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LordSappington Oct 24th, 2010 01:20 AM

Been playing a shitload of Minecraft; that game is too addicting. So far I've built underground forests, an infinitely looping cart track across the ocean, a floating castle, and am now attempting to build Rapture.
This game has got me in its grips bad.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 24th, 2010 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 701878)
Just found out about Xenoblade but with little to no info on it. Also for the Wii and only in Japan but its supposed to be related to Xenosaga.

Didn't I explain this in this thread earlier? Or is this deja vu?


"I wanted to to have some sort of common point with the games I've made," Takahashi explained. "The world setting, story and other elements have no relation. It's a completely new title."

OxBlood Oct 24th, 2010 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 701909)
Been playing a shitload of Minecraft; that game is too addicting. So far I've built underground forests, an infinitely looping cart track across the ocean, a floating castle, and am now attempting to build Rapture.
This game has got me in its grips bad.

Yeah but it really earns the time you spend with it. If it wasnīt "released" in 2009 it would be my Game of the year 2010, honestly.

How did you build the underground forest? Iīve been trying to do that every now and then but the green fuckers refuse to grow. I suppose the cave I plant them in has to be EVEN bigger than it already is...itīs about 7 or 8 blocks high already...

Sadly (or luckily?) I canīt attempt big projects on the surface cause my authentic Stoneage-Laptop doesnīt have to power for that, so I stick to the caves and mines :D

Iīm so looking forward to the Halloween update. Already build a Hell-Shrine next to my primary tower along with an Obsidian-Hellgate. Doesnīt work yet of course but why not plan ahead and make a stylish entrance to hell...

kahljorn Oct 24th, 2010 08:25 AM

ive been playing dark age of camelot (MMORPG) on a free server

daocportal.net if anybody wants to try it. I play on Uthgard.

LordSappington Oct 24th, 2010 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 701915)
Yeah but it really earns the time you spend with it. If it wasnīt "released" in 2009 it would be my Game of the year 2010, honestly.

How did you build the underground forest? Iīve been trying to do that every now and then but the green fuckers refuse to grow. I suppose the cave I plant them in has to be EVEN bigger than it already is...itīs about 7 or 8 blocks high already...

A few things I've noticed: Make sure that the trees each have plenty of space all around (Needs to be room for leaves to grow, most of the time), and that it works best if you make a little trench around the tree and put torches in THAT, instead of right next to it. But sometimes trees just won't fucking grow, for some reason.
I was actually going to grow a house made out of trees; I spent two hours collecting enough saplings, leveled the top of a mountain, put them all in the shape I wanted, and only half of them grew.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 24th, 2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenix Gamma (Post 701910)
Didn't I explain this in this thread earlier? Or is this deja vu?

If you did I missed it. Any info on it?

Phoenix Gamma Oct 24th, 2010 10:04 PM

I haven't followed it that closely. All I know is that it's super popular in Japan and it has a bunch of different mechanics that I don't fully comprehend. Not a bloody clue if it's being localized. On the one hand, it's a first party game. On the other hand, I don't think NoA would go through the time/money. They don't really know how to market it either, especially since RPGs have been either lazily brought over to the states or not at all.

I hope at the very least Mistwalker takes a stab at it. Sakaguchi's mah bro.

LordSappington Oct 25th, 2010 01:23 AM

I'm almost done with one of the rooms of Rapture I'm building. The room is 17x24x12 with a glass ceiling. Dear god this is taking forever.

OxBlood Oct 25th, 2010 04:20 AM

Which tells me you're doing it the oldfashioned way which is good :)

For some reason I wanna build the Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil 1... that would be so awesome.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2010 07:43 AM

I unlocked the Kid from I Want To Be The Guy in Super Meat Boy.

I spent literally LITERALLY five hours on the three levels.

Most horrific experience of my life, but I wasn't going to let it beat me. Fuck this game. :explode

OxBlood Oct 25th, 2010 08:03 AM

And there´s my PS3-New Vegas. Finally. Installing...

LordSappington Oct 25th, 2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by OxBlood (Post 701982)
Which tells me you're doing it the oldfashioned way which is good :)

Dude, fuck those cheat programs. If I'm going to be spending this much time on these super-dorky projects, I might as well be able to say I did it the old-fashioned way.
Also, some pig got on my minecart for my ocean-wide tram system, and hit the boosters right before I could get to it. Fucker was LONG gone.

OxBlood Oct 25th, 2010 04:03 PM

Oh the tales he would´ve told us hadn´t you murdered him once he came back, eh?

Pentegarn Oct 26th, 2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 701921)
ive been playing dark age of camelot (MMORPG) on a free server

daocportal.net if anybody wants to try it. I play on Uthgard.

I actually still play it on Gaheris

They have a free pve server there?

kahljorn Oct 26th, 2010 08:00 PM


I actually still play it on Gaheris

They have a free pve server there?
its like a collection of free servers (they call it project DAWN OF LIgHT or some shit) but from what i can tell only two of them have more than 200 people, but the server lists might not updateorsomeshit. One of em has like instant level 50/rvr and shti. one of em might be a coop server or something

the one ive been playing is CLASSIC/shrouded only so there's nothing after that :( It's not really a co-op server just a normal one, but it has the most people. there's still dungeons but there's no instances. Also there's not a ton of quests, mostly they are in the starting areas/places they expect you to go. the only class that doesn't work (from tOA) is necromancer. they have darkness falls. It kind of sucks in a way and it might not compare to playing live but other than that its mostly the same. A lot of people who used to play live play there, so there must be some kind of a draw.
they ban buffbots and dual boxers ;o

i play on the onecalled UtHgARD

darkvare Oct 26th, 2010 10:10 PM

fuking psn i need my zombie fix of undead nightmare :\

OxBlood Oct 28th, 2010 07:05 PM

Fable 3. Pretty buggy.

Guitar Woman Oct 28th, 2010 08:41 PM

I beat Symphony of the Night completely on accident about halfway through. :[

Guess I wasn't supposed to kill Richter!

Zomboid Oct 28th, 2010 09:38 PM


OxBlood Oct 29th, 2010 03:42 AM

Hm, I think I should write John Cleese a mail or a letter or something. As far as I know he´s a cranky bastard, maybe telling him, that Lionhead messed up his character in Fable 3 makes him so mad that he starts calling Molyneux at night until they fix it...god this gets on my nerve. And it makes no fucking sense too. The Butler turns mute and can´t be interacted with and...yeah, that´s it. The most important Sidecharacter is just taken out of the game. Can happen as soon as you get your sanctuary, or at any point during the game. Great designers you got there Peter, really, there´s fucking bugs all over the place. The butler is bugged, the dog is bugged, the golden easymode-line is bugged, enemies are bugged, controls and interface are bugged...fuck man, you´re Lionhead not Obsidian or Jowood!

Oh and this time they lied about the weapon-morphing I think. Didn´t they say it was gonna be superduper realtime ultramorphing?

Guitar Woman Oct 29th, 2010 09:18 AM

By now you should know that anything Peter Molyneux says that sounds too complicated to be true probably is.

Then again, I'm horribly out of touch with video games these days; I still consider the context-sensitive A-button in Zelda 64 to be the height of technological pioneering.

10,000 Volt Ghost Oct 29th, 2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 702342)
I beat Symphony of the Night completely on accident about halfway through. :[

Guess I wasn't supposed to kill Richter!

Supposed to kill as Richter.

DougClayton4231 Oct 29th, 2010 11:07 AM

Is it just me, or did Fable get stale during the first one?

Dimnos Oct 29th, 2010 11:27 AM

If you got the Lost Chapters version of the first one it wasnt bad. 2 was good. Have yet to play 3 but from what I have seen of the boy playing it it looks cool. Have yet to see any bug in it either. Sorry Ox. :(

OxBlood Oct 29th, 2010 12:44 PM

Fable 3 is essentially a direct copy of Fable 2 until you become king I guess (I´m not that far yet). You run through small, linear areas, slaughter helpless enemies, your dog doesn´t do shit apart from trying to find dig-spots...with an emphasis on "trying to", you can stand around town getting on peoples nerves which, again seems to serve no purpose, you can mary and raise kids - same thing...the game scores for the beautiful intro and some of the quests. Even the german dub is VERY good most of the time and thats really rare.

But...yeah, it´s even more streamlined than 2. One button for each attack-type, autoaiming, you get one spell to start you off, everything else must be bought on the "road to rule" which is basically just one of the graphical menus of the game. Looks nice, points for creativity but it could´ve been done with a simple and quick menu. The sanctuary menu-room IS pretty quick to load though. You got your hero-weapons (hammer, sword, handgun, rifle) that morph once each time you buy an upgrade for melee or ranged which is mostly just a cosmetic thing but what in Fable isn´t...

If it weren´t for the annoying bugs I wouldn´t complain that much I guess. That and it feels totally underwhelming. I mean I´m no progamer but I beat things like Ninja Gaiden 2 last year. Not that I want that level of difficulty but a little depth would be nice.

Actually...I want to propose a challenge. Anyone of you guys got a dog at home? If so, let him or her play Fable 3 and see how it goes. It should work in theory... :D

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