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I liked tales of vesperia a lot but i felt disappointed at the end ;/. But i guess that's ok since they have new game+ ;( |
Team Fortress 2 for PC. I had to turn the graphics waaaaaaay down so it looks just like Team Fortress Classic. Except they don't have escort the president :(
Instead, you can escort your Engineer into unsecured forward locations and protect him while he builds his sentry!
Be a bro, man. |
Aaaand I've got Miles Edgeworth. Man, playing as him is WAY cooler than Wright. Some asshole puts a gun to his back in the first few seconds of the game, and Edgeworth just says "No one commits murder in my office and gets away with it".
Then the asshole backed away slowly like he just shit himself. It was great. Oh, the game's pretty fun too. Quote:
I just did the first few missions of Aliens vs Predator. And so far, it's a lot of fun!
Each race is much more distinct than I was expecting. And climbing along the walls as the Alien is a lot easier than it looked in the previews. |
you weren't very good at escorting me Bill :(
does that mean we're playing tf2 now instead of l4d2 :lol
we play all of them Willie :(
well i'm just askin cause i kind of uninstalled tf2 recently :lol
You get the Umbrella, then I'll escort you
![]() Downloaded the Resident Evil 5 DLC last night but only got as far as the first hallway. TONNNNIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTTT! |
:O I call Jill :x
I call Chris. Going to do some Zombie stomping.
Whats the new RE5 DLC?
It takes place in one of the spencer mansions when Chris and Jill find him prior to RE5 happening. That and new mercenaries mode with Road Warrior Chris....Barry Burton...Rebecca chambers and some other stuff added.
Sweet. How much is that?
I think it was 400 pts. There's going to be another DLC that takes place as Jill and "that one guy who drives the boat" after you boss fight Jill in the main story.
From what I've noticed in the "Mercenaries reunion" is that you can't play against the characters in the regular merceneries. So its self contained with its own selection....so no STARS Wesker :( |
Was it just me or did it feel like the game was setting up a plot twist where boat "boy" was going to stab you in the back but then they never went anywhere with it?
I was waiting for him to die the whole time. :(
I thought JOSH was totally in on it. Just the way he showed up to help was a little too suspicious. I DO love the part where JOSH was all like "POSSSSIEEEEDDDOOONNN LOOOKK AT MMEEEEEE"
i'm gonna get the re5 gold edition
From the 20 mins I did of playing it last night amidst making dinner and reading the diaries it already made me jump a bunch.
that sounds great. are the main enemies zombies? i reached level 8 in mgo i love this shit i already got my sniper to master rank i just need a little more rewards for my bandana
I don't want to ruin anything for you. It surprised me to say the least.
Also...Excella & Barry = Beatdown sandwhich |
The photographs got me too, although I still think my favorite part is the whole creepy runabout in the woods. It's the only part of the game that's got any sort of atmosphere beyond "there's nobody here."
i was watching the endings and a dude posted a comment that made perfect sense they are not many endings but part of a forgotten reallity excluding the joke ending
I was equivocating a bit in my last post, this game is fucking brilliant.
The deformities and wounds they had on mine were actually really creepy, I didn't like them :< Also, the entire woods sequence, not just the chase part. I hate the chases a lot, but they're not dealbreakers. It just feels less like Clock Tower and more like the levels in Crash Bandicoot where you run away from the boulder. One thing I thought was weird was when you examine the "ABCs of Drugs" poster at the high school, and Harry goes, "I do love my ABCs" in kind of a sly tone. Does that mean he's a massive cokehead or what? |
The flashlight was making me motion sick while I was in the forest.
Also, the thing you said about Crash Bandicoot is exactly how I feel about the chases. They could almost be fun even but they add nothing to the atmosphere. Quote:
anyone plans on getting heavy rain after playing the demo is just a rent for me
I have to get Left 4 Dead now too. Once the Passing campaign comes out for L4D2 there's going to be a new campaign added onto L4D as well.
:( I've only played one campaign in the first one. I better get good at it quick. |
its pretty much the same except you can hide in corners if you want :O
I'm decent with guns but sometimes I rely on melee. :(
Nobody is worse at Left 4 Dead than I am.
As an example, one time me and my butt-buddies for the day were patching up in a health room, and as it ended up I got an extra health kit that some other guy wanted later. I wasn't sure how to just give it to him without using it on him right away, so I tried the method with pills where you approach the character and right click to hand it to them. What actually happened was Francis ran up and punched Louis right in the fucking face. Fucking hilarious, but not entirely functional. |
Going between RE5, ME2 (insanity playthrough), and Modern Warfare 2. It's a pretty good mix, because I don't like playing RE5 as much as I did RE4.
I just played some L4D2 with some assjabs who's every move was to "Go left. Go fucking left.....Lockeness why the fuck aren't you going left??~?~! This game is designed to always go left!"
You know what guy. Fuck you in your fucking mouth. You know why no one goes left.....because its the fucking predetermined path....where they know you'll be coming. If I wanted to fucking go left I would have hopped on your merry fucking back and gave you a damn reach-around. Fuck I hate stupid people. |
That and just beat RE5 Lost Nightmares on Pro mode.....
I just saw bits of Introversion's new game and it made me go back and play Uplink again. It's stupid to be this excited for a game that comes out next year.
I'm currently replaying Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, and I'm trying to see how far I can go with 20 HP. Also, my boyfriend and I are currently running a co-op campaign on Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell for the Wii.
hopefully she gets trapped in a magician's contraption that messily bisects her head later on ;(
hopefully you can use some of your objects on her to make her remove her clothing
i finally tried uncharteds 2 mp is like playing gears of war but without chainsaws and executions me no likey
I think I'm more pissed that the letter opener was hidden in a black statue with a black button you had to press that was hard to see on the black background of the item inspection screen. I spent the longest time walking around with the hammer looking for a nail to pry out of a wall. :(
I've been playing Robot Unicorn Attack for the last few days. Save for Cream Wolf, it's the only game on Adult Swim that isn't shit. It IS, however, really, really, really gay.
I've been tempted to try it.
Have you seen the music video for that song?
It's probably gayer than the game. |
I tried the game, I had a hard time playing it cause I was too busy laughing. :(
Finished AVP3 a few days ago...meh kind of game really, havenīt tried the Multi but then again, I donīt care about it, so...yeah. Glad I just borrowed it from a friend.
You're missing out on the better more-than-half of the game, considering the characters were balanced for multiplayer and not singleplayer.
so were the characters in the original avp, and that game didn't have a sucky solo campaign
It's pretty bad, too.
Oh itīs okay, Iīm not into Deathmatch-y games, I prefer simple co-op every now and then, everything else is VERY bad for my mood :D
Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Man, this game is righteous. I picked it up from Games for Windows when it was 75% off for the weekend. This is sweeeeeeeeeet. |
Made it to Wily's fortress in Mega Man 10. Surprise! He was the bad guy all along! Again!
Game's alright. It's not designed nearly as well as MM9, and the music isn't as good. Having Protoman from the outset (and soon Bass) is pretty neat, but nothing too crazy (unless Bass plays like he did in Mega Man & Bass. That'd be pretty awesome). I do like using A and B to change weapons on the fly. |
I would really love to see a new Mega Man X game that's in 2D akin to MMX 3.
2D Mega Man is the ONLY Mega Man. >:
Just finished Mega Man 10 on normal. I dunno if this is way easier or way harder. The 8 stages are pretty fucking annoying, but the Wily bosses are really fucking easy.
I'm trying out some of the challenges right now, then going back to play as Proto Man. The challenges are actually pretty cool, because you've got the regular achievement-type challenges from normal play, and you've got the challenge rooms, which are intense obstacle courses. Oh, I'm also playing BlazBlue Portable. I kinda wish they redrew the sprites for the PSP resolution instead of just scaling them down. It's kind of disappointing. |
Got Risen yesterday...and again, like with all german games, itīs rather well written but programmed like a piece of crap. I still like it though, since it was just 12 Bucks.
Those weren't Mega Man games.
Watched a friend play Heavy Rain today while shouting commands at the TV. Which is kinda like playing Heavy Rain. The game's slow as fucking molasses, and some scenes feel like they're there for no reason at all. One minute, you're fighting a guy at a convenience store, then it'll cut to a naked chick being attacked except not really it's a dream and okay now we're back to some other guy. And the kids in that game act like they're drunk. All the time. |
I saw a Youtube clip of a sex scene from that game where you have to manually input everything, from kissing to undoing a bra. It seems kinda nerdy.
That's how the whole game is. So yea, I believe it. Real mundane. It's only really fun to fuck up, like setting the table and putting the plates down hard to piss off your dumb wife. But then it doesn't let you fuck up everything, like if you want to slice your face off when you're shaving.
Oh, and I just got 50.5% of the challenges in MM10, so that's pretty cool. Beat the game under an hour, and without dying. |
Still royally pissing people off on MW2. Ninja classes are surprisingly hilarious.
i rented army of two the 40th day i'm gonna beat it with a friend on split screen
Shame about Hard Rain. I was thinking it'd be the game that'd make me get a PS3.
Edit: Because I could not fucking care less about shit like Metal Gear Solid and, uhh... Killzone? |
Rubbish use of "morals" to tell a story that isn't actually told unless you do extra curricular activities and learn Mandarin or some shit to explain the back story. I had no idea who the bad guys where the whole time. Very cool art direction though, and would be way funner with two people. Unfortunately I have few friends, although I consider those who are to be much more important to me than throw away acquaintances that I merely chat small talk with in an effort to make me feel more important. |
I would need to play it with a friend. I played through the first one with a few different people but tried it by myself and it just didn't feel the same.
i think the games is way too short less than 2 hours and we were already at chapter 5 of 5 wtf
That's really short. How is the customization?
there is a lot of new add ons for the guns but you have to find some bags in the game to unlock them such things as soda can silencers are fun and a lot of camos for the guns
edit i just fineshed the game no end boss, and feels just like anyother of the morale choices :( |
The customization has no variety to it. All the shotguns feel the same, all the machine guns feel the same. What's the point of a cordial can silencer or a screwdriver bayonet when a REAL bayonet and a REAL silencer cost a few hundred dollars more and, oh yeah, I have 300 million dollars.
I've been playing AVP as well. First game I've bought new in a while. Nice game and all but needs to be patched up a little.
There are already a ton of dedicated servers running for multiplayer so there isn't too much of a problem finding a non-ranked game. The problem comes in when your trying to find a Ranked game. Then you have to go through this "Quick Match" system which is an oxymoron considering your going to be staring at the face hugger animation for around 20-30 minutes waiting to be randomly placed in a game with 2-3 people. |
I got to the Shalebridge Cradle in Thief 3.
Not fucking cool, man. |
Dragon Quest 3 Super Famicom translation.
Resident Evil 5 Desperate Escape. No kidding it makes you feel desperate.
Bayonetta (GOD that game is so damn awesome) and
FF13 (not as awesome but still good) |
Alien Vs Predator Bayonetta They are coming out with some quality software. I hope they keep it going and don't fall into that Sonic the Hedgehog treadmill they are so used to wallowing in. |
Sega didn't make Bayonetta. They just published it. That's why it isn't bad.
Finally started playing Valkyrie Profile. Had the game for years but never even opened the case.
I don't really like timed-RPGs, but enough people have recommended it that I decided to give it a shot. |
Just look at Sega all star Racing by SUMO. Shenmue's Ryo wouldn't have been put there without Sega's blessing. |
Sega just did the shoddy porting job. They took Platinum Games' code and totally botched it on the PS3, which doesn't even make sense considering the PS3 is the stronger console.[/Microshock] They didn't actually develop it. At all. They might have okayed a few things here or there, but the core creative team and all the people that really matter in the game's development are from Platinum Games.
Exhibit B: Dimps developed the PS2/Wii versions of Unleashed, which were better than the PS3/360 versions both in terms of programming and design. Exhibit C: Pretty much every Sonic game up to 2006 has the same abysmal loading problems as Bayonetta pre-patch. Sega's a fucking shitty developer. Decent publisher, but can't program or design for shit these days. And no one gives a fuck about Shenmue except all three people who played those boring-ass games. EDIT: I forgot about SegaWOW. They're pretty good, but I think actually started as a separate company anyways. |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayonetta Quote:
I'm not defending Sega. I'm just saying that they still develop software (Bayonetta PS3 edition) and they have input on the final designs of every game that they publish. They work very closely with their developers. They supervise them and have a say on what needs to be done and how the finished product should look. |
Right. They took Platinum's 360 code, since it was originally planned as an exclusive, and converted it to the PS3. Technically, sure, they handled the code of the game. They didn't design it, though. The content is still the same, just lower quality.
It's like if I wrote a book and you published it as a hardcover with these really fancy pages, and you took that and printed it on smaller pages as a paperback. You didn't write my book, you just formatted it differently. |
the issue is that they publishing is not just putting crap in a box and slapping the Sega logo on it. They have more involvment with their products then that. And I'm not just talking about Sega....other publishers are the same way....Sega has just gotten lucky as of late with a few great games. I hope they keep coming out with good stuff because as I said above, I can't stand it when they harp on the Sonic mascot. |
Pardon me, but I have more faith in developers than publishers when it comes to betting on whether a game will be good or not.
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