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Guitar Woman Jun 27th, 2011 01:33 PM


Kitsa Jun 27th, 2011 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 728633)
Those were like cheap BICs, right?

Pretty much...the white-barrel ones that come fifty to a box. We threw away pens like crazy.

One guy asked to borrow my pen, held it in a bloody hand as he signed a document, handed it back to me with blood still on it, and said "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell the nurse I have active Hepatitis C."

That was one of those "Oh, fantastic" moments.

Otto Jun 27th, 2011 02:52 PM

When I started working at the grocery store we had to bring in our own pens to write down information on checks and coupons. Inevitably the hicks we cater to would want to use our pends to sign their (immediately bounced) checks. I started carrying a fountain pen to work because none of them know how to use it without spraying ink all over themselves.

LordSappington Jun 27th, 2011 03:31 PM

Sometimes, people will just walk in and say they want, say, turkey. They don't specify which kind, and when I ASK what kind they want, they'll say "Whatever." Whenever this happens, I find the most expensive turkey we have, and cut it on a weird cut size like 2.3, so that it's a weird size for sandwiches; like it doesn't fold right on the bread and two slices is too much but one isn't enough.
Fuck those guys.

Kitsa Jun 27th, 2011 03:57 PM

I normally have much love and respect for deli workers, but (man,) fuck the ones who send me home with honey turkey they tell me is regular. EPI PENS ARE BAD TIMES.

Otto Jun 27th, 2011 04:35 PM

They made me quit bringing my fountain pen to work because some morbidly obese black lady managed to spray ink all over her ratty shirt and threw a tantrum and threatened to sue the store because I somehow made here fumble the pen and spill ink over what she claimed was a 300 dollar shirt. I highly doubt that a ratty t-shirt that looked like it had been pulled from the bottom of the dumpster where the homeless shelter throws away clothes that aren't good enough for the vagrants cost you that much!

Pub Lover Jun 27th, 2011 04:49 PM

Designer clothes look like hobo clothes to me. But then I dress like a hobo anyway.

Kitsa, that is particularly not good that they do that, but I am annoyed at you because now I want to eat honey turkey. :(

Kitsa Jun 27th, 2011 05:09 PM

It tastes like itching and burning.

Pub Lover Jun 27th, 2011 05:15 PM

That does put me off a little. Thank you.

Pub Lover Jun 27th, 2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 728651)


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 728654)
not in frame: tadao's booster seat

Also; Tadao Boner.

Wiffles Jun 27th, 2011 09:07 PM

T's life is like a roller coaster :o

Kitsa Jun 27th, 2011 09:09 PM

That's only because those of us with fucked-up spines can't go on real ones :(

Chojin Jun 27th, 2011 09:57 PM

speaking of fuct up spines, i went to chiropractor today

it was pretty ok! he snapped my neck like in goldeneye.

Otto Jun 28th, 2011 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 728670)
speaking of fuct up spines, i went to chiropractor today

it was pretty ok! he snapped my neck like in goldeneye.

My dad's had been seeing a chiropractor for years after a work-related accident permanently damaged his spine and rendered him unable to perform manual labor (he couldn't move to the office division because I think he doesn't even have a GED) and I had registered an appointment with the same chiropractor, based on my dad's recommendation, to help me with my bad back and found out the day after I scheduled that his practice had folded. When I asked why, I was told that he got in a car accident and damaged his back to the point where he was no longer able to practice. I don't think that the receptionist that called me appreciated the irony (or me laughing about it) as much as I did.

Esuohlim Jun 28th, 2011 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 728673)
I have synesthesia, mostly cross-wired numbers and colors...

I got this too! I didn't even know that it wasn't a universal thing until like five years ago.

Are you extremely good at remembering other people's birthdays too, no matter how little you care about them?

Chojin Jun 28th, 2011 03:46 AM

that's called autism, son

Esuohlim Jun 28th, 2011 03:51 AM

According to internet quizzes with TimeCube levels of credibility, I am autistic :x

LordSappington Jun 28th, 2011 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 728642)
I normally have much love and respect for deli workers, but (man,) fuck the ones who send me home with honey turkey they tell me is regular. EPI PENS ARE BAD TIMES.

Okay, if someone asks me for regular turkey, I don't do that. I make sure I give them what they ask for if they DO ask for a specific type, but if they just say they want turkey, how am I supposed to know?
Also, yeah, if you say you want regular turkey, they give you honey and insist it's regular, they deserve whatever they get. There's being a dick, and then there's being a lazy asshole.
That wasn't a good analogy

Fathom Zero Jun 28th, 2011 04:04 AM

I can see shapes in my head when I hear music (seeing sounds?)

This profoundly affected me when I saw it in the theater.

Chojin Jun 28th, 2011 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 728707)
This profoundly affected me when I saw it in the theater.

shit bro, if that impressed you, i'm about to change your goddamn life:

open an mp3 in windows media player

you can thank me later

Esuohlim Jun 28th, 2011 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 728706)
I make sure I give them what they ask for if they DO ask for a specific type, but if they just say they want turkey, how am I supposed to know?

You ask them to be more specific, stupid

Chojin Jun 28th, 2011 04:14 AM

how is he supposed to do that AND stare at the floor while mumbling an insult he heard on 4chan, genius?

Fathom Zero Jun 28th, 2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 728710)
open an mp3 in windows media player

you can thank me later

lol. That always gave me headaches.

Pub Lover Jun 28th, 2011 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 728729)


Why that thread? :confused

Pub Lover Jun 28th, 2011 07:15 AM


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