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Ant10708 Dec 24th, 2009 12:41 AM

but worse than 4!:hypno

LordSappington Dec 24th, 2009 12:58 AM

I like actually HAVING to aim to kill things; sure, random torso shots will kill it eventually, but pretty quickly, the game makes you learn to aim precisely while trying frantically not to get dismembered.
Also, gotta love the gratuitous death cutscenes.

Ant10708 Dec 24th, 2009 04:25 AM

I want to try the Wii prequel for Dead Space. I just beat the main game in the new wii super Mario bros. The last boss battle was epic and was far from lazy. I liked the game.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 24th, 2009 12:31 PM

It's pretty damn good if you like light gun games. I'm not familiar with Dead Space, but I played for an hour with a friend and had fun.

I tried Uncharted 2 the other day. I got it for my dad for his birthday, and he hasn't stopped talking about it, so when I finally came home for the holiday, he made sure I tried it.

I don't like it all that much. The cinematics are cool, and I love how they integrate with gameplay (see: the opening sequence. So fucking cool). But the combat frustrates me, especially when it feels like you're stuck camping while the game throws out more and more enemies out of nowhere until it decides you can move on. The part where you get grenades and have to keep throwing them made me want to shut the game off. I'll try it again in a few days, but I'm not having "Game of the Year" levels of fun with it.

bigtimecow Dec 24th, 2009 04:12 PM

gish is still as amazing as i remember, maybe i'll finish it this time :pipedream

and crayon physics is so fucking cute and fun :(

darkvare Dec 24th, 2009 07:10 PM

i got me burnout paradise i love burnout

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 25th, 2009 12:16 AM

Golden axe III is fucking bad. I really want to play golden axe: revenge of death adder instead.

Gix Dec 25th, 2009 09:12 AM

have 3...Mario Kart for the wii
WoW....(always..and forever...:hypno)
grand ages:rome for the pc

Guitar Woman Dec 25th, 2009 12:55 PM

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories!

I got it as a Christmas present!

Good graffix
Framerate drops to about 5 fps whenever Harry approaches doors, likely due to his crippling fear of them; in fact, he will sometimes simply teleport through the door to avoid having to come into contact with it
FUCK quick-time events
Fuck Wiimote quick-time events that aren't fucking responsive
Westerners trying to imitate J-horror, but not doing bad at all
Harry is still retarded
I like that you can open doors slowly and peek out from behind them, although so far the game has divided itself into two modes: Walking around looking for shit, and running the fuck away, with no in-between that would require cautious treatment of doors.
Can't hide from the little goblin bastards very often, so it's less Clock Tower and more that boulder level from Crash Bandicoot
Frantically running away as fast as I can doesn't exactly leave me with a good impression of where the fuck I am, although that's probably the point
How the fuck do I get more health after I get dry-humped a billion times
Protip: Flashlight goes fucking off in the iceworld

So far the Wii controls are fucking horrendous; I've died twice in the first chase thingie because it took me a billion tries to shake the little bastards off the way the game wanted. As a three-year Wiimote flailing veteran I should be used to this sort of shit by now, but I'm really not

Phoenix Gamma Dec 25th, 2009 02:11 PM

Harry gets his "health" back by not being attacked for awhile. He'll stop limping and start running.

As for the controls, I didn't have a problem with them. If you do short, calculated swings, knocking off enemies is easy. They're not perfect, but big, crazed gestures don't help.

I got an iPod touch for Christmas, and part of the reason why I chose it over the Zune was the App store. $1-5 games with considerable production values is very attractive. So far, I've played:

Space Invaders Infinity Gene: Fucking sick shmup with good controls, awesome levels, and a game mode that makes levels based on the songs you play from your library. And it's constantly throwing new abilities for your ship.

I love Katamari: I had no idea this came out for iPod touch/iPhone. It's fun; you control it by tilting the iPod, with a few touch screen commands for turning around or speeding up.

Canabalt: Loved the flash version. This is basically the same thing. Which is fine, because it's addictive as hell and can suck up a minute or two of your time.

Rolando 2: reminds me of Loco Roco, but with more ideas but less charm. And tilt controls replacing the shoulder buttons of the PSP.

Dimnos Dec 25th, 2009 05:30 PM

Took the HD out of my 360 and over to a friends house. Slapped it in his 360, formated that bitch, recovered my gamertag, reinstalled Castle Crashers and was slicing bitches in half in no time. I am now convinced it is solely my 360 that is the problem and will be buying a fresh 360 Arcade to slap my HD in. Walmart is having an after Christmas sale where you get $50 Walmart gift card with a new console. That should cover my gold membership for a year.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 26th, 2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 665126)
Took the HD out of my 360 and over to a friends house. Slapped it in his 360, formated that bitch, recovered my gamertag, reinstalled Castle Crashers and was slicing bitches in half in no time. I am now convinced it is solely my 360 that is the problem and will be buying a fresh 360 Arcade to slap my HD in. Walmart is having an after Christmas sale where you get $50 Walmart gift card with a new console. That should cover my gold membership for a year.

:picklehat Lockeness108 when its up and running. I still have to play through hard mode on castle crashers.

Zomboid Dec 26th, 2009 05:57 PM

I got Dragon Age: Origins and Modern Warfare 2 yesterday. I'll see y'allz in MW2 in like 3 months when I get sick of Dragon Age.

OxBlood Dec 26th, 2009 09:14 PM

So I managed to spend 5 hours with FF12 and I´m kinda getting used to the characters again, maybe that enables me to play through that fucker. After all, I do have that big-ass strat-guide with the nice grimoire-like cover... that and I can´t afford new games until I get rid of this unemployment-thingy, stupid financial crisis...to think that I once learned the banking business...tch.

Guitar Woman Dec 27th, 2009 09:48 AM

Is the therapist in Shattered Memories Liquid Snake? :lol

Also what the fuck, no Alchemilla? The hospital was the best part of the original game. :(


Still have no idea what the fuck's going on. Every time I'm about to get some semblance of an explanation the game gives me the finger and sprays liquid nitrogen on everything. The twist better not be what I think it is.

I wasn't really expecting a Rollerball remake but what the fuck, I'll run with it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 27th, 2009 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 665152)
So I managed to spend 5 hours with FF12 and I´m kinda getting used to the characters again, maybe that enables me to play through that fucker. After all, I do have that big-ass strat-guide with the nice grimoire-like cover... that and I can´t afford new games until I get rid of this unemployment-thingy, stupid financial crisis...to think that I once learned the banking business...tch.

I was so used to level grinding from playing FFXI I got to level 30 solo'ing with VAAN before even getting Penelo.

edit: Ox, do you have the Zodiac international edition or the original FF12?

bigtimecow Dec 27th, 2009 11:19 AM

i intended to buy either uncharted 2 or assassin's creed 2 with christmas gift cards and what not, but after realiziing i was a cheap bastard and saw that gamestop had a buy 2 get 1 free used game deal, i bought force unleashed, army of two, and mgs4. yaaaaaaay

Ant10708 Dec 27th, 2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665106)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories!

I got it as a Christmas present!

Good graffix
Framerate drops to about 5 fps whenever Harry approaches doors, likely due to his crippling fear of them; in fact, he will sometimes simply teleport through the door to avoid having to come into contact with it
FUCK quick-time events
Fuck Wiimote quick-time events that aren't fucking responsive
Westerners trying to imitate J-horror, but not doing bad at all
Harry is still retarded
I like that you can open doors slowly and peek out from behind them, although so far the game has divided itself into two modes: Walking around looking for shit, and running the fuck away, with no in-between that would require cautious treatment of doors.
Can't hide from the little goblin bastards very often, so it's less Clock Tower and more that boulder level from Crash Bandicoot
Frantically running away as fast as I can doesn't exactly leave me with a good impression of where the fuck I am, although that's probably the point
How the fuck do I get more health after I get dry-humped a billion times
Protip: Flashlight goes fucking off in the iceworld

So far the Wii controls are fucking horrendous; I've died twice in the first chase thingie because it took me a billion tries to shake the little bastards off the way the game wanted. As a three-year Wiimote flailing veteran I should be used to this sort of shit by now, but I'm really not

For control issues, make very small but firm pushing gestures. If you swing your arms at all the game fucks up.

Volt Ghost: I play Castle Crashers considerably and we are in same time zone so we should play sometime. Twiztid Ant is my gamertag

MarioRPG Dec 27th, 2009 04:16 PM

Still Silent Hill. FUCK the nightmares. I get so fucking lost the mall is hella gay.

Phoenix Gamma Dec 27th, 2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 665202)
The twist better not be what I think it is.

I seriously doubt that. It's actually a pretty good twist, if not a tad cliche.

Schimid Dec 28th, 2009 01:33 AM

i loved the new silent hill, it's probably my favorite SH game...which is weird, considering it doesn't really do anything.

i mean you're either walking and exploring or sprinting and escaping with nothing in between. it does cause an "oh shit" sense of dread when the ice comes up, though, and that sense of dread is something i haven't felt in SH games for a long time. i felt it all the time in homecoming, but that was less that i had no means to combat enemies and more that i had the means to combat enemies but it fucking sucked.

i'm a big pretentious whore for introspection and psychoanalysis and scripted events and neat scenes though, and this game had all of those, so it's probably why i'm so hard for it. probably in my top five of all time, honestly, but that's probably just because i finished it a little under four hours ago, so i'm still high on life.

oh and


Guitar Woman Dec 28th, 2009 03:57 AM

I think they could have gotten away with no chase scenes at all if they had padded the normal parts out with more puzzles.

It doesn't feel like much of a Silent Hill game, really, so I also think they could have just made a new IP with new characters, but kept the game exactly the same. This would avoid stepping on the toes of raging japanophiles, since Shattered Memories really has fuck-all to do with the original game as far as remakes go. It's great, though, I even caught myself enjoying the chase right after Lisa's apartment.

Anyway, I'll probably finish it tomorrow, then get all of the endings like I've done with all the other SH games. And do the UFO challenge, and hoarde all the mementos. It's a shame that there's no difficulty setting for the puzzles because I loved 3's retarded convoluted poetry deciphering marathons.


Dimnos Dec 28th, 2009 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 665136)
:picklehat Lockeness108 when its up and running. I still have to play through hard mode on castle crashers.

You guys still play L4D2? Is it worth picking up?

10,000 Volt Ghost Dec 28th, 2009 12:06 PM

I still play L4D2 a lot, just been busy this last week. New campaign for it is coming out soon. Also, just got Edge Maverick to level 62. :)

Microshock Dec 28th, 2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigtimecow (Post 665210)
i intended to buy either uncharted 2 or assassin's creed 2 with christmas gift cards and what not, but after realiziing i was a cheap bastard and saw that gamestop had a buy 2 get 1 free used game deal, i bought force unleashed, army of two, and mgs4. yaaaaaaay

2 average and 1 great game versus 2 great games? I don't know....

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