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Nope, just Singleplayer apparently around 7hrs long. Typical rent-game I´d say.
Fuck it....I will just use this one. ---->:x |
Damn, I was really looking forward to Metro. Looks like I'll just stick to the book.
Colinator: :eek |
I had more fun with Metro 2033 then I did with Stalker.
I enjoyed it. :( |
Multi should stay where it belongs, which means RTS-Games, Shooters and MMORPGs...yeah and Sportsgames but those are stupid anyway ;) Seriously, I hate sports-videogames, what a waste of time and imagination... How did I get so angry again...oh yeah, multiplayer in games that donīt need multiplayer :lol |
I think that a games multiplayer mode shouldn't out weight it's single player story mode. There needs to be a balance. and I agree, Sports games are worthless. |
zelda is the best legend will ever be played... try it on
still playing god of war 3 just one more trophy to the platinum
![]() >: |
Thought about buying that today, actually.
I love playing the dwarves and starting the second half against a team with only three players on the field because the others are dead or to wounded to play. :lol
Don't think I have. These achievements are harder than the first's.
I've been able to just "get" most of them by playing but I'm lacking a few.
I would play the hell out of Blood Bowl if it was like Mutant League. :(
I loved mutant league hockey :(
I don´t know...I don´t really like Warhammer Fantasy OR A-Football, so I guess I´m not really the target-audience for a game like that.
I remember Deathrow, another Brutal-Sportsgame on the old XBOX...that was kinda funny for some hours... A friend gave me a press-copy of Eye of Judgement Legends on PSP yesterday and...well, I somehow really like it. Never played the PS3-Version since Trading Card Games are known to be an aspect of the Infinite Chaos© (played a LOT of those when I was younger, don´t know how much money I spent on that stuff, but it was so much fun, especially Netrunner and the Shadowrun-TCG), but the PSP-Version is pretty decent as far as I can tell. No Camera-Scanning, just a regular ingame-cardshop to buy cards in with the money you make from winning (or losing) battles. Interesting game mechanics too. Not too complex but not too simple either with quite some tactics involved and a lot of ways to build your decks, really like that. One really stupid downside is, that you "use up" your cards when you build a deck, just as you would in real life. If you only have one "Stupid Owlknight of Dickwad-Country" and you put it in Deck A, you can´t put it in Deck B without removing it from A first. That is a little bit stupid in my opinion...but since Decks can only hold 30 cards anyway, building one is a matter of a few minutes mostly. All in all: Kinda really entertaining...wonder what multi is like...gotta convince my friend to buy it. :D Good thing he really can´t stand UMDs anymore since he got a PSP GO...hehehe. |
Assassin's Creed 2. It's glorious!
I think my favorite thing to do is stab guards with the poison blade and then throw money at them while they're spazzing out so that they slice up a bunch of civilians :D And hang from ledges and pull guards over the edge by the dick as they pass. Also, for some reason getting behind people and running them through with the sword in gang fights is hilarious. |
Cave Story is still beating my ass. It seems harder than the PC version... >_<
Boy and his Blob *hugs blob*
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