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ItalianStereotype Jul 2nd, 2011 02:31 AM

I left a similar comment on a fat acceptance video as well. For six months it was the top rated comment, but then was removed.

I had a fat table in my section this evening. A round top table meant to seat eight people and three fatties took up the entire thing because they couldn't fit into any of our booths. One of them ordered three orders of cheese fries, that comes out to well over two pounds of cheese (around 10000 calories), another ordered a full rack of ribs and a kid burger (over 3500 calories), the last ordered a ribeye and a small order of ribs (around 2000 calories). They each had a Diet Coke as well.

Guitar Woman Jul 2nd, 2011 02:34 AM

Who even needs to eat when you've got fucking cocaine?

Esuohlim Jul 2nd, 2011 02:36 AM

Dude I'm totally living a fat lifestyle minus the fat, suck it Chojin

Esuohlim Jul 2nd, 2011 02:37 AM

I put on some sunglasses while typing that post btw

Chojin Jul 2nd, 2011 02:37 AM

i try to hate skinny nerds who do all the shit i mentioned too, but i find that i frequently pity them instead.

really i think i only hate fat people who try to rationalize their fatness, or people who are so goddamn fat that it causes them to have special needs. how do you even let that happen.

Esuohlim Jul 2nd, 2011 02:42 AM

When are you gonna learn that you should just hate people for being people man, no additional reasons necessary

ItalianStereotype Jul 2nd, 2011 02:43 AM

Skinny kids are way more arrogant than fat people. Some of the things I've seen skinny fags say at work leads me to believe that about half of their body weight comes from their balls.

Chojin Jul 2nd, 2011 02:45 AM

this thread is making me crave foods, but i'm already at my limit for the day

good thing i have an ounce of willpower!

Fathom Zero Jul 2nd, 2011 02:48 AM

I'm going to go eat 1 1/2 leftover pizzas now.

Chojin Jul 2nd, 2011 02:59 AM

don't forget to update your livejournal with a poem about how no one understands your pain first

executioneer Jul 2nd, 2011 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 729262)
people who are so goddamn fat that it causes them to have special needs. how do you even let that happen.

if my weight ever brings me to the point where i need a cane to walk the next thing i'm gonna eat is a bullet

Fathom Zero Jul 2nd, 2011 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 729269)
don't forget to update your livejournal with a poem about how no one understands your pain first

kool kids use tumblr now, retard

get your internet right

ItalianStereotype Jul 2nd, 2011 03:11 AM

willie, I don't think you're quite like the fat people we're referring to. you look like you ripped out of a bear uterus fully grown and punch holes in trees. Fat people run out of breath eating ice cream.

Pub Lover Jul 2nd, 2011 03:22 AM

I do wish Chojin would start capping us fat fucks like the worthless dogs we are. :(

LordSappington Jul 2nd, 2011 04:12 AM

I've been thinking about getting a tattoo. Whatever it is, it will be very small and modest.
I was thinking something Doom related. One thought was getting iddqd in the doom font and font size 6 somewhere. Maybe with the Skulltag logo.

executioneer Jul 2nd, 2011 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by ItalianStereotype (Post 729272)
willie, I don't think you're quite like the fat people we're referring to. you look like you ripped out of a bear uterus fully grown and punch holes in trees. Fat people run out of breath eating ice cream.

can i still use the power of self-loathing to get down to a 2xl shirt again :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 2nd, 2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 729279)
I've been thinking about getting a tattoo. Whatever it is, it will be very small and modest.
I was thinking something Doom related. One thought was getting iddqd in the doom font and font size 6 somewhere. Maybe with the Skulltag logo.

Wait on getting a tattoo for at least 6 months. If you still want it in 6 months then get it.

LordSappington Jul 2nd, 2011 12:22 PM

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm on the line about tattoos; I like them, but I want to be damn sure I'll like the tattoo. I can wait on it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jul 2nd, 2011 12:43 PM

Definitely make sure its something you're going to be able to live with. You can also have them do a trace of it on you usually. That way you can see if you like it for a few days. So you can check out the placement/size too.

I don't see the point of getting tattooes on a whim.

For my next one I'm getting

MarioRPG Jul 2nd, 2011 05:26 PM

10kvg, that is badass and I totally support that as a tattoo. I don't think I'll ever get a tat, but that is one of my top 5 choices if i did.

e: regarding fattie acceptance, it's prob because something like 37% of the US is obese. Also i like to think no one is ever happy with their bodies.
also fatties on scooters is rediculous. fuck yall i'm carrying 40 pounds of text books on my back, i'm not moving completely off the sidewalk no matter how much you 'honk'

Shyandquietguy Jul 2nd, 2011 06:02 PM


Grislygus Jul 2nd, 2011 08:31 PM

I never buy the shit about obesity, 37 percent of americans are just FAT. no matter what any healthcare professional says, obese means that you look like a pasty version of a black actor's fatsuit. Obese means that you are too fat for a seatbelt.

Fat is when you look down in the shower and can't see your dick. REALLY fat is when you can't see your dick even after sucking in your gut. "Obese" is only accurate when your name is Kevin Smith

Chojin Jul 2nd, 2011 08:37 PM

obese is a clinical term that describes people with a certain % of bodyfat (>25% for men, higher for women). it is really not difficult to get that fat.

what you're describing is morbid obesity.

Otto Jul 2nd, 2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 729246)
dear fatties of the world: losing a lot of weight in one or two weeks doesn't mean anything. it's likely from a highly variable source like water and will return by the end of the month. also prz stop being so obsessed with weight because your body contains many more things than fat which you can gain or lose. the 10 pounds was probably your liver and kidneys escaping and leaving with all their luggage. get caliper'd or try on tighter clothes and then see how it goes, and you can stop lying to yourself.

i was going to continue this post with a discussion of PSMFs/low-carb diets and Clen, but then I remembered that I'm the only person here who actually knows anything slash cares slash fuck you

i might be extra aggressive from my trip to the gym in retrospect

I honestly didn't notice my change in weight until I tried on a pair of jeans, that I had put in the back of the closet because they were a couple of sizes too small, while getting rid of clothes I didn't want anymore. All of the pairs that were previously too small fit pretty well and all of my regular pants fit a lot better. I might have been exaggerating a bit when I said in two weeks, as I have been on a different medication (lurasidone) for about two months and my doctor said that it might help curb my appetite. There's also the fact that I've been so unmotivated to do anything, including eating full size meals and more than around once a day. Frankly, it's just awesome to wear a belt-buckle and people be able to see it, since it's not obscured by a paunch.

Otto Jul 2nd, 2011 08:41 PM

Also since instead of just hitching a ride everywhere in place of walking across town to get places I've been getting something resembling exercise.

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