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executioneer Jan 24th, 2010 01:55 AM


Sam Jan 24th, 2010 03:31 AM


I was playing The Dig and Indiana Jones and Atlantis or some shit :(


oh and Torchlight

kahljorn Jan 24th, 2010 09:20 AM

I like dragon age but it kinda gives me the impression that its basically like five dungeons and then the end of the game, but maybe I'm wrong.

also the origin stories kind of seem retarded cause its like, "here's ten minutes of something different at the very begining of the game then the rest will be pretty much the same" but again I haven't played it as much as some of you.

bigtimecow Jan 24th, 2010 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 669303)

I was playing The Dig and Indiana Jones and Atlantis or some shit :(

the dig got so fucking confusing because all of its puzzles weren't based in reality :( just this crazy alien technology that i don't understand

i have both indy games and want to try them, which should i start with?

Chojin Jan 24th, 2010 01:24 PM

fate of atlantis

bigtimecow Jan 24th, 2010 04:37 PM

then i shall start that soon

while awaiting that answer i started secret of evermore. so far the gameplay is :love, and the main character's fake pop culture references are kind of lol

darkvare Jan 24th, 2010 05:32 PM

is secret of evermore the game where your dog changes with the time period you are in?

Guitar Woman Jan 24th, 2010 05:36 PM

Yeah, that's the one.

I always thought it was way better than Secret of Mana. Not that it's hard to be better than Secret of Mana.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 24th, 2010 11:30 PM

I really didn't like Secret of Mana when I tried it a few years ago. Just felt kinda janky and lame.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom was leaked this morning. Been playing that with my roommates. Have everyone but Yatterman-2 unlocked. Pretty fucking fun, despite the fact that I have no idea what a "Yatterman" is. Frank West is totally fucking awesome and really fun to play. Whole game's really good; fast and crazy, but more tame than MvC2, which is a pro and a con.

lumpisan Jan 25th, 2010 12:28 AM

FF3 just dusted off the ol snes

executioneer Jan 25th, 2010 04:05 AM


Fathom Zero Jan 25th, 2010 04:16 AM


OxBlood Jan 25th, 2010 06:12 AM

Mass Effect 1 for the final time. This way, I get my 60-Shepard where I want him to be and I get to remember the smaller aspects of the story as well when Part 2 arrives next week...

MarioRPG Jan 25th, 2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 669468)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom was leaked this morning. Been playing that with my roommates. Have everyone but Yatterman-2 unlocked. Pretty fucking fun, despite the fact that I have no idea what a "Yatterman" is..

I'm probably getting the game despite I do not know what Tatsunoko is. :lol

Dimnos Jan 25th, 2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 669392)
Yeah, that's the one.

I always thought it was way better than Secret of Mana. Not that it's hard to be better than Secret of Mana.

Overall you are probably right. However if you had a multitap and two friends to play with, Secret of Mana was pretty fucking bad ass.

Dimnos Jan 25th, 2010 11:39 AM

Back in its day that is... :\

10,000 Volt Ghost Jan 25th, 2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 669392)
Yeah, that's the one.

I always thought it was way better than Secret of Mana. Not that it's hard to be better than Secret of Mana.


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 669468)
I really didn't like Secret of Mana when I tried it a few years ago. Just felt kinda janky and lame.

Pfft, you two are both lame. Secret of Mana is amazing. You just need to play it with two or three people. We used to rent Secret of Mana and then Super Bomberman because it came with the multi-tap so three of us could play SOM at the same time.

edit: Beaten to the punch


Originally Posted by Dimnos (Post 669562)
Overall you are probably right. However if you had a multitap and two friends to play with, Secret of Mana was pretty fucking bad ass.

Didn't see that you already posted that ahead of me. I only got as far down the page as "I didn't like Secret of Mana" and my fingers started replying automatically in fury.

King Hadas Jan 25th, 2010 12:53 PM

Policenauts was fan-translated recently and I'm playing it now. I like it. Though, I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that your character is given the option to grope and harass nearly every girl in the game. The scene with Chris and the massquito is just embarrassing.

Phoenix Gamma Jan 25th, 2010 06:05 PM

Another leak: No More Heroes 2.

Pros: still silly. Actually, they crank the silliness up to 11. The second boss is a mech fight. Blowing up the other mech results in assassins #50-26 being killed. Woops. Also, no overworld and no mandatory jobs. The jobs are all optional. Oh, and Classic Controller support.

Cons: You're still mashing A to win (unless playing with classic controller. Then high and low attacks are mapped to two different buttons). Game still feels janky, and really dated compared to the recent Bayonetta. Lotta closeups on ugly textures and inconsistent framerate during cutscenes. Plus, I'm at a point where OMG8BITGAEMZ has lost its novelty and feels a little like pandering. Also, no cellphone conversations yet?

Eh, I'd give it a C, maybe B- at best.

darkvare Jan 25th, 2010 07:22 PM

i finally downloaded the 1.34 update for mgo i effing love this multiplayer i already got to level one in less than half an hour

Fathom Zero Jan 25th, 2010 07:24 PM

I stopped at 18 or something. Had a bunch of friends with it, so it was fun for a while. I'd be an asshole and use the Moisin Nagant for everything and get all stuns with no kills. Stuns put the enemy out of the game indefinitely, whereas, if one kills them, they can respawn. I loved getting headshots with it. LIGHTS OUT, MF.

darkvare Jan 25th, 2010 07:31 PM

yeah i have 75% of my kills done with head shots i'm a beast with the sniper

Fathom Zero Jan 25th, 2010 08:03 PM

For kills, I loved the SVD. Even just running around with it and coming across people, three quick body shots takes 'em out. It was the only weapon I went for in deathmatches.

Zhukov Jan 25th, 2010 11:11 PM

I really want to be playing either The Neverhood or Zork: Grand inquisitor.

Babs Jan 26th, 2010 03:57 AM

Quake III arena for dreamcast. Just finishing connecting this sore thumb of a system to my PC via dial up cable so I can play online with it.

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