01:25 AM

yes ma'am. massachusetts

LordSappington Jan 2nd, 2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 665825)
Hahaha last night I told my GF where to meet back up if we get separated during an apocalypse.

Our meet-up place is a toy store. :rock

MLE Jan 2nd, 2010 01:46 AM

Visit MD, dude.

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 01:47 AM

i was there for a little bit on my way to georgia last summer. i think i ate at a diner there; it was good french toast :D

you gonna give me a place to stay?

MLE Jan 2nd, 2010 01:49 AM

I live with my 'rents at the moment, paying off debt ;< Otherwise sure, you could crash here for a bit :> I'll probably mention the whole "HEY I'M MOVING" thing when it happens. Probably after this year.

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2010 01:51 AM

haha ballin

in reality though i'm staying in massachusetts for the next couple years. supposed to get a place this summer and hopefully land some teaching-esque position(s) here after i graduate

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 665853)
oh yeah i had a dream the other night that there was an east coast imock meet up but anyone who was there who i haven't seen a picture of was just in like human form of their avatars

sam was creeeeeeeepy

That happened to me a while ago when everyone had the emoticon avatars. Willie drove by me in a black car with a regular body. His head was the :explodethough which was a bit unnerving.

Kitsa Jan 2nd, 2010 03:12 PM

So my printer was fucked this morning and my sig other was getting more and more impatient trying to get it fixed, something was fucked up with a roller or something.

So after 2 attempts, he threw the printer across the room and it exploded into many pieces. It was fairly hardcore, although I was pissed and made him buy me a new one.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 03:24 PM

Hahaha, men are awesome.

Sam Jan 2nd, 2010 03:27 PM


Kitsa Jan 2nd, 2010 03:29 PM

That was a concern.

Sam Jan 2nd, 2010 03:33 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 03:39 PM



Sam Jan 2nd, 2010 03:40 PM


Sam Jan 2nd, 2010 03:49 PM


10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 03:50 PM

I wish I could see it.


Kitsa Jan 2nd, 2010 04:16 PM

actually, I shouldn't say that...it was more of a grandiose, one-time display of total immaturity. I don't really believe the baby to be in danger. If I did, he'd have gotten the so-long-and-fuck-you long ago.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 04:33 PM

I'm completely calm and level headed but many a time have I wanted to explode a printer for not working. We have 4-5 that don't work at my apartment in good visual condition.

Kitsa Jan 2nd, 2010 04:49 PM

There are two main problems with my printer (well, before its demise)...the HP software and the cats. I don't want to get into the complexities regarding windows upgrades and software updates and all that, but the fuckups were frequent and numerous. I've gone through stretches where I reinstalled drivers twice in one day. The damn thing would randomly drop one function...like the twain business with the scanner.

The second problem was the cats. I don't know what it is about the startup whirr of a print job that brings a cat running, but that's what happens. They would want to sit on the lid of the flatbed scanner and poke at the emerging paper, or stand in front of the tray and try to jam the paper back in where it came from. Naturally, that caused problems.

I still believe that with a little patience, the printer could have been limped through a little longer. I was angry about the sudden expense of a new printer, especially with a baby on the way any day now and all the stuff that has to be bought for her.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 2nd, 2010 05:04 PM

Cats need jobs. Do you have a due date Kitsa?

Kitsa Jan 2nd, 2010 05:16 PM

If I can make it to the 12th, I get to have a scheduled C-section.

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