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darkvare Dec 19th, 2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ant10708 (Post 663781)
Do you like the old school side scrolling mario games? If you do I have no idea how you can't have fun with the DS or wii versions of side scrolling mario. Sure, nintendo might have been lazy with the games but they are both alot of fun and I can't see how if you enjoyed the old school mario games how you could be disappointed with these new versions. Oh and have you played the multiplayer coin game on the ds version? Def one of the best multiplayer experiences on the ds.

of course i like the old ones but for some reason thosse two they give me the ubisoft feel they feel souless mario galaxy had a great feeling but this two just don't cut it sure it has mario but it feels just like playing any yearly game

Microshock Dec 19th, 2009 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 663537)
Tinker. It's this tiny puzzle game on Games for Windows LIVE. It's also free and has 200 Gamerscore up for the taking. I'm easily amused.

Also, Microsoft is selling some of their Windows LIVE games on the service, like Viva Pinata and such. I might actually buy Shadowrun, since they discounted it down to $10 to start. I loved playing it on my 360.

Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

LordSappington Dec 20th, 2009 01:53 AM

Jesus Christ, are points and trophies the only reason you even play games? Seriously, that's almost all I ever see you talk about, once you get past your PS3 fanboy raves.

Dr. Boogie Dec 20th, 2009 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 664068)
Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

Very funny.

Fathom Zero Dec 20th, 2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Microshock (Post 664068)
Tell me, do all the games offered on their service have GFW achievements which integrate with Xbox.com achievements?

Because that could be the winning push for me to buy from them

The games that Steam offers that use Games for Windows LIVE, (Fallout 3, Dawn of War II, Kane and Lynch, Red Faction, etc.), do, but there are a few games you can only get from Microsoft's service, like Microsoft Studios games, (Shadowrun, Viva Pinata, Gears of War). If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that if Fable II was ever released on the computer, it'd have to be on there. It'd go without saying that digital distribution of all their games would happen on THEIR platform.

OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 03:37 AM

STILL bumbling around in Final Fantasy 9, close to the 60hrs-mark and almost done with it...

That and the US-PSN-Store is awesome. Got me some Money-Card-Thingies online and bought FF7,8, Blood Omen and Resident Evil 2 (one of my #1 favorite games in this part of the universe)...none of them are available in the german PSN except FF7 in all its -20%-Speed-riddled-with-mistakes-and-typos-translation-glory...Gah, disgusting.

Fathom Zero Dec 21st, 2009 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 66440)
That and the US-PSN-Store is awesome. Got me some Money-Card-Thingies online and bought FF7,8, Blood Omen and Resident Evil 2 (one of my #1 favorite games in this part of the universe)...none of them are available in the german PSN except FF7 in all its -20%-Speed-riddled-with-mistakes-and-typos-translation-glory...Gah, disgusting.

Cheeky cow. I wish there were Japanese cards.


OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 05:08 AM

What kind of nice stuff is there on the JP-PSN?

Fathom Zero Dec 21st, 2009 03:22 PM

Weird shit, mostly. Old PS1 games.

OxBlood Dec 21st, 2009 04:14 PM

I wouldn´t understand them anyway...ah well. At least I finished FF9 about an hour ago...really nice game, best cast of any FF with about the most boring leveling-system...

ChrisGlass Dec 22nd, 2009 02:46 AM

Just beat Kane & Lynch and now I'm going through Call of Juarez. I'm stuck in 2007.

Microshock Dec 22nd, 2009 09:10 AM

I was asking the question not because I care about achievements on the PC, i really don't, but if GFW on Demand had every game they listed to have GFW achievements, it'd be a really good selling point over buying on Steam. For example, does RE5 on Steam have achievements? Well if it didn't and the GFW version had GFW achievements that integrated with Xbox achievements, that'd be a much nicer incentive

Fathom Zero Dec 22nd, 2009 09:31 AM

Yes, it does. Any GFW game lets you log into the Live service and most of them have achievements, even if you buy them from Steam or get a physical copy in the store.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 22nd, 2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 664402)
STILL bumbling around in Final Fantasy 9, close to the 60hrs-mark and almost done with it...

I think you can get an extended ending FMV scene if you keep Hades hammer and have all the zodiac coins. I would gamefaqs it though to be safe.

I did a lot of annoying extras in FF9 and the lamest one is when you find out Onyx's real name is

Choco digging is contagious though. I never got the 3 teas.(I think it was 3 or 4 teas) as key items. Theres one you have to get when you go for the card tournament, but you need to leave the city before completing it. Walk all the way over to the lighthouse keeper guy through the world map that is NEVER home the rest of the game and he'll give it to you.

King Hadas Dec 22nd, 2009 04:06 PM

That Black Mage sidestory sure was sad. That, and that the last chunk of the game is terrible garbage, are the only things I really remember about FF9.

For the last two months I've had this weird, intense urge to play something Nintendo-y. Ultimately, I had to settle on the only Nintendo game I own that I've not played, Animal Crossing for the grandpa gamecube. I turned my nose up at this game a few years ago, I didn't get the appeal then, but that was 'cus I was cheating at it. Endlessly tampering with my gamecube's internal clock and using codes to get any item I damned pleased. Now, playing it the way god intended, I'm finding I like it a lot but I'm curious why everyone in the game keeps calling me a human when I'm obviously some sort of bull monster.

LordSappington Dec 22nd, 2009 04:30 PM

I bought Dead Space and am playing it again. I forgot how much I loved this game.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 22nd, 2009 11:47 PM

Dragon's Lair came out on DSiWare. Immediate download. It's pretty awesome to have on the go.

MrSmiley381 Dec 23rd, 2009 01:00 AM

I'm currently engrossed by Fallout 3.

The list of other games I have to play is far too long and depresses me. Will I ever finish BioShock? Demon's Souls? Dead Space? Who knows.

OxBlood Dec 23rd, 2009 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 664601)
I think you can get an extended ending FMV scene if you keep Hades hammer and have all the zodiac coins. I would gamefaqs it though to be safe.

I did a lot of annoying extras in FF9 and the lamest one is when you find out Onyx's real name is

Choco digging is contagious though. I never got the 3 teas.(I think it was 3 or 4 teas) as key items. Theres one you have to get when you go for the card tournament, but you need to leave the city before completing it. Walk all the way over to the lighthouse keeper guy through the world map that is NEVER home the rest of the game and he'll give it to you.

I did all the Chocobo-Digging and got Zidanes Ultimate Weapon. Most of the other stuff...nah, too much work for stuff I donīt need...the last bosses were far too easy already but thatīs just the way FF is I guess...and yes, the last hour or so was a bit...strange, true, but all in all the story was a LOT better than the crap FF8 pulled.

I tried playing FF12 but...I canīt. I just canīt take it, itīs too bland, it feels soooo unimportant...and yes, the Characters of course...

I find it funny how the game teases you with Rassler in the beginning and you think "Oh, nice, he would make a good Main Character, look at that Armor!", bam-dead.
Next is Basch. "Oh well, he looks cool too." No-not the main Character. Then we are presented with Reks, already half naked. "Oh for Hasturīs Sake FINE Iīll play him if it really has to be!"
BUT NO! We get Vaan, his 8-year-old, sounds-like-crap, goes-to-a-swimsuit-contest-or-something-little brother. "GODDAMNIT GAME! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

An old story, I know, but I felt the urge to tell it again. Oh and the leveling-system sucks balls too.

So I might try to play through Vagrant Story instead, which is sadly not yet on the US-PSN (it is on the european PSN but I donīt want to switch around my PSP-Accounts, itīs too annoying)

kahljorn Dec 23rd, 2009 07:14 AM

vagrant story is like the greatest game ever :(

i wish they'd make a part 2

LordSappington Dec 23rd, 2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by MrSmiley381 (Post 664716)
I'm currently engrossed by Fallout 3.

The list of other games I have to play is far too long and depresses me. Will I ever finish BioShock? Demon's Souls? Dead Space? Who knows.

Finish Dead Space. It's an amazing game.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 23rd, 2009 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 664786)
vagrant story is like the greatest game ever :(

i wish they'd make a part 2

I got stuck on a dragon not too far into it. :(

kahljorn Dec 23rd, 2009 08:15 PM

you should try again and run more or hit its tail or something :(

Ant10708 Dec 23rd, 2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 664855)
Finish Dead Space. It's an amazing game.

Good game def wouldn't call it amazing.

Fathom Zero Dec 23rd, 2009 10:27 PM

I loved it. It's much better than Resident Evil 5.

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