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Sam Jan 7th, 2010 02:02 AM

Denialated is my new favorite word.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 7th, 2010 02:04 AM

All that and more in my correspondence course: Speakanomics 101.

dextire Jan 8th, 2010 12:20 AM

I bought Command & Conquer: Generals with the Zero:Hour expansion pack today.
I've only been playing it for like 10 minutes, but my clock says it's been 4 hours. Stupid clock. :)

Pentegarn Jan 8th, 2010 01:41 AM

That sounds like an MMORPG clock Dextire :P

BatmanJohnson Jan 8th, 2010 03:09 PM

I'm playing Monster hunter freedom unite. Game is frustrating but fun.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 8th, 2010 04:45 PM



Sam Jan 8th, 2010 04:48 PM


Ant10708 Jan 8th, 2010 06:57 PM

Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

in the second temple. liking it so far

executioneer Jan 8th, 2010 08:03 PM

on the last part of sam & max s2. i love this series, can't think of another game that's made me laugh so hard :(

OxBlood Jan 8th, 2010 08:06 PM

Finished Silent Hill 2 for the first time today. I don´t really understand why everyone praises it so much though...there´s virtually nothing happening and nothing is resolved in the end it seems.

Also kinda finished Secret of Mana today. Didn´t beat the last boss because to do that I´d have to grind another hour and beat the 3 or 4 bosses before it without using items, which I can´t really do. So yeah, done with that too.

Guitar Woman Jan 8th, 2010 08:14 PM

What ending did you get?

Most of 2 is really bad game-wise. The Hotel, Hospital, and part of the Prison are the only parts where it feels like it's trying.

Every time I play a Silent Hill again I generally like it better than I did last time, 2's not really an exception. Get all 6 endings!

Zomboid Jan 8th, 2010 09:57 PM

SH2 is easily one of my favorite games, but that has to do more with the story and atmosphere than the gameplay itself, obviously. The first time I played, I looked at the picture of my wife too often and got a pretty bad ending.

LordSappington Jan 9th, 2010 01:53 AM

Playing Half Life 2: Episode 1. I'm trying to get the One Free Bullet achievement. The urge to start blasting away with the shotgun is almost overpowering....
Also, for some reason, even though I haven't used any bullets, except the required ONE bullet, I keep instinctively pick up ammo for guns I long since maxed out on.

Dr. Boogie Jan 9th, 2010 06:15 AM

Brutal Legend.

I like just about everything about the game. Except the gameplay.:(

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 666817)
What ending did you get?

Most of 2 is really bad game-wise. The Hotel, Hospital, and part of the Prison are the only parts where it feels like it's trying.

Every time I play a Silent Hill again I generally like it better than I did last time, 2's not really an exception. Get all 6 endings!

What really got on my nerves was, that nothing ever happened. True, we played it with easy combat because we wanted to concentrate on the story but still, 90% of the time the game makes you run around empty buildings with WAY too many doors to find some parts for some puzzle that doesnīt make sense in the first place, even less than a Resident Evil-Puzzle :lol

The main gripe for me though is, that the game has essentially nothing to do with Silent Hill, the town itself doesnīt play any important part in the game, it just happens to take place there and the other world that the cult created, with the whole messiah-thing isnīt important at all anymore (okay, thatīs why they made 3 I guess)

The ending we got was the "Leave" Ending but we watched the other 3 (there are four apparently) on Youtube, none of them was very satisfying.


those were all the endings we saw.

What Iīm trying to say is:

I never played through SH2 before but I heard about the twist, canīt avoid reading a spoiler for a ten-year-old game I guess. But still, after we finished, I just thought: "Thatīs it? THAT is the epic masterpiece the people praise to this day? Are you kidding me?"

Zhukov Jan 9th, 2010 07:17 AM

I've returned to my dream of becoming a professional Street Fighter IV player. :\

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 9th, 2010 09:29 AM


darkvare Jan 9th, 2010 11:11 AM

i have a beta code for star trek online if any body wants it just pm me

Pentegarn Jan 9th, 2010 11:16 AM

My friend has one of those.

Personally, I expect it to be a disappointment. Not going to bother downloading that one till I see it in action for myself

darkvare Jan 9th, 2010 11:59 AM

i didn't asked for it apparently being part of gametrailers granted me one

Guitar Woman Jan 9th, 2010 04:06 PM

You could try playing it on hard mode, Oxblood, but that fucking awful chase scene in the Hospital basement is probably going to be a brick wall when you get to it.

Maria is so terrified of Pyramid Head she is unable to run past James to escape from him. And if she dies, it will give you a game-over, despite the fact that she dies as part of a fucking cutscene 2 seconds later.


Fathom Zero Jan 9th, 2010 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 666794)


That was, I think, the second one I got. I tried for about three minutes and nabbed it.

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 9th, 2010 05:17 PM

Dammit. That took months to get. I guess I didn't really try for it until the other day though.

King Hadas Jan 9th, 2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 666846)
The main gripe for me though is, that the game has essentially nothing to do with Silent Hill, the town itself doesn´t play any important part in the game, it just happens to take place there and the other world that the cult created, with the whole messiah-thing isn´t important at all anymore (okay, that´s why they made 3 I guess)

The town is the game, you think if James got an imaginary letter from Kearney, New Jersey he'd still be fighting mannequin monsters. They give you some interesting Silent Hill history in SH2 but they never explain the nature of Silent Hill in any of the games. That bit you said about the cult creating the other world is bullshit, those fags can't even create one good blasphemous devil-god.

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite Silent Hill because the story is the most mature one in the series. James Sunderland was in a real bad situation with his wife that could happen to anyone. No psychic god-children or satantic cults or crazy serial killers which makes me feel less silly analyzing it in great detail. Like, James' Silent Hill is not all bloody with mutilated bodies everywhere like Heather's, it's empty and decrepit. Even his dark Silent Hill is just more decrepit buildings. James vision of hell is nothing but the ugly world around him.

Dog spelled backwards is god. It's all coming together now.

OxBlood Jan 9th, 2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by King Hadas (Post 666906)
The town is the game, you think if James got an imaginary letter from Kearney, New Jersey he'd still be fighting mannequin monsters. They give you some interesting Silent Hill history in SH2 but they never explain the nature of Silent Hill in any of the games. That bit you said about the cult creating the other world is bullshit, those fags can't even create one good blasphemous devil-god.

Silent Hill 2 is my favorite Silent Hill because the story is the most mature one in the series. James Sunderland was in a real bad situation with his wife that could happen to anyone. No psychic god-children or satantic cults or crazy serial killers which makes me feel less silly analyzing it in great detail. Like, James' Silent Hill is not all bloody with mutilated bodies everywhere like Heather's, it's empty and decrepit. Even his dark Silent Hill is just more decrepit buildings. James vision of hell is nothing but the ugly world around him.

Dog spelled backwards is god. It's all coming together now.

As far as I remember, they explain it all pretty well in Silent Hill 1, parts of it in 3 too.

Part 2 is just the one SH that doesnīt have anything to do with Silent Hill itself, even 4 has more to do with it and that one isnīt even a real Silent Hill Game ;)

But thatīs not the point. My point is, that for me, SH2 was really boring. I didnīt like the story, I really thought there was something great coming along the way, as People around the net made me believe all those years.
But there wasnīt. James killed his wife for one reason or another, thatīs really all there is to it.
Sure, there are some monsters he might imagine, maybe he imagines the other four human beings as well, maybe not.
But none of that gets any spotlight in the game, apart from the Maria-aspect, which in the end didnīt make any sense either. Eddy is not important, Angela is not important though I thought she was, the annoying girl is mostly just that, annoying and has one rather stupid thing to add to the whole story... (correct me if Iīm wrong though, itīs not like I donīt WANT to get the story, I just get the impression that there is nothing to get).

Wow, Iīm really ranting on the game. That was never my intention actually but the more I think about the Story, the less I like it, itīs just so...so...meaningless compared to the other Silent Hill games, maybe thatīs why so many people liked it, because itīs just about some insignificant lad and his insignificant deeds that have no impact on anyone but himself. Itīs simple and bland.

Oh, and Pyramid-Head? I actually thought he was supposed to be a key-figure in the game or the story. But again: Nope, he has no meaning at all, just another enemy. First thereīs one and you think "oh, he must be important". Then thereīs three in the end, one vanishes and the other ones kill themselves and give you two eggs that for some reason open a door.

Maybe Iīm just really lazy, but does any of that have ANY meaning at all? Is it supposed to be symbolic? Are the P-Heads supposed to be a figment or rather an aspect of Jamesī mind in all of this? And even if so, there is NO evidence for that at all in the game, which makes me rather sad.

Anyway, this is long enough as it is. Itīs not my intention to bash the game so much but I just canīt help it, sorry about that :\.

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