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The Leader Jun 24th, 2010 10:52 PM

I'm pretty sure a large portion of the hippies of yore were that way too.

Zhukov Jun 24th, 2010 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 690141)
zhukov, that apple chocolate you sent was incredibly kickass. Up till now, I had never partaken in apple flavoring that actually tasted like fresh apples and not that godawful sour green apple crap. Because of the sour apple crap, I was convinced I did not like apple-flavored things. The chocolate you sent has made me rethink this.

We do apples right in the apple isle.

Otto Jun 24th, 2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Leader (Post 690162)
I'm pretty sure a large portion of the hippies of yore were that way too.

Yeah, I think that the downfall of the original counterculture was that it got co-opted and most hippies didn't care about it. You had companies manufacturing bell-bottoms and 7-Up using psychedelic imagery in their advertisements.

Babs Jun 24th, 2010 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 690161)
Not sure what you mean by on my mind, but that guy had a number of sad situations going on. I was surprised they didn't censor the footage somehow.

I have a special eyeroll for all the people standing around, "FREEEDOM OF SPEECH! YEAH, I'M TAPING THIS, MAN! THE WORLD IS WATCHING!"

The problem with modern "hippies" is that, for the most part, they are utterly vapid. They have no message. They have no conviction. They have fads and they have vague unhappiness and they still buy their ankle-length batik dresses from Nirvana at the mall.

I know of a few exceptions, but they were around for actual hippiedom when it really was about something.

This generation of kids are more than impressionable, they're a flock of shit looking for the next asshole to do their worthless talking so they can sideline themselves and comfortably nod to the nonsensible shit their big ass spews out. They're the type of clowns that let citations do the arguing, not knowing one piece of information they're agreeing too.

Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2010 01:01 AM

I really wanted to be a yippie when I was twelve. :<

Esuohlim Jun 25th, 2010 01:05 AM

Did anyone watch the new Futurama episodes?

It was pretty underwhelming :(

Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2010 01:07 AM

I would never have guessed.

Esuohlim Jun 25th, 2010 01:18 AM

Don't get me wrong, it was funny. It just felt different :\

The Leader Jun 25th, 2010 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 690165)
This generation of kids are more than impressionable, they're a flock of shit looking for the next asshole to do their worthless talking so they can sideline themselves and comfortably nod to the nonsensible shit their big ass spews out. They're the type of clowns that let citations do the arguing, not knowing one piece of information they're agreeing too.

Jesus, shut up.

Babs Jun 25th, 2010 04:30 AM

I mean do I really have to say much about this?


Wiffles Jun 25th, 2010 08:15 AM

Isnt it time we removed the "HEY KGP4DEATH CAN YOU SEE THIS" part of this topic title? Its kinda getting old ^.^;

10,000 Volt Ghost Jun 25th, 2010 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 690112)
I was really, genuinely considering making a 10,000V (cartoon version) cake for the hell of it. I had visions of orange coconut.

I might still do it, I just have to be in the mood.

That would be the best cake ever.

Colonel Flagg Jun 25th, 2010 09:32 AM

'sup Wiffy? :)

Wiffles Jun 25th, 2010 10:43 AM

Life in the candy coated mean-streets is rough ^.^;

Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2010 10:50 AM


Fathom Zero Jun 25th, 2010 10:51 AM

Me, I'm steppin to the AM

Dimnos Jun 25th, 2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Wiffles (Post 690189)
Isnt it time we removed the "HEY KGP4DEATH CAN YOU SEE THIS" part of this topic title? Its kinda getting old ^.^;

Willie said he was going to leave it up there for a year.

Dimnos Jun 25th, 2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 690176)
Did anyone watch the new Futurama episodes?

It was pretty underwhelming :(

I thought it was good. It wasnt fucking great or anything but it was good. Although I only watched the first one. I didnt catch the second one because I was on baby duty.

Zhukov Jun 25th, 2010 11:34 AM

Hello Wiffles, how are you?

My best mate is working on Christmas Island for a month, so I went out this Friday night with some other guys hoping to have a good night anyway. I ended up at a casino for an hour watching someone play the pokies while I supped a free cup of tea :( waiting in vain for the chance to go somewhere better and let rip on the dance floor while wooing beautiful women.

kahljorn Jun 25th, 2010 11:39 AM


This generation of kids are more than impressionable, they're a flock of shit looking for the next asshole to do their worthless talking so they can sideline themselves and comfortably nod to the nonsensible shit their big ass spews out. They're the type of clowns that let citations do the arguing, not knowing one piece of information they're agreeing too.
I read that in a COPS voice :(

Dimnos Jun 25th, 2010 12:07 PM

What the hell are pokies and why were you not playing blackjack?

Zhukov Jun 25th, 2010 12:34 PM

I was not playing anything, I was waiting around making fun of the unfortunates that waste their lives in there, before realising that I was in there wasting my life. There were so many pensioners there, and I think I saw a lady with a pram. I think you might call pokies slot machines.

They give you free coffee or tea there though. I guess to keep people playing longer. When you win (I saw the guy I was waiting for 'win') they give you credits to keep playing rather than money. Wtf? What is the point of playing if you don't even win money?

The Leader Jun 25th, 2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Babs (Post 690186)
I mean do I really have to say much about this?


:lol Are you good at anything?

Dimnos Jun 25th, 2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 690218)
I was not playing anything, I was waiting around making fun of the unfortunates that waste their lives in there, before realising that I was in there wasting my life. There were so many pensioners there, and I think I saw a lady with a pram. I think you might call pokies slot machines.

Ah. Yeah slot machines or just slots. Whats a pram though? :lol


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 690218)
They give you free coffee or tea there though. I guess to keep people playing longer. When you win (I saw the guy I was waiting for 'win') they give you credits to keep playing rather than money. Wtf? What is the point of playing if you don't even win money?

Round these parts they dont stop at coffee and tea. They will give you free liquor if your playing. If your drunk you make dumb decisions and loose even more of your money to the casino. With the credits there should be a booth somewhere you can turn your credits/chips in for cash.

Kitsa Jun 25th, 2010 01:47 PM

A pram is a stroller.

I spent a very bad couple days of my life in Atlantic City. Not only is the place a rat-infested shithole with nasty, sludge-y, filthy beaches, but the casinos were so very sad. There were many old people chain-smoking and wheeling oxygen tanks (???) (!!!) and they all had big keyrings full of plastic rewards cards that they plugged into the machines. When they won, they got little slips of paper that had to be turned in at an office for cash. I never won more than a few dollars.

Then I went to an arcade and shot a token down some sort of jackpot slot and it spit out a literal bucketful of tickets, and the workers were all mad at me when I turned the tickets in for some porcelain doll that was locked high in a case that signified it was unattainable.

See also:

"Atlantic City Hookers: It Ain't E-Z Being a Ho" (NSFW)

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