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MockBot Feb 5th, 2009 04:18 AM

I-Mockery Pays A Visit To Olvera Street
Automatically generated comment thread for I-Mockery Pays A Visit To Olvera Street.

Pentegarn Feb 5th, 2009 04:37 AM

Gotta love the knock off toys, I got a bunch of "Fighter GT" figures that look suspiciously like a certain set of well know Japanese animation toys that I found at a dollar general. I Stop at these dollar stores now and then to see what knock off toys they have this week.

DarkfireTaimatsu Feb 5th, 2009 06:00 AM

I keep misreading the sign, but it's okay because "Crab Bags" would also be enticing.

The packaging for all the knockoff superheroes and Power Rangers (because they surely can't count as actual superheroes) are among the greatest things I've seen.

Julio Feb 5th, 2009 07:20 AM

Hah, it's hilarious to see how my Mexican brethren is still selling tons of luchador masks, the staple of many markets. I fee however that it looks more like a halloween sale... Perhaps that's what dragged you there after all, -RoG-.

And, by the way, I am damn sure that the Beastly Fist Corops package has a mistake with the spelling of the name... I can see it says Beastly FLst Corps.

As for the InterChangeRobot Convoy, well who knows! Maybe his name is Transfo after all.

darkvare Feb 5th, 2009 08:39 AM

lol we have a market like this every sunday over here i love going cause i find bootleged movies knock off toys and pretty much everything. the clown mask is a lucha mask there was a team of wrestlers who were all clowns and they had all thosse mask eventually

rizzo Feb 5th, 2009 10:47 AM

I could swear I've seen that first bootleg toy pack somewhere...maybe Matt over at X-E had one at some point?

Graystreet Feb 5th, 2009 01:44 PM

Correcto, Rizzo.

And fantastic article, by the by, really funny stuff.

Aries Feb 5th, 2009 02:36 PM

"Transfo" appears to be based on the mold of the Stunticon leader. Can't remember his name.

HowardC Feb 5th, 2009 03:48 PM

Yeah and just in case somone was living in a cave, convoy is prime's name in japan. "Interchange" refers to what we would call the interstate.

bountyhunterseven Feb 5th, 2009 04:44 PM

wow, this place beats the crap outta Juarez here!! plus, u dont run the risk of getting shot by drug czars!! (or do u??)

Mockery Feb 5th, 2009 04:56 PM

DarkfireTaimatsu, I thought it said "Crab Bags" too when I first saw it! It's cuz it was drawn in such light marker colors. I wish they were Crab Bags... there's no way I would've forgotten those.

Silver, hehe yeah I think it is spelled incorrectly as "FLst Corps". Even better!

HowardC, yeah I actually reviewed one of the Optimus Prime Japanese "Convoy" toys a while back... the Optimus Prime Pepsi Convoy to be exact! Check it out.

robo_rob Feb 5th, 2009 06:36 PM

I see those super hero sets all the time here in Atlanta. If you take the hulk toy out of the package, he'll have no painted ass. Just green hulk butt for all to see.

The k.o Convoy looks like an extremely goofy Motormaster with Menasaurs head attached.

Doctor_Who Feb 5th, 2009 07:49 PM

Those bootleg packages are so dumb they hurt to look at.

But when you think about it, "Transfo" is actually pretty clever. Any kid looking at it will think it's the word "Transformers" covered up by the truck, and that they should buy it because Transformers are cool. But when Hasbro sues the company for violating their copyright they can just look all innocent and say "What? This toy is clearly named 'Transfo'". And while the truck on the front may look like Optimus, it could just be a truck. No way to prove otherwise.

Now I'm not certain if these toys were produced by devious masterminds of infringement, or if they just got lucky.

Orastella Feb 5th, 2009 08:24 PM

Oh cool! Chango, the Santeria god of passion, war, thunder, lightning, masculinity, and female fertility.

DavidFullam Feb 5th, 2009 09:36 PM

I want those Lucha Masks and one crystal ball wielding Reaper.

Tanuki Feb 5th, 2009 09:59 PM

The knock-off toys made me laugh so hard. xD

Tetsu Deinonychus Feb 6th, 2009 12:42 AM

I love the "Superheros" packs.

From now on, I'll consider Mr. Incredible, Raphael, Naruto, and Buzz members of the Justice League!

Actually, after "Final Crisis" (which I didn't read) they very well could be!

Also, love how "Super-Warrior: Ninja-force" featured all the "Turbo" Power Rangers (Or "Carranger", in Japan).

greenimp Feb 6th, 2009 12:47 AM

its like a neverending stream of badly made, yet hillarious cheap knockoffs!
except the chess set, that looked pretty cool

DarkfireTaimatsu: are you sure? a crab bag sounds like something i'd rather avoid...

DarkfireTaimatsu Feb 6th, 2009 01:59 AM

greenimp: Nah, crabs are adorable little buggers. Almost as cute as lobsters, but stubbier.

Copper Feb 6th, 2009 05:18 AM

Rog, that was hilarious. Yet another reason I need to win the lotto so I can take a road trip that-a-way.

Pandajuice Feb 6th, 2009 03:18 PM

I really really want that Vader T-Shirt. For some reason, to me, it's the epitomy of awesomeness and I must have it. Any chance of you grabbing one for me when you go back for the grab bags Rog? I'll email you and work out the details if you don't mind.

greenimp Feb 6th, 2009 04:36 PM

DarkfireTaimatsu: i was actually reffering to the other kind of crabs... the ones that are no fun at all

Julio Feb 6th, 2009 11:16 PM

greenimp: Yuck...

By the way, the Spider-Man that is on the first photo depicting a bootleg toy pack seems to be so shocked about the "Catch all baddy" line that he is just staring to it in disbelief.

Ronin S Feb 7th, 2009 05:55 PM

Oh man, Naruto, Batman, Spider-Man and Iron Man in the same toy package? And I thought the bootlegs at the nearby Chinatown mall were bad, hahahaha.....

I want one of those Luchador masks.

El Sammo Feb 7th, 2009 08:00 PM

I simply MUST have that Vader shirt that proudly proclaims "Soy el padre, Mijo". Also one that would say "El NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

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