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Playing through Chrono Trigger for I think the third time, but I haven't played it in a long while so I don't really remember a lot of it. Fucking fun as hell, though
I hear they will be porting it to iPhone by the end of the year.
Hope not. It'd be pretty hard to use the menus with the touch screen. It was fine on the DS if you moved the HUD to the touch screen, but the iPhone doesn't have enough space, and you have to make commands pretty quickly in CT.
there is an option in chronotrigger though to make it passive turn whatever shit
i think anyway |
yea, only when you're choosing a target or spell. But when you have three separate menus for three characters running, it'd be pretty easy to fuck up and choose Chrono's attack instead of Marle's Magic or whatever. Unless you made the menus bigger, but then the battlefield would be smaller. It's not like FF1 where you have all the time in the world, and enter commands in a specific order.
Eh, I already have the definitive version on DS. That's all that matters. |
yea, i guess i was thinking of a different game :( i thought chronotrigger was the one with three time options but that's prolly cause i was like HAHA CHRONO--TIME MUST HAVE LOTS OF TIME OPTIONS ;/
i finished battletoads cheating of course and found out that level 2 has a warp and that the game lets you drive a little jet
PERSONA 3 PORTABLE!!!:love:love:love:love
The original is one of my favorite RPGs. I'm bummed the presentation took a hit, but the new content and game tweaks definitely makes up for it. I'm playing as the girl so I can gossip about girl stuff :lol and because I want to see the big changes they made. Supposedly they changed the story for both genders, but playing as the chick changes a lot of the scenarios around. Apparently which genitals you have is important in society or something :rolleyes I wonder if she can date chicks... Oh, her music isn't as good, though. Too bubbly. The guy's soundtrack is more tolerable, plus he doesn't run in heels, so you don't have to hear those clapping all the time. I did forget how great the voice acting is, though. Really convincing delivery. |
Crackdown. Man, this game is repetitive, and finding those stupid orbs is annoying.
i saw somebody play the demo for crackdown 2 and i dunno. it looked/played like what i would've expected crackdown 1 to look like.
Almost finished with Trauma Team and replaying Splinter Cell Conviction on expert. The endoscopy missions on Trauma Team should have been banned, not only for being disgusting, but also for being ridiculously difficult on the higher levels.
FES had better AI, then P4 had the best AI and manual control. Portable is straight up P4's core engine with some of the stuff from the original game, and a few changes. So it's kind of a mix of everything:
-Manual control (P4) -awesome AI (P4) -Getting up from being knocked down doesn't end your turn, but getting Dizzy while knocked down is a threat. (P4) -Additional commands like helping someone up, follow-up attack (P4) -Navigator tells you enemy weaknesses, not the weaknesses you've already found (P3) -Three types of physical attacks (P3) -The best cast of characters (P3 <3) They change a few other core mechanics. Fusion spells are gone completely; now you get Spell cards ala more traditional SMT games. Getting tired also works differently; you can fight as long as you want, but it seems you won't get tired until you go home. To balance that out, returning to the entrance won't fully heal you anymore (it costs money). Combined spells from the first game are gone like in P4 (Cadenza, the best starting heal spell from Asparas+Orpheus, is now an ITEM, so you can't abuse it anymore). Personally I left the AI on for P4 and P3P because it adds to the role playing aspect of the games, and it makes battles more streamlined. It hasn't let me down yet. Some other changes were implemented from FES to Portable, like the social links, and donating money at the shrine taking up time now (but now you can WORK at shops now, which ups 1-3 of your personal stats and gets you some cash). Managing equipment is done through the main menu instead of talking to people, and the weapons store doesn't frustrate anymore. The tweaks definitely make it the best version of the game, even if the presentation took a hit, and the changes to both the original story and the female story give an added incentive to play again. EDIT: Aw I liked the Endoscopy levels in Trauma Team. Just found it funny that you could turn around and NOT see the endoscope at all :lol My beef with the game was that Forensics took fucking forever! |
Does anyone know which is the best SNES Final Fantasy game? And are any of them worth avoiding?
Final Fantasy 6 is the best in my opinion.
FF6 that was originally sold here in states as FF3 is the best FF game ever.
FF6 is the best FF game on SNES. The music is fucking amazing. I'm trying to negotiate my girlfriend into naming our child Locke if its a boy. She's almost settling on it as a middle name at least.
do not bother with mystic quest, its shit.
I prefer FF2 over FF3. |
I think Mystic Quest is worth one play through. Then you can call it quits on that one. It is an intro to RPGs for the SNES in essence, and is worth looking at for mere curiosities sake. Takes a few hours to beat and then you are done forever.
I don't think there is a better between 4 and 6, they both have good story, good play, and good characters. |
If you get bored try and get a copy of Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrials for SNES too.
It's also got a fun story about time travel, a talking frog knight, a slutty cavewoman, a polite robot, and a parasite that ends civilization in the year 1999. The time travel aspect is explored surprisingly well, too, both in story and gameplay. By the end of the game you get a sweet flying time machine to travel between time periods, solving mysteries linking characters from totally different eras together. It's surprisingly deep for an SNES game from 1995. I think a lot of people don't realize how impressive that game is. FF6 is pretty cool too, but it's pretty dated in a few ways. It's got the best story in the series, but I think CT improved a lot of it's game mechanics. FF6's story is more dense than CT's even with all the inter-time period relationships and events. CT's story is more fun, for the sake of the gameplay, FF6 keeps the same old gameplay from FF4 and focuses on telling a good story. They compliment each other well and are both stellar, and which one you like more will come down to preference. Anyone who recommends Secret of Mana has nostalgia goggles on. That game's aged poorly. I don't care for Super Mario RPG since I liked the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi games one hundred times more, but for whatever reason SMRPG is loved by many, so maybe I just don't get it. Tales of Phantasia is pretty cool. If you don't know the Tales games, all their combat is in real time, on a 2d side scrolling plane. The stories are usually pretty bland, but the combat's pretty fun. Later entries focus heavily on stringing together combos, though Phantasia still definitely encourages keeping attacks going between all the characters. And I'm pretty sure most of i-mockery loves Earthbound. It's got some flaws (totally hard and a little unfair at the beginning, fairly easy later on. Figuring out what to do next can be pretty frustrating without a guide, which the game came boxed with.) but it's charming as fuck, and it doesn't involve swords and dragons, so it's got a different feel to it. I think Mother 3 is a lot better, but they're both fun. |
i think tales of phantasia is like the greatest rpg ever :(
there's also star ocean 1. I really liked lufia 2 also. |
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