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I really want to play Army of Two 2 too. I just don't want to spend $60 on it and the rental store never has it.
Is $60 the usual price for a new release game in the US? Here it's $AU99, which is $US87.40. :(
Big name games that people will buy no matter the cost (Modern Warfare 2 for examaple) are usually $AU119, which is $104. |
Modern Warfare 2 was like that for everyone. Expensive for absolutely no reason.
And most new games are $60 here. |
Wow that's a lot of money. Sometimes shops will have games on sale for $US45.
All currency should be $$DOUBLEDOLLARS |
Yeah, I'm finding a hell of a lot of games for $30 that just came out of the holiday.
It's usually 69$ Canadian where I am, only 65 US. I still usually wait to buy em though.
I'm going to eat some pizza, then drink some beer and play Left 4 Dead 2 on XBOX tonight.
I'd like to nominate kahljorn as the best person Left 4 Dead 2'er ever.
So with Sonic 4 probably going to suck, I decided to play all of the 2D Sonics until I got pissed off and moved on to the next game. What I learned:
-Sonic 1 wasn't all that fast. It was just a platformer with bad controls and sometimes you went fast but you usually got hit for going too fast anyways. -Tails was a totally useless addition, whether you played with someone or not. -Chaos Emeralds are the worst thing to happen to the whole franchise. -Sonic Advance was the last good Sonic game, period. Sadly, the graphics are ugly. -Sonic Advance 2 is pretty horrible in terms of gameplay, since all you do is hold right, but dammit, the game gets you so excited to start holding right. The music builds up, Sonic does a warm-up stretch, the announcer counts down, and bam, you're running. And it's awesome. Until you realize you haven't done a damn thing the whole level. -Sonic Advance 3 is pretty horrible until you get to Sunset Hill, which is a Green Hill remix right down to the music. Then the game goes right back to being horrible. -Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure have great soundtracks. Too bad boosting ruins the entire game and anything it aspires to be. So really, Sonic hasn't ever been that great, but if you're 8 years old and stupid, he's pretty cool. |
Tails wasn't useless. He was very useful for boss battles if tails was being controlled by a human since he could die unlimited times.
And holy shit the rank 8 assassin named shinobi in 'no more heroes' was very difficult!
damn i wanted to play mgo but the servers are down :(
Tails ruined the minigames in Sonic 2 if you were playing solo. And the bosses only last 30 seconds anyways. The rest of the time, he pops up on screen then falls behind.
i sold my ds for 130 bucks plus a cellphone to fuel my needs for ps3 games
I started playing No More Heroes again last night. I forgot how good it is, and now I really want to get the second one. :(
AND THE VIRGIN CHILD MADE A WISH UPON A STAR, THAT NIGHT HER MOTHER TALKS NO MORE Shinobu's probably the best boss in the game, with Bad Girl being a close second, then I like all of them, though! |
No More Heroes has been great so far. Currently trying to kill the rank 6 assassin on the beach. The game just has such a fun personality.
Oh man last night I played with this group that got all pissed off cause i threw some gas cans next to the gas thing and a spitter spit on them (CAUSE ThAT NEVER HAPPENED TO THEM) so they kicked me. We had been winning every game (since i joined) before I got kicked. When i came back from being kicked i was on the other team and we ended up winning every round and even got 16 gas cans in :lol i sent them messages saying, "SCHOOLED." |
Hahahaha, what a bunch o chumps. I'm still amazed you killed that tank after getting charged and smoked somehow by yourself. They were mad pissed after. :lol
You were all like "HOUDINI BITCHES. YOU'RE DEAD" |
Are you guys playing on xbox360? Man I wish I wasn't always in the wrong hemisphere.
Also, how come nobody ever told me how god damn awesome Batman: Arkham Asylum is? It's fantastic! |
no one told you? that game got amazing reviews universally. AND YES IT IS FUCKING AWESOME DUDE I LOVE THAT GAME
I'm pretty sure we've talked about it a lot before. Shit's a perfect Batman simulator. Won a few GotY awards. Must be a pretty thick rock you've got there :P
I'm waiting to play Mile Edgeworth Investigations. I have no idea why; I skipped Phoenix Wrights 2 and 3 because the new characters were annoying and the music wasn't as amazing. Apollo Justice was pretty great, though. And the first one was pretty good. Admittedly, I hate adventure games, so I'm not sure if walking around will make the investigating more or less enjoyable for me. It was definitely my least favorite part of the games. |
12 hours into Tales of Vesperia and loving it, even though I normally really don´t like the Tales Battle-System. Great game and all the skits just make it even better...
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