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Nick Oct 20th, 2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 763139)
I have it on 360 but haven't played it with anyone online.

You too good to play with us, brah?

zeldasbiggestfan Oct 20th, 2012 01:01 AM

This is pissing me off, I can't find Retro City Rampage on the Xbox 360 arcade. Makes me sad :(

Nick Oct 20th, 2012 03:03 AM

It's not released on the 360 or Wiiware yet. Only PC and PSN.

zeldasbiggestfan Oct 20th, 2012 04:13 AM

Well shit.

k0k0 Oct 20th, 2012 06:50 AM

I've been playing a whole lot of Happy Wars. I didn't expect myself to get hooked on a free to play xbox live game with childish looking graphics, but it really did charm me into liking it. I play both co-op against the computer and team vs team. Both are fun. I can see the game getting old in a while, but by then something new to play will be out.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 20th, 2012 12:03 PM

Its free free free?

Fathom Zero Oct 20th, 2012 12:11 PM

Playing the newest Alien vs. Predator because it was on sale. It was worth the $3.74 I spent on it.

kahljorn Oct 20th, 2012 03:21 PM

i want some aliens vs predators for 4 dollars where did you find this

Fathom Zero Oct 20th, 2012 03:53 PM

Steam. It was on sale on Thursday, I think.

darkvare Oct 20th, 2012 04:01 PM

i downloaded payday for the free weekend and i think it could be a really awesome 4 player experience

k0k0 Oct 20th, 2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 763156)
Its free free free?

Yeah, they have a cash shop but it's mainly for vanity items. I haven't seen any items in it that will help win, just look pretty.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 21st, 2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 763176)
Yeah, they have a cash shop but it's mainly for vanity items. I haven't seen any items in it that will help win, just look pretty.

I might dl that then.

Nick Oct 23rd, 2012 04:35 AM

I finally beat RE6 last night. It was okay, nothing really special. Seem just like any other third person shooter out these days.

It was pretty long though, like too long. It was like it over-stayed its welcome.

OxBlood Oct 24th, 2012 06:12 AM

A friend gave me Max Payne 3 to play the other day.

I can´t play that game. It´s just too horrible. Since I´ve written out all my rage over that past days, all that´s left is regret. Regret that I had to witness the literal Fall of Max Payne as a game-series. It´s so so bad. I actually want to spit at this game and the lead writer for slaughtering one of the best-written and atmospheric franchises of all time.

I think about the only thing that could be worse would be Planescape Torment - Mort's Whacky Kart-Racing.

Anyway, concering games that are actually fun: I played a bit of Chivalry the past few days and it´s a hell of a lot of fun. There´s a lot of tactics going on, even if you just want to chop some knight´s head off :)

Nick Oct 24th, 2012 07:13 AM

What? Max Payne 3 was great.

OxBlood Oct 24th, 2012 07:57 AM

Why...would you say that? What did they promise you if you lied? Power? Fame? Riches? It´s not worth it, Nick.

Mad Melvin Oct 24th, 2012 09:23 AM

I thought Max Payne 3 was very good. Some annoyances here and there and the storyline was pretty lame, but the again, the original two were no masterpieces either when it comes down to the story. Let's be honest here, the point of Max Payne has always been the action. The cheesy film noir gave it a nice touch and James McCaffrey's whiskey breath monologues didn't hurt either, but the awesome gun-ballet is the main thing why people play these. And on that front, Max Payne 3 did not dissapoint. And the character was pretty much the same as before, only a bigger loser than before.

Then again, maybe you miss the the days when Max Payne storyline had class. Like the time you fight a satan worshipper in a hawaiian shirt or when you meet the Finito brothers. FINITO BROTHERS. MY GOD.

Dimnos Oct 24th, 2012 10:21 AM

OH fuck. I have had Max Payne 3 sitting on my shelf for like a month now. It may have just got bumped to the top of the list. :eek

Nick Oct 24th, 2012 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 763270)
Why...would you say that? What did they promise you if you lied? Power? Fame? Riches? Itīs not worth it, Nick.

I think Mad Melvin summed it up pretty well.


Originally Posted by Mad Melvin (Post 763273)
I thought Max Payne 3 was very good. Some annoyances here and there and the storyline was pretty lame, but the again, the original two were no masterpieces either when it comes down to the story. Let's be honest here, the point of Max Payne has always been the action. The cheesy film noir gave it a nice touch and James McCaffrey's whiskey breath monologues didn't hurt either, but the awesome gun-ballet is the main thing why people play these. And on that front, Max Payne 3 did not dissapoint. And the character was pretty much the same as before, only a bigger loser than before.

Then again, maybe you miss the the days when Max Payne storyline had class. Like the time you fight a satan worshipper in a hawaiian shirt or when you meet the Finito brothers. FINITO BROTHERS. MY GOD.

I thought the story was MUCH better than Max Payne 2 was. I play them both back to back right before it came out, and while Max Payne 1 will always have a nice big soft spot in my heart, Fall of Max Payne was pretty lame to me. Not bad, just not as much fun as the first or third.

It also made sense to me that Max would turn into a drunken slob of a person after all of that. The game did a good job of messing him up, and then straightening him out.

Zomboid Oct 24th, 2012 06:40 PM

Just downloaded Steam on my new laptop. I bought Lucius, which looks stupid but fun, and that doesn't come out 'til Friday, so I'm gonna try to finish RE6 by then. I also noticed that DC Online is free to play, so I might get into that while I'm unemployed.

kahljorn Oct 24th, 2012 07:48 PM

i heard that at level 1 you gain a superpower to fall through the floors forever

darkvare Oct 24th, 2012 10:56 PM

i remember that power

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 12:48 AM

OK, well, nevermind then.

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 05:25 AM

Finished Jake and Sherry's campaign. I really liked it! This whole game has been pretty great, actually. Really glad I didn't buy into all the bitching.

Nick Oct 25th, 2012 06:21 AM

Glad someone still likes generic shooter games. I was beginning to think the market was running out of people to sell them to.

OxBlood Oct 25th, 2012 10:02 AM

Meh, I might give MP3 another shot later on but I´m just not looking forward to the headache...is there a cheat or option to turn the stupid flickering off?

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2012 10:05 AM

There's flickering?

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 763305)
Glad someone still likes generic shooter games. I was beginning to think the market was running out of people to sell them to.

Oh, Nick. Will you ever stop being such an idiot? Will you evolve from the ugly, greasy little thing that you are and maybe, someday form an opinion of your own, or are you going to survive as a wannabe Roger in perpetuity?

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2012 06:30 PM

It looked pretty boring though, dawg.

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 09:05 PM

It isn't--there are plenty of really fun sequences. I love how they finally swear. It was kinda stupid how up to this point, the language was pretty tame, even though the characters were in these fucked up situations. Also, they frequently call attention to some of the conventions, like the really tough boss enemies returning time and time again. I thoroughly enjoyed Jake yelling something along the lines of "Just fucking DIE ALREADY, you piece of shit!" during one of the boss fights.

Oh, and FIST FIGHT with one of the bosses was pretty badass. Cheesy, but so, so entertaining.

Dr. Boogie Oct 25th, 2012 09:18 PM

I thought the tradeoff for them not cursing was that they would occasionally make bizarre, memorable statements every once and a while, like "I see the president's daughter has ballistics!"

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 763322)
It isn't--there are plenty of really fun sequences. I love how they finally swear. It was kinda stupid how up to this point, the language was pretty tame, even though the characters were in these fucked up situations. Also, they frequently call attention to some of the conventions, like the really tough boss enemies returning time and time again. I thoroughly enjoyed Jake yelling something along the lines of "Just fucking DIE ALREADY, you piece of shit!" during one of the boss fights.

Oh, and FIST FIGHT with one of the bosses was pretty badass. Cheesy, but so, so entertaining.

Fair enough! I'll check it out on the PC whenever it decides to get released ever.

Dr. Boogie Oct 25th, 2012 09:41 PM

Speaking of which, if the crappy L4D knockoff game shows up during the big Steam sale for less than $10, I might get it. Anyone else interested in getting it and doing some coop if that happens?

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 09:45 PM

What's it called? I'm gonna play through Ada's campaign and then start playing Lucius on Steam, but I enjoy knockoff games.

Dr. Boogie Oct 25th, 2012 10:24 PM

The Resident Evil one: Operation Raccoon City. I kind of want to see what it's like on the PC, but not with AI companions.

You in?

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 25th, 2012 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 763323)
I thought the tradeoff for them not cursing was that they would occasionally make bizarre, memorable statements every once and a while, like "I see the president's daughter has ballistics!"

Theres a few like when a train comes by and helena like "who's driving these trains?" and Leon is like "zombie express"

Then another part where helena and leon get seperated then back together and leon is like "Welcome back Stranger"

Zomboid Oct 25th, 2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 763328)
The Resident Evil one: Operation Raccoon City. I kind of want to see what it's like on the PC, but not with AI companions.

You in?

Oh, man, that game is fucking horrible. I'd bought it for 360 and returned it within a couple of weeks. Reeeeeally, really bad. It sucked even more for me because I had some collector's edition with a steel book and extra weapons, costumes, etc. Just...so bad.

Fathom Zero Oct 26th, 2012 12:05 AM

I can't muster up the energy for Resident Evil anymore. :( It started when I was waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for 5 to come out, then my friend bought this new game called Dead Space.

I borrowed it from him and everything about it blew me away. Then I went to play RE5 some months later and found that not only was it definitely not as scary, it was also more frustrating than I remembered. Dead Space 2 was an improvement in some ways and a let down in others, but I still dug it quite a bit. If I can grab RE6 on sale and get in some discounted schlock, then I can't really be disappointed.

I think the biggest problem I have is time. I just don't wanna get into something that I know I'd be lukewarm towards, especially since a lot of games have been letting me down lately, regardless of reviews positive or negative.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 26th, 2012 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 763333)
especially since a lot of games have been letting me down lately, regardless of reviews positive or negative.

you are now an adult

Dimnos Oct 26th, 2012 10:17 AM

:lol So true.

Nick Oct 26th, 2012 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Boogie (Post 763328)
The Resident Evil one: Operation Raccoon City. I kind of want to see what it's like on the PC, but not with AI companions.

You in?

I'd be down for that. It seemed like it could be some stupid fun, but I wasn't about to pay full price for it.


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 763329)
Theres a few like when a train comes by and helena like "who's driving these trains?" and Leon is like "zombie express"
Then another part where helena and leon get seperated then back together and leon is like "Welcome back Stranger"

Those made me smirk, but it's not really as cheesy as most of the lines like older games had. I thought RE6 wasn't as bad as people have been making it out to be, it was okay, but it just really didn't feel like a Resident Evil game. Leon wasn't really on his A game and Chris was pretty boring this time around for me. Jake was pretty fun though. After playing Ada's campaign the whole story just seemed even more silly and pointless. Definitely at least worth a rental, maybe a purchase when it get's down to around $15-$20 used.


Also don't worry too much, Zomboid. I picked up Medal of Honor Warfighter and Borderlands 2. Now I can't criticize anyone's taste about anything anymore.

Guitar Woman Oct 31st, 2012 06:04 PM

The new DayZ updates belong in the Korean MMO thread.


* [FIXED] Building checks for tent placement (No longer place tents in buildings).
* [FIXED] Food can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.
* [FIXED] water can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.
* [Fixed] No longer possible to drink/eat/pitch a tent/put on clothes/build sand bags/cat wire/hedgehogs/consume medical supplies/free filled water without consuming the item.
* [FIXED] No longer possible to create axes out of thin air if you already have one
* [FIXED] Switching skins no longer repairs pain shakes/broken legs/resets/dupes/screws/resets ammo
* [FIXED] Duping no longer possible through zombie corpses/etc
* [FIXED] It should now be impossible for a new players spawns to spawn unconscious. (:lol)
* [FIXED] You can no longer cook infinite free meat from camp fires
* [FIXED] Survivors should no longer pickup a single item at the same time and both receive it.
* [FIXED] You can no longer generate multiple tents while packing up a deployed tent.
* [FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle
* [FIXED] Zombie death animation is delayed (now it plays instantly)
* [FIXED] Vehicle Position is now updated with client position.
* [FIXED] Vehicles save fuel properly

kahljorn Oct 31st, 2012 07:53 PM

is the multiplayer in dead space 2 worth buying the game for?

Fathom Zero Oct 31st, 2012 07:55 PM

If you like playing by yourself. It was a ghost town two months into the release. Why would you buy a game just for the tacked on multiplayer? The campaign is boss.

kahljorn Oct 31st, 2012 08:02 PM

cuz i can just torrnt it if it doesn't have multiplayer

trying to decide what saleitems to get off of steam. Thinking of getting dead isalnd but i already have it on xbox, but id probably save money on any dlcs...

Fathom Zero Oct 31st, 2012 09:11 PM

kahljorn Nov 1st, 2012 05:03 AM

what did i just skip through

Fathom Zero Nov 1st, 2012 01:44 PM


zeldasbiggestfan Nov 4th, 2012 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 763346)
I'd be down for that. It seemed like it could be some stupid fun, but I wasn't about to pay full price for it.

Those made me smirk, but it's not really as cheesy as most of the lines like older games had. I thought RE6 wasn't as bad as people have been making it out to be, it was okay, but it just really didn't feel like a Resident Evil game. Leon wasn't really on his A game and Chris was pretty boring this time around for me. Jake was pretty fun though. After playing Ada's campaign the whole story just seemed even more silly and pointless. Definitely at least worth a rental, maybe a purchase when it get's down to around $15-$20 used.


Also don't worry too much, Zomboid. I picked up Medal of Honor Warfighter and Borderlands 2. Now I can't criticize anyone's taste about anything anymore.

Dude, Borderlands 2 is awesome with a couple of friends. Even just as a duo, it's still fun but all 4 people on one screen just gives me nostalgia and is fucking ridiculous. There are so many awesome weapons in that game.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 4th, 2012 11:13 PM

A friend gave me a $30 fight stick so I decided to pick up SSF4 again on PC. It took me 3 days but I can finally reliably hit quarter circles on a stick. Now to just practice hitting the buttons better :< Trying to do a HP to 6MK in the air with a stick is just hard for me.

At least I'm a little more confident with Ibuki.

Guitar Woman Nov 5th, 2012 06:55 AM

I like playing as a medic in DayZ.

One time while I was patching up a bunch of noobs in a barn, the admins on my favorite server came after me and started shooting at the building continuously with L85s (thermal-scope assault rifles, i.e. endgame loot) for about 5 minutes until they picked the poor little guys with their double-barrel shotguns and crossbows off one by one, then killed me; I didn't have any stuff they wanted, so they hid my body so that I couldn't run back and re-arm. I was pretty irritated!

Tonight, I noticed that they were gathered in a channel on the teamspeak server that had no password, so I settled in, started chatting them up, then asked if I could roll with them in their vehicle convoy. They actually let me in; I can't imagine how fucking stupid you'd have to be. They even gave me a DMR! (Semi-auto sniper rifle; two-shot kill, 20 bullets as fast as you can fire them.) So I rode with them, making idle conversation, looting buildings, helping them kill zombies, and casually dismissing the way they were using their admin powers to locate more vehicles and find players to kill, all the while laughing softly with a huge grin plastered all over my face. When the time was right and we were all parked and preparing to storm a high-traffic city, I casually walked up to the ringleader and shot him in the face about 15 times, then jumped into his car and drove off while everyone in the channel started freaking the fuck out. I just started laughing, like I was Char Aznable fresh from leading Garma Zabi into a barrage of artillery fire.

It would have been a lot more awesome if he hadn't immediately banned me, but I think I'm done playing DayZ for a while because nothing I do in the game from this point forward is ever going to be as fucking amazing as what transpired tonight. I really wish I could have recorded it.

I love this game, guys, you should be playing it!

kahljorn Nov 5th, 2012 02:48 PM

what a bunch of bitch admins

Nick Nov 5th, 2012 08:17 PM

Picked up a 3DS XL with Mario 3DLand and Cave Story today because I really want to play that Adventure Time game coming out.

Dr. Boogie Nov 5th, 2012 10:45 PM

That is a great DayZ story, but it definitely confirms the idea that the game is mainly a trolling paradise.

I wonder if that betrayal will turn the admin into a paranoid nut.

kahljorn Nov 6th, 2012 04:59 PM


what is this warz shit is it just dayz that you have to pay for?

Nick Nov 6th, 2012 05:47 PM

Pretty much. Some chucklefuck hack indie dev thought they could make bank off it. Go check out the gameplay on youtube. Looks terrible.

kahljorn Nov 6th, 2012 06:39 PM

i hope they get sued or some shit

OxBlood Nov 7th, 2012 09:48 AM

War Z is basically the exact same game. And don´t forget you have to pay for Day Z too since you gotta get Arma2 first. These guys were just quicker than Rocket, that´s all.

Mad Melvin Nov 7th, 2012 11:48 AM

X-Com still. In ironman mode. I thought I had this game in the bag. I had great gear, high-level soldiers and every UFO/Terror/Abduction mission was a breeze. The I found the alien base and went in expecting it to be easy as something really easy. Two sectopods + muton elite soldiers + chryssalids came at me all at once and totally slayed my elite team. Now I have a bunch of rookies and have to level them up, which is taking forever.

This game is awesome.

dextire Nov 7th, 2012 06:34 PM

Ha, same here. It was the first time I really noticed environment effecting the difficulty of the aliens. I don't have much time to play games anymore, so I haven't even finished my first play-through yet, but I'm immensely enjoying this game.

Nick Nov 7th, 2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 763591)
War Z is basically the exact same game. And donīt forget you have to pay for Day Z too since you gotta get Arma2 first. These guys were just quicker than Rocket, thatīs all.

Except you know, crappy. You're also buying Arma 2, not Day Z. You can play Day Z for free as well if you download Arma 2: Free.

Arma 2 is also a pretty neat game to have for only $20.00. Much better than some gimped cash in on a ripoff of a popular mod.

Guitar Woman Nov 8th, 2012 03:55 AM

Final Fantasy 10. It's not bad at all, color me surfuckingprised. Fantastic art direction in particular, except for the retarded clothing.

It's really bothering me that they didn't go back and synch the mouth flaps with the English dub, though. It's less like I'm watching a 70's kung-fu movie than it is like my Youtube video's lagging out.

OxBlood Nov 8th, 2012 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 763611)
Except you know, crappy. You're also buying Arma 2, not Day Z. You can play Day Z for free as well if you download Arma 2: Free.

Arma 2 is also a pretty neat game to have for only $20.00. Much better than some gimped cash in on a ripoff of a popular mod.

Hey, the more Zombie-Paranoia-MMOs, the better I say ;)

Speaking of MMOs, I played Planetside 2 for the first time yesterday...still a little unpolished but hell of a lot of fun, really gives me this part-of-something-greater feeling that normal Shooters donīt :)

I just canīt decide which faction to pick.

Dimnos Nov 8th, 2012 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 763617)
Final Fantasy 10. It's not bad at all, color me surfuckingprised. Fantastic art direction in particular, except for the retarded clothing.

It's really bothering me that they didn't go back and synch the mouth flaps with the English dub, though. It's less like I'm watching a 70's kung-fu movie than it is like my Youtube video's lagging out.

I thought its combat and leveling system were rather cool.

kahljorn Nov 8th, 2012 01:12 PM

leveling system was great + all the cool shit you could get.

that game called Path of Exile kind of has a similar skill tree to ff10

Guitar Woman Nov 8th, 2012 04:39 PM

The switching members in and out of your party instantaneously during battle is sort of like a prototype version of the paradigm system from 13, but I like it a lot better since it gives you a reason to actually use all the characters instead of just building a superstar tagteam of the most broken / least annoying people.

Nick Nov 9th, 2012 03:28 AM

Except you actually get to play a game when you put FF10 in your console.

OxBlood Nov 9th, 2012 09:08 AM

FF10 was really good and I don´t care if the story is stupid and Tidus looks like a little girl. The combat was quick and a lot of fun :) 10s Combat with 9s cast...that would be nice.

Why 9? Because Zidane was more or less the first protagonist with a positive outlook, which was very refreshing after 7 and 8...

Guitar Woman Nov 12th, 2012 11:23 PM

I like Tidus because whenever someone pulls some bullshit jargon out of their asses and is all like "WE HAVE TO STOP SIN FROM BLOWING UP THE CLOISTER OF THE HYMN OF THE HIGH WALKER" I'm like "what the fuck does that mean?" and pretty much on cue Tidus'll go "what the fuck does that mean?"

Really, it would have been nice to have someone like that in FF13.

Also Cloud is the best protagonist from anything ever, don't even talk shit.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 13th, 2012 12:05 AM

My friend bought 007 Legends. It was somehow worse than I anticipated, and I anticipated the worst after Call of Goldeneye. He seemed to like it, though, so I kept my mouth shut about how he was playing a subpar shooter that kiiiiiinda reenacts Bond films except not really.

Activision really needs to stop chasing Goldeneye. EA learned their lesson and made Everything or Nothing and From Russia With Love, and those games were great (especially EoN).

Nick Nov 13th, 2012 05:33 AM

I used to think Cloud was awesome back when I was playing FF7 on my PlayStation, but all the fan-pandering Capcom did has soured my FF7 boner.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 13th, 2012 06:17 AM

Yea, I can't believe Capcom dumped Mega Man for a million Final Fantasy XIII sequels :lol

Nick Nov 13th, 2012 09:24 PM

They should have sold Mega Man to Squaresoft.

OxBlood Nov 14th, 2012 06:36 AM

Cloud? Nah, I liked the fact that he carried that big ass sword around but even back then his personality got on my nerves...same with Aeris by the way...I mean...how can you be sad when she dies?

1. She is killed off by Sephiroth and let´s be honest here, dude´s cool when you´re about 15 so it´s hard to stay mad at the guy for long.

2. I clearly remember being super upset because I wasted my fucking time with her. Meaning, I spent time leveling her up and bam, she´s dead. Is ANYONE using Aeris these days? I mean, you know she´s gonna die, why would you use her when all Characters are basically the same anyway?

I´m also playing Don't Starve right now, which is fucking awesome. Wildernes-Survival looking like a flash-version of a Tim Burton Movie...really good, especially for a beta.

Also Planetside 2, lot´s of fun.

darkvare Nov 14th, 2012 11:54 AM

sign this pettition for time splitters hd collection, the guys at crytek said that if they see enough support they'll make it come true and my love for the series makes me want to ask even you

Nick Nov 14th, 2012 03:20 PM

Oh man, I would love an HD collection. My cousins and I used to waste so many hours playing Timesplitters split-screen.

kahljorn Nov 14th, 2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 763708)
Cloud? Nah, I liked the fact that he carried that big ass sword around but even back then his personality got on my nerves...

cloud was an awesome character he basically had schizophrenia or some shit

Guitar Woman Nov 14th, 2012 10:36 PM

Yeah, for some reason everyone seems to confuse "angsty beyond reason" with "fucking batshit bonkers." Cloud's freakout scenes and his connection to Jenova were some of the creepiest shit when I was a kid.

Sperg post incoming, also spoilers.

Cloud is awesome because he's basically a weakling pretending to be something far greater than himself, trying really hard to come across as some aloof cocky badass to everyone else, and basically living out a power fantasy. Not unlike oh say for example YOU, you with your skinny ass sitting on that couch stuffing cheetos into your face and going "huh-huh, look at me, I'm totally this spikey-haired badass anime guy, I'm so fuckin' cool." The game likes to play with the connection between player and player character, and assumes that you'll take it for granted that Cloud's your perfect manly avatar; they use this to start fucking with you early on, which aside from incredibly classy humor is the point of the whole cross-dressing segment.

Then ages later the Zack bomb gets dropped and you're like "holy shit I really am like this guy, I'm so fucking lame." Or, you would do if this was MGS2, but unlike Raiden Cloud is still a suitably heroic figure, and not a fucking moron, so it's not really that big of a middle finger; rather than pissing me off and calling me garbage like Kojima did, FF7 uses the same kind of weird meta devices to make the protagonist that much more endearing. Cloud's a dude any escapist-fantasy types can identify with; he even says something about being "master of my own illusionary world." That sounds like a video game to me. Another thing that helps is that they don't shove all this in your face with shit like "YOUR NAME IS ON RAIDEN'S DOGTAGS HOOOOOOOLY FUUUUUCK" when you probably just entered in "Boners McGee" anyway; FF7 treats its player-grilling more like a series of brief meta shoulder-nudges; it's subtle, subdued, something that isn't spelled out for you and that you can sit reflecting on after you turn the game off, if you're so inclined.

That there is another reason the game is great: it knows how to be subtle, which is something we'll pretty much never see in a video game ever again. You can joke all you want about Cloud and Sephiroth compensating for something and how their anime hair is overblown and ridiculous, but apart from that (Nomura's fault, natch) the game's full of world-building visual cues and optional lines of dialogue that you can finish the whole game without ever seeing, but if you take the time to seek them out they make it a much more robust experience. Rather than shoving all the info about this universe into the player's face while they're strapped in and forced to watch Clockwork Orange style, they just sorta let you loose and expect your curiosity to motivate you. A lot of information about the state of the world is merely implied; ex. there are cars in this world, but no roads outside Midgar. Why? If you look at the state of most towns you visit, the answer is because pretty much everyone outside is just too dirt fucking poor to afford one, and it'd be a waste of money to lay highways that nobody will ever use all over the place. Shit like that. I think that's what pretentious people mean when they talk about "interactive storytelling," along with using interactivity to get a point across. One moment that comes to mind is during the Nibelheim flashback, after Sephiroth's lost his shit and is lecturing Cloud about the ancients and how he was produced; at the end of this scene, which has a soundtrack consisting of a looping bell and bass-drum styled after a heartbeat, Sephiroth goes "I'm going to see my mother." As soon as he starts walking away and the player gains control again, the music blasts full-on into Sephiroth's theme and shocks the shit out of you; you instinctively know something really, really bad is about to happen and desperately sprint out of the room after him. It's a very frantic and terrifying moment even though Cloud has guaranteed plot armor to the end of the flashback, but it wouldn't be if the game just cut to the next scene with no input from you. Mind, it's still a very cutscene-heavy game to be sure, and it's far from the best example of an interactive story, but it makes up for that by having a really great, fast-moving, character-driven plot that just kicks ass.


FF7 is a fucking awesome game no matter what anyone says about it. Unironically my favorite game ever.

Did you also know Final Fantasy 8 is infinitely more enjoyable if you assume Squall is killed at the end of Disc 1? Everything else is a three-disc-long dying dream where tons of retarded silly nonsensical Alice-in-Wonderland bullshit happens, Squall becomes the most important person on the planet and effortlessly steals the love interest of his rival despite the fact that she thought he was a prick before, and all the while everyone's all like "Oh man Squall you're so fucking cool, swoon" because his subconscious is trying to give him the satisfaction and catharsis he never found in his lifetime. And since Squall's a raging egotistical jackass the whole thing turns into his magical adventures through mary-sue land where everything is perfect for him and he is super-awesome. I bet that's why the combat in that game is so broken; it's too easy on purpose because why would Squall want to dream about getting his ass kicked at any point?

I want to hope that's what the FF8 creative team intended, because otherwise they're a bunch of fucking idiots who write with their asses.

Dimnos Nov 15th, 2012 03:38 AM

What about that Vincent guy?

OxBlood Nov 15th, 2012 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 763724)
I want to hope that's what the FF8 creative team intended, because otherwise they're a bunch of fucking idiots who write with their asses.

Iīm absolutely sure they didnīt intend this. I mean come on, you know Anime, writing there is BAD, really bad most of the time. Same goes for the fact that there are no roads outside Midgar. They just wanted to make a Tech-City, thatīs all there is to it, there was no deeper thought there.

Still, very interesting things to think about.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 15th, 2012 11:58 PM

Nick Nov 16th, 2012 12:54 AM

Pretty much.

Phoenix Gamma Nov 16th, 2012 11:45 AM

I preordered a Wii U through Best Buy because I hate Game Stop but ohgodnintendoyourteettastessogood

Turns out Best Buy shipped my Wii U this morning, even though I paid for same day shipping...but they forgot to ship my games with it.


darkvare Nov 16th, 2012 12:25 PM

my brother is going to korea next year so he won't pay for the wii u like he did for the original wii :/

Nick Nov 16th, 2012 01:40 PM

I'm on the fence about the Wii U. I likes me some Nintendo but I don't really see anything good out on it at the moment. I guess I'll end up waiting for a bit.

Supafly345 Nov 17th, 2012 01:02 PM

Babies complaining that something went from shitty to a different kind of shitty. Also news: new music sucks compared to what I used to listen to.

Dimnos Nov 17th, 2012 08:21 PM

Things were better before, when your standards were lower.

kahljorn Nov 17th, 2012 10:18 PM

swtor f2p is gay btw dimnos

you hve to pay for quickbars

Dr. Boogie Nov 18th, 2012 11:17 PM

And you have to pay to unlock running, apparently.

Fathom Zero Nov 19th, 2012 12:01 AM

Really? I can still run.

Dr. Boogie Nov 19th, 2012 12:56 AM

Vare was saying there's some sprint ability that doesn't unlock until level 15, unless you pay to unlock it.

darkvare Nov 19th, 2012 02:22 AM

Dimnos Nov 19th, 2012 04:43 AM

Its a skill everyone picks up at 15 that makes running faster. The game is unplayable without it

OxBlood Nov 19th, 2012 07:01 AM

Wait, wasn´t the old Sprint like...move fast for 10 Seconds and it had like a 30-40 sec cooldown i.e. it was worthless?

Fathom Zero Nov 19th, 2012 09:43 AM

I wouldn't know, but I'm level 22 so fuck everyone else.

Dimnos Nov 19th, 2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 763796)
Wait, wasnīt the old Sprint like...move fast for 10 Seconds and it had like a 30-40 sec cooldown i.e. it was worthless?

Some jedi have a skill like this on top of the generic sprint skill.

kahljorn Nov 19th, 2012 04:03 PM

i dont even remember having that skill when i played

i dont get why they try to charge me for quickbars when ive already paid them 60+ bucks. suck dicks

i pretty much logged on, complained about quickbars and got trolled by all the subscribers, then quit and havent gone back

Phoenix Gamma Nov 20th, 2012 03:11 AM

So, it's been a few days, and I'm honestly kinda impressed with some of the WiiU's functions. Like...it has a twitter/message board type system where people can just draw and write shit for total strangers to read and reply to. And you can "follow" and "like" stuff just like on the real internet :eek It's all heavily moderated, but I managed to draw a picture of Link's face as he's orgasming to the LttP music in NintendoLand and it hasn't been taken down yet. Now I have a bunch of 13 year olds following me so they can see more stupid drawings :lol

Also, NintendoLand is legitimately good, because unlike WiiSports they decided to actually build games and not say "just flail your arms and pretend you're boxing". Some of them are kinda meh (Ninja Stars) but the Metroid game is fucking sweet, and the Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion games are really fun when everyone's drunk (and when everyone's sober). A lot of the games are real hard too. Only complaint is that it's probably only worth half of what Nintendo's selling it for, but most people are getting it for free with the Deluxe bundle. Also, it needs leaderboards.

New Mario U is also surprisingly good. Kinda bland looking but the levels get really hard. This one looks like it's more designed for single player though because it's not as open and empty like the Wii one.

I think this is the least amount of times Nintendo hardware has made me smack my head since the Super Nintendo, to be perfectly honest. It just needs more original software and not just ports.

Fathom Zero Nov 20th, 2012 03:57 AM

I just finished Metro 2033 after powering through it over two nights.

I have to say that I'm incredibly impressed with it. It's pretty much a linear STALKER, gussied up a bit. There were a few plotholes, major ones at that, but I loved a lot of it and felt better sneaking around in this game than I did in Dishonored. Maybe it's because I'm not a superhero in 2033 and am not invulnerable with crazy teleportation abilities. I dunno. But I can say that it's good enough to get me excited for the sequel, if it's ever released.

At the end, I was left wondering more about Khan and the Dark Ones and the Anomalies and why they all seemed connected. Or perhaps there was no connection and Khan was just a philosophy buff.

Also, I got the impression from a lot of people that it was difficult, but at the end I had around 600 military grade rounds and nothing to spend them on, as I'd already picked up the biggest, bestest weapons already.

There were some tense times when I was low on ammo, though. My favorite part was when I had to sneak through a Communist checkpoint into the Nazi section of the Metro and I had limited ammo. Not that I could use it, anyway, as the enemies were everywhere and my weapons weren't silenced. Everything except for my throwing knives, which I launched from the dark at unsuspecting spinal columns. The thunk noise as it hits a soldier the back will never get old.

OxBlood Nov 20th, 2012 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 763800)
Some jedi have a skill like this on top of the generic sprint skill.

That does suck indeed. I kinda liked TOR but it really didnīt offer much new stuff. The Space-Missions were nice but yeah, the rest was pretty much standart stuff as far as Iīve seen. I miss my Droid-crafting Rodian with his little hut somewhere in the swamps of Naboo...everybody liked my Mouse-Droids :D

Been playing Black Ops 2 (very nice) and Hitman Absolution for the past few days. The Contracts-Mode of Absolution is a little bit genius.

You have to play the Hit to create the Hit which is a gorgeous way of ensuring that you canīt create impossible contracts because you have to play your contract yourself first. How does it work? Super simple: You just pick one of the 15+ Maps, walk around and mark someone you want to be the target (up to 3 possible). Then you kill the target and the game registers what disguise you used and what kill-method. Now you can choose to mark two more people or use one of the exits of the map to finish your contract. Depending on how you killed people (hid the bodies, used disguises, detected or nor), your mission is created and the bounty is set up.

Really really simple and cool method of keeping the game alive. The nice thing is, you see this dude that doesnīt move from his fucking post and you check your briefing, saying you have to kill him with an axe but how the fuck are you gonna that? It HAS to be possible, because someone had to do it to create the contract :)

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