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my halo reach comes in spanish and no other option :lol
:lol That's a bummer.
Que lastima!
Anyone seen the trailer for the new Devil May Cry? I think it's hilarious that fans are foaming at the mouth because they turned Dante into a crackhead. I think it looks better to be honest. It's a big step from the typical Japanese "androgynous" look. But then again, I hated the DMC games, so I really don't care where the art direction goes.
Meh. Since Bayonetta, the DMC-Franchise has lost all meaning to me, it´s been replaced with something WAAAAAY better :)
Finished the Reach campaign today. Nice but many annoying situations, like those insatkill Elites for example. But about the first half of the game was pretty boring...it only picked up after the space part. In other news, I just got the info that I can go and pick up my Dead Rising 2 tomorrow morning in one of those cute little videogame-shops about 10mins away. It´s nice when you don´t have to order everything via Amazon UK...I´ll get it over a week earlier (according to Amazon, they´ll send it around the 27th) and it´s not really more expensive...sure I could try and get it from one of those mysterious internet-shops for 35 but I don´t trust those since one of my earliest imports got held up in customs back in the day. So yeah, tomorrow is a zombie-day and a nice birthday to celebrate too. :) Not mine of course. |
That's sweet Ox! Be sure to tell us how it is. I can't wait for DR2! Is it weird that I'm more interested in saving people and going through the story than killing zombies?
Yes, it is Doug. You´re american, I expect you to go out guns blazing ;) Just kidding but rescuing people is not what I´m aiming for in the game but I think this time I´ll at least TRY to rescure someone. And I´m really curious how the whole Daughter-Mechanic plays out. I´m really not sure if that was such a smart idea, I mean you´re on a normal timer already and they added another on...ah well.
I guess I´ll post my first thoughts around this time tomorrow ;) Anything in particular that you want me to keep an eye out for while playing? :) |
The new Dante look is retarded because he looks like the fucking DIRECTOR.
I started playing FFXIII again. I think I'm near the end finally. |
oh i didn't new the knew the new dante looked like the directors thats an awesome case of narcisissm
lmao @ Dante.
If you find any ridiculous weapon combos, feel free to inform me Ox lol. |
![]() "I decided to grace Capcom with my gift and make their next Devil May Cry. I've improved Dante by 400% by making him someone I can relate to more by getting rid of his muscles and white hair. aDIos TUrD NugGEts." Started getting back into TF2 after taking a break for awhile. After playing Reach for a few hours at my friend's place I was pretty happy to go back to a FPS where there's more cooperation and less frat boys calling me a fag. I'm almost getting competent as the soldier, which is nice, cause I can't play him for the fucking life of me, and he's the only one I can't really get into. |
I think you just contradicted yourself with that sentence about the Soldier.
I can't play well with him, but I'm getting less bad. Made sense to me :V
Errrr....didnt I post something quite long about Dead Rising 2 this afternoon?
It got erased with the server move. But I remember it. You were talking about various combos and how it was Dead Rising 1.5 and how that wasn't necessarily a bad thing and that the biggest issue was some type of running movement, I believe.
Good. I already thought I was imagining things which would be...not so cool :D
So yeah, defeated 2 Psychos, one was easy and one...well, not so much since he had a kitty cat. The Lightsaber-Idea actually worked out and Chuck now as a real lightsaber built from a flashlight an gems. Cool, I guess. What got a chuckle out of me was the combination of a Blanka-Mask and a battery. Pop it on a zombies head and you got real Blanka-Lightning-Action :D Or you could light a wooden toy sword on fire or combine a water gun with a gasoline canister...also nice: combine the water gun from before with a fire extinguisher and presto: Freeze-Gun! :) |
so i downloaded the which game someone posted earlier and i like it but i'm stuck after droping key 3 in the sink i have no idea what to do next :/
Got all 5 episodes of the new Tales of Monkey Island earlier today (weekend special). Really like it so far.
Anyways, use the wrench on the sink pipes. |
I got Dead Rising 2. I agree that it's Dead Rising 1.5, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The story and the characters are a lot more believable, but man are the psychos hard! I only managed to beat the one with the "kitty". Chef Boyardee kicked the shit outta me. Nothing compares to killing zombies with a big green dildo though lmao.
I just died on a big man in a bunny-suit with a chainsaw...stupid fuck. And there goes round 3. By the way, a beer-hat is a nice thing.
how the hell are you jrks playing this, do you know someone at the videogames store or something
isn't it not supposed to come out for 5 more days even in europe |
Nah, I just checked the net and almost all other stores than Amazon listed it on saturday. Friend of mine got a videostore, his copies came on saturday too, so at least in Germany it´s officially out since that day. Cut us some slack, it won´t be long until they ban it here again ;)
i'll cut you a break, right in-a you face-a
I got it from a European friend lol. I don't get it though, don't European releases usually come later than American? Why is Germany so uptight about violence anyway? Is it just the current political agenda?
Please donīt, I already have a scar on my pretty face ;)
I think I said this a few months earlier too: Our censors sometimes have a problem distinguishing between different kinds of violence. Itīs only a problem when thereīs violence against human beings involved and apparently to them Zombies are people...nice of them but incorrect. And...yeah, since you slaughter millions of "people" in Dead Rising 1, it was banned a few months after release. I suppose the sequel will suffer the same fate. Sometimes the censors are a little strange though, as God of War 3 was a normal 18+ Release here. I donīt know itīs strange. Bottomline: Germany: Sex good, violence bad, easy to remember :lol But honestly, I still think itīs some kind of mental relic from the war. We as a people seem to be pretty afraid of violence in all forms, because we fear the past may repeat itself and blahblahblah, you get the idea. At least thatīs my impression...but enough of that. As much as I like to talk about this stuff, I guess most people here donīt care anyway and for good reason :lol |
As a country with that kind of history, I'd be more afraid of stuff like art and information suppression. But that goes on in every country, yeh.
I guess we never had a problem with the violence too much coz it's all far away, the America's being all isolated from the rest of the world. |
Our history is just as violent as any other country's (except our country is only 240~ years old). America comes from a puritanical background, which allowed children to be present at lynchings or burnings. But remember, sexuality or nudity are much more damaging to a child than horrific mutilation, decapitation, or immolation.
That's too long ago for me to believe it's still relevant. I'm talking the past 100 years. That's close enough for people to relate to, in my opinion.
i've been owning noobs on halo reach still gives me that weird warm feeling specially after i stabed a female spartan on the head
I really think that Halo:Reach should have probably just left the whole story out and just focused on multiplayer. The vast majority of gamers will probably play the first few levels, get frustrated, then go straight to online play. I can't even imagine the amount of racism and sexism that's being spurted online in Halo as I write this.
I can.
Heh, you should see the nerdrage on Gamefaqs about Dead Rising 2...some people just can´t comprehend that there exists a reality where german gamers get a game a week earlier than the majority of the US-Users on that board. It´s funny and sad at the same time...then again it IS Gamefaqs :D
Still a nice game btw, but also got some more Halo done today. A bit of firefight with some friends, nice stuff. |
I love how DR2 is everything that DR1 was and more, and people will probably hate it for not being different enough. You just can't please people. The only complaint that I have is that the psychos are too strong to beat your first time through. You don't have the upgrades or weapons necessary to deal with them in the timeframe.
man as long as the text is fucking readable without getting a migraine and there isn't an obnoxious dude constantly harassing you calling you i'm fine with more of the same
You have a Radio-Contact but apart from the urgent calls (Zombrex and Main cases) the contact will just leave a message you can read on the watch- or mapscreen if you donīt feel like answering. And again: No survivor that I escorted (about 12-15) died on the way, not one, thatīs a HUGE improvement over the first game. They may hobble after you or you may have to carry some of them but they donīt die easily anymore and they are way better with weapons this time around. And you can improve their behavior further with a skill book. |
I gave Minecraft a shot last night since it's still free for the moment. Wanted to check it out after seeing the videos in this post: http://www.destructoid.com/for-the-u...4451.phtml#ext
Pretty awesome. As a creative type who has a secret boner for cool architecture and no means to make it, it's neat to be able to build all sorts of tunnels and floating houses and rivers and shit. Not sure if I'll ever build a rollercoaster or any of the crazy stuff other people crank out, but It's fun to mess around with. I just wish night time wasn't in the game at all, cause it's not very fun. |
I just dug out my old 64 after giving up on aion again, playing ogre battle now
i restarted dead rising but the achievements are effing punishing :\
I just have 720. Never got Frank The Pimp and other hard shit like that.
I never did the Survivor-related things, I hated those guys. Might try it in DR2, their AI is way better this time thankfully.
Played a little Coop yesterday, quite funny even though the guy didn´t know his way around very well and almost died a couple times. I think I might be able to finish the story now (4th or 5th attempt)...it really helps knowing where the skillbooks are. Sadly there doesn´t seem to be one for the Combo-Weapons. |
The thing is, their classifications are totally accurate.
And totally overpriced! $5,000 is highway robbery for those specs!
I mean, I know Macs cost more, but christ. |
Yeah. I'm not even angry or anything about that anymore. If that's what people wanna do, then go for it. :\
took me about 50 tries but i finally got that stupid achevement about surviving a fall by assasinating an elite
I´m at the Overtime-Boss in DR2 and man, that battle sucks ass for multiple reasons...
I got all the way to the last boss of DR2 and I finally gave in and restarted. There's so much that I never got to do the first time and I'm excited to finally be able to do. I only got to level 29 though, how far did you get before restarting the first time Ox?
Before restarting the very first time? Umm...hm. I fucked the story up in the very beginning when you have to follow a certain person of the press around...so I didnīt get very far, mustīve been around Level 10 I think. Iīve beaten him by now and I was around...46 I think. S-Ending GET! My reward? The Armor-Chestpiece from GhostsīnīGoblins. Now I just gotta get the helmet somehow...and get enough money to pay the stupid fortuneteller... |
I think the helmet is in one of the casinos lol. I'm on case 3 at level 35 now. I absolutely love this game!
God, that game has the prettiest music. Great find, man. |
I'm sad there's not a physical CD, since that's really the only way I'd spend a dollar on music, but it's not really available anywhere else. Ehhhhhghhhh.
Bought Darksiders last weekend but didn't start it until Monday. I finished yesterday. It's a really nice mix of Zelda and stuff like God of War. The puzzles and little bit of free-roaming were great. The combat can get repetitive, but that's probably something that they'll fix in the sequel. Really solid game, overall.
But I got to Level 50 today...sadly no Zombiewalk this time... |
Level 50 in the previous was disembowel, I BELIEVE. Could be wrong. Either way, they were both HIGH up.
Hm, you could be right but sadly, Chuck doesn´t have that many badass-moves in comparison to Frank...ah well, he CAN rip any Zombies arms off, I´ll give him that. Now I just gotta know if I have to kill the 1000 Zombies barehanded in one go or in total through all playthroughs...cause I really want the Shaun-Outfit...
If it's anything like the last... it's one fucking playthrough. :lol
Level 50 was zombiewalk in DR1.
One thousand re-deaded Zombies via Faustgewitter - done and one Shaun-esque Shirt with tie is mine, thanks to the Lvl 50 Skill and a lot of firecrackers.
Dead Rising 1 + Dead Rising 2 = Dead Rising Case West. DLC coming out. Awesome!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_rising_2#Case_West On September 15, 2010, Capcom announced a second downloadable episode titled Case West. The Xbox 360 exclusive features the return of Frank West, the hero of the previous Dead Rising, in a new story that occurs shortly after the events of Dead Rising 2. Frank must team up with Chuck Greene, the protagonist of Dead Rising 2, in order to stop an unknown zombie threat and clear Chuck's name of any involvement. The episode includes a co-op feature allowing two players to complete the game as each character. Case West is expected to be released shortly after Dead Rising 2 on September 24 in Europe and September 28 in North America.[23] An interview with co-producer Shinsaku Ohara revealed that Case West will bring back the photography element from Dead Rising, explaining "It's part of Frank. So when Frank comes back, so does the photography."[ |
I´d like to have that DLC...question is, will I be able to get it. Guess I´ll have to be superfast before they IP-lock it...guess I should get a pointcard to be ready the morning they release it...
Ha, what do you know, Birth by sleep doesn´t have a german dub, just german subtitles and english voices. Excellent.
Wow...that game looks amazing for the PSP...plays really well too, though the levels are REALLY short and the story is...strange, even for a Kingdom Hearts Game...then again, I started with the girl, Aqua, so maybe it´ll make more sense later on.
Tetris Worlds on PS2. Good fun but it causes eye strain.
been playign that scott pilgirm game, pretty neat but i wish you could skip cutscenes (ESP. THE WIN SCREEN, CHRIST IT WAS FUN TO WATCH THE FIRST TIME BUT I DONT WANNA WATCH IT FOUR TIMES GUYS)
Picking up Dead Rising 2 tonight.
Picked it up last night. Saved all survivors thusfar. Killed that redneck asshole on the bike.
Fucking bitch motherfucking cocksucker piece of shit bitch cunt Chef Antoine.
I am replaying Metroid Prime!
It's probably going to take me two months :( It took me over a week just to get the first artifact because I've been too busy irl :( |
That bike guy was a total prick to kill, but it's so worth it. Having infinite motorcycles rocks.
I still haven´t killed Antione...but it shouldn´t be that much of a problem anymore, being max-level and all that...I do fear the "have 8 guys with you" Achievement though...I hate things like that. At least the survivors are not made out of cardboard anymore.
Still haven´t eaten all food and used all melee-weapons on zombies...which is weird and it makes me grab any stool or chair around...I don´t know what the fuck I missed... I think, the thing I hate the most about DR2 are the loading times...25 seconds loading-screens remind me of my old PC and when it was JUST enough to run a game... |
Pokemon White
:( |
fucking dead rising 2 is all up my butthole with its stupid annoying difficulty
also: why the fuck is everyone a dick to chuck greene in the beginning, it's making me not want to save fucking anyone. assholes should all die. especially the teen looter squad and that cockmonster on the chainsaw bike this game is making me angry. why the fuck did it tell me i could take my PP from case zero and not mention that they only meant the first 80k that got you to level 5. I DONT WANT TO KEEP RESTARTING THIS SHIT AND GETTING TREATED LIKE AN ASSHOLE OVER AND OVER JUST TO BOOST MY PP SO I CAN ACTUALLY PROGRESS IN THIS GAME, JERKS ffffuck |
I haven't restarted yet, Willie, and I didn't figure out how to import my Case Zero stuff until I was level 12. :O
I was playing Civ 5 until it decided to break.
I've listened to and saved everyone involved in a scoop so far, and I found one that wasn't. :( Those are gonna be a bitch to find without a guide. I've already fucked up and skipped over Snowflake.
I'm level 23 right now, the speed boost is nice. And I played with a guy that showed me how to make a Defiler. That's a bomb-ass weapon. Axe+Sledgehammer, Willie. It kills good. So do the knife gloves, as a matter of fact. |
I stopped playing after Silver/Gold. Are you still actually able to collect every single fucking one? That would make the gameplay extremely tedious AND painful for OCD gamers like myself that aren't happy unless everything is done.
I know someone who got them all in Diamond and Pearl. I got over 400 in that game before I got burned out.
It's easier if you own the other GBA and DS games cause they transfer over so you don't have to recatch them or trade. Plus WiFi makes it easier cause there's a kind of ebay-ish system where you can look up trade offers or make your own, or just hop on any forum and ask for shit. Black and White have this constant WiFi thing going on that's basically what the 3DS does, where it's constantly searching for other people, and you can make trades or battles right on the spot with random strangers. Course, it's only out in Japan so I can't try that yet :( Most people don't catch them all and focus on battling, cause there's a whole metagame around that. The calculations get pretty ridiculous and some of the strategies are pretty out there. That's why each release is exciting; new Mons throw new wrenches in your lineup, and some get nerfed or powered up. For instance, Ditto (remember that guy?) went from being the guy no one ever used to being one that might potentially be banned cause he has a new ability in Black and White. |
Playing Seiken Densetsu 3 AKA Secret of Mana 2. It's pretty good, but I like Secret of Mana much better.
So we non-plus-members finally got the Castlevania Demo yesterday. Played it and liked it quite a bit though this slight pause that triggers whenever you hit something with the whip really throws me off my pace somehow. That and it was really hard to see the enemies in all that rain in the beginning... I guess that game will be my birthday present for...myself. :) |
Beat it with 44 survivors. Need to get the unlisted ones next time, including Snowflake.
I started playing Case Zero earlier, and I'm glad I did, because now I don't want the full Dead Rising 2. The constant load screens are ridiculous, and it's just the same shit that eventually bored me in the first game. I'll just play Toy Soldiers until New Vegas comes out.
also i am beginning to like how well the survivors can kill shit, i gave the rock band assault rifles and they finished off that crazy mascot dude after i'd knocked off less than half his health survivor AI is easily the biggest improvement over DR1. although they really need to make it harder to accidentally leave people behind. especially in the always-empty corridor leading to the saferoom. Really, game? they can't traverse fifteen feet of empty corridor without me being there? i gotta watch two more loading screens? bullshit |
I definitely didn't think the axe and the sledgehammer would go together. I also didn't think the concrete saw and buzzsaw would make a sweeter bigger saw.
You have to use your logics, Bill.
In short, the game is exactly like the first one. Which is good, coz I loved everything about it, including the frustrating difficulty. |
I never played through the entire first one, no xbox at the time. Sam somehow managed to mix fireworks with a barney head then stick it on a zombie. Then made an electric wheelchair, put that zombie in the chair.
So a handicapped Zombie barney in a wheelchair throwing up explosions while electrocuting people getting pushed by a servbot brought me to tears. |
I ran through the game in a tuxedo, no shoes, and Maximo's helmet.
I was rockin the tux till I found out how to get my ninja gear. Ninja gear + tux looks awesome.
edit: I want to get a Maximo head. |
I haven't been able to get many new games lately. Dead Rising 2 is definitely high on that list.
Beat Starcraft 2 finally the other day after putting it off. Started messing with a new continue on Metroid Fusion. |
Oh, is the guy wearing the centurion helmet that is totally useless when you save him?
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